Refer to - LuaSL is a Lua based LSL scripting engine that will aim for LSL compatability first, then adding Lua extensions. It aims to replace the woeful XEngine from OpenSim, and at a later stage, be the basis for a client side scripting engine. To compile this, you will need Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) installed in either /opt/e17 or /usr. These are typical places it get's installed in. You will also need flex. The rest of the dependencies are in the ../libraries directory. Design. ------- The basic design will be made up as I go along, but so far I have this - A parser parses an LSL script, validating it and reporting errors. A translator takes the result of the parse, and converts it into Lua source. Each LSL script becomes a Lua state. LSL states are handled as Lua tables, with each LSL state function being a table function in a common metatable. LL and OS functions are likely to be C or Lua functions. Careful testing should be done with LuaJIT FFI, sandboxing, and performance testing. The Lua source is compiled by the Lua compiler. LuaJIT is used as the Lua compiler, library, and runtime. Luaproc is used to start up operating system threads and hand Lua states between them. Luaproc messaging is also being used, but might need to change to edje messaging. Note - luaproc has been extensively rewritten for this project, mostly converting it to use EFL. That rewrite substantially shrunk the source code. More might be rewritten in future. THIS IS WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW. Nails will be used to pump commands in and out of the LuaSL system. Incoming commands invoke LSL events via the LuaSL state metatable. LL and OS functions that impact the world will be converted to nails commands sent to the command pump. Initialy, since this is the first thing being written, a nails command pump client needs to be installed into OpenSim's C# stuff. Though it might be possible to talk directly to ROBUST instead. Think I'll try the ROBUST route, see how far I can get. That's the general principle applying in all of this - try to avoid C# and see how for we can get. lol On the other hand, might be better to leverage the existing C# implementations of LSL functions, just to get things up and running quickly. To that end, a protocol involving exchanging snippets of Lua over a network socket has been developed, and the next step is to write the C# side. sigh A watchdog thread should be used to make sure no LuaSL script spends forever processing any event. Some form of serialization will need to be created for saving script state during shutdowns, passing script state to other threads / processes / computers. Apparently Lua is good at this. There will have to be a MySQL (and maybe SQLite) client in the system, so we can talk directly to the local sim database. Esskyuehl may be suitable, though it's still in the prototype stage. Email, HTTP, and XML-RPC might need to be dealt with by us. A ROBUST client will be needed to. Azy might be suitable, but it's also in prototype. An object is a file system directory, full of LSL scripts as text files, notecards as text files, animations as BVH (or later BVJ) files, etc. There will be some sort of metadata in place. This could be created by our own OpenSim compatible cache module. Test harness. ------------- I'll build a test harness. It will be based on EFL Edje Lua, with buttons for triggering LSL events, SL style dialogs, and other goodies. The initial goal will be to run standard MLP scripts. They have minimal interface to the world, and exercise quite a bit of the rest of LSL. They are also quite common, and sometimes responsible for a lot of the script running load. Later I should add stock standard OpenCollar scripts from SL. They are a bitch to get working under OpenSim, so would be good compatability tests. Various eina logging domains might be used to handle whisper, say, shout, etc. Performance testing will have to be done on 5000 scripts, to see how that compares against XEngine. The next goal. -------------- The next goal is to support llDialog() in extantz. Extantz has enough GUI infrastructure now to support a window with a bunch of buttons. LuaLSL has always used MLP as the test scripts, which in turn reads some note cards and pops up llDialog to suit. I think I have enough bits to get this all linked up, or at least start to, and see what missing bits there are. Just off the top of my head - ----------------------------- MLP uses llGetInventory*() functions to find out what note cards are in the objects inventory. Then uses llGetNotecardLine() to read the notecards. In response, the server sends dataserver events with each line, and the system loops until all lines are read. MLP sets up a listener with llListen(), then uses llDialog() to send a "menu" to the client. The client sends a channel message back to the server when the user makes a choice. These go to the listen event. In "reality" - -------------- LuaSL starts up opens an Ecore_Con TCP server at sets up the compiler starts luaproc worker thread system waits for input compile() -> compile the script, report warnings and errors run() -> create new Lua state, put it on the worker queue exit() -> shutdown * -> send to SID Lua state LuaSL_test starts up connects to LuaSL server loops through Test sim/objects looking for *.lsl generates random SID sends "SID compile file.lsl" to LuaSL deal with returned results PW warnings PE errors if compiled send "SID run()" to LuaSL for various llGet*() functions, return random data to LuaSL This includes the llGetInventory*() functions mentioned above. waits for a few seconds sends pretend touch events to LuaSL sends quit() to LuaSL sends exit() to LuaSL Test sim/objects onefangs test bed the usual MLP style scripts .MENUITEMS .POSITIONS ball object MLP ~run llSay() to balls telling left over ones to die llGetOwner() loop through an internal list of script names llGetInventoryType() to check if they are there and are scripts. llSetScriptState() to stop them llResetOtherScript() llOwnerSay() to let owner know MLP is turned off touch_start() llDetectedKey() to check if it's the owner (current version of MLP doesn't do this) switch to run state run state loop through scripts again, turning them on this time. ~memory llGetInventoryNumber() to count the notecards llGetInventoryName() to find .POSITIONS cards llGetNoteCardLine() dataserver() llGetNoteCardLine() change to state on when finished on state llMessageLinked() link_message() llWhisper() ~menucfg Same as ~memory. llGetScriptName() llGetFreeMemory() ~menu llSetTimerEvent() - NOTE doesn't actually setup a timer in the default state. llSleep() link_message() llGetLinkNumber() switch to state on on state llGetKey() to figure out it's channel llListen() listen() llSameGroup() llDialog() llResetTime() link_message() touch_start() llDetectedKey() llDetectedGroup() timer() Not to mention copius use of list and string functions. LSL.Lua All event stuff is hooked up. events.detected*(list) is all hooked up to save the list in detected* tables. llDetected*() functions return those tables. copius list functions implemented, though there's a TODO about negative indexes. Dunno which ones are missing. String functions implemented. Actually only llGetSubString() and llSubStringIndex() llGetScriptName() implemented. State changes implemented, with a TODO about clearing out pending events. Not implemented (? means I think it's implemented in scriptSendBack) - llSay + friends, including llOwnerSay(). llGetOwner() llGetInventory*() llGetInventoryType() faked to just return script. ? llSetScriptState() and llResetOtherScript() llResetTime() llGetNoteCardLine() llMessageLinked() llGetFreeMemory() ? llSleep() - sorta, not sure how the comment there makes sense. lol ? llSetTimerEvent() llGetLinkNumber() llGetKey() llDialog() llListen() llSameGroup() Uses newFunc() to create all the LSL functions. If there is no return type then sends function and arguments to LuaSL's client. If there is a return type then sends function and arguments to LuaSL"s client, then waits for the response. response should be a Lua value as a string. It gets pcall()'d If we implement a function ourselves, then we override the newFunc created definition with our own function. Uses waitAndProcess() as the main loop, or to wait for responses. Which just runs what ever Lua strings are sent to us from the LuaSL client, unless it's waiting for a response above. What needs to be done - ----------------------- Extantz fires up love, which in turn fires up LuaSL. Love then basically does what LuaSL_test does, sending it scripts to compile and run from test sim/objects. Except for the timed fake events. Respond to llSay() and friends by putting them in purkle's history box. With time stamps. SID.llSay(123, "foo") LuaSL -> love -> extantz Generate touch events when user touchs the 3D cube. It will pretend to be the "onefang's test bed" object. Fake up llDetected* stuff.*(USER_UUID) extantz -> love -> LuaSL Fake llGetOwner(), llGetFreeMemory(), and llSameGroup(). LuaSL -> love -> LuaSL Fake llGetLinkNumber() and llGetKey()? LuaSL -> love -> LuaSL Implement llGetInventory*() by actually looking at the files in the "object". While we could hard code where the "object" is, since we are starting the run ourselves, we can track which object the scripts are in. Again, this should be in the love server part. LuaSL -> love -> LuaSL Implement llSetScriptState() and friends. Perhaps they should be implemented in LuaSL? Though they need to know what other scripts are in the "object", so perhaps not? Do them in love for now. LuaSL (maybe with a round trip to love as well) Implement llSleep(), llSetTimerEvent, and generate timer() events. LuaSL only. Implement llGetNotecardLine() and generate dataserver() events. LuaSL -> love Implement llMessageLink() and generate link_message() events. LuaSL (maybe with a round trip to love as well) Implement llListen(), llDialog() and generate listen() events. SID.llDialog(USER_UUID, "My menu", arseBackwardsMenuList, 456) USER_UUID.llRegionSay(456, "button text") LuaSL -> love -> extantz -> love -> LuaSL