#ifndef __LUASL_TREE_H__ #define __LUASL_TREE_H__ //#define LUASL_DEBUG #include // So we can have NULL defined. #include #include #include #include "assert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // For PATH_MAX. #include "LuaSL_lemon_yaccer.h" #define YYERRCODE 256 #define YYDEBUG 1 // http://w-hat.com/stackdepth is a useful discussion about some aspects of the LL parser. typedef struct _allowedTypes allowedTypes; typedef struct _LSL_Token LSL_Token; typedef struct _LSL_Leaf LSL_Leaf; typedef struct _LSL_Parenthesis LSL_Parenthesis; typedef struct _LSL_Identifier LSL_Identifier; typedef struct _LSL_Statement LSL_Statement; typedef struct _LSL_Block LSL_Block; typedef struct _LSL_Function LSL_Function; typedef struct _LSL_State LSL_State; typedef struct _LSL_Script LSL_Script; extern LSL_Token **tokens; extern int lowestToken; typedef int LSL_Type; typedef enum { OM_LSL, OM_LUA } outputMode; typedef void (*outputToken) (FILE *file, outputMode mode, LSL_Leaf *content); typedef LSL_Leaf * (*evaluateToken) (LSL_Leaf *content, LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *right); //#ifndef FALSE //typedef enum //{ // FALSE = 0, // TRUE = 1 //} boolean; //#endif typedef enum { LSL_NONE = 0, LSL_LEFT2RIGHT = 1, LSL_RIGHT2LEFT = 2, LSL_INNER2OUTER = 4, LSL_UNARY = 8, LSL_ASSIGNMENT = 16, LSL_CREATION = 32, LSL_NOIGNORE = 64 } LSL_Flags; typedef enum { OT_nothing, OT_bool, OT_integer, OT_float, OT_key, OT_list, OT_rotation, OT_string, OT_vector, OT_other, OT_boolBool, OT_intInt, OT_intFloat, OT_floatInt, OT_floatFloat, OT_keyString, OT_stringKey, OT_stringString, OT_listList, OT_listInt, OT_listFloat, OT_intList, OT_floatList, OT_listOther, OT_vectorVector, OT_vectorFloat, OT_vectorRotation, OT_rotationRotation, OT_otherOther, OT_invalid } opType; /* Each op is of a specific type - bool ! int - ~ float - bool bool && || == != = int int * / + - % == != < > <= >= = += -= *= /= %= & | ^ << >> int float cast to float float float int cast to float float float float * / + - == != < > <= >= = += -= *= /= key string cast to string string string key cast to string string string string + == != = += list list + == != = += list integer/float + < > <= >= = += integer/float list + < > <= >= list other + = += vector vector * / + - % == != = += -= *= /= %= vector float * / vector rotation * / rotation rotation * / + - == != = += -= *= /= */ typedef enum { ST_NONE = 0, ST_ASSIGNMENT = 1, // -= *= /= ST_BIT_NOT = 2, // ~ ST_BOOL_NOT = 4, // ! ST_BITWISE = 8, // & | ^ << >> ST_BOOLEAN = 16, // && !! ST_COMPARISON = 32, // < > <= >= ST_CONCATENATION = 64, // = += ST_EQUALITY = 128, // == != ST_ADD = 512, // + ST_SUBTRACT = 1024, // - ST_NEGATE = 2048, // - ST_MULTIPLY = 4096, // * / ST_MODULO = 8192 // % %= } opSubType; struct _allowedTypes { opType result; const char *name; int subTypes; }; struct _LSL_Token { LSL_Type type; opSubType subType; const char *token; LSL_Flags flags; outputToken output; evaluateToken evaluate; }; struct _LSL_Leaf { LSL_Leaf *left; LSL_Leaf *right; LSL_Token *token; Eina_Strbuf *ignorableText; int line, column, len; opType basicType; union { float floatValue; float vectorValue[3]; float rotationValue[4]; int integerValue; LSL_Leaf *listValue; const char *stringValue; opType operationValue; LSL_Parenthesis *parenthesis; LSL_Identifier *identifierValue; LSL_Statement *statementValue; LSL_Block *blockValue; LSL_Function *functionValue; LSL_State *stateValue; LSL_Script *scriptValue; } value; }; struct _LSL_Parenthesis { LSL_Leaf *left; LSL_Leaf *contents; LSL_Leaf *right; LSL_Type type; }; struct _LSL_Identifier // For variables and function parameters. { const char *name; LSL_Leaf value; }; struct _LSL_Statement { LSL_Leaf *expressions; // For things like a for statement, might hold three expressions. LSL_Type type; // Expression type. }; struct _LSL_Block { LSL_Block *outerBlock; // Eina_Hash *statements; // Probably should be some sort of eina list. Eina_Hash *variables; // Those variables in this scope. int scount; }; struct _LSL_Function { const char *name; LSL_Leaf *type; LSL_Leaf *params; LSL_Leaf *block; }; struct _LSL_State { const char *name; LSL_Leaf *block; Eina_Hash *handlers; }; struct _LSL_Script { const char *name; Eina_Hash *functions; Eina_Hash *states; Eina_Hash *variables; }; // Define the type for flex and lemon. #define YYSTYPE LSL_Leaf typedef struct { gameGlobals *game; void *scanner; // This should be of type yyscan_t, which is typedef to void * anyway, but that does not get defined until LuaSL_lexer.h, which depends on this struct being defined first. int argc; char **argv; char fileName[PATH_MAX]; FILE *file; LSL_Leaf *ast; LSL_Script script; Eina_Strbuf *ignorableText; LSL_Leaf *lval; int column, line; LSL_Block *currentBlock; } LuaSL_compiler; #ifndef excludeLexer #include "LuaSL_lexer.h" #endif void burnLeaf(void *data); LSL_Leaf *addFunction(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *open, LSL_Leaf *params, LSL_Leaf *close, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *addOperation(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *right); LSL_Leaf *addParameter(LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *newParam); LSL_Leaf *addParenthesis(LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *expr, LSL_Type type, LSL_Leaf *rval); LSL_Leaf *addState(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *addStatement(LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Type type, LSL_Leaf *expr); LSL_Leaf *addTypecast(LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *rval, LSL_Leaf *expr); LSL_Leaf *addVariable(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *assignment, LSL_Leaf *expr); void beginBlock(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *collectParameters(LSL_Leaf *list, LSL_Leaf *comma, LSL_Leaf *newParam); void endBlock(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *block); void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t)); void ParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt); void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, LSL_Leaf *yyminor, LuaSL_compiler *compiler); void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void*)); #endif // __LUASL_LSL_TREE_H__