#!/usr/bin/env skang -l test -- Lua allows this shell hack. -- There's an implied local this = require 'test' -- There's an implied local skang = require 'skang' -- local other = require 'otherPackageName' -- This is a bit more verbose than I wanted. lol local win = skang.window(500, 500, "G'day planet.", 'testWindow') skang.thingasm{win, 'quitter', 'Quits the skang window', types = 'widget', widget='"button", "Quit", 10, 10, 100, 50'} skang.printTableStart(win.W.quitter, '', 'quitter') win.W.quitter.action = 1 win.W.quitter.action = 'quit' -- 'quit' is looked up in ThingSpace.commands, and translated into the Lua 'skang.quit()'. --other.foo = 'stuff' this.bar = 'things' this.ffunc(1, 'two')