From 7028cbe09c688437910a25623098762bf0fa592d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Walter Seikel Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 22:28:34 +1000 Subject: Move Irrlicht to src/others. --- .../doc/html/search/functions_73.html | 2628 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 2628 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/others/irrlicht-1.8.1/doc/html/search/functions_73.html (limited to 'src/others/irrlicht-1.8.1/doc/html/search/functions_73.html') diff --git a/src/others/irrlicht-1.8.1/doc/html/search/functions_73.html b/src/others/irrlicht-1.8.1/doc/html/search/functions_73.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97b5a58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/others/irrlicht-1.8.1/doc/html/search/functions_73.html @@ -0,0 +1,2628 @@ + + + + + + + +
+ s32_clamp + irr::core +
+ s32_max + irr::core +
+ s32_min + irr::core +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ SAnimatedMesh + irr::scene::SAnimatedMesh +
+ SAttributeReadWriteOptions + irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions +
+ +
+ +
+ SBlendFunc + irr::scene::quake3::SBlendFunc +
+ +
+ scaleMesh + irr::scene::IMeshManipulator +
+ +
+ scaleTexture + irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode +
+ +
+ +
+ SColorHSL + irr::video::SColorHSL +
+ +
+ +
+ sendToBack + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ +
+ +
+ set_free_when_destroyed + irr::core::array +
+ set_pointer + irr::core::array +
+ set_sorted + irr::core::array +
+ +
+ setActiveCamera + irr::scene::ISceneManager +
+ setActiveColumn + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ setActiveIcon + irr::gui::ICursorControl +
+ +
+ setAffectX + irr::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector +
+ setAffectY + irr::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector +
+ setAffectZ + irr::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector +
+ setAlignment + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setAllocStrategy + irr::core::array +
+ setAllowZWriteOnTransparent + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ setAlpha + irr::video::SColor +
+ +
+ setAnimatedMeshSceneNode + irr::scene::IParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter +
+ setAnimateTarget + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse +
+ setAnimationEndCallback + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ setAnimationMode + irr::scene::IBoneSceneNode +
+ +
+ setAspectRatio + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setAttract + irr::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector +
+ setAttribute +
+ irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, s32 value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, s32 value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, f32 value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, f32 value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, const c8 *value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, const c8 *value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, const wchar_t *value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, const wchar_t *value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, void *data, s32 dataSizeInBytes)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, void *data, s32 dataSizeInBytes)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, const core::array< core::stringw > &value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, const core::array< core::stringw > &value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, bool value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, bool value)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, const c8 *enumValue, const c8 *const *enumerationLiterals)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, const c8 *enumValue, const c8 *const *enumerationLiterals)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, video::SColor color)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, video::SColor color)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, video::SColorf color)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, video::SColorf color)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::vector3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::vector3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::vector2df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::vector2df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::position2di v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::position2di v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::rect< s32 > v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::rect< s32 > v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::dimension2d< u32 > v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::dimension2d< u32 > v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, const core::matrix4 &v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, const core::matrix4 &v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::quaternion v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::quaternion v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::aabbox3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::aabbox3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::plane3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::plane3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::triangle3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::triangle3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::line2df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::line2df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, core::line3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, core::line3df v)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, video::ITexture *texture, const io::path &filename="")=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, video::ITexture *texture, const io::path &filename="")=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(const c8 *attributeName, void *userPointer)=0 + irr::io::IAttributes::setAttribute(s32 index, void *userPointer)=0 +
+ setAutomaticCulling + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ setAutoScroll + irr::gui::IGUIEditBox +
+ setAutoScrollEnabled + irr::gui::IGUIListBox +
+ +
+ setBasicRenderStates + irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices +
+ setbit_cond + irr::core +
+ setBlue + irr::video::SColor +
+ +
+ setBox + irr::scene::IParticleBoxEmitter +
+ setbyproduct + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setbyproduct_nocheck + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setCameraMovementDelta + irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode +
+ setCameraRotationDelta + irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode +
+ setCellColor + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ setCellData + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ +
+ +
+ setChecked + irr::gui::IGUICheckBox +
+ setClipPlane + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ setCloseHandling + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setCollisionCallback + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse +
+ +
+ setColorComponentValue + irr::video::SColorf +
+ setColumnOrdering + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ setColumnWidth + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ setCurrentFrame + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ +
+ setData2 + irr::gui::IGUITreeViewNode +
+ setDebugDataVisible + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ setDebugName + irr::IReferenceCounted +
+ setDecimalPlaces + irr::gui::IGUISpinBox +
+ setDefaultNameGenerator + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ setDefaultProperties + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ setDefaultText + irr::gui::IGUISkin +
+ setDefinitelyIdentityMatrix + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setDirection + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ +
+ setDistance + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya +
+ setDraggable + irr::gui::IGUIWindow +
+ +
+ +
+ setDrawFlags + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ setDrawTitlebar + irr::gui::IGUIWindow +
+ setDynamicSelectorUpdate + irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode +
+ setEllipsoidRadius + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse +
+ setEllipsoidTranslation + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse +
+ setEmitter + irr::scene::IParticleSystemSceneNode +
+ +
+ setEventParent + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setEventReceiver + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ +
+ setExpanded + irr::gui::IGUITreeViewNode +
+ setExportSMaterialsOnlyOnce + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ setFadeOutTime + irr::scene::IParticleFadeOutAffector +
+ setFarValue + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setFileListSystem + irr::io::IFileSystem +
+ setFlag + irr::video::SMaterial +
+ setFocus + irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment +
+ setFog + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ setFont + irr::gui::IGUISkin +
+ setFootColor + irr::scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode +
+ setFOV + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setFrameLoop + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ setFrom + irr::scene::SViewFrustum +
+ setGammaRamp + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ setGeometryWriting + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ +
+ setGreen + irr::video::SColor +
+ +
+ setHardwareSkinning + irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh +
+ +
+ setIconFont + irr::gui::IGUITreeView +
+ +
+ +
+ setImageIndex + irr::gui::IGUITreeViewNode +
+ setImageLeftOfIcon + irr::gui::IGUITreeView +
+ setImageList + irr::gui::IGUITreeView +
+ +
+ setInputReceiverEnabled + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setInputReceivingSceneManager + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ setInterpolationMode + irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh +
+ setInterpolationShift + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshMD3 +
+ setInverseRotationDegrees + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setInverseRotationRadians + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setInverseTranslation + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setInvertMouse + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS +
+ setInvisibleCharacters + irr::gui::IGUIFont +
+ setIsDebugObject + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ setIsPushButton + irr::gui::IGUIButton +
+ setItem + irr::gui::IGUIListBox +
+ setItemAutoChecking + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setItemChecked + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setItemCommandId + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setItemEnabled + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setItemHeight + irr::gui::IGUIListBox +
+ +
+ setItemText + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu +
+ setJointMode + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ setKerningHeight + irr::gui::IGUIFont +
+ setKerningWidth + irr::gui::IGUIFont +
+ +
+ setLargeStep + irr::gui::IGUIScrollBar +
+ +
+ setLightData + irr::scene::ILightSceneNode +
+ setLightManager + irr::scene::ISceneManager +
+ setLightType + irr::scene::ILightSceneNode +
+ +
+ setLinesVisible + irr::gui::IGUITreeView +
+ setLODOfPatch + irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode +
+ setLogLevel + irr::ILogger +
+ setLoopMode + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ setM + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ +
+ +
+ setMaterialRendererName + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ setMaterialTexture + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ setMaterialType + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ +
+ setMaxAngleDegrees + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMaxLifeTime + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMaxParticlesPerSecond + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMaxSelectionRows + irr::gui::IGUIComboBox +
+ setMaxSize + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setMaxStartColor + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMaxStartSize + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ setMin + irr::gui::IGUIScrollBar +
+ setMinHardwareBufferVertexCount + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ setMinLifeTime + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMinParticlesPerSecond + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMinSize + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setMinStartColor + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ setMinStartSize + irr::scene::IParticleEmitter +
+ +
+ setMultiLine + irr::gui::IGUIEditBox +
+ +
+ setNameGenerator + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ setNearValue + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setNormal + irr::scene::IParticleCylinderEmitter +
+ +
+ setNotClipped + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setOutlineOnly + irr::scene::IParticleCylinderEmitter +
+ +
+ +
+ setParent + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ setParticlesAreGlobal + irr::scene::IParticleSystemSceneNode +
+ setParticleSize + irr::scene::IParticleSystemSceneNode +
+ setPasswordBox + irr::gui::IGUIEditBox +
+ setPath + irr::io::SNamedPath +
+ setPivotPoint + irr::scene::IParticleRotationAffector +
+ setPixel + irr::video::IImage +
+ +
+ +
+ setPlatformBehavior + irr::gui::ICursorControl +
+ setPoint + irr::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector +
+ setPos + irr::gui::IGUIScrollBar +
+ +
+ setPressed + irr::gui::IGUIButton +
+ +
+ setProjectionMatrix + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setProperties + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ +
+ setRandomizer + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ setRange + irr::gui::IGUISpinBox +
+ +
+ setRed + irr::video::SColor +
+ setReferenceRect + irr::gui::ICursorControl +
+ +
+ setRelativePositionProportional + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setRenderFromIdentity + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ +
+ setResizable + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ setResizableColumns + irr::gui::IGUITable +
+ setRightToLeft + irr::gui::IGUIStaticText +
+ setRingThickness + irr::scene::IParticleRingEmitter +
+ +
+ +
+ setRotationAxisRadians + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setRotationCenter + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setRotationDegrees + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setRotationRadians + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ +
+ +
+ setSceneManager + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ +
+ setSelectedImageIndex + irr::gui::IGUITreeViewNode +
+ setShadowColor + irr::scene::ISceneManager +
+ setShadowMesh + irr::scene::IShadowVolumeSceneNode +
+ +
+ setSkin + irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment +
+ setSkinningSpace + irr::scene::IBoneSceneNode +
+ setSmallStep + irr::gui::IGUIScrollBar +
+ +
+ setSprite + irr::gui::IGUIButton +
+ +
+ setStepSize + irr::gui::IGUISpinBox +
+ setSubDivideU + irr::scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode +
+ setSubDivideV + irr::scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode +
+ setSubElement + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setTabExtraWidth + irr::gui::IGUITabControl +
+ setTabGroup + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setTabHeight + irr::gui::IGUITabControl +
+ setTabMaxWidth + irr::gui::IGUITabControl +
+ setTabOrder + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setTabStop + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setTabVerticalAlignment + irr::gui::IGUITabControl +
+ setTailColor + irr::scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode +
+ setTarget + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setTargetColor + irr::scene::IParticleFadeOutAffector +
+ setTargetNode + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ setTextRestrainedInside + irr::gui::IGUIStaticText +
+ +
+ setTextureCreationFlag + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ +
+ setTextureRotationCenter + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setTextureScale + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setTextureScaleCenter + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setTextureTranslate + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setTextureTranslateTransposed + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setTime + irr::ITimer +
+ setTimeForceLost + irr::scene::IParticleGravityAffector +
+ setto + irr::scene::SMD3QuaternionTag +
+ setToolTipText + irr::gui::IGUIElement +
+ setTransform + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ setTransitionTime + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode +
+ setTranslation + irr::core::CMatrix4 +
+ setTriangleSelector + irr::scene::ISceneNode +
+ +
+ setUpVector + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ +
+ +
+ setUserEventReceiver + irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ setVerticalMovement + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS +
+ setViewMatrixAffector + irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode +
+ setViewPort + irr::video::IVideoDriver +
+ +
+ setWindowCaption + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ +
+ setWorld + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse +
+ setWriteDefaultScene + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ setWriteTextures + irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter +
+ setZoomSpeed + irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya +
+ +
+ SGUISprite + irr::gui::SGUISprite +
+ sign + irr::core::FloatIntUnion32 +
+ +
+ +
+ SJoint + irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh::SJoint +
+ +
+ skinMesh + irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh +
+ sleep + irr::IrrlichtDevice +
+ slerp + irr::core::quaternion +
+ SLight + irr::video::SLight +
+ +
+ +
+ SMD3Mesh + irr::scene::SMD3Mesh +
+ +
+ +
+ SMesh + irr::scene::SMesh +
+ SModifierFunction + irr::scene::quake3::SModifierFunction +
+ +
+ +
+ SOverrideMaterial + irr::video::SOverrideMaterial +
+ split + irr::core::string +
+ +
+ +
+ SSkinMeshBuffer + irr::scene::SSkinMeshBuffer +
+ start + irr::ITimer +
+ stop + irr::ITimer +
+ +
+ +
+ strtof10 + irr::core +
+ strtol10 + irr::core +
+ strtoul10 + irr::core +
+ strtoul16 + irr::core +
+ strtoul8 + irr::core +
+ strtoul_prefix + irr::core +
+ subString + irr::core::string +
+ SVarGroup + irr::scene::quake3::SVarGroup +
+ SVarGroupList + irr::scene::quake3::SVarGroupList +
+ SVariable + irr::scene::quake3::SVariable +
+ SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator +
+ SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator +
+ SVertexColorContrastManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorContrastManipulator +
+ SVertexColorGammaManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorGammaManipulator +
+ SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator +
+ SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator +
+ SVertexColorScaleManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorScaleManipulator +
+ SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator +
+ SVertexColorSetManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorSetManipulator +
+ SVertexColorThresholdManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexColorThresholdManipulator +
+ SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator +
+ SVertexPositionScaleManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexPositionScaleManipulator +
+ SVertexPositionTransformManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexPositionTransformManipulator +
+ SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator + irr::scene::SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator +
+ +
+ +
+ swapItems + irr::gui::IGUIListBox +
+ swapRows + irr::gui::IGUITable +
No Matches
+ +
+ + -- cgit v1.1