%include { #include "LuaSL.h" } %extra_argument {LuaSL_compiler *compiler} %stack_size 1024 %token_type {LSL_Leaf *} %default_type {LSL_Leaf *} %token_destructor {burnLeaf($$);} %default_destructor {burnLeaf($$);} // The start symbol, just coz we need one. // Lemon does not like the start symbol to be on the RHS, so give it a dummy start symbol. program ::= script LSL_SCRIPT(A). { if (NULL != A) A->left = compiler->ast; compiler->ast = A; } // Various forms of "space". The lexer takes care of them for us. %nonassoc LSL_SPACE LSL_COMMENT LSL_COMMENT_LINE LSL_UNKNOWN. // Basic script structure. %nonassoc LSL_SCRIPT. script ::= script state(A). { if (NULL != A) A->left = compiler->ast; compiler->ast = A; } script ::= script function(A). { if (NULL != A) A->left = compiler->ast; compiler->ast = A; } script ::= script statement(A). { if (NULL != A) A->left = compiler->ast; compiler->ast = A; } script ::= . // State definitions. %nonassoc LSL_BLOCK_OPEN LSL_BLOCK_CLOSE LSL_STATE. stateBlock ::= LSL_BLOCK_OPEN functionList LSL_BLOCK_CLOSE. state(S) ::= LSL_IDENTIFIER(I) stateBlock(B). { S = addState(compiler, I, B); } // Function definitions. %nonassoc LSL_PARAMETER LSL_PARAMETER_LIST LSL_FUNCTION. functionList ::= functionList function. functionList ::= . parameterList(A) ::= parameterList(B) LSL_COMMA(C) parameter(D). { A = collectParameters(B, C, D); } parameterList(A) ::= parameter(D). { A = collectParameters(NULL, NULL, D); } parameterList(A) ::= . { A = collectParameters(NULL, NULL, NULL); } parameter(A) ::= type(B) LSL_IDENTIFIER(C). { A = addParameter(B, C); } // Causes a conflict when it's an empty parameterList with calling the same type of function. function(A) ::= LSL_IDENTIFIER(C) LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN(D) parameterList(E) LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE(F) funcBlock(G). { A = addFunction(NULL, C, D, E, F, G); } function(A) ::= type(B) LSL_IDENTIFIER(C) LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN(D) parameterList(E) LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE(F) funcBlock(G). { A = addFunction(B, C, D, E, F, G); } // Blocks. block(A) ::= funcBlock(B). { A = B; } block(A) ::= statement(B). { A = B; } funcBlock ::= LSL_BLOCK_OPEN statementList LSL_BLOCK_CLOSE. // Various forms of statement. %nonassoc LSL_STATEMENT. statementList ::= statementList statement. statementList ::= . %nonassoc LSL_DO LSL_FOR LSL_ELSE_IF LSL_IF LSL_JUMP LSL_RETURN LSL_STATE_CHANGE LSL_WHILE. %nonassoc LSL_ELSE. statement ::= LSL_DO block LSL_WHILE LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN expr LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE LSL_STATEMENT. statement ::= LSL_FOR LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN expr LSL_STATEMENT expr LSL_STATEMENT expr LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE block. ifBlock ::= ifBlock LSL_ELSE block. ifBlock ::= block. // The [LSL_ELSE] part causes a conflict. statement ::= LSL_IF LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN expr LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE ifBlock. [LSL_ELSE] statement ::= LSL_JUMP LSL_IDENTIFIER LSL_STATEMENT. statement ::= LSL_RETURN expr LSL_STATEMENT. statement ::= LSL_RETURN LSL_STATEMENT. statement ::= LSL_STATE_CHANGE LSL_IDENTIFIER LSL_STATEMENT. statement ::= LSL_WHILE LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN expr LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE block. %nonassoc LSL_LABEL. statement ::= LSL_LABEL LSL_IDENTIFIER LSL_STATEMENT. // This might be bogus, or might be valid LSL, but it let us test the expression parser by evaluating them. statement(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_STATEMENT(D). { A = addStatement(D, LSL_EXPRESSION, B); } // Various forms of expression. exprList ::= exprList LSL_COMMA expr. exprList ::= expr. exprList ::= . %right LSL_BOOL_AND. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_BOOL_AND(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %right LSL_BOOL_OR. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_BOOL_OR(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %left LSL_BIT_AND LSL_BIT_XOR LSL_BIT_OR. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_BIT_OR(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_BIT_XOR(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_BIT_AND(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %right LSL_EQUAL LSL_NOT_EQUAL. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_NOT_EQUAL(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_EQUAL(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %right LSL_LESS_THAN LSL_GREATER_THAN LSL_LESS_EQUAL LSL_GREATER_EQUAL. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_GREATER_EQUAL(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_LESS_EQUAL(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_GREATER_THAN(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_LESS_THAN(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %left LSL_LEFT_SHIFT LSL_RIGHT_SHIFT. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_RIGHT_SHIFT(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_LEFT_SHIFT(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %left LSL_SUBTRACT LSL_ADD LSL_CONCATENATE. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_ADD(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_SUBTRACT(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %left LSL_DIVIDE LSL_MODULO LSL_MULTIPLY LSL_DOT_PRODUCT LSL_CROSS_PRODUCT. expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_MULTIPLY(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_MODULO(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) LSL_DIVIDE(C) expr(D). { A = addOperation(compiler, B, C, D); } %right LSL_BIT_NOT LSL_BOOL_NOT LSL_NEGATION. expr(A) ::= LSL_BIT_NOT(B) expr(C). { A = addOperation(compiler, NULL, B, C); } expr(A) ::= LSL_BOOL_NOT(B) expr(C). { A = addOperation(compiler, NULL, B, C); } expr(A) ::= LSL_SUBTRACT(B) expr(C). [LSL_NEGATION] { A = addOperation(compiler, NULL, B, C); } // Types, typecasts, and expression reordering. %right LSL_TYPECAST_OPEN LSL_TYPECAST_CLOSE. %nonassoc LSL_TYPE_FLOAT LSL_TYPE_INTEGER LSL_TYPE_KEY LSL_TYPE_LIST LSL_TYPE_ROTATION LSL_TYPE_STRING LSL_TYPE_VECTOR. type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_FLOAT(B). { B->basicType = OT_float; A = B; } type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_INTEGER(B). { B->basicType = OT_integer; A = B; } type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_KEY(B). { B->basicType = OT_key; A = B; } type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_LIST(B). { B->basicType = OT_list; A = B; } type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_ROTATION(B). { B->basicType = OT_rotation; A = B; } type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_STRING(B). { B->basicType = OT_string; A = B; } type(A) ::= LSL_TYPE_VECTOR(B). { B->basicType = OT_vector; A = B; } %left LSL_ANGLE_OPEN LSL_ANGLE_CLOSE. %nonassoc LSL_BRACKET_OPEN LSL_BRACKET_CLOSE. %nonassoc LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE LSL_EXPRESSION. expr(A) ::= LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN(B) expr(C) LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE(D). { A = addParenthesis(B, C, LSL_EXPRESSION, D); } expr(A) ::= LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN(B) type(C) LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE(D) expr(E). { A = addTypecast(B, C, D, E); } // Function call. // Causes a conflict when exprList is empty with a function definition with no type and no parameters. expr ::= LSL_IDENTIFIER LSL_PARENTHESIS_OPEN exprList LSL_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE. // Variables and dealing with them. expr(A) ::= identifier(B). { A = B; } %right LSL_ASSIGNMENT_CONCATENATE LSL_ASSIGNMENT_ADD LSL_ASSIGNMENT_SUBTRACT LSL_ASSIGNMENT_MULTIPLY LSL_ASSIGNMENT_MODULO LSL_ASSIGNMENT_DIVIDE LSL_ASSIGNMENT_PLAIN. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_CONCATENATE expr. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_ADD expr. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_SUBTRACT expr. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_MULTIPLY expr. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_MODULO expr. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_DIVIDE expr. expr ::= identifier LSL_ASSIGNMENT_PLAIN expr. // Hmm think this can have commas seperating the assignment parts. statement(A) ::= type(B) identifier(C) LSL_ASSIGNMENT_PLAIN(D) expr(E) LSL_STATEMENT(F). { A = addStatement(F, LSL_IDENTIFIER, addVariable(compiler, B, C, D, E)); } statement(A) ::= type(B) identifier(C) LSL_STATEMENT(F). { A = addStatement(F, LSL_IDENTIFIER, addVariable(compiler, B, C, NULL, NULL)); } %right LSL_DOT LSL_IDENTIFIER. identifier ::= identifier LSL_DOT LSL_IDENTIFIER. identifier(A) ::= LSL_IDENTIFIER(B). { A = B; } %right LSL_DECREMENT_PRE LSL_INCREMENT_PRE LSL_DECREMENT_POST LSL_INCREMENT_POST. expr ::= identifier LSL_DECREMENT_PRE. expr ::= identifier LSL_INCREMENT_PRE. expr ::= LSL_DECREMENT_PRE identifier. expr ::= LSL_INCREMENT_PRE identifier. %nonassoc LSL_COMMA. // Values. %nonassoc LSL_FLOAT. expr(A) ::= LSL_FLOAT(B). { B->basicType = OT_float; A = B; } %nonassoc LSL_INTEGER. expr(A) ::= LSL_INTEGER(B). { B->basicType = OT_integer; A = B; } %nonassoc LSL_KEY. expr(A) ::= LSL_KEY(B). { B->basicType = OT_key; A = B; } %nonassoc LSL_LIST. expr ::= LSL_BRACKET_OPEN exprList LSL_BRACKET_CLOSE. [LSL_BRACKET_OPEN] %nonassoc LSL_ROTATION. expr ::= LSL_ANGLE_OPEN expr LSL_COMMA expr LSL_COMMA expr LSL_COMMA expr LSL_ANGLE_CLOSE. [LSL_ANGLE_OPEN] %nonassoc LSL_STRING. expr(A) ::= LSL_STRING(B). { B->basicType = OT_string; A = B; } %nonassoc LSL_VECTOR. expr ::= LSL_VECTOR. expr ::= LSL_ANGLE_OPEN expr LSL_COMMA expr LSL_COMMA expr LSL_ANGLE_CLOSE. [LSL_ANGLE_OPEN] // Parser callbacks. %parse_accept { gameGlobals *game = compiler->game; PI("Parsing complete."); } %parse_failure { gameGlobals *game = compiler->game; PE("Giving up. Parser is hopelessly lost!"); } %stack_overflow { gameGlobals *game = compiler->game; PE("Giving up. Parser stack overflow @ line %04d column %04d.", yypMinor->yy0->line, yypMinor->yy0->column); // Gotta love consistancy, if it ever happens. } %syntax_error { gameGlobals *game = compiler->game; PE("Syntax error @ line %04d column %04d.", yyminor.yy0->line, yyminor.yy0->column); } /* Undocumented shit that might be useful later. Pffft ** The next table maps tokens into fallback tokens. If a construct ** like the following: **. ** %fallback ID X Y Z. ** ** appears in the grammar, then ID becomes a fallback token for X, Y, ** and Z. Whenever one of the tokens X, Y, or Z is input to the parser ** but it does not parse, the type of the token is changed to ID and ** the parse is retried before an error is thrown. %wildcard %code %ifdef %endif %ifndef %endif */