/ Sequence config for MLPV2.3
/ lines beginning with slash are comments

/ Global commands (these are commented out)
/ Use any number of these by deleting the slash at the beginning
/ debug | 1             | sequence start/stop
/ debug | 2             | echo each command as executed
/ debug | 4             | avatar hop on/off
/ debug | -1            | all debugging

/ Sequence Commands:
/ =======
/ SEQUENCE | seqence-name
/ MENU | menu-name                                                       | set number & colors of balls
/ POSE | pose-name | chat-chan | chat-message      | start a pose (chan & message are optional; message is whispered).
/ AVWAIT | 0 1 2 3 | chat-message-if-waiting            | pause the sequence until the balls listed are sat on (0 1 2 3 in this example)
/ SAY | chat-chan | chat-message                                | say the given text on the given chat chan
/ WHISPER | chat-chan | chat-message                       | whisper the given text on the given chat chan
/ WAIT | wait-seconds                                                      | pause before executing next command
/ LABEL | label-name                                                         | set a target for GOTO
/ GOTO | label-name                                                         | go to a label, to loop the bottom of a sequence
/ REPEAT                                                                               | repeat the whole sequence

/ Chat-messages can include the first names of participants using /0 for avatar on first ball, /1 for av on 2nd ball, etc.
/ (See the names of the ball objects.)

MENU | Example...
POSE | standing
AVWAIT | 0 | Waiting for someone to sit on blue ball
WHISPER | 0 | /0 and /1 stand together
WAIT | 10
POSE | pillow-sit | 0 | /0 and /1 sit with a comfy pillow
WAIT | 10
POSE | sit2 | 0 | The pillow disappears
WAIT | 10

SEQUENCE | tour2
MENU | Example...
POSE | standing | 0 | The two of you stand
WAIT | 10
LABEL | here
POSE | pillow-sit | 0 | /0 and /1 sit with a pillow
WAIT | 10
POSE | sit2 | 0 | Where did the pillow go?
WAIT | 10
GOTO | here