--[[ scenriLua - In world objects as skang Things. TODO - Yes I know this breaks our design goals, but it's the easy way to quickly whip up in world object loading. Later a C + eet version will be written to fit our design, and this Lua based version will be kept. The system should "compile" Lua based files to eet as well. For now Lua based files is easier to debug. TODO - in index.omg the object file names are in both the stuffs index names and the fileName value. Should get rid of fileName maybe? Or maybe only get rid of it if it's not a *.omg file. ]] do local skang = require 'skang' -- This module has no default skin, it creates no windows. local _M = skang.moduleBegin('scenriLua', nil, 'Copyright 2014 David Seikel', '0.1', '2014-06-01 13:23:00') MeshType = {} TextureType = {} loadSim = function(sim) local file = sim .. '/index.omg' -- TODO - Stuffs should be local, but externally loaded functions can't access locals it seems. Stuffs = {} local simData, err = loadfile(file) if simData then setfenv(simData, getfenv(1)) simData() if Stuffs.details and Stuffs.details.stuffs then local count = 0 -- Lua is useless sometimes. for k, v in pairs(Stuffs.details.stuffs) do count = count + 1 end preallocateStuffs(count) for k, v in pairs(Stuffs.details.stuffs) do partFillStuffs(k, v.fileName, v.pos[1], v.pos[2], v.pos[3], v.rot[1], v.rot[2], v.rot[3], v.rot[4], v.size[1], v.size[2], v.size[3]) end end elseif 'cannot open ' ~= string.sub(err, 1, 12) then print("ERROR - " .. err) end print('Loaded sim from file ' .. file) end skang.thingasm('loadSim', 'Load a sim.', loadSim, 'string') finishLoadStuffs = function(sim, stuffs) local file = sim .. '/' .. stuffs local name = string.sub(stuffs, 1, -5) simData, err = loadfile(file) if simData then setfenv(simData, getfenv(1)) simData() if Stuffs.details and Stuffs.details.Mesh then local meshFile = Stuffs.details.Mesh.fileName or stuffs local eStuffs = finishStuffs(Stuffs.uuid, Stuffs.name, name, Stuffs.description, Stuffs.owner, meshFile, MeshType[Stuffs.details.Mesh.kind], Stuffs.fake) if eStuffs then addMaterial(eStuffs, -1, TextureType[Stuffs.details.Mesh.materials[0].kind ], Stuffs.details.Mesh.materials[0].texture) end end elseif 'cannot open ' ~= string.sub(err, 1, 12) then print("ERROR - " .. err) end end skang.thingasm('finishLoadStuffs', 'Finish loading a stuffs.', finishLoadStuffs, 'string,string') loadStuffs = function(sim, stuffs) local file = sim .. '/' .. stuffs print('Rezzing ' .. file) simData, err = loadfile(file) if simData then setfenv(simData, getfenv(1)) simData() if Stuffs.details and Stuffs.details.Mesh then local meshFile = Stuffs.details.Mesh.fileName or v.fileName local eStuffs = addStuffs(Stuffs.uuid, Stuffs.name, Stuffs.description, Stuffs.owner, v.fileName, MeshType[Stuffs.details.Mesh.kind], v.pos[1], v.pos[2], v.pos[3], v.rot[1], v.rot[2], v.rot[3], v.rot[4], v.size[1], v.size[2], v.size[3]) if eStuffs then addMaterial(eStuffs, -1, TextureType[Stuffs.details.Mesh.materials[0].kind ], Stuffs.details.Mesh.materials[0].texture) stuffsSetup(eStuffs, Stuffs.fake) end end elseif 'cannot open ' ~= string.sub(err, 1, 12) then print("ERROR - " .. err) end end skang.thingasm('loadStuffs', 'Load a stuffs.', loadStuffs, 'string') skang.moduleEnd(_M) end