/* * TypeParser.h * Definition of the structure used internally by the parser and lexer * to exchange data. */ #ifndef __TYPE_PARSER_H__ #define __TYPE_PARSER_H__ #include "LuaSL_LSL_tree.h" /** * @brief The structure used by flex and bison */ typedef union tagTypeParser { SExpression *expression; int value; int ival; float fval; char *sval; // class LLScriptType *type; // class LLScriptConstant *constant; // class LLScriptIdentifier *identifier; // class LLScriptSimpleAssignable *assignable; // class LLScriptGlobalVariable *global; // class LLScriptEvent *event; // class LLScriptEventHandler *handler; // class LLScriptExpression *expression; // class LLScriptStatement *statement; // class LLScriptGlobalFunctions *global_funcs; // class LLScriptFunctionDec *global_decl; // class LLScriptState *state; // class LLScritpGlobalStorage *global_store; // class LLScriptScript *script; }STypeParser; // define the type for flex and bison #define YYSTYPE STypeParser int yyerror(const char *msg); #endif // __TYPE_PARSER_H__