+ The files containing the shaders can be found in the media directory
+ of the SDK. However, they look like this:
+ D3D9.HLSL |
+// part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+// These simple Direct3D9 pixel and vertex shaders will be loaded by the shaders
+// example. Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+// They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+// Global variables
+float4x4 mWorldViewProj; // World * View * Projection transformation
+float4x4 mInvWorld; // Inverted world matrix
+float4x4 mTransWorld; // Transposed world matrix
+float3 mLightPos; // Light position
+float4 mLightColor; // Light color
+// Vertex shader output structure
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION; // vertex position
+ float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; // vertex diffuse color
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; // tex coords
+VS_OUTPUT vertexMain( in float4 vPosition : POSITION,
+ in float3 vNormal : NORMAL,
+ float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0 )
+ VS_OUTPUT Output;
+ // transform position to clip space
+ Output.Position = mul(vPosition, mWorldViewProj);
+ // transform normal
+ float3 normal = mul(vNormal, mInvWorld);
+ // renormalize normal
+ normal = normalize(normal);
+ // position in world coodinates
+ float3 worldpos = mul(mTransWorld, vPosition);
+ // calculate light vector, vtxpos - lightpos
+ float3 lightVector = worldpos - mLightPos;
+ // normalize light vector
+ lightVector = normalize(lightVector);
+ // calculate light color
+ float3 tmp = dot(-lightVector, normal);
+ tmp = lit(tmp.x, tmp.y, 1.0);
+ tmp = mLightColor * tmp.y;
+ Output.Diffuse = float4(tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z, 0);
+ Output.TexCoord = texCoord;
+ return Output;
+// Pixel shader output structure
+struct PS_OUTPUT
+ float4 RGBColor : COLOR0; // Pixel color
+sampler2D tex0;
+PS_OUTPUT pixelMain( float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
+ float4 Position : POSITION,
+ float4 Diffuse : COLOR0 )
+ PS_OUTPUT Output;
+ float4 col = tex2D( tex0, TexCoord ); // sample color map
+ // multiply with diffuse and do other senseless operations
+ Output.RGBColor = Diffuse * col;
+ Output.RGBColor *= 4.0;
+ return Output;
+} |
+ D3D9.VSH |
+; part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+; This Direct3D9 vertex shader will be loaded by the engine.
+; Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+; They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+dcl_position v0; ; declare position
+dcl_normal v1; ; declare normal
+dcl_color v2; ; declare color
+dcl_texcoord0 v3; ; declare texture coordinate
+; transpose and transform position to clip space
+mul r0, v0.x, c4
+mad r0, v0.y, c5, r0
+mad r0, v0.z, c6, r0
+add oPos, c7, r0
+; transform normal
+dp3 r1.x, v1, c0
+dp3 r1.y, v1, c1
+dp3 r1.z, v1, c2
+; renormalize normal
+dp3 r1.w, r1, r1
+rsq r1.w, r1.w
+mul r1, r1, r1.w
+; calculate light vector
+m4x4 r6, v0, c10 ; vertex into world position
+add r2, c8, -r6 ; vtxpos - lightpos
+; normalize light vector
+dp3 r2.w, r2, r2
+rsq r2.w, r2.w
+mul r2, r2, r2.w
+; calculate light color
+dp3 r3, r1, r2 ; dp3 with negative light vector
+lit r5, r3 ; clamp to zero if r3 < 0, r5 has diffuce component in r5.y
+mul oD0, r5.y, c9 ; ouput diffuse color
+mov oT0, v3 ; store texture coordinates |
+ D3D9.PSH |
+; part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+; This simple Direct3D9 pixel shader will be loaded by the engine.
+; Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+; They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+tex t0 ; sample color map
+add r0, v0, v0 ; mulitply with color
+mul t0, t0, r0 ; mulitply with color
+add r0, t0, t0 ; make it brighter and store result
+ |
+ D3D8.VSH |
+; part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+; This Direct3D9 vertex shader will be loaded by the engine.
+; Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+; They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+; transpose and transform position to clip space
+mul r0, v0.x, c4
+mad r0, v0.y, c5, r0
+mad r0, v0.z, c6, r0
+add oPos, c7, r0
+; transform normal
+dp3 r1.x, v1, c0
+dp3 r1.y, v1, c1
+dp3 r1.z, v1, c2
+; renormalize normal
+dp3 r1.w, r1, r1
+rsq r1.w, r1.w
+mul r1, r1, r1.w
+; calculate light vector
+m4x4 r6, v0, c10 ; vertex into world position
+add r2, c8, -r6 ; vtxpos - lightpos
+; normalize light vector
+dp3 r2.w, r2, r2
+rsq r2.w, r2.w
+mul r2, r2, r2.w
+; calculate light color
+dp3 r3, r1, r2 ; dp3 with negative light vector
+lit r5, r3 ; clamp to zero if r3 < 0, r5 has diffuce component in r5.y
+mul oD0, r5.y, c9 ; ouput diffuse color
+mov oT0, v3 ; store texture coordinates |
+ D3D8.PSH |
+; part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+; This simple Direct3D9 pixel shader will be loaded by the engine.
+; Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+; They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+tex t0 ; sample color map
+mul_x2 t0, t0, v0 ; mulitply with color
+add r0, t0, t0 ; make it brighter and store result |
+# part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+# Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+# They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+ATTRIB InPos = vertex.position;
+ATTRIB InColor = vertex.color;
+ATTRIB InNormal = vertex.normal;
+ATTRIB InTexCoord = vertex.texcoord;
+OUTPUT OutPos = result.position;
+OUTPUT OutColor = result.color;
+OUTPUT OutTexCoord = result.texcoord;
+PARAM MVP[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; # modelViewProjection matrix.
+TEMP Temp;
+TEMP TempColor;
+TEMP TempNormal;
+TEMP TempPos;
+#transform position to clip space
+DP4 Temp.x, MVP[0], InPos;
+DP4 Temp.y, MVP[1], InPos;
+DP4 Temp.z, MVP[2], InPos;
+DP4 Temp.w, MVP[3], InPos;
+#transform normal
+DP3 TempNormal.x, InNormal.x, program.local[0];
+DP3 TempNormal.y, InNormal.y, program.local[1];
+DP3 TempNormal.z, InNormal.z, program.local[2];
+#renormalize normal
+DP3 TempNormal.w, TempNormal, TempNormal;
+RSQ TempNormal.w, TempNormal.w;
+MUL TempNormal, TempNormal, TempNormal.w;
+# calculate light vector
+DP4 TempPos.x, InPos, program.local[10]; # vertex into world position
+DP4 TempPos.y, InPos, program.local[11];
+DP4 TempPos.z, InPos, program.local[12];
+DP4 TempPos.w, InPos, program.local[13];
+ADD TempPos, program.local[8], -TempPos; # vtxpos - lightpos
+# normalize light vector
+DP3 TempPos.w, TempPos, TempPos;
+RSQ TempPos.w, TempPos.w;
+MUL TempPos, TempPos, TempPos.w;
+# calculate light color
+DP3 TempColor, TempNormal, TempPos; # dp3 with negative light vector
+LIT OutColor, TempColor; # clamp to zero if r3 < 0, r5 has diffuce component in r5.y
+MUL OutColor, TempColor.y, program.local[9]; # ouput diffuse color
+MOV OutColor.w, 1.0; # we want alpha to be always 1
+MOV OutTexCoord, InTexCoord; # store texture coordinate
+MOV OutPos, Temp;
+END |
+# part of the Irrlicht Engine Shader example.
+# Please note that these example shaders don't do anything really useful.
+# They only demonstrate that shaders can be used in Irrlicht.
+ATTRIB inTexCoord = fragment.texcoord; # texture coordinates
+ATTRIB inColor = fragment.color.primary; # interpolated diffuse color
+OUTPUT outColor = result.color;
+TEMP texelColor;
+TEMP tmp;
+TXP texelColor, inTexCoord, texture, 2D;
+ADD tmp, inColor, inColor; # mulitply with color
+MUL texelColor, texelColor, tmp; # mulitply with color
+ADD outColor, texelColor, texelColor; # make it brighter and store result
+END |
+ |