#ifndef __EXPRESSION_H__ #define __EXPRESSION_H__ #define LUASL_DEBUG #include // So we can have NULL defined. #include #include #include #include "LuaSL_yaccer.tab.h" #define YYERRCODE 256 #define YYDEBUG 1 extern int yydebug; // http://w-hat.com/stackdepth is a useful discussion about some aspects of the LL parser. typedef union _LSL_Leaf LSL_Leaf; typedef struct _LSL_Value LSL_Value; typedef struct _LSL_Identifier LSL_Identifier; typedef struct _LSL_Statement LSL_Statement; typedef struct _LSL_Block LSL_Block; typedef struct _LSL_Function LSL_Function; typedef struct _LSL_State LSL_State; typedef struct _LSL_Script LSL_Script; typedef struct _LSL_AST LSL_AST; typedef int LSL_Type; typedef void (*convertToken2Lua) (LSL_Leaf *content); typedef void (*outputToken) (LSL_Leaf *content); typedef void (*evaluateToken) (LSL_Leaf *content, LSL_Value *left, LSL_Value *right); #ifndef FALSE typedef enum { FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1 } boolean; #endif typedef enum { LSL_NONE = 0, LSL_LEFT2RIGHT = 1, LSL_RIGHT2LEFT = 2, LSL_INNER2OUTER = 4, LSL_UNARY = 8, LSL_ASSIGNMENT = 16, LSL_CREATION = 32 } LSL_Flags; typedef struct { LSL_Type type; char *token; LSL_Flags flags; outputToken output; convertToken2Lua convert; evaluateToken evaluate; } LSL_Token; union _LSL_Leaf { char *commentValue; char *spaceValue; LSL_Type operationValue; LSL_AST *expressionValue; float floatValue; int integerValue; char *keyValue; LSL_Leaf *listValue; char *stringValue; float vectorValue[3]; float rotationValue[4]; LSL_Identifier *variableValue; char *labelValue; LSL_Statement *doValue; LSL_Statement *forValue; LSL_Statement *elseIfValue; LSL_Statement *elseValue; LSL_Statement *ifValue; char *jumpValue; LSL_Statement *returnValue; char *stateChangeValue; LSL_Statement *whileValue; LSL_Statement *statementValue; LSL_Block *blockValue; LSL_Identifier *parameterValue; LSL_Function *functionValue; LSL_State *stateValue; LSL_Script *scriptValue; char *unknownValue; }; struct _LSL_Value { LSL_Leaf content; LSL_Type type; }; struct _LSL_Identifier // For variables and function parameters. { char *name; LSL_Value value; }; struct _LSL_Statement { LSL_AST *expression; LSL_Type type; }; struct _LSL_Block { LSL_Statement *statements; }; struct _LSL_Function { char *name; LSL_Block block; LSL_Identifier *parameters; LSL_Type type; }; struct _LSL_State { char *name; LSL_Function *handlers; }; struct _LSL_Script { char *name; LSL_Function *functions; LSL_State *states; LSL_Identifier *variables; }; struct _LSL_AST { LSL_AST *left; LSL_AST *right; LSL_Token *token; LSL_Leaf content; int line; int character; }; // define the type for flex and bison #define YYSTYPE LSL_Leaf #ifndef excludeLexer #include "LuaSL_lexer.h" #endif typedef struct { yyscan_t scanner; LSL_AST *ast; } LuaSL_yyparseParam; // the parameter name (of the reentrant 'yyparse' function) // data is a pointer to a 'SParserParam' structure #define YYPARSE_PARAM data // the argument for the 'yylex' function #define YYLEX_PARAM ((LuaSL_yyparseParam*)data)->scanner LSL_AST *addExpression(LSL_AST *exp); LSL_AST *addInteger(int value); LSL_AST *addOperation(LSL_Type type, LSL_AST *left, LSL_AST *right); LSL_AST *addParenthesis(LSL_AST *expr); LSL_Statement *createStatement(LSL_Type type, LSL_AST *root); LSL_AST *addStatement(LSL_Statement *statement, LSL_AST *root); LSL_AST *addSpace(char *text, LSL_AST *root); int yyerror(const char *msg); int yyparse(void *param); #endif // __EXPRESSION_H__