Love makes the world go around. Though in this case, it's the name of the world server, the module that directly controls what happens to the content of the virtual world. The love world server that deals with changing the world. It manages the on disk representation of the world, and lets others screw with it via nails pumps. Love also sends nails events on changes. World server vs local world. ---------------------------- Extantz defaults to running a local world at start up. Lspace serves the content for a networked world. They may be the same world if the local world is also networked. Nails pumps commands to and from the world. Lspace just serves the results as a web server. The love world server changes on disk content, Lspace checks on disk modified time stamps to deal with "do you have a newer version" HTTP requests. Standard web server stuff really, though a mod_nails might be useful to catch events in order to invalidate any internal web caches. For networked worlds, Extantz fetches new content from Lspace, and hooks up to the nails pump of the love server for changes. For local worlds, extantz would basically BE the world server? No, that duplicates things, it can just run a local love server, then connect to it like every one else. No need to connect to a local Lspace server, just deal with the file system direct. The local love server would be configured to listen on, and/or the outside IP address. Extantz checks to see if there's one running on first before starting one if needed. Separate vs combined. --------------------- There's two ways of doing this. The world server could be part of Lspace, or they could be separate modules. What we really have is a web server, backing store, and command pump. The command pump is nails, and should be a library that is shared, since both ends of the protocol would be needed by most modules. Combined might be useful to conserve resources. They both need to deal with the contents of the world. Lspace just serves it to the outside world via HTTP, but needs to track changes. Love makes those changes, and also sends changes via nails to every one. Keeping the current working set in memory only once saves a lot of memory. The down sides of combined is that one might bog down the other, and it gets harder to use standard web servers. Separated is good coz Lspace might just be any ordinary web server. They already have mechanisms in place to serve dynamic data, and even deal with changes to the files. The down side of separated is that changes might be slower propogating to the web server, and there might be two copies of any given set of assets in memory at once. A third option is to be separated, but any given web server could have a mod_love type module written for it. This could share memory with the love server process. So tighter integration is an option, but they can work apart. Changes happen in this shared memory, driven by the command pump in the love server. Lspace just needs read access, and just serves the current state of the world. Love server persists to disk when it's ready to, though the shared memory can just be memory mapped files.