// MLPV2 Version 2.2, by Learjeff Innis, based on // MLP MULTI-LOVE-POSE V1.2 - Copyright (c) 2006, by Miffy Fluffy (BSD License) // 15-color balls by Lizz Silverstar // autoback, multi-contin menu fixed // OpenSim port by Jez Ember // Meta 7 fixes by onefang Rejected integer MAX_BALLS = 6; // Multicolor ball patch by Lizz Silverstar // The colors var used to store the color values is a 32 bit integer (0x00000000) // This is broken up into 8 nibbles of which we will currently use the lower 4 nibbles // the first ball color is in the lower 4 bits, the second in the next 4 bits, etc // Masks and shifting are used to store and extract the data. // 4 bits gives us 15 colors. 0 = no ball, 1-15 = color // these index values are then used by the ~ball code to set the correct color // 1st ball mask is 0x0000000F, no shift // 2nd ball mask is 0x000000F0, shift of 4 // 3rd ball mask is 0x00000F00, shift of 8 // 4th ball mask is 0x0000F000, shift of 12 list Colornames = [ "HIDE", "PINK", "BLUE", "PINK2", "BLUE2", "GREEN", "MAGENTA", "RED", "ORANGE", "WHITE", "BLACK", "YELLOW", "CYAN", "RED2", "TEAL", "GREEN2"]; integer PoseIx; integer CurButtonIx; // index of current button integer b0; // index of current button from start of current menu integer AutoBack; integer chat = TRUE; integer redo = TRUE; integer menuusers; integer group; integer ballusers; integer SaneMenuOrder; integer ReloadOnRez = FALSE; string cmd; string pose; string pose0; list buttons; list buttonindex; list commands; list menus; list balls; list users; list SoundNames; list Sounds; list LMButtons; list LMParms; // Globals for reading card config integer ConfigLineIndex; list ConfigCards; // list of names of config cards string ConfigCardName; // name of card being read integer ConfigCardIndex; // index of next card to read key ConfigQueryId; // Replacement for llListFindList which is currently broken in OSLSL integer myListFind(list a, string b) { integer x; integer l=llGetListLength(a); for(x=0; x= llGetListLength(ConfigCards)) { ConfigCards = []; return (FALSE); } ConfigLineIndex = 0; ConfigCardName = llList2String(ConfigCards, ConfigCardIndex); ConfigCardIndex++; ConfigQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(ConfigCardName, ConfigLineIndex); llOwnerSay("Reading " + ConfigCardName); return (TRUE); } default { state_entry() { // ch = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-4,-1)); //fixed channel for prim llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,1,"OK?",(key)""); //msg to memory: ask if ready } link_message(integer from, integer num, string str, key id) { if (num == 2 && str == "OK") state load; //memory ready } } state load { state_entry() { string item; ConfigCards = []; integer n = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); while (n-- > 0) { item = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, n); if (llSubStringIndex(item, ".MENUITEMS") != -1) { ConfigCards += (list) item; } } ConfigCardIndex = 0; ConfigCards = llListSort(ConfigCards, 1, TRUE); next_card(); } dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id != ConfigQueryId) { return; } if (data == EOF) { if (next_card()) { return; } state on; } integer ix = llSubStringIndex(data,"//"); //remove comments if (ix != -1) { if (ix == 0) data = ""; else data = llGetSubString(data, 0, ix - 1); } data = llStringTrim(data, STRING_TRIM_TAIL); if (data != "") { ix = llSubStringIndex(data," "); cmd = data; if (ix != -1) { //split command from data cmd = llGetSubString(data, 0, ix - 1); data = llGetSubString(data, ix+1, -1); } list ldata = llParseStringKeepNulls(data,[" | "," | "," | "," | "," |","| ","|"],[]); string arg1 = llList2String(ldata, 0); // llSay(0, cmd + ":" + data); if (cmd == "MENU") { integer auth; if (PoseIx < 2) { llOwnerSay("warning: first two items in .MENUITEMS must be: POSE stand / POSE default"); } llOwnerSay("loading '"+arg1+"' menu"); if (llList2String(ldata, 1) == "GROUP") auth = 1; //access to submenus else if (llList2String(ldata, 1) != "OWNER") auth = 2; //0=owner 1=group 2=all integer colors; string ball_color; integer colorIx; integer ixB; for (ixB=0; ixB < MAX_BALLS; ++ixB) { // for each possible ball ball_color = llList2String(ldata, ixB + 2); // get next color name from config colorIx = myListFind(Colornames, ball_color); if (colorIx != -1) { colors += (colorIx << (4 * ixB)); // 4 = bits per color (16 colors) } } menus += (list) arg1; balls += (list) colors; buttonindex += (list) CurButtonIx; users += (list) auth; // if (llListFindList(buttons, (list)arg1) == -1) { if (myListFind(buttons, arg1) == -1) { integer jx = myListFind(buttons, "-"); if (jx != -1) { buttons = llListReplaceList(buttons, (list)arg1, jx, jx); // "TOMENU" is already in commands list from the 'TOMENU -' } else if (CurButtonIx > 2) { llOwnerSay("No unused 'TOMENU -' for " + arg1); } } b0 = 0; } else if (cmd == "AUTOBACK") { AutoBack = (arg1 != "0"); } else if (cmd == "NORELOAD") { ReloadOnRez = (arg1 != "0"); // whether to reload menu on rez } else if (cmd == "MENUORDER") { SaneMenuOrder = (arg1 != "0"); // keep menu buttons in same order as in file } else { // automatic menu extension (don't do for main menu) if (b0 == 12 && llGetListLength(menus) > 1) { // Add a "more" button before last item integer ixA = -1; if (AutoBack) { ixA = -2; // Add a "BACK" button buttons = llListInsertList(buttons, (list)"BACK", ixA); commands = llListInsertList(commands, (list)"BACK", ixA); ++CurButtonIx; } buttons = llListInsertList(buttons, (list)"More-->", ixA); commands = llListInsertList(commands, (list)"MORE", ixA); ++CurButtonIx; b0 = -ixA; } if (cmd == "POSE") { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,9+PoseIx,data, (key)""); if (!PoseIx) pose0 = arg1; cmd = (string)PoseIx; ++PoseIx; } else if (cmd == "REDO") { if (llList2String(ldata, 1) != "OFF") redo = 1; } else if (cmd == "CHAT") { if (llList2String(ldata, 1) != "OFF") chat = 1; } else if (cmd == "BALLUSERS") { if (llList2String(ldata, 1) == "GROUP") ballusers = 1; } else if (cmd == "MENUUSERS") { if (llList2String(ldata, 1) == "GROUP") menuusers = 1; else if (llList2String(ldata, 1) != "OWNER") menuusers = 2; } else if (cmd == "LINKMSG") { LMButtons += arg1; LMParms += llList2String(ldata, 1); } else if (cmd == "SOUND") { SoundNames += (list) arg1; Sounds += (list) llList2String(ldata, 1); } commands += (list) cmd; buttons += (list) arg1; ++CurButtonIx; ++b0; } } ++ConfigLineIndex; ConfigQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(ConfigCardName, ConfigLineIndex); //read next line of menuitems notecard } state_exit() { buttonindex += (list) CurButtonIx; //enter last buttonindex commands += (list) ""; //empty command for undefined buttons (-1) integer ix; integer count; ix = myListFind(buttons, "-"); while (ix != -1) { ++count; buttons = llDeleteSubList(buttons, ix, ix); commands = llDeleteSubList(commands, ix, ix); ix = myListFind(buttons, "-"); } if (count) { for (ix = 1; ix < llGetListLength(buttonindex); ++ix) { buttonindex = llListReplaceList(buttonindex, (list)(llList2Integer(buttonindex, ix) - count), ix, ix); } } // llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,1,"LOADED",(string)PoseIx); //msg to memory llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,9+PoseIx,"LOADED",(key)""); //msg to pose } } state on { state_entry() { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -3, llList2CSV(menus), (key)""); menus = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -4, llList2CSV(buttonindex), (key)""); buttonindex = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -5, llList2CSV(balls), (key)""); balls = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -6, llList2CSV(users), (key)""); users = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -7, llList2CSV(LMButtons), (key)""); LMButtons = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -8, llDumpList2String(LMParms, "|"), (key)""); LMParms = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -9, llList2CSV(SoundNames), (key)""); SoundNames = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -10, llList2CSV(Sounds), (key)""); Sounds = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -2, llList2CSV(commands), (key)""); commands = []; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -1, llList2CSV(buttons), (key)""); buttons = []; // finally, scalars (signals 'done' as well) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -20, llList2CSV([ redo, chat, ballusers, menuusers, SaneMenuOrder, ReloadOnRez ]), (key)""); llOwnerSay((string)CurButtonIx+" menuitems loaded ("+llGetScriptName()+": "+(string)llGetFreeMemory()+" bytes free)"); } }