-- start of log -- luaY:parser (table,table) { luaY:open_func (table,table) { luaY:newproto (table) { } luaY:newproto = table } luaY:open_func luaY:next (table) { luaX:lex (table,table) { } luaX:lex = 'TK_LOCAL' } luaY:next luaY:chunk (table) { luaY:enterlevel (table) { } luaY:enterlevel luaY:block_follow ('TK_LOCAL') { } luaY:block_follow = false luaY:statement (table) { luaY:next (table) { luaX:lex (table,table) { } luaX:lex = 'TK_NAME' } luaY:next luaY:testnext (table,'TK_FUNCTION') { } luaY:testnext = false luaY:localstat (table) { luaY:str_checkname (table) { luaY:check_condition (table,true,' expected') { } luaY:check_condition luaY:next (table) { luaX:lex (table,table) { } luaX:lex = '=' } luaY:next } luaY:str_checkname = 'a' luaY:new_localvar (table,'a',0) { luaY:registerlocalvar (table,'a') { luaY:growvector (table,table,0,0) { } luaY:growvector } luaY:registerlocalvar = 0 } luaY:new_localvar luaY:testnext (table,',') { } luaY:testnext = false luaY:testnext (table,'=') { luaY:next (table) { luaX:lex (table,table) { } luaX:lex = 'TK_NUMBER' } luaY:next } luaY:testnext = true luaY:explist1 (table,table) { luaY:expr (table,table) { luaY:subexpr (table,table,-1) { luaY:enterlevel (table) { } luaY:enterlevel luaY:getunopr ('TK_NUMBER') { } luaY:getunopr = 'OPR_NOUNOPR' luaY:simpleexp (table,table) { luaK:numberK (table,1) { luaK:setnvalue (table,1) { } luaK:setnvalue luaK:addk (table,table,table) { luaK:ttisnumber ) { } luaK:ttisnumber = false luaY:growvector (table,table,0,0) { } luaY:growvector luaK:setnvalue (table,0) { } luaK:setnvalue } luaK:addk = 0 } luaK:numberK = 0 luaY:init_exp (table,'VK',0) { } luaY:init_exp luaY:next (table) { luaX:lex (table,table) { } luaX:lex = 'TK_EOS' } luaY:next } luaY:simpleexp luaY:getbinopr ('TK_EOS') { } luaY:getbinopr = 'OPR_NOBINOPR' luaY:leavelevel (table) { } luaY:leavelevel } luaY:subexpr = 'OPR_NOBINOPR' } luaY:expr luaY:testnext (table,',') { } luaY:testnext = false } luaY:explist1 = 1 luaY:adjust_assign (table,1,1,table) { luaK:exp2nextreg (table,table) { luaK:dischargevars (table,table) { } luaK:dischargevars luaK:freeexp (table,table) { } luaK:freeexp luaK:reserveregs (table,1) { luaK:checkstack (table,1) { } luaK:checkstack } luaK:reserveregs luaK:exp2reg (table,table,0) { luaK:discharge2reg (table,table,0) { luaK:dischargevars (table,table) { } luaK:dischargevars luaK:codeABx (table,'OP_LOADK',0,0) { luaK:code (table,table,1) { luaK:dischargejpc (table) { luaK:patchlistaux (table,-1,0,255,0,255,0) { } luaK:patchlistaux } luaK:dischargejpc luaY:growvector (table,table,0,0) { } luaY:growvector luaY:growvector (table,table,0,0) { } luaY:growvector } luaK:code = 0 } luaK:codeABx = 0 } luaK:discharge2reg luaK:hasjumps (table) { } luaK:hasjumps = false } luaK:exp2reg } luaK:exp2nextreg } luaY:adjust_assign luaY:adjustlocalvars (table,1) { luaY:getlocvar (table,0) { } luaY:getlocvar = table } luaY:adjustlocalvars } luaY:localstat } luaY:statement = false luaY:testnext (table,';') { } luaY:testnext = false luaY:block_follow ('TK_EOS') { } luaY:block_follow = true luaY:leavelevel (table) { } luaY:leavelevel } luaY:chunk luaY:check_condition (table,true,' expected') { } luaY:check_condition luaY:close_func (table) { luaY:removevars (table,0) { luaY:getlocvar (table,0) { } luaY:getlocvar = table } luaY:removevars luaK:codeABC (table,'OP_RETURN',0,1,0) { luaK:code (table,table,1) { luaK:dischargejpc (table) { luaK:patchlistaux (table,-1,1,255,1,255,1) { } luaK:patchlistaux } luaK:dischargejpc luaY:growvector (table,table,1,0) { } luaY:growvector luaY:growvector (table,table,1,0) { } luaY:growvector } luaK:code = 1 } luaK:codeABC = 1 } luaY:close_func } luaY:parser = table -- end of log --