/* ** LuaJIT wrapper for architecture-specific compiler backend. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h */ #include #include #define ljit_backend_c #define LUA_CORE #include "lua.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "ldo.h" #include "lfunc.h" #include "lgc.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "ltm.h" #include "lvm.h" #include "lopcodes.h" #include "ldebug.h" #include "lzio.h" #include "ljit.h" #include "ljit_hints.h" #include "ljit_dasm.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Get target of combined JMP op. */ static int jit_jmp_target(jit_State *J) { J->combine++; jit_assert(GET_OPCODE(*J->nextins)==OP_JMP); return J->nextpc + 1 + GETARG_sBx(*J->nextins); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Include pre-processed architecture-specific backend. */ #if defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) #ifndef LUA_NUMBER_DOUBLE #error "No support for other number types on x86 (yet)" #endif #include "ljit_x86.h" #else #error "No support for this architecture (yet)" #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Compile instruction range. */ static void jit_compile_irange(jit_State *J, int firstpc, int lastpc) { J->combine = 0; J->nextpc = firstpc; J->nextins = J->pt->code + (firstpc-1); while (J->nextpc <= lastpc) { Instruction ins = *J->nextins++; OpCode op = GET_OPCODE(ins); int ra = GETARG_A(ins); int rb = GETARG_B(ins); int rc = GETARG_C(ins); int rbx = GETARG_Bx(ins); const TValue *combinehint; jit_ins_start(J); J->nextpc++; combinehint = hint_get(J, COMBINE); if (ttisboolean(combinehint)) { if (bvalue(combinehint)) { /* COMBINE = true: combine with next ins. */ if (!(J->flags & JIT_F_DEBUG)) /* But not when debugging. */ J->combine = 1; } else { /* COMBINE = false: dead instruction. */ *J->mfm++ = JIT_MFM_DEAD; continue; } } /* Other COMBINE hint value types are not defined (yet). */ if (J->flags & JIT_F_DEBUG_INS) jit_ins_debug(J, luaG_checkopenop(ins)); switch (op) { case OP_MOVE: jit_op_move(J, ra, rb); break; case OP_LOADK: jit_op_loadk(J, ra, rbx); break; case OP_LOADBOOL: jit_op_loadbool(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_LOADNIL: jit_op_loadnil(J, ra, rb); break; case OP_GETUPVAL: jit_op_getupval(J, ra, rb); break; case OP_SETUPVAL: jit_op_setupval(J, ra, rb); break; case OP_GETGLOBAL: jit_op_getglobal(J, ra, rbx); break; case OP_SETGLOBAL: jit_op_setglobal(J, ra, rbx); break; case OP_NEWTABLE: jit_op_newtable(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_GETTABLE: jit_op_gettable(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_SETTABLE: jit_op_settable(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_SELF: jit_op_self(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_SETLIST: jit_op_setlist(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_ADD: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_ADD); break; case OP_SUB: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_SUB); break; case OP_MUL: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_MUL); break; case OP_DIV: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_DIV); break; case OP_MOD: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_MOD); break; case OP_POW: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_POW); break; case OP_UNM: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rb, TM_UNM); break; /* rc unused. */ case OP_LEN: jit_op_len(J, ra, rb); break; case OP_NOT: jit_op_not(J, ra, rb); break; case OP_CONCAT: jit_op_concat(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_EQ: jit_op_eq(J, ra, rb, rc); break; case OP_LT: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_LT); break; case OP_LE: jit_op_arith(J, ra, rb, rc, TM_LE); break; case OP_TEST: jit_op_test(J, rc, ra, ra); break; case OP_TESTSET: jit_op_test(J, rc, ra, rb); break; case OP_JMP: jit_op_jmp(J, J->nextpc + rbx-MAXARG_sBx); break; case OP_CALL: jit_op_call(J, ra, rb-1, rc-1); break; case OP_TAILCALL: jit_op_tailcall(J, ra, rb-1); break; case OP_RETURN: jit_op_return(J, ra, rb-1); break; case OP_FORLOOP: jit_op_forloop(J, ra, J->nextpc + rbx-MAXARG_sBx); break; case OP_FORPREP: jit_op_forprep(J, ra, J->nextpc + rbx-MAXARG_sBx); break; case OP_TFORLOOP: jit_op_tforloop(J, ra, rc); break; case OP_CLOSE: jit_op_close(J, ra); break; case OP_CLOSURE: jit_op_closure(J, ra, rbx); break; case OP_VARARG: jit_op_vararg(J, ra, rb-1); break; default: jit_assert(0); break; } /* Convention: all opcodes start and end with the .code section. */ if (dasm_checkstep(Dst, DASM_SECTION_CODE)) { J->nextpc--; return; } *J->mfm++ = 0; /* Placeholder mfm entry. Replaced later. */ if (J->combine > 0) { /* Combine next J->combine ins with prev ins. */ J->nextpc += J->combine; J->nextins += J->combine; do { *J->mfm++ = JIT_MFM_COMBINE; } while (--J->combine); } } } /* Merge temporary mfm (forward) with PC labels to inverse mfm in mcode. */ static void jit_mfm_merge(jit_State *J, jit_Mfm *from, jit_Mfm *to, int maxpc) { int pc = 1, ofs = 0; for (;;) { int m = *from++; if (m & JIT_MFM_MARK) { switch (m) { default: pc = m ^ JIT_MFM_MARK; break; case JIT_MFM_COMBINE: case JIT_MFM_DEAD: break; case JIT_MFM_STOP: return; } } else { int idx, nofs; for (idx = 0; from[idx] == JIT_MFM_COMBINE; idx++) ; idx += pc; if (idx == J->nextpc) idx = maxpc + 1; nofs = dasm_getpclabel(Dst, idx); m = nofs - ofs; ofs = nofs; jit_assert(nofs >= 0 && m >= 0 && m < JIT_MFM_MAX); } pc++; *to-- = m; } } /* Compile function prototype. */ static int jit_compile_proto(jit_State *J, Table *deopt) { jit_Mfm *tempmfm; void *mcode; size_t sz; int firstpc = 0, maxpc = J->pt->sizecode; int deoptidx = 1; int status; /* (Ab)use the global string concatenation buffer for the temporary mfm. */ /* Caveat: the GC must not be run while the backend is active. */ tempmfm = (jit_Mfm *)luaZ_openspace(J->L, &G(J->L)->buff, (1+maxpc+1+1+1)*sizeof(jit_Mfm)); nextdeopt: J->mfm = tempmfm; J->tflags = 0; /* Setup DynASM. */ dasm_growpc(Dst, 1+maxpc+2); /* See jit_ins_last(). */ dasm_setup(Dst, jit_actionlist); if (deopt) { /* Partial deoptimization. */ /* TODO: check deopt chain length? problem: pairs TFOR_CTL migration. */ int pc, lastpc; lua_Number n; const TValue *obj = luaH_getnum(deopt, deoptidx++); if (ttisnil(obj) && deoptidx != 2) return JIT_S_OK; if (!ttisnumber(obj)) return JIT_S_COMPILER_ERROR; n = nvalue(obj); lua_number2int(pc, n); firstpc = JIT_IH_IDX(pc); lastpc = firstpc + JIT_IH_LIB(pc); if (firstpc < 1 || firstpc > maxpc || lastpc > maxpc || J->pt->jit_szmcode == 0) return JIT_S_COMPILER_ERROR; *J->mfm++ = JIT_MFM_MARK+firstpc; /* Seek to firstpc. */ jit_compile_irange(J, firstpc, lastpc); jit_assert(J->nextpc == lastpc+1); /* Problem with combined ins? */ if (J->nextpc <= maxpc) jit_ins_chainto(J, J->nextpc); *J->mfm++ = JIT_MFM_MARK+maxpc+1; /* Seek to .deopt/.tail. */ for (pc = 1; pc <= maxpc; pc++) if (dasm_getpclabel(Dst, pc) == -1) { /* Undefind label referenced? */ jit_ins_setpc(J, pc, luaJIT_findmcode(J->pt, pc)); /* => Old mcode. */ } } else { /* Full compile. */ *J->mfm++ = 0; /* Placeholder mfm entry for prologue. */ jit_prologue(J); jit_compile_irange(J, 1, maxpc); } *J->mfm++ = 0; /* Placeholder mfm entry for .deopt/.tail. */ *J->mfm = JIT_MFM_STOP; jit_ins_last(J, maxpc, (char *)J->mfm - (char *)tempmfm); status = luaJIT_link(J, &mcode, &sz); if (status != JIT_S_OK) return status; jit_mfm_merge(J, tempmfm, JIT_MCMFM(mcode, sz), maxpc); if (deopt) { jit_MCTrailer tr; /* Patch first instruction to jump to the deoptimized code. */ jit_patch_jmp(J, luaJIT_findmcode(J->pt, firstpc), mcode); /* Mark instruction as deoptimized in main mfm. */ JIT_MCMFM(J->pt->jit_mcode, J->pt->jit_szmcode)[-firstpc] |= JIT_MFM_MARK; /* Chain deopt mcode block between main mfm and existing mfms. */ memcpy(JIT_MCTRAILER(mcode, sz), JIT_MCTRAILER(J->pt->jit_mcode, J->pt->jit_szmcode), sizeof(jit_MCTrailer)); tr.mcode = (char *)mcode; tr.sz = sz; memcpy(JIT_MCTRAILER(J->pt->jit_mcode, J->pt->jit_szmcode), (void *)&tr, sizeof(jit_MCTrailer)); goto nextdeopt; } if (J->pt->jit_szmcode != 0) { /* Full recompile? */ jit_MCTrailer tr; /* Patch old mcode entry so other closures get the new callgate. */ jit_patch_jmp(J, J->pt->jit_mcode, J->jsub[JSUB_GATE_JL]); /* Chain old main mfm after new main mfm. */ tr.mcode = (char *)J->pt->jit_mcode; tr.sz = J->pt->jit_szmcode; memcpy(JIT_MCTRAILER(mcode, sz), (void *)&tr, sizeof(jit_MCTrailer)); } /* Set new main mcode block. */ J->pt->jit_mcode = mcode; J->pt->jit_szmcode = sz; return JIT_S_OK; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Compiler backend. */ int luaJIT_backend(lua_State *L) { jit_State *J = G(L)->jit_state; const TValue *cl; int status = JIT_S_COMPILER_ERROR; lua_lock(L); /* Remember compiler state table. */ jit_assert(L->top > L->base && ttistable(L->top-1)); J->comstate = hvalue(L->top-1); /* Fetch prototoype. Better check this in case some handler screwed up. */ cl = luaH_getstr(J->comstate, luaS_newliteral(L, "func")); if (isLfunction(cl)) { J->pt = clvalue(cl)->l.p; if (J->pt->sizecode > LUAJIT_LIM_BYTECODE) { /* Hard backend limit. */ status = JIT_S_TOOLARGE; } else { const TValue *obj = luaH_getstr(J->comstate, luaS_newliteral(J->L, "deopt")); status = jit_compile_proto(J, ttistable(obj) ? hvalue(obj) : (Table *)0); } } lua_unlock(L); J->comstate = NULL; /* Just in case. */ J->pt = NULL; if (status == JIT_S_OK) { return 0; } else { if (status == JIT_S_DASM_ERROR) { lua_pushinteger(L, J->nextpc); lua_setfield(L, 1, "dasm_pc"); lua_pushinteger(L, J->dasmstatus); lua_setfield(L, 1, "dasm_err"); } lua_pushinteger(L, status); return 1; } } /* Initialize compiler backend. */ int luaJIT_initbackend(lua_State *L) { jit_State *J = G(L)->jit_state; J->L = L; J->pt = NULL; /* Not in use. */ J->D = NULL; J->mcodeheap = NULL; J->jsubmcode = NULL; J->szjsubmcode = 0; J->numjsub = JSUB__MAX; J->jsub = luaM_newvector(J->L, JSUB__MAX, void *); memset((void *)J->jsub, 0, JSUB__MAX*sizeof(void *)); /* Just in case. */ dasm_init(Dst, DASM_MAXSECTION); dasm_setupglobal(Dst, J->jsub, JSUB__MAX); return jit_compile_jsub(J); } /* Free compiler backend. */ void luaJIT_freebackend(lua_State *L) { jit_State *J = G(L)->jit_state; J->L = L; if (J->jsub) luaM_freearray(L, J->jsub, JSUB__MAX, void *); luaJIT_freemcodeheap(J); /* Frees JSUB mcode, too. */ dasm_free(Dst); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */