Ecore 1.2.0

Changes since Ecore 1.1.0:

    * ecore
     - ecore_timer_reset()
    * ecore_con
     - ecore_con_socks api
     - ecore_con_ssl_server_verify_name_set/get
     - ecore_con_ssl_server_cafile_add() now accepts directories
     - ecore_con_url_proxy_set()
     - ecore_con_url_timeout_set()
     - ecore_con_url_proxy_username_set
     - ecore_con_url_proxy_password_set()
    * ecore_x:
     - ecore_x_randr_output_backlight_available()
    * ecore_evas:
     - Add Shm and Egl engines for ecore_evas to draw in Wayland.
     - Add Socket and Plug to draw other process area.
    * ecore_wayland
     - Add Ecore_Wayland (backend to support Wayland).

    * ecore:
     - most allocations moved to mempools
    * ecore_con:
     - certificates can now be added for STARTTTLS
    * ecore_win32:
     - fix modifiers value on Windows XP

Ecore 1.1.0

Changes since Ecore 1.0.0:


    * ecore:
     - ecore_thread_reschedule()
     - ecore_exe_data_set()
     - ecore_animator_timeline_add()
     - ecore_timer_dump()
     - custom ecore animator tick mode and support
     - ecore_pipe_freeze/thaw()
     - ecore_pipe_wait()
     - ecore_throttle()
     - ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_async()
     - ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_sync()
     - ecore_thread_main_loop_begin()
     - ecore_thread_main_loop_end()

    * ecore_con:
     - Ecore_Con_Event_Server_Error, Ecore_Con_Event_Client_Error types
     - ecore_con_client_port_get()
     - ecore_con_url_ssl_verify_peer_set()
     - ecore_con_url_ssl_ca_set()
     - ecore_con_url_pipeline_set()
     - ecore_con_url_pipeline_get()
     - ecore_con_ssl_client/server_upgrade()
     - ecore_con_server_timeout_get/set()
     - ecore_con_ssl_server_verify_basic()
     - ecore_con_url_url_get()
     - ecore_con_server_fd_get()
     - ecore_con_client_fd_get()

    * ecore_evas:
     - ecore_evas_screen_geometry_get()
     - ecore_cocoa_evas support

    * ecore_file:
     - ecore_file_download_full()

    * ecore_imf:
     - ecore_imf_context_canvas_get()
     - ecore_imf_context_window_get()
     - ecore_imf_context_preedit_string_with_attributes_get()
     - added controls for auto-capitalization and prediction controls
     - ecore_imf_context_input_panel_enabled_set/get()
     - ecore_imf_context_cursor_location_set()

    * ecore_x:
     - ecore_x_randr_edid_*()
     - ecore_x_randr_screen_backlight_*()
     - more ecore_x_sync api controls to support ecore_evas
     - shape input setting support added
     - ecore_x_screen_size_get()


    * https failing via curl
    * removed SIGRT handling as it was broken anyway and unused
    * space key handling in ecore_wince/ecore_win32 support
    * wince background erasing
    * 300 second timeout to handle slow or large downloads in ecore_con
    * ecore_file intoify fd's to not be inherited by forked children
    * ecore_file compilation if ecore_con and curl disabled
    * crash in ecore_con_ssl when attempting connections on dead socket
    * ecore-evas intereptor not handling override-redirect
    * ecore_con_url_ftp_upload to complete uploads always
    * window removal from ignore_list in ecore_x
    * bug in ecore_evas when setting modifiers for sub buffer canvases
    * NULL pointer dereference in ecore_x selection notification code
    * sync GNUTLS thread activation with eina changes
    * ecore_ipc compilation on Windows
    * fix Shift, Control, Alt and AltGr keys detection on Windows XP
    * "mouse-down inside and mouse-up outside" issue on Windows
    * ecore_x shadow tree search fixed to respect shape input of windows
    * fd handlers fixed when idler callbacks add jobs or events
    * ecore_x_selection_convert takes length into account
    * security issue in openssl certificate verification
    * gnutls server client certificate verification
    * epoll delete of fd handling in forked child
    * grouping of timers that go off very close to eachother go off together
    * generic event buffer handling in ecore_x fixed
    * use current size not requested size when getting geom in ecore-evas
    * ecore_cocoa now handles windows correctly
    * ecore_file_download error handling when ecore_con_url_get fails
    * focus and mouse-in ininital siate on some ecore-evas back-ends


    * reduced memory needed for list of fd's in ecore by using inlist
    * ecore_evas now is able to send render-done even if not syncing to comp
    * more safety checks in ecore_con ares support
    * ecore timer monotonic clock now supported on OSX
    * make ecore_con work on Windows
    * improve resize/move on Windows
    * improve keyboard management on Windows XP
    * refactored _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal
    * better safety with ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get
    * ecore-evas produces more errors on stderr when errors happen now
    * ecore-con works on IPv6 now
    * inet_ntop instead of getnameinfo for ecore_con_client_get_ip
    * ecore-con unit tests added
    * ecore-evas fb uses ecore_input_evas now instead of going direct
    * fix ecore-evas x changing of override support if window not shown yet


    * xrender evas engine support removed from ecore_evas (api still there)