-- A module of LSL stuffs. -- Using a module means it gets compiled each time? Maybe not if I can use bytecode files. Perhaps LuaJIT caches these? -- Does not seem to be slowing it down noticably, but that might change once the stubs are filled out. -- Use it like this - -- local _LSL = require 'LSL' --[[ From http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaModuleFunctionCritiqued A related note on C code: The luaL_register [9] function in C is somewhat analogous to the module function in Lua, so luaL_register shares similar problems, at least when a non-NULL libname is used. Furthermore, the luaL_newmetatable/luaL_getmetatable/luaL_checkudata functions use a C string as a key into the global registry. This poses some potential for name conflicts--either because the modules were written by different people or because they are different versions of the same module loaded simultaneously. To address this, one may instead use a lightuserdata (pointer to variable of static linkage to ensure global uniqueness) for this key or store the metatable as an upvalue--either way is a bit more efficient and less error prone. ]] -- http://www.lua.org/pil/15.4.html looks useful. -- http://www.lua.org/pil/15.5.html the last part about autoloading functions might be useful. local LSL = {}; local SID = ""; local scriptName = ""; local running = true local paused = false local currentState = {} local detectedGroups = {} local detectedGrabs = {} local detectedKeys = {} local detectedLinkNumbers = {} local detectedNames = {} local detectedOwners = {} local detectedPoss = {} local detectedRots = {} local detectedTouchBinormals = {} local detectedTouchFaces = {} local detectedTouchNormals = {} local detectedTouchPoss = {} local detectedTouchSTs = {} local detectedTouchUVs = {} local detectedTypes = {} local detectedVels = {} local waitAndProcess -- Debugging aids -- Functions to print tables. local print_table, print_table_start function print_table_start(table, space, name) print(space .. name .. ": "); print(space .. "{"); print_table(table, space .. " "); print(space .. "}"); end function print_table(table, space) for k, v in pairs(table) do if type(v) == "table" then print_table_start(v, space, k); elseif type(v) == "string" then print(space .. k .. ': "' .. v .. '";') else print(space .. k .. ": " .. v .. ";") end end end function msg(...) print(SID, ...) -- The comma adds a tab, fancy that. B-) end -- Stuff called from the wire protocol has to be global, but I think this means just global to this file. events = {} function start() paused = false end function stop() paused = true end function quit() running = false end function events.detectedGroups(list) detectedGroups = list end function events.detectedGrabs(list) detectedGrabs = list end function events.detectedKeys(list) detectedKeys = list end function events.detectedLinkNumbers(list) detectedLinkNumbers = list end function events.detectedNames(list) detectedNames = list end function events.detectedOwners(list) detectedOwners = list end function events.detectedPoss(list) detectedPoss = list end function events.detectedRots(list) detectedRots = list end function events.detectedTouchBinormals(list) detectedTouchBinormals = list end function events.detectedTouchFaces(list) detectedTouchFaces = list end function events.detectedTouchNormals(list) detectedTouchNormals = list end function events.detectedTouchPoss(list) detectedTouchPoss = list end function events.detectedTouchSTs(list) detectedTouchSTs = list end function events.detectedTouchUVs(list) detectedTouchUVs = list end function events.detectedTypes(list) detectedTypes = list end function events.detectedVels(list) detectedVels = list end function events.detectsClear() detectedGroups = {} detectedGrabs = {} detectedKeys = {} detectedLinkNumbers = {} detectedNames = {} detectedOwners = {} detectedPoss = {} detectedRots = {} detectedTouchBinormals = {} detectedTouchFaces = {} detectedTouchNormals = {} detectedTouchPoss = {} detectedTouchSTs = {} detectedTouchUVs = {} detectedTypes = {} detectedVels = {} end function events.at_rot_target(tnum, targetrot, ourrot) if nil ~= currentState.at_rot_target then currentState.at_rot_target(tnum, targetrot, ourrot) end events.detectsClear() end function events.at_target(tnum, targetpos, ourpos) if nil ~= currentState.at_target then currentState.at_target(tnum, targetpos, ourpos) end events.detectsClear() end function events.attach(id) if nil ~= currentState.attach then currentState.attach(id) end events.detectsClear() end function events.changed(change) if nil ~= currentState.changed then currentState.changed(change) end events.detectsClear() end function events.collision_start(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.collision_start then currentState.collision_start(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.collision(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.collision then currentState.collision(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.collision_end(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.collision_end then currentState.collision_end(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.control(id, held, changed) if nil ~= currentState.control then currentState.control(id, held, changed) end events.detectsClear() end function events.dataserver(queryid, data) if nil ~= currentState.dataserver then currentState.dataserver(queryid, data) end events.detectsClear() end function events.email(Time, address, subj, message, num_left) if nil ~= currentState.email then currentState.email(Time, address, subj, message, num_left) end events.detectsClear() end function events.http_request(request_id, status, metadata, body) if nil ~= currentState.http_request then currentState.http_request(request_id, status, metadata, body) end events.detectsClear() end function events.http_response(request_id, status, metadata, body) if nil ~= currentState.http_response then currentState.http_response(request_id, status, metadata, body) end events.detectsClear() end function events.land_collision_start(pos) if nil ~= currentState.land_collision_start then currentState.land_collision_start(pos) end events.detectsClear() end function events.land_collision(pos) if nil ~= currentState.land_collision then currentState.land_collision(pos) end events.detectsClear() end function events.land_collision_end(pos) if nil ~= currentState.land_collision_end then currentState.land_collision_end(pos) end events.detectsClear() end function events.link_message(sender_num, num, str, id) if nil ~= currentState.link_message then currentState.link_message(sender_num, num, str, id) end events.detectsClear() end function events.listen(channel, name, id, message) if nil ~= currentState.listen then currentState.listen(channel, name, id, message) end events.detectsClear() end function events.money(id, amount) if nil ~= currentState.money then currentState.money(id, amount) end events.detectsClear() end function events.moving_start() if nil ~= currentState.moving_start then currentState.moving_start() end events.detectsClear() end function events.moving_end() if nil ~= currentState.moving_end then currentState.moving_end() end events.detectsClear() end function events.no_sensor() if nil ~= currentState.no_sensor then currentState.no_sensor() end events.detectsClear() end function events.not_at_rot_target() if nil ~= currentState.not_at_rot_target then currentState.not_at_rot_target() end events.detectsClear() end function events.not_at_target() if nil ~= currentState.not_at_target then currentState.not_at_target() end events.detectsClear() end function events.object_rez(id) if nil ~= currentState.object_rez then currentState.object_rez() end events.detectsClear() end function events.on_rez(start_param) if nil ~= currentState.on_rezz then currentState.on_rez(start_param) end events.detectsClear() end function events.remote_data(event_type, channel, message_id, sender, idata, sdata) if nil ~= currentState.remote_data then currentState.remote_data(event_type, channel, message_id, sender, idata, sdata) end events.detectsClear() end function events.run_time_permissions(perm) if nil ~= currentState.run_time_permisions then currentState.run_time_permissions(perm) end events.detectsClear() end function events.sensor(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.sensor then currentState.sensor(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.state_entry() if nil ~= currentState.state_entry then currentState.state_entry() end events.detectsClear() end function events.state_exit() if nil ~= currentState.state_exit then currentState.state_exit() end events.detectsClear() end function events.timer() if nil ~= currentState.timer then currentState.timer() end events.detectsClear() end function events.touch_start(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.touch_start then currentState.touch_start(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.touch(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.touch then currentState.touch(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.touch_end(num_detected) if nil ~= currentState.touch_end then currentState.touch_end(num_detected) end events.detectsClear() end function events.transaction_result(id, success, data) if nil ~= currentState.transaction_result then currentState.transaction_result(id, success, data) end events.detectsClear() end -- LSL function and constant creation stuff. local args2string -- Pre declare this. local functions = {} local mt = {} local function value2string(value, Type) local temp = "" if "float" == Type then temp = temp .. value -- elseif "boolean" == Type then if value then temp = '"true"' else temp = '"false"' end elseif "integer" == Type then temp = temp .. value elseif "key" == Type then temp = "\"" .. value .. "\"" elseif "list" == Type then temp = "[" .. args2string(true, unpack(value)) .. "]" elseif "table" == Type then temp = "[" .. args2string(true, unpack(value)) .. "]" elseif "string" == Type then temp = "\"" .. value .. "\"" elseif "rotation" == Type then temp = "<" .. value.x .. ", " .. value.y .. ", " .. value.z .. ", " .. value.s .. ">" elseif "vector" == Type then temp = "<" .. value.x .. ", " .. value.y .. ", " .. value.z .. ">" else temp = temp .. value end return temp end function args2string(doType, ...) local temp = "" local first = true for j,w in ipairs( {...} ) do if first then first = false else temp = temp .. ", " end if doType then temp = temp .. value2string(w, type(w)) else temp = temp .. w end end return temp end function mt.callAndReturn(name, ...) luaproc.sendback(name .. "(" .. args2string(true, ...) .. ")") end function mt.callAndWait(name, ...) mt.callAndReturn(name, ...); -- Eventually a sendForth() is called, which should end up passing through SendToChannel(). -- Wait for the result, which should be a Lua value as a string. return waitAndProcess(true) end local function newConst(Type, name, value) LSL[name] = value return { Type = Type, name = name } end local function newFunc(Type, name, ... ) functions[name] = { Type = Type, args = {...} } if "" == Type then LSL[name] = function(...) mt.callAndReturn(name, ... ) end else LSL[name] = function(...) return mt.callAndWait(name, ... ) end end end -- LSL constants. local constants = { newConst("float", "PI", 3.14159265358979323846264338327950), newConst("float", "PI_BY_TWO", LSL.PI / 2), -- 1.57079632679489661923132169163975 newConst("float", "TWO_PI", LSL.PI * 2), -- 6.28318530717958647692528676655900 newConst("float", "DEG_TO_RAD", LSL.PI / 180.0), -- 0.01745329252 newConst("float", "RAD_TO_DEG", 180.0 / LSL.PI), -- 57.2957795131 newConst("float", "SQRT2", 1.4142135623730950488016887242097), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_INVENTORY", 0x001), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_COLOR", 0x002), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_SHAPE", 0x004), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_SCALE", 0x008), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_TEXTURE", 0x010), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_LINK", 0x020), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP", 0x040), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_OWNER", 0x080), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_REGION", 0x100), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_TELEPORT", 0x200), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_REGION_START", 0x400), newConst("integer", "CHANGED_MEDIA", 0x800), newConst("integer", "DEBUG_CHANNEL", 2147483647), newConst("integer", "PUBLIC_CHANNEL", 0), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_ALL", -1), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_NONE", -1), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_TEXTURE", 0), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_SOUND", 1), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_LANDMARK", 3), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_CLOTHING", 5), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_OBJECT", 6), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_NOTECARD", 7), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_SCRIPT", 10), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_BODYPART", 13), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_ANIMATION", 20), newConst("integer", "INVENTORY_GESTURE", 21), newConst("integer", "ALL_SIDES", -1), newConst("integer", "LINK_SET", -1), newConst("integer", "LINK_ROOT", 1), newConst("integer", "LINK_ALL_OTHERS", -2), newConst("integer", "LINK_ALL_CHILDREN", -3), newConst("integer", "LINK_THIS", -4), newConst("integer", "PERM_ALL", 0x7FFFFFFF), newConst("integer", "PERM_COPY", 0x00008000), newConst("integer", "PERM_MODIFY", 0x00004000), newConst("integer", "PERM_MOVE", 0x00080000), newConst("integer", "PERM_TRANSFER", 0x00002000), newConst("integer", "MASK_BASE", 0), newConst("integer", "MASK_OWNER", 1), newConst("integer", "MASK_GROUP", 2), newConst("integer", "MASK_EVERYONE", 3), newConst("integer", "MASK_NEXT", 4), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_DEBIT", 0x0002), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS", 0x0004), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION", 0x0010), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_ATTACH", 0x0020), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS", 0x0080), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA", 0x0400), newConst("integer", "PERMISSION_CONTRAL_CAMERA", 0x0800), newConst("integer", "AGENT", 0x01), newConst("integer", "ACTIVE", 0x02), newConst("integer", "PASSIVE", 0x04), newConst("integer", "SCRIPTED", 0x08), newConst("integer", "OBJECT_UNKNOWN_DETAIL", -1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_SHINY", 19), newConst("integer", "PRIM_COLOR", 18), newConst("integer", "PRIM_FLEXIBLE", 21), newConst("integer", "PRIM_FULLBRIGHT", 20), newConst("integer", "PRIM_GLOW", 25), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL", 2), newConst("integer", "PRIM_PHANTOM", 5), newConst("integer", "PRIM_PHYSICS", 3), newConst("integer", "PRIM_POINT_LIGHT", 23), newConst("integer", "PRIM_POSITION", 6), newConst("integer", "PRIM_ROTATION", 8), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SIZE", 7), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ", 4), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE", 9), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_OLD", 1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TEXGEN", 22), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TEXTURE", 17), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TEXT", 26), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_NONE", 0), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_BRIGHT", 1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_DARK", 2), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_WOOD", 3), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_BARK", 4), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_BRICKS", 5), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_CHECKER", 6), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_CONCRETE", 7), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_TILE", 8), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_STONE", 9), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_DISKS", 10), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_GRAVEL", 11), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_BLOBS", 12), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_SIDING", 13), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_LARGETILE", 14), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_STUCCO", 15), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_SUCTION", 16), newConst("integer", "PRIM_BUMP_WEAVE", 17), newConst("integer", "PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT", 0), newConst("integer", "PRIM_HOLE_CIRCLE", 16), newConst("integer", "PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE", 32), newConst("integer", "PRIM_HOLE_TRIANGLE", 48), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_STONE", 0), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_METAL", 1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_GLASS", 2), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_WOOD", 3), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_FLESH", 4), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_PLASTIC", 5), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_RUBBER", 6), newConst("integer", "PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT", 7), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE", 1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS", 2), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_PLANE", 3), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER", 4), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH", 5), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_MIMESH", 6), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SHINY_NONE", 0), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SHINY_LOW", 1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SHINY_MEDIUM", 2), newConst("integer", "PRIM_SHINY_HIGH", 3), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_BOX", 0), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER", 1), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_PRISM", 2), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE", 3), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_TORUS", 4), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_TUBE", 5), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_RING", 6), newConst("integer", "PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT", 7), newConst("integer", "STRING_TRIM", 3), newConst("integer", "STRING_TRIM_HEAD", 1), newConst("integer", "STRING_TRIM_TAIL", 2), newConst("integer", "TRUE", 1), newConst("integer", "FALSE", 0), newConst("integer", "TOUCH_INVALID_FACE", 0x7FFFFFFF), newConst("vector", "TOUCH_INVALID_TEXCOORD", {x=-1.0, y=-1.0, z=0.0}), newConst("vector", "TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR", {x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0}), newConst("integer", "TYPE_INTEGER", 1), newConst("integer", "TYPE_FLOAT", 2), newConst("integer", "TYPE_STRING", 3), newConst("integer", "TYPE_KEY", 4), newConst("integer", "TYPE_VECTOR", 5), newConst("integer", "TYPE_ROTATION", 6), newConst("integer", "TYPE_INVALID", 0), newConst("string", "NULL_KEY", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), -- newConst("string", "EOF", "\\n\\n\\n"), -- Corner case, dealt with later. newConst("string", "EOF", "EndOfFuckingAround"), -- Corner case, dealt with later. newConst("rotation", "ZERO_ROTATION", {x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, s=1.0}), newConst("vector", "ZERO_VECTOR", {x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0}), -- TODO - Temporary dummy variables to get vector and rotation thingies to work for now. newConst("float", "s", 1.0), newConst("float", "x", 0.0), newConst("float", "y", 0.0), newConst("float", "z", 0.0), } -- ll*() function definitions -- LSL avatar functions newFunc("key", "llAvatarOnSitTarget") newFunc("list", "llGetAnimationList", "key id") newFunc("integer", "llGetPermissions") newFunc("key", "llGetPermissionsKey") newFunc("string", "llKey2Name", "key avatar") newFunc("", "llRequestPermissions", "key avatar", "integer perms") newFunc("integer", "llSameGroup", "key avatar") newFunc("", "llStartAnimation", "string anim") newFunc("", "llStopAnimation", "string anim") newFunc("", "llUnSit", "key avatar") -- LSL collision / detect / sensor functions newFunc("integer", "llDetectedGroup", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedGrab", "integer index") newFunc("key", "llDetectedKey", "integer index") newFunc("integer", "llDetectedLinkNumber", "integer index") newFunc("string", "llDetectedName", "integer index") newFunc("key", "llDetectedOwner", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedPos", "integer index") newFunc("rotation", "llDetectedRot", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedTouchBinormal", "integer index") newFunc("integer", "llDetectedTouchFace", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedTouchNormal", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedTouchPos", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedTouchST", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedTouchUV", "integer index") newFunc("integer", "llDetectedType", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llDetectedVel", "integer index") -- LSL communications functions newFunc("", "llDialog", "key avatar", "string caption", "list arseBackwardsMenu", "integer channel") newFunc("integer", "llListen", "integer channel", "string name", "key id", "string msg") newFunc("", "llListenRemove", "integer handle") newFunc("", "llOwnerSay", "string text") newFunc("", "llSay", "integer channel", "string text") newFunc("", "llShout", "integer channel", "string text") newFunc("", "llWhisper", "integer channel", "string text") newFunc("", "llMessageLinked", "integer link", "integer num", "string text", "key aKey") -- LSL inventory functions. newFunc("string", "llGetInventoryName", "integer Type", "integer index") newFunc("integer", "llGetInventoryNumber", "integer Type") newFunc("integer", "llGetInventoryType", "string name") newFunc("key", "llGetNotecardLine", "string name", "integer index") newFunc("", "llRezAtRoot", "string name", "vector position", "vector velocity", "rotation rot", "integer channel") newFunc("", "llRezObject", "string name", "vector position", "vector velocity", "rotation rot", "integer channel") -- LSL list functions. newFunc("list", "llCSV2List", "string text") newFunc("list", "llDeleteSubList", "list l", "integer start", "integer End") newFunc("string", "llDumpList2String", "list l", "string separator") newFunc("integer", "llGetListLength", "list l") newFunc("string", "llList2CSV", "list l") newFunc("float", "llList2Float", "list l", "integer index") newFunc("integer", "llList2Integer", "list l", "integer index") newFunc("key", "llList2Key", "list l", "integer index") newFunc("list", "llList2List", "list l", "integer start", "integer End") newFunc("string", "llList2String", "list l", "integer index") newFunc("rotation", "llList2Rotation", "list l", "integer index") newFunc("vector", "llList2Vector", "list l", "integer index") newFunc("integer", "llListFindList", "list l", "list l1") newFunc("list", "llListInsertList", "list l", "list l1", "integer index") newFunc("list", "llListReplaceList", "list l", "list part", "integer start", "integer End") newFunc("list", "llListSort", "list l", "integer stride", "integer ascending") newFunc("list", "llParseString2List", "string In", "list l", "list l1") newFunc("list", "llParseStringKeepNulls", "string In", "list l", "list l1") -- LSL math functions newFunc("rotation", "llEuler2Rot", "vector vec") newFunc("float", "llFrand", "float max") newFunc("float", "llPow", "float number", "float places") newFunc("vector", "llRot2Euler", "rotation rot") newFunc("integer", "llRound", "float number") -- LSL media functions newFunc("", "llPlaySound", "string name", "float volume") -- LSL object / prim functions newFunc("", "llDie") newFunc("key", "llGetKey") newFunc("integer", "llGetLinkNumber") newFunc("string", "llGetObjectDesc") newFunc("string", "llGetObjectName") newFunc("key", "llGetOwner") newFunc("", "llSetObjectDesc", "string text") newFunc("", "llSetObjectName", "string text") newFunc("", "llSetPrimitiveParams", "list params") newFunc("", "llSetSitText", "string text") newFunc("", "llSetText", "string text", "vector colour", "float alpha") newFunc("", "llSitTarget", "vector pos", "rotation rot") -- LSL rotation / scaling / translation functions newFunc("vector", "llGetPos") newFunc("rotation", "llGetRot") newFunc("", "llSetPos", "vector pos") newFunc("", "llSetRot", "rotation rot") newFunc("", "llSetScale", "vector scale") -- LSL script functions newFunc("integer", "llGetFreeMemory") newFunc("string", "llGetScriptName") newFunc("", "llResetOtherScript", "string name") newFunc("", "llResetScript") newFunc("", "llSetScriptState", "string name", "integer running") -- LSL string functions newFunc("string", "llGetSubString", "string text", "integer start", "integer End") newFunc("integer", "llStringLength", "string text") newFunc("string", "llStringTrim", "string text", "integer type") newFunc("integer", "llSubStringIndex", "string text", "string sub") -- LSL texture functions newFunc("float", "llGetAlpha", "integer side") newFunc("", "llSetAlpha", "float alpha", "integer side") newFunc("", "llSetColor", "vector colour", "integer side") -- LSL time functions newFunc("float", "llGetTime") newFunc("", "llResetTime") newFunc("", "llSetTimerEvent", "float seconds") newFunc("float", "llSleep", "float seconds") -- Faked return type, it actually does not return anything. This forces it to wait. Actually fully implements llSleep(). B-) -- TODO - fake this for now. function --[[integer]] LSL.llGetInventoryType(--[[string]] name) return LSL.INVENTORY_SCRIPT end; -- LSL collision / detect / sensor functions function --[[integer]] LSL.llDetectedGroup( --[[integer]] index) return detectedGroups [index + 1] or false end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedGrab( --[[integer]] index) return detectedGrabs [index + 1] or LSL.ZERO_VECTOR end function --[[key]] LSL.llDetectedKey( --[[integer]] index) return detectedKeys [index + 1] or LSL.NULL_KEY end -- LL says "returns empty key" which is "", but LSL Wiki says NULL_KEY function --[[integer]] LSL.llDetectedLinkNumber( --[[integer]] index) return detectedLinkNumbers [index + 1] or 0 end function --[[string]] LSL.llDetectedName( --[[integer]] index) return detectedNames [index + 1] or "" end -- LL says it returns NULL_KEY, LSL Wiki says an empty string. Apparently there used to be an exploit for creating multi kb names, normally they are 255 characters. function --[[key]] LSL.llDetectedOwner( --[[integer]] index) return detectedOwners [index + 1] or LSL.NULL_KEY end -- LL says "returns empty key" which is "", but LSL Wiki says NULL_KEY function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedPos( --[[integer]] index) return detectedPoss [index + 1] or LSL.ZERO_VECTOR end function --[[rotation]] LSL.llDetectedRot( --[[integer]] index) return detectedRots [index + 1] or LSL.ZERO_ROTATION end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedTouchBinormal( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTouchBinormals [index + 1] or LSL.TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR end function --[[integer]] LSL.llDetectedTouchFace( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTouchFaces [index + 1] or LSL.TOUCH_INVALID_FACE end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedTouchNormal( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTouchNormals [index + 1] or LSL.TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedTouchPos( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTouchPoss [index + 1] or LSL.TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedTouchST( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTouchSTs [index + 1] or LSL.TOUCH_INVALID_TEXCOORD end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedTouchUV( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTouchUVs [index + 1] or LSL.TOUCH_INVALID_TEXCOORD end function --[[integer]] LSL.llDetectedType( --[[integer]] index) return detectedTypes [index + 1] or 0 end function --[[vector]] LSL.llDetectedVel( --[[integer]] index) return detectedVels [index + 1] or LSL.ZERO_VECTOR end -- LSL list functions. --function --[[list]] LSL.llCSV2List(--[[string]] text) return {} end; function --[[list]] LSL.llDeleteSubList(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] start,--[[integer]] eNd) local result = {} local x = 1 -- Deal with the impedance mismatch. start = start + 1 eNd = eNd + 1 for i = 1,#l do if i < start then result[x] = l[i]; x = x + 1 elseif i > eNd then result[x] = l[i]; x = x + 1 end end return result end function --[[string]] LSL.llDumpList2String(--[[list]] l, --[[string]] separator) local result = "" for i = 1,#l do if "" ~= result then result = result .. separator end result = result .. l[i] end return result end function --[[integer]] LSL.llGetListLength(--[[list]] l) return #l end function --[[string]] LSL.llList2CSV(--[[list]] l) return LSL.llDumpList2String(l, ",") end function --[[float]] LSL.llList2Float(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] index) local result = tonumber(l[index]) if nil == result then result = 0.0 end return result end function --[[integer]] LSL.llList2Integer(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] index) local result = tonumber(l[index+1]) if nil == result then result = 0 end return result end function --[[key]] LSL.llList2Key(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] index) local result = l[index+1] if result then return "" .. result else return LSL.NULL_KEY end end function --[[list]] LSL.llList2List(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] start,--[[integer]] eNd) local result = {} local x = 1 --[[ TODO - Using negative numbers for start and/or end causes the index to count backwards from the length of the list, so 0, -1 would capture the entire list. If start is larger than end the list returned is the exclusion of the entries, so 6, 4 would give the entire list except for the 5th entry. ]] -- Deal with the impedance mismatch. start = start + 1 eNd = eNd + 1 for i = 1,#l do if i >= start then result[x] = l[i]; x = x + 1 elseif i <= eNd then result[x] = l[i]; x = x + 1 end end return result end function --[[string]] LSL.llList2String(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] index) local result = l[index+1] if result then return "" .. result else return "" end end function --[[rotation]] LSL.llList2Rotation(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] index) local result = l[index+1] if nil == result then result = LSL.ZERO_ROTATION end -- TODO - check if it's not an actual rotation, then return LSS.ZERO_ROTATION return result end function --[[vector]] LSL.llList2Vector(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] index) local result = l[index+1] if nil == result then result = LSL.ZERO_VECTOR end -- TODO - check if it's not an actual rotation, then return LSS.ZERO_VECTOR return result end --function --[[integer]] LSL.llListFindList(--[[list]] l, --[[list]] l1) return 0 end; function --[[list]] LSL.llListInsertList(--[[list]] l, --[[list]] l1,--[[integer]] index) local result = {} local x = 1 local y for i = 1,index do result[x] = l[i] x = x + 1 end y = x for i = 1,#l1 do result[x] = ll[i] x = x + 1 end for i = y,#l do result[x] = l[i] x = x + 1 end return result end function --[[list]] LSL.llListReplaceList(--[[list]] l, --[[list]] part,--[[integer]] start,--[[integer]] eNd) local result = {} local x = 1 local y for i = 1,start+1 do result[x] = l[i] x = x + 1 end for i = 1,#part do result[x] = part[i] x = x + 1 end for i = eNd+1,#l do result[x] = l[i] x = x + 1 end return result end function --[[list]] LSL.llListSort(--[[list]] l,--[[integer]] stride,--[[integer]] ascending) local result = {} local x = 1 -- TODO - Deal with stride and ascending. for i = 1,#l do result[x] = l[i]; x = x + 1 end table.sort(result) return result end function --[[list]] LSL.llParseStringKeepNulls(--[[string]] In, --[[list]] l, --[[list]] l1) local result = {} local temp = {} local len = #l local slen = string.len(In) local b = 1 local c = 1 local lastE = 0 print("LSL.llParseStringKeepNulls(" .. In .. ") " .. #In) for i, v in ipairs(l) do print(" [" .. v .. "]") end print(",") for i, v in ipairs(l1) do print(" {" .. v .. "}") end -- Start scanning at the beginning of the string. repeat local f = {slen, -slen, 0} local t = l -- Search for the first of all the matches. for j = 1, len + #l1 do local k = j if j > len then t = l1; k = j - len end local s, e = string.find(In, t[j], b, true) if s then if s < f[1] then f = {s, e, j} lastE = e end end end -- We found at least one of them, save it. if f[2] > 0 then temp[c] = {b, f[1] - 1} -- Split at and keep spacers. if f[3] > len then c = c + 1 temp[c] = {f[1], f[2]} end c = c + 1 b = f[2] end -- Continue on from the next character, possibly after the match. b = b + 1 until b >= slen -- Save any left over, including the entire string if no matches found. if lastE < slen then temp[c] = {lastE + 1, slen} end -- Sort the findings. table.sort(temp, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) -- Construct the result. for i, v in ipairs(temp) do result[i] = string.sub(In, v[1], v[2]) end print("RESULT = ") for i, v in ipairs(result) do print(" {" .. v .. "}") end return result end function --[[list]] LSL.llParseString2List(--[[string]] In, --[[list]] l, --[[list]] l1) local temp = LSL.llParseStringKeepNulls(--[[string]] In, --[[list]] l, --[[list]] l1) local result = {} local c = 1 -- Strip out the NULLS. for i, v in ipairs(temp) do if "" ~= v then result[c] = v c = c + 1 end end print("RESULT SANS NULLS = ") for i, v in ipairs(result) do print(" {" .. v .. "}") end return result end -- LSL script functions function --[[string]] LSL.llGetScriptName() return scriptName end -- LSL string functions function --[[string]] LSL.llGetSubString(--[[string]] text, --[[integer]] start, --[[integer]] End) -- Deal with the impedance mismatch. if 0 <= start then start = start + 1 end if 0 <= End then End = End + 1 end -- TODO - If start is larger than end the substring is the exclusion of the entries, so 6,4 would give the entire string except for the 5th character. return string.sub(text, start, End) end function --[[integer]] LSL.llSubStringIndex(--[[string]] text, --[[string]] sub) local start, End = string.find(text, sub, 1, true) if nil == start then return -1 else return start - 1 end end function LSL.llStringTrim(--[[string]] text, --[[integer]] Type) -- Trims spaces (ASCII 32), tabs (ASCII 9) '\t', and new lines (ASCII 10) '\n' -- Lua doesn't document what it considers to be "space characters" if (Type == LSL.STRING_TRIM_HEAD) or (Type == LSL.STRING_TRIM) then text = string.gsub(text, '^%s*(.*)', '%1') end if (Type == LSL.STRING_TRIM_TAIL) or (Type == LSL.STRING_TRIM) then text = string.gsub(text, '(.-)%s*$', '%1') end return text end -- Crements stuff. function LSL.preDecrement(name) _G[name] = _G[name] - 1; return _G[name]; end; function LSL.preIncrement(name) _G[name] = _G[name] + 1; return _G[name]; end; function LSL.postDecrement(name) local temp = _G[name]; _G[name] = _G[name] - 1; return temp; end; function LSL.postIncrement(name) local temp = _G[name]; _G[name] = _G[name] + 1; return temp; end; -- State stuff function LSL.stateChange(x) if currentState ~= x then -- Changing to the same state is a NOP. -- TODO - Should clear out pending events, except timer() -- Also forget about any event setup that needs setting up via some ll*() function, except timer(). if nil ~= currentState.state_exit then currentState.state_exit(); end -- msg("LSL.Lua: State change on " .. scriptName) currentState = x; --[[ Never return to the current states event handler. In theory. lol Notably, it's not actually legal to do a state change from a function, only from handlers. There is a hack though, but it's unsupported, so I don't have to worry about it so much. Write out "state new;" as "return _LSL.stateChange(newState);", with stateChange() returning new.state_entry()) which will force two tail calls. The caller of stateChange() might be a function rather than an event handler. Which will return to the event handler (possibly via other nested function calls) as if the state never changed. http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=FunctionStateChangeHack seems to imply that this is exactly what LSL does. Soooo, this might actually work perfectly. Except for one minor quirk, as that page shows - only the top level function's state sticks, unless the handler does one to, then the handlers one overrides things. Which I can probably ignore anyway, as this entire calling states within functions thing is an unsupported hack. ]] if nil ~= currentState.state_entry then return currentState.state_entry(); end end end; function LSL.mainLoop(sid, name, x) local status, errorMsg local result SID = sid scriptName = name -- LSL.EOF = "\n\n\n" -- Fix this up now. LSL.EOF = "EndOfFuckingAround" -- Fix this up now. LSL.stateChange(x); waitAndProcess(false) -- msg("LSL.Lua: Script quitting " .. scriptName) end function waitAndProcess(returnWanted) local Type = "event" if returnWanted then Type = "result" end while running do local message = luaproc.receive(SID) if message then -- TODO - should we be discarding return values while paused? I don't think so, so we need to process those, if paused then if "start()" == message then paused = false end else local result, errorMsg = loadstring(message) -- "The environment of the returned function is the global environment." Though normally, a function inherits it's environment from the function creating it. Which is what we want. lol if nil == result then msg("Not a valid " .. Type .. ": " .. message .. " ERROR MESSAGE: " .. errorMsg) else -- Set the functions environment to ours, for the protection of the script, coz loadstring sets it to the global environment instead. -- TODO - On the other hand, we will need the global environment when we call event handlers. So we should probably stash it around here somewhere. -- Meh, seems to be working fine as it is. Or not. setfenv(result, getfenv(1)) local status, result1 = pcall(result) if not status then msg("Error from " .. Type .. ": " .. message .. " ERROR MESSAGE: " .. result1) elseif result1 then -- Check if we are waiting for a return, and got it. if returnWanted and string.match(message, "^return ") then -- print("RETURNING " .. result1) return result1 end -- Otherwise, just run it and keep looping. -- TODO - Not sure why I had this here. "sid" is not set anywhere, and SID would just send it to ourselves. -- status, errorMsg = luaproc.send(sid, result1) -- if not status then -- msg("Error sending results from " .. Type .. ": " .. message .. " ERROR MESSAGE: " .. errorMsg) -- end end end end end end end -- Typecasting stuff. function LSL.floatTypecast(x) local temp = tonumber(x) if nil == temp then temp = 0 end return temp; end function LSL.integerTypecast(x) local temp = tonumber(x) if nil == temp then temp = 0 end return temp; end function LSL.keyTypecast(x) return "" .. x; end function LSL.listTypecast(x) return {x}; end function LSL.rotationTypecast(x) return x; end function LSL.stringTypecast(x) return "" .. x; end function LSL.vectorTypecast(x) return x; end -- Called at compiler set up time, to produce the constants.lsl file. function LSL.gimmeLSL() for i, v in ipairs(constants) do local value = LSL[v.name] print(v.Type .. " " .. v.name .. " = " .. value2string(value, v.Type) .. ";") end for k in pairs(functions) do local v = functions[k] if nil == v.args then print(v.Type .. " " .. k .. "(){}") else print(v.Type .. " " .. k .. "(" .. args2string(false, unpack(v.args)) .. "){}") end end end -- Misc support functions. function LSL.listAddList(a, b) local i = 1 local result = {} for j, v in ipairs(a) do i = i + 1 table.insert(result, i, v) end for j, v in ipairs(b) do i = i + 1 table.insert(result, i, v) end return result; end function LSL.listAdd(a, b) local i = 1 local result = {} for j, v in ipairs(a) do i = i + 1 table.insert(result, i, v) end table.insert(result, i, b) return result; end function LSL.listConcat(a, b) local i = table.maxn(a) local result = a table.insert(result, i + 1, b) return result; end -- Lua really hates 0, it's not false, and it can't be a table index. function LSL.toBool(x) local v = x local t = type(v) if 'boolean' == t then return v end if 'number' == t then return (v ~= 0) end if 'nil' == t then return false end -- Is an empty string, empty list, zero vector/rotation false? Fucked if I know. return true end return LSL;