%{ #define excludeLexer #include "LuaSL_LSL_tree.h" #include int common(YYSTYPE *lval, char *text, LuaSL_yyparseExtra *extra, boolean checkIgnorable, int type); %} %option reentrant never-interactive batch %option bison-bridge yylineno 8bit %option noreject noyymore %option backup debug perf-report perf-report verbose warn %option align full %option extra-type="LuaSL_yyparseExtra *" HEX [[:xdigit:]] INTEGER [[:digit:]]+ EXPONANT [eE][+-]?{INTEGER} FLOAT {INTEGER}("."{INTEGER})?{EXPONANT}? CHAR '(\\.|[^\\'\n])+' STRING \"(\\.|[^\\"\n])*\" IDENTIFIER [[:alpha:]](_|[[:alpha:]]|[[:digit:]])* %% /* The order here is important, in mysterious ways. The more specific the lower in case of ambiguities like "floats contain integers". I think, not tested that well yet. */ /* Ignorables. */ [[:space:]]+ %{ common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, FALSE, LSL_SPACE); %} /* Yes I know this will have problems with huge comments, just being simple to get it to work for now. */ "/*"([^"*/"]*)"*/" %{ common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, FALSE, LSL_COMMENT); %} "//"[^\n]* %{ common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, FALSE, LSL_COMMENT_LINE); %} /* Operations. */ "&&" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BOOL_AND); } "||" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BOOL_OR); } "|" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BIT_OR); } "^" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BIT_XOR); } "&" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BIT_AND); } "!=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_NOT_EQUAL); } "==" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_EQUAL); } ">=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_GREATER_EQUAL); } "<=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_LESS_EQUAL); } ">" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_GREATER_THAN); } "<" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_LESS_THAN); } ">>" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_RIGHT_SHIFT); } "<<" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_LEFT_SHIFT); } "+" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ADD); } "-" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_SUBTRACT); } "*" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_MULTIPLY); } "%" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_MODULO); } "/" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_DIVIDE); } "!" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BOOL_NOT); } "~" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BIT_NOT); } "[" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BRACKET_OPEN); } "]" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BRACKET_CLOSE); } "(" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN); } ")" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE); } "+=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ASSIGNMENT_ADD); } "-=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ASSIGNMENT_SUBTRACT); } "*=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ASSIGNMENT_MULTIPLY); } "%=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ASSIGNMENT_MODULO); } "/=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ASSIGNMENT_DIVIDE); } "=" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ASSIGNMENT_PLAIN); } "." { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_DOT); } "--" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_DECREMENT_PRE); } "++" { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_INCREMENT_PRE); } "," { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_COMMA); } /* Types. */ {INTEGER} %{ yylval->value.integerValue = atoi(yytext); return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_INTEGER); %} {FLOAT} %{ yylval->value.floatValue = atof(yytext); return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_FLOAT); %} /* Type keywords. */ "float" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_FLOAT); %} "integer" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_INTEGER); %} "key" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_KEY); %} "list" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_LIST); %} "quaternion" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_ROTATION); %} "rotation" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_ROTATION); %} "string" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_STRING); %} "vector" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_TYPE_VECTOR); %} /* Statement keywords. */ "do" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_DO); %} "for" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_FOR); %} "else" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_ELSE); %} "if" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_IF); %} "jump" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_JUMP); %} "return" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_RETURN); %} "state" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_STATE_CHANGE); %} "while" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_WHILE); %} {IDENTIFIER} %{ /* yylval->value.identifierValue = strdup(yytext); */ common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_IDENTIFIER); %} /* Other symbols. */ "@" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_LABEL); %} "{" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BLOCK_OPEN); %} "}" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_BLOCK_CLOSE); %} ";" %{ return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_STATEMENT); %} <> { return common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_SCRIPT); } /* Everything else */ . %{ printf(" unexpected character.\n"); yylval->value.unknownValue = strdup(yytext); common(yylval, yytext, yyextra, TRUE, LSL_UNKNOWN); %} %% int common(YYSTYPE *lval, char *text, LuaSL_yyparseExtra *extra, boolean checkIgnorable, int type) { int i; for (i = 0; text[i] != '\0'; i++) if (text[i] == '\n') { extra->column = 0; extra->line++; } else if (text[i] == '\t') extra->column += 8 - (extra->column % 8); else extra->column++; lval->token = tokens[type - lowestToken]; lval->line = extra->line; lval->column = extra->column; if (checkIgnorable) { lval->ignorableText = extra->ignorableText; extra->ignorableText = NULL; } else { if (extra->ignorableText) { int lenI = strlen(extra->ignorableText); int lenT = strlen(text); extra->ignorableText = realloc(extra->ignorableText, lenI + lenT + 1); sprintf(&(extra->ignorableText[lenI]), "%s", text); } else extra->ignorableText = strdup(text); } return type; } int yywrap(yyscan_t yyscanner) { #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER #ifndef LL_WINDOWS // Get gcc to stop complaining about lack of use of yyunput and input. (void) yyunput; (void) input; #endif #endif // TODO - If we are getting files from stdin, or multiple -f arguments, we should loop through them and return 0. Return 1 when there are no more files. return(1); }