skang vs edje vs LL shit. EDJE Verbose, complex. Used to place and decorate widget parts. Can be used to place entire widgets through externals and swallows. Basic parts relative to each other. Signals and messages. Embryo scripts. Lua scripts. SKANG Tight, simple. Used to place widgets, and describe actions. Can include some really basic scripting. Widgets in a fixed position, but included stuff for relative placement in the TODO. Automated associations between widget name and variable (and method?) via introspection. Actions. Looks (could easily be extended to edje groups). Extensible. Can be used to pass values around. LL SHIT Verbose, even worse, XML, more crap than is needed. Menus. Windows with widgets relative to each other. Basically nested rectangles. Manual association of widgets to methods. Can include tool tip string, enabled, visible, hover cursor, bounding rectangle?, mouse opaque?, tab groups, font (name, size, style, and alignment). More stuff, typically hidden in the OO somewhere. sigh Generally uses fixed image and colour names, which skins overide. Skins can also overide the XML files. Translations provide override XML files that need only override the text bits.