orig-5.1.3 This is a straightforward port of the Lua 5.1.3 front end (lexical analyzer, parser, code generator, binary chunk dumper.) The front end files are: lopcodes.lua opcode definition lzio.lua input streams llex.lua lexical analyzer lparser.lua parser lcode.lua code generator ldump.lua binary chunk dumper Status: operational, passes all current tests (non-exhaustive) Major test scripts are: test/test_llex.lua exercises test cases test/test_lparser2.lua exercises test cases luac.lua is a clone of Lua 5.1.3's luac.lua, except that it generates a binary chunk using Yueliang's front end implementation. See the README file in orig-5.0.3 for a discussion. The following is some performance data. Note that absolutely nothing has been done to optimize the code; it is meant to mirror the original C as an educational tool. lzio llex TOTAL Speed (1) (bytes) (bytes) (bytes) (KB/s) ---------------------------------------------- (in orig-5.0.3:) ---------------------------------------------- normal 2219 12639 14585 404.9 stripped 1292 7618 8910 ---------------------------------------------- (in orig-5.0.3:) ---------------------------------------------- normal - - - 389.7 stripped - - - ---------------------------------------------- (1) Speed was benchmarked using a Sempron 3000+. Benchmark scripts are in the test directories. Best of first three figures quoted. This is a measurement of raw lexer speed, i.e. tokens are read but no processing is done. All files are read in entirely before running the lexer. For Lua 5.1.1, see Yueliang 0.2.1, which was the last release of Lua 5.1.1 material. For Lua 5.1.2, see Yueliang 0.2.2, which was the last release of Lua 5.1.2 material.