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<h1>Debugging LuaJIT</h1>
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LuaJIT is a rather complex application. There will undoubtedly
be bugs lurking in there. You have been warned. :-)
If you came here looking for information on how to debug
<em>your application</em> (and not LuaJIT itself) then please
check out <a href="luajit_api.html#jit_debug"><tt>jit.debug()</tt></a>
and the <a href="luajit_run.html#j_debug"><tt>-j debug</tt></a>
command line option.
But if you suspect a problem with LuaJIT itself, then try
any of the following suggestions (in order).

<h2>Is LuaJIT the Problem?</h2>
Try to run your application in several different ways:
<li><tt>luajit app.lua</tt></li>
<li><tt>luajit -O1 app.lua</tt></li>
<li><tt>luajit -O app.lua</tt></li>
<li><tt>luajit -j off app.lua</tt></li>
<li><tt>lua app.lua</tt> (i.e. with standard Lua)</li>
If the behaviour is the <em>same</em> as with standard Lua then ...
well ... that's what LuaJIT is about: doing the same things,
just faster. Even bugs fly faster. :-)
So this is most likely a bug in your application then. It may be easier
to debug this with plain Lua &mdash; the remainder of this page
is probably not helpful for you.
But if the behaviour is <em>different</em>, there is some likelihood
that you caught a bug in LuaJIT. Oh dear ...
Ok, so don't just give up. Please read on and help the community
by finding the bug. Thank you!

<h2>Get the Latest Version</h2>
Number one on your list of things to check is the
<a href="http://luajit.org/luajit_changes.html"><span class="ext">&raquo;</span>&nbsp;Online Change History</a>.
Please check if a newer version is available. Maybe the bug
you have encountered has been fixed already. Always download the
latest version and try it with your application before continuing.

<h2>Reproduce the Bug</h2>
First try to make the bug reproducible. Try to isolate the module
and the function the bug occurs in:
Either selectively turn off compilation for some modules with<br>
<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;jit.off(true, true)</tt><br>
until the bug disappears ...
And/or turn the whole JIT engine off and selectively compile
functions with<br>
until it reappears.
If you have isolated the point where it happens, it's most helpful
to reduce the affected Lua code to a short code snippet that
still shows the problem. You may need to <tt>print()</tt> some
variables until you can pinpoint the exact spot where it happens.
If you've got a <em>reproducible</em> and <em>short</em> test
you can either send it directly to me or the mailing list
(see the <a href="contact.html">Contact Information</a>)
or you can try to debug this a bit further.
Well &mdash; if you are brave enough. :-)

<h2>Look at the Generated Code</h2>
You may want to have a look at the output of <tt>-j dumphints</tt>
first. Try to change things around until you can see which hint
or which instruction is the cause of the bug. If you suspect
an optimizer bug then have a look at the backend (<tt>*.das[ch]</tt>)
and check how the hint is encoded.
Otherwise have a look at <tt>-j dump</tt> and see whether
you can spot the problem around the affected instruction.
It's helpful to have a good knowledge of assembler, though

<h2>Locate a Crash</h2>
If you get a crash, you should compile LuaJIT with debugging
turned on:
Add <tt>-g</tt> to <tt>CFLAGS</tt> and <tt>MYLDFLAGS</tt>
or whatever is needed to turn on debugging. For Windows you
need both an executable and a DLL built with debugging.
Then start LuaJIT with your debugger. Run it with
<tt>-j dump=test.dump</tt>.
Have a look at the backtrace and compare it with the generated
dump file to find out exactly where it crashes. I'm sorry, but
symbols or instructions for JIT compiled functions are not
displayed in your debugger (this is really hard to solve).

<h2>Turn on Assertions</h2>
Another way to debug LuaJIT is to turn on assertions.
They can be turned on only for the JIT engine by adding
<tt>-DLUAJIT_ASSERT</tt> to <tt>JITCFLAGS</tt> in <tt>src/Makefile</tt>.
Then recompile with <tt>make&nbsp;clean</tt> and <tt>make</tt>.
Add these two lines to <tt>src/luaconf.h</tt> to turn on all assertions in the Lua core:<br>
<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;#include &lt;assert.h&gt;</tt><br>
<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;#define lua_assert(x) assert(x)</tt><br>
This turns on the JIT engine assertions, too.
Recompile and see whether any assertions trigger.
Don't forget to turn off the (slow) assertions when you're done!

<h2>Use Valgrind</h2>
A tremendously useful (and free) tool for runtime code analysis
is <a href="http://valgrind.org/"><span class="ext">&raquo;</span>&nbsp;Valgrind</a>. Regularly
run your applications with <tt>valgrind --memcheck</tt> and
your life will be better.
To run LuaJIT under Valgrind you <em>must</em> add
<tt>-DUSE_VALGRIND</tt> to <tt>MYCFLAGS</tt>
and recompile LuaJIT. You will get random errors if you don't!
Valgrind 3.x or later is required. Earlier versions
do not work well with newly allocated C stacks.
An executable built with this option runs fine without Valgrind
and without a performance loss. But it needs the Valgrind header
files for compilation (which is why it's not enabled by default).
It's helpful to compile LuaJIT with debugging turned on, too
(see above).
If Valgrind spots many invalid memory accesses that involve
memory allocation/free functions you've probably found a bug
related to garbage collection. Some object reference must have
gone astray.
Try to find out which object is disappearing. You can force
eager garbage collection with repeated calls to
<tt>collectgarbage()</tt> or by setting a very low threshold
with <tt>collectgarbage("setpause", 1)</tt>.

<h2>Don't Despair</h2>
If all of this doesn't help to find the bug, please send
a summary of your findings to the mailing list. Describe as much
of the circumstances you think are relevant.
Please <em>don't</em> send your whole application to me
(without asking first) and especially not to the mailing list.
Code snippets should preferrably be less than 50 lines and
up to the point.
All bug reports are helpful, even if no immediate solution
is available. Often enough someone else finds the same bug
in a different setting and together with your bug report
this may help to track it down.
Finally I have to say a <strong>BIG THANK YOU</strong>
to everyone who has helped to make LuaJIT better by finding
and fixing bugs!
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