#include "ecore_xcb_private.h" #include #include #include #include struct _Ecore_X_Image { xcb_shm_segment_info_t shminfo; xcb_image_t *xim; Ecore_X_Visual vis; int depth, w, h; int bpl, bpp, rows; unsigned char *data; Eina_Bool shm : 1; }; /* local function prototypes */ static void _ecore_xcb_image_shm_check(void); static void _ecore_xcb_image_shm_create(Ecore_X_Image *im); static xcb_format_t *_ecore_xcb_image_find_format(const xcb_setup_t *setup, uint8_t depth); /* local variables */ static int _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = -1; EAPI Ecore_X_Image * ecore_x_image_new(int w, int h, Ecore_X_Visual vis, int depth) { Ecore_X_Image *im; LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); if (!(im = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_X_Image)))) return NULL; im->w = w; im->h = h; im->vis = vis; im->depth = depth; _ecore_xcb_image_shm_check(); im->shm = _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can; return im; } EAPI void ecore_x_image_free(Ecore_X_Image *im) { LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); CHECK_XCB_CONN; if (!im) return; if (im->shm) { if (im->xim) { xcb_shm_detach(_ecore_xcb_conn, im->shminfo.shmseg); xcb_image_destroy(im->xim); shmdt(im->shminfo.shmaddr); shmctl(im->shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } } else if (im->xim) { if (im->xim->data) free(im->xim->data); im->xim->data = NULL; xcb_image_destroy(im->xim); } free(im); // ecore_x_flush(); } EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_x_image_get(Ecore_X_Image *im, Ecore_X_Drawable draw, int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int w, int h) { Eina_Bool ret = EINA_TRUE; LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); CHECK_XCB_CONN; if (im->shm) { if (!im->xim) _ecore_xcb_image_shm_create(im); if (!im->xim) return EINA_FALSE; if ((sx == 0) && (w == im->w)) { im->xim->data = (uint8_t *)im->data + (im->xim->stride * sy) + (sx * im->bpp); im->xim->width = w; im->xim->height = h; ecore_x_grab(); if (!xcb_image_shm_get(_ecore_xcb_conn, draw, im->xim, im->shminfo, x, y, 0xffffffff)) { DBG("\tImage Shm Get Failed"); ret = EINA_FALSE; } ecore_x_ungrab(); ecore_x_sync(); // needed } else { Ecore_X_Image *tim; tim = ecore_x_image_new(w, h, im->vis, im->depth); if (tim) { ret = ecore_x_image_get(tim, draw, x, y, 0, 0, w, h); if (ret) { unsigned char *spixels, *pixels; int sbpp = 0, sbpl = 0, srows = 0; int bpp = 0, bpl = 0, rows = 0; spixels = ecore_x_image_data_get(tim, &sbpl, &srows, &sbpp); pixels = ecore_x_image_data_get(im, &bpl, &rows, &bpp); if ((spixels) && (pixels)) { unsigned char *p, *sp; int r = 0; p = (pixels + (sy * bpl) + (sx * bpp)); sp = spixels; for (r = srows; r > 0; r--) { memcpy(p, sp, sbpl); p += bpl; sp += sbpl; } } } ecore_x_image_free(tim); } } } else { ret = EINA_FALSE; ecore_x_grab(); im->xim = xcb_image_get(_ecore_xcb_conn, draw, x, y, w, h, 0xffffffff, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP); if (!im->xim) ret = EINA_FALSE; ecore_x_ungrab(); ecore_x_sync(); // needed if (im->xim) { im->data = (unsigned char *)im->xim->data; im->bpl = im->xim->stride; im->rows = im->xim->height; if (im->xim->bpp <= 8) im->bpp = 1; else if (im->xim->bpp <= 16) im->bpp = 2; else im->bpp = 4; } } return ret; } EAPI void * ecore_x_image_data_get(Ecore_X_Image *im, int *bpl, int *rows, int *bpp) { LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); if (!im) return NULL; if (!im->xim) _ecore_xcb_image_shm_create(im); if (!im->xim) return NULL; if (bpl) *bpl = im->bpl; if (rows) *rows = im->rows; if (bpp) *bpp = im->bpp; return im->data; } EAPI void ecore_x_image_put(Ecore_X_Image *im, Ecore_X_Drawable draw, Ecore_X_GC gc, int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int w, int h) { Ecore_X_GC tgc = 0; LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); CHECK_XCB_CONN; if (!gc) { uint32_t mask, values[1]; tgc = xcb_generate_id(_ecore_xcb_conn); mask = XCB_GC_SUBWINDOW_MODE; values[0] = XCB_SUBWINDOW_MODE_INCLUDE_INFERIORS; xcb_create_gc(_ecore_xcb_conn, tgc, draw, mask, values); gc = tgc; } if (!im->xim) _ecore_xcb_image_shm_create(im); if (im->xim) { if (im->shm) xcb_shm_put_image(_ecore_xcb_conn, draw, gc, im->xim->width, im->xim->height, sx, sy, w, h, x, y, im->xim->depth, im->xim->format, 0, im->shminfo.shmseg, im->xim->data - im->shminfo.shmaddr); // xcb_image_shm_put(_ecore_xcb_conn, draw, gc, im->xim, // im->shminfo, sx, sy, x, y, w, h, 0); else xcb_image_put(_ecore_xcb_conn, draw, gc, im->xim, sx, sy, 0); } if (tgc) ecore_x_gc_free(tgc); ecore_x_sync(); } EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_x_image_is_argb32_get(Ecore_X_Image *im) { xcb_visualtype_t *vis; LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); CHECK_XCB_CONN; vis = (xcb_visualtype_t *)im->vis; if (!im->xim) _ecore_xcb_image_shm_create(im); if (((vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_TRUE_COLOR) || (vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_DIRECT_COLOR)) && (im->depth >= 24) && (vis->red_mask == 0xff0000) && (vis->green_mask == 0x00ff00) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x0000ff)) { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN if (im->xim->byte_order == XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_LSB_FIRST) return EINA_TRUE; #else if (im->xim->byte_order == XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_MSB_FIRST) return EINA_TRUE; #endif } return EINA_FALSE; } EAPI Eina_Bool ecore_x_image_to_argb_convert(void *src, int sbpp, int sbpl, Ecore_X_Colormap c, Ecore_X_Visual v, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned int *dst, int dbpl, int dx, int dy) { xcb_visualtype_t *vis; uint32_t *cols; int n = 0, nret = 0, i, row, mode = 0; unsigned int pal[256], r, g, b; enum { rgbnone = 0, rgb565, bgr565, rgbx555, argbx888, abgrx888, rgba888x, bgra888x, argbx666 }; LOGFN(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); CHECK_XCB_CONN; sbpp *= 8; vis = (xcb_visualtype_t *)v; n = vis->colormap_entries; if ((n <= 256) && ((vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_PSEUDO_COLOR) || (vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_STATIC_COLOR) || (vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_GRAY_SCALE) || (vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_STATIC_GRAY))) { xcb_query_colors_cookie_t cookie; xcb_query_colors_reply_t *reply; if (!c) { c = (xcb_colormap_t)((xcb_screen_t *) _ecore_xcb_screen)->default_colormap; } cols = alloca(n * sizeof(uint32_t)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) cols[i] = i; cookie = xcb_query_colors_unchecked(_ecore_xcb_conn, c, n, cols); reply = xcb_query_colors_reply(_ecore_xcb_conn, cookie, NULL); if (reply) { xcb_rgb_iterator_t iter; xcb_rgb_t *ret; iter = xcb_query_colors_colors_iterator(reply); ret = xcb_query_colors_colors(reply); if (ret) { for (i = 0; iter.rem; xcb_rgb_next(&iter), i++) { pal[i] = 0xff000000 | ((iter.data->red >> 8) << 16) | ((iter.data->green >> 8) << 8) | ((iter.data->blue >> 8)); } nret = n; } free(reply); } } else if ((vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_TRUE_COLOR) || (vis->_class == XCB_VISUAL_CLASS_DIRECT_COLOR)) { if ((vis->red_mask == 0x00ff0000) && (vis->green_mask == 0x0000ff00) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x000000ff)) mode = argbx888; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0x000000ff) && (vis->green_mask == 0x0000ff00) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x00ff0000)) mode = abgrx888; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0xff000000) && (vis->green_mask == 0x00ff0000) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x0000ff00)) mode = rgba888x; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0x0000ff00) && (vis->green_mask == 0x00ff0000) && (vis->blue_mask == 0xff000000)) mode = bgra888x; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0x0003f000) && (vis->green_mask == 0x00000fc0) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x0000003f)) mode = argbx666; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0x0000f800) && (vis->green_mask == 0x000007e0) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x0000001f)) mode = rgb565; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0x0000001f) && (vis->green_mask == 0x000007e0) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x0000f800)) mode = bgr565; else if ((vis->red_mask == 0x00007c00) && (vis->green_mask == 0x000003e0) && (vis->blue_mask == 0x0000001f)) mode = rgbx555; else return EINA_FALSE; } for (row = 0; row < h; row++) { unsigned char *s8; unsigned short *s16; unsigned int *s32, *dp, *de; dp = ((unsigned int *)(((unsigned char *)dst) + ((dy + row) * dbpl))) + dx; de = dp + w; switch (sbpp) { case 8: s8 = ((unsigned char *)(((unsigned char *)src) + ((y + row) * sbpl))) + x; if (nret > 0) { while (dp < de) { *dp = pal[*s8]; s8++; dp++; } } else return EINA_FALSE; break; case 16: s16 = ((unsigned short *)(((unsigned char *)src) + ((y + row) * sbpl))) + x; switch (mode) { case rgb565: while (dp < de) { r = (*s16 & 0xf800) << 8; g = (*s16 & 0x07e0) << 5; b = (*s16 & 0x001f) << 3; r |= (r >> 5) & 0xff0000; g |= (g >> 6) & 0x00ff00; b |= (b >> 5); *dp = 0xff000000 | r | g | b; s16++; dp++; } break; case bgr565: while (dp < de) { r = (*s16 & 0x001f) << 19; g = (*s16 & 0x07e0) << 5; b = (*s16 & 0xf800) >> 8; r |= (r >> 5) & 0xff0000; g |= (g >> 6) & 0x00ff00; b |= (b >> 5); *dp = 0xff000000 | r | g | b; s16++; dp++; } break; case rgbx555: while (dp < de) { r = (*s16 & 0x7c00) << 9; g = (*s16 & 0x03e0) << 6; b = (*s16 & 0x001f) << 3; r |= (r >> 5) & 0xff0000; g |= (g >> 5) & 0x00ff00; b |= (b >> 5); *dp = 0xff000000 | r | g | b; s16++; dp++; } break; default: return EINA_FALSE; break; } break; case 24: case 32: s32 = ((unsigned int *)(((unsigned char *)src) + ((y + row) * sbpl))) + x; switch (mode) { case argbx888: while (dp < de) { *dp = 0xff000000 | *s32; s32++; dp++; } break; case abgrx888: while (dp < de) { r = *s32 & 0x000000ff; g = *s32 & 0x0000ff00; b = *s32 & 0x00ff0000; *dp = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g) | (b >> 16); s32++; dp++; } break; case rgba888x: while (dp < de) { *dp = 0xff000000 | (*s32 >> 8); s32++; dp++; } break; case bgra888x: while (dp < de) { r = *s32 & 0x0000ff00; g = *s32 & 0x00ff0000; b = *s32 & 0xff000000; *dp = 0xff000000 | (r << 8) | (g >> 8) | (b >> 24); s32++; dp++; } break; case argbx666: while (dp < de) { r = (*s32 & 0x3f000) << 6; g = (*s32 & 0x00fc0) << 4; b = (*s32 & 0x0003f) << 2; r |= (r >> 6) & 0xff0000; g |= (g >> 6) & 0x00ff00; b |= (b >> 6); *dp = 0xff000000 | r | g | b; s32++; dp++; } break; default: return EINA_FALSE; break; } break; break; default: return EINA_FALSE; break; } } return EINA_TRUE; } /* local functions */ static void _ecore_xcb_image_shm_check(void) { // xcb_shm_query_version_reply_t *reply; xcb_shm_segment_info_t shminfo; xcb_shm_get_image_cookie_t cookie; xcb_shm_get_image_reply_t *ireply; xcb_image_t *img = 0; uint8_t depth = 0; if (_ecore_xcb_image_shm_can != -1) return; CHECK_XCB_CONN; /* reply = */ /* xcb_shm_query_version_reply(_ecore_xcb_conn, */ /* xcb_shm_query_version(_ecore_xcb_conn), NULL); */ /* if (!reply) */ /* { */ /* _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 0; */ /* return; */ /* } */ /* if ((reply->major_version < 1) || */ /* ((reply->major_version == 1) && (reply->minor_version == 0))) */ /* { */ /* _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 0; */ /* free(reply); */ /* return; */ /* } */ /* free(reply); */ depth = ((xcb_screen_t *)_ecore_xcb_screen)->root_depth; ecore_x_sync(); // needed img = _ecore_xcb_image_create_native(1, 1, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, depth, NULL, ~0, NULL); if (!img) { _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 0; return; } shminfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, img->stride * img->height, (IPC_CREAT | 0666)); if (shminfo.shmid == (uint32_t)-1) { xcb_image_destroy(img); _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 0; return; } shminfo.shmaddr = shmat(shminfo.shmid, 0, 0); img->data = shminfo.shmaddr; if (img->data == (uint8_t *)-1) { xcb_image_destroy(img); _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 0; return; } shminfo.shmseg = xcb_generate_id(_ecore_xcb_conn); xcb_shm_attach(_ecore_xcb_conn, shminfo.shmseg, shminfo.shmid, 0); cookie = xcb_shm_get_image(_ecore_xcb_conn, ((xcb_screen_t *)_ecore_xcb_screen)->root, 0, 0, img->width, img->height, 0xffffffff, img->format, shminfo.shmseg, img->data - shminfo.shmaddr); ecore_x_sync(); // needed ireply = xcb_shm_get_image_reply(_ecore_xcb_conn, cookie, NULL); if (ireply) { _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 1; free(ireply); } else _ecore_xcb_image_shm_can = 0; xcb_shm_detach(_ecore_xcb_conn, shminfo.shmseg); xcb_image_destroy(img); shmdt(shminfo.shmaddr); shmctl(shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } static void _ecore_xcb_image_shm_create(Ecore_X_Image *im) { CHECK_XCB_CONN; im->xim = _ecore_xcb_image_create_native(im->w, im->h, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, im->depth, NULL, ~0, NULL); if (!im->xim) return; im->shminfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, im->xim->size, (IPC_CREAT | 0666)); if (im->shminfo.shmid == (uint32_t)-1) { xcb_image_destroy(im->xim); return; } im->shminfo.shmaddr = shmat(im->shminfo.shmid, 0, 0); im->xim->data = im->shminfo.shmaddr; if ((!im->xim->data) || (im->xim->data == (uint8_t *)-1)) { DBG("Shm Create No Image Data"); xcb_image_destroy(im->xim); shmdt(im->shminfo.shmaddr); shmctl(im->shminfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); return; } im->shminfo.shmseg = xcb_generate_id(_ecore_xcb_conn); xcb_shm_attach(_ecore_xcb_conn, im->shminfo.shmseg, im->shminfo.shmid, 0); im->data = (unsigned char *)im->xim->data; im->bpl = im->xim->stride; im->rows = im->xim->height; if (im->xim->bpp <= 8) im->bpp = 1; else if (im->xim->bpp <= 16) im->bpp = 2; else im->bpp = 4; } xcb_image_t * _ecore_xcb_image_create_native(int w, int h, xcb_image_format_t format, uint8_t depth, void *base, uint32_t bytes, uint8_t *data) { static uint8_t dpth = 0; static xcb_format_t *fmt = NULL; const xcb_setup_t *setup; xcb_image_format_t xif; CHECK_XCB_CONN; /* NB: We cannot use xcb_image_create_native as it only creates images * using MSB_FIRST, so this routine recreates that function and uses * the endian-ness of the server setup */ setup = xcb_get_setup(_ecore_xcb_conn); xif = format; if ((xif == XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP) && (depth == 1)) xif = XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_XY_PIXMAP; if (dpth != depth) { dpth = depth; fmt = _ecore_xcb_image_find_format(setup, depth); if (!fmt) return 0; } switch (xif) { case XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_XY_BITMAP: if (depth != 1) return 0; case XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_XY_PIXMAP: case XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP: return xcb_image_create(w, h, xif, fmt->scanline_pad, fmt->depth, fmt->bits_per_pixel, setup->bitmap_format_scanline_unit, setup->image_byte_order, setup->bitmap_format_bit_order, base, bytes, data); default: break; } return 0; } static xcb_format_t * _ecore_xcb_image_find_format(const xcb_setup_t *setup, uint8_t depth) { xcb_format_t *fmt, *fmtend; CHECK_XCB_CONN; fmt = xcb_setup_pixmap_formats(setup); fmtend = fmt + xcb_setup_pixmap_formats_length(setup); for (; fmt != fmtend; ++fmt) if (fmt->depth == depth) return fmt; return 0; }