%{ #define excludeLexer #include "LuaSL_LSL_tree.h" %} %option reentrant noyywrap never-interactive nounistd %option bison-bridge SPACE [ \r\n\t]* NUMBER [0-9]+ NAME [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* %% {SPACE} { /* Skip blanks. */ } {NUMBER} { yylval->integerValue = atoi(yytext); return LSL_INTEGER; } {NAME} { /* yylval->nameValue=strdup(yytext); return LSL_NAME; */ } "*" { return LSL_MULTIPLY; } "+" { return LSL_ADD; } "(" { return LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN; } ")" { return LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE; } . { /* This should return an "unknown character" error */ } %% int XXyywrap() { #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER #ifndef LL_WINDOWS // get gcc to stop complaining about lack of use of yyunput (void) yyunput; (void) input; #endif #endif return(1); }