--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------- bench_llex.lua Benchmark test for llex.lua This file is part of Yueliang. Copyright (c) 2006 Kein-Hong Man The COPYRIGHT file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. See the ChangeLog for more information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------]] require("../lzio") require("../llex") luaX:init() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- load in a standard set of sample files -- * file set is 5.0.3 front end set sans luac.lua ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local fileset, totalsize = {}, 0 for fn in string.gfind([[ ../lcode.lua ../ldump.lua ../llex.lua ../lopcodes.lua ../lparser.lua ../lzio.lua ]], "%S+") do table.insert(fileset, fn) end for i = 1, table.getn(fileset) do local fn = fileset[i] local inf = io.open(fn, "rb") if not inf then error("failed to open "..fn.." for reading") end local data = inf:read("*a") local data_sz = string.len(data) inf:close() if not data or data_sz == 0 then error("failed to read data from "..fn.." or file is zero-length") end totalsize = totalsize + data_sz fileset[i] = data end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- benchmark tester ------------------------------------------------------------------------ local DURATION = 5 -- how long the benchmark should run local L = {} -- LuaState local LS = {} -- LexState local time = os.time local lexedsize = 0 local tnow, elapsed = time(), 0 while time() == tnow do end -- wait for second to click over tnow = time() while true do for i = 1, table.getn(fileset) do ------------------------------------------------------------ local chunk = fileset[i] local z = luaZ:init(luaZ:make_getS(chunk), nil, "=string") luaX:setinput(L, LS, z, z.name) while true do LS.t.token = luaX:lex(LS, LS.t) local tok, seminfo = LS.t.token, LS.t.seminfo if tok == "TK_EOS" then break end end ------------------------------------------------------------ lexedsize = lexedsize + string.len(chunk) if time() > tnow then tnow = time() elapsed = elapsed + 1 if elapsed >= DURATION then -- report performance of lexer lexedsize = lexedsize / 1024 local speed = lexedsize / DURATION print("Lexer performance:") print("Size of data lexed (KB): "..string.format("%.1f", lexedsize)) print("Speed of lexer (KB/s): "..string.format("%.1f", speed)) -- repeat until user breaks program elapsed = 0 end end ------------------------------------------------------------ end--for end--while -- end of script