/* * Implementation of functions used to build the abstract syntax tree. */ #include "LuaSL_LSL_tree.h" #include /** * @brief Allocates space for expression * @return The expression or NULL if not enough memory */ static SExpression* newExpression(EOperationType type, SExpression *left, SExpression *right, int value) { SExpression* b = malloc(sizeof *b); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b->type = type; b->value = value; b->left = left; b->right = right; return b; } SExpression* createNumber(int value) { return newExpression(eVALUE, NULL, NULL, value); } SExpression *createOperation(EOperationType type, SExpression *left, SExpression *right) { return newExpression(type, left, right, 0); } int evaluate(SExpression *e) { switch(e->type) { case eVALUE: return e->value; case eMULTIPLY: return evaluate(e->left) * evaluate(e->right); case ePLUS: return evaluate(e->left) + evaluate(e->right); default: // shouldn't be here return 0; } } void deleteExpression(SExpression *b) { if (b == NULL) return; deleteExpression(b->left); deleteExpression(b->right); free(b); } SExpression *getAST(const char *expr) { SParserParam p; YY_BUFFER_STATE state; p.expression = NULL; if (yylex_init(&(p.scanner))) return NULL; state = yy_scan_string(expr, p.scanner); if (yyparse(&p)) return NULL; yy_delete_buffer(state, p.scanner); yylex_destroy(p.scanner); return p.expression; } int yyerror(const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr,"Error:%s\n",msg); return 0; }