One idea I had, though this will only work if the stars align, is to use my toybox editor to edit scripts. This saves effort, and results in a more user friendly editor, since people can pick their preferred editor style. The theory is that I'm writing a generic editor for toybox, and it needs to A) emulate a few popular historic editors like vi, emacs, nano, and mcedit. B) gradually morph into a half decent source code editor. Since I basically would have to do B) for extantz anyway, might as well just write it once and use it twice. As a bonus you get a shell in world, with toybox commands, and could also run a Lua interpreter in it. Aligning stars might mean something like this - Rasters terminology is available as a widget that edje can swallow. An edje swallowed terminology can run a given command, then go away once the command finishes. Naturally that command could be "vi script.lsl", "lua", or even "toybox sh". Toybox and terminology works under cygwin and Mac OS X. Rob pulls his finger out and starts putting my editting stuff in toybox so I can progress with this.