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diff --git a/STANDARDS.txt b/STANDARDS.txt
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index 0000000..da9ad2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STANDARDS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
1In a non experimental project, this document would describe the coding
2standards used. This is experimental code, we don't have any standards
3yet. Not even any standard language. For the previous Java version of
4matrix-RAD, I referenced a well known Java coding standard, and
5documented the differences. There's still some value in that old
6standard, we can just ignore the Java specific bits.
8In the end, we want to be language agnostic. By using sockets / pipes /
9stdin/out / etc, and the Unix philosophy of little tools you hook
10together that each do one job well. So we really don't care how badly
11any given tool is written, so long as it works. Some of them will be
12written be strangers across the Internet. This does need strong
13communication standards though, which is what Nails is all about.
15We do want to be secure though. So eventually the non experimental
16project this will grow into should have a core of well written code,
17written to a standard. Lacking any standard for this experimental
18version, this document will just have some random notes about style and
22Coding standards
25I want to use C and Lua, with assembler for speed critical parts. Speed
26is an important issue, and these three are the best in their class for
27speed. When used correctly, all three can also keep the code size down,
28which is also important. Obviously security will be important for the
29non experimental version, so keep that in mind.
31So far Lua as a prototyping language has been working well. So I can
32see us roughing code out in Lua to start with, then rewriting it in C if
33needed, then assembler if more speed is needed.
35On the other hand, we do want full functionality to be available to high
36level scripting languages. While Lua is the chosen language, there's
37been some success translating to and from Lua which may help us be more
38agnostic here. There's others working on translating things to Lua,
39based on the theory that since it's the fastest scripting lagnuage, that
40might help speed up other scripting languages.
42In particular, translating LSL into Lua has so for been working well.
43The parts that can be benchmarked soo far are very fast indeed, making
44SL and OS look like the crippled snails that they are. Also, there's
45some evidence that we might be able to translate Lua into ECMAScript to
46run in web browsers, or run a Lua VM inside the ECMAScript VM.
47Alledgedly, while the scripts run slower than LuaJIT can run them, they
48are still quite fast compared to ECMAScript. We need this to support
49legacy web browsers, which decided long ago to standardise on
50ECMAScript. Alice loves her some JavaScript and node.js.
52We should allow early experimental work to be written in any language as
53well. With the proviso that if it becomes a core part later, it should
54get rewritten in a combination of Lua, C, and assembler.
57Documentation standards
60This project started life as design documents on a MediaWiki based web
61site, using MediaWiki markup. Those design documents where migrated to
62the Drupal system that replaced the site. At this point every one
63wanted to use a different markup syntax. lol
65I solved this by installing a few markup systems, but the majority of it
66got written as what Drupal refers to as "simple formatting", which
67basically allows the use of certain HTML tags, plus a few nicities.
69Eventually code started to get written by me, I put it on GitHub. At
70around the same time, I was busy transferring the Team Purple website
71from individual web applications to SourceForge. Team Purple are the
72developers of the Imprudence and Kokua viewers. Later SourceForge
73turned evil, so I started looking for other project hosting options.
74GitHub has a wiki part, but they squeeze you into a tiny column in the
75middle of the web page, and you can't do colours. BitBucket (the other
76major project hosting site used by Team Purple) seems to want to sell
77you JIRA, so might also not be suitable. In either case, they both
78might turn evil as well. Can't find a decent project hoster, sigh.
80It looks like it helps to be generic, instead of constantly converting
81between each of these markup formats each time we change hosting system.
82All of these markup systems get parsed by active code somewhere at
83viewing time, to get translated into HTML+CSS+JavaScript that is sent to
84your browser. All of the documents are static. Sure, matrix-RAD
85included a worlds first active manual, you could test out matrix-RAD
86commands right there in the docs, but we are going a different way this
87time. We are no longer living in the web browser, but replacing it with
88a virtual world, that might happen to include web pages on prims, but
89that's not our main thrust for UI stuff.
91Sooooo, to avoid a lot of work, how about we just make the documentation
92static HTML web pages, and be done with it? Markup systems are just a
93way to make HTML more palatable to ordinary users, but ordinary users
94are not writing the design documentiation and such. They all get
95translated to HTML, so let's just write raw HTML ourselves. Keep it
96simple, no fancy CSS or Javascript shit. So we avoid markup, we avoid
97having to translate from markup to markup, and we avoid the rendering
98step of translating markup to HTML. We avoid having to parse the
99documentation at all, just send it to any old web browser.
101In this way, we can just throw the basic documentation up on any old web
102server. Enough for people to learn about it, get interested, and get it
103up and running. People editing this stuff could just use any HTML
104editor if they like, including translating their favourite markup to HTML.
106Currently there's ordinary text files as well. A few of those should
107stay as ordinary text, but some (or most) could get converted to HTML,
108then linked in to the rest. Also, I should link up the existing pages
109now, some more internal navigation.
112On the other hand, once they have the system running, there's -
114Internal documentation standards
117matrix-RAD included plans for being able to edit down to the code level
118from within the web browser running matrix-RAD apps. SL and OS include
119world building tools you use from inside the world, including editing of
120scripts. So SledjHamr is no different, it will include tools you can
121use from inside the world, to edit everything about the world. Which
122should include stuff like the matrix-RAD JavaDocs extensions to help
123self document code and other fancy things. Obviously this will include
124coding standards, and tools to help with those standards.
126Once things start being less experimental, then we can decide how that
127all works, and the coding standards to suit.