/* Should be a Lua module, roughly the same as - local skang = require('skang') local result = {}; result.author = 'onefang' result.version = '0.72 alpha 2004-11-19 16:28:00' local bar -- The first argument would be the name of a local variable / method. Which could be accessed via _G? -- Not sure if we could use a global bar, AND use it directly. result.bar = skang.newParam('bar', "Required", "Shortcut", "Default", "Help text") result.func = skang.newCommand('number,data', 'Help Text', function (arg1, arg2) -- do something here end) -- do something here return result; */ /* NOTES - From http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/pil2/chapter15.pdf "Well-behaved C libraries should export one function called luaopen_modname, which is the function that require tries to call after linking the library. In Section 26.2 we will discuss how to write C libraries." The "modname" bit is replaced by the name of the module. Though if the module name includes a hyphen, the "require" function strips out the hyphen and the bit before it. Though it seems that chapter 26 is not in the same place? */