path: root/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook
diff options
authorDavid Walter Seikel2013-01-13 18:54:10 +1000
committerDavid Walter Seikel2013-01-13 18:54:10 +1000
commit959831f4ef5a3e797f576c3de08cd65032c997ad (patch)
treee7351908be5995f0b325b2ebeaa02d5a34b82583 /libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook
parentAdd info about changes to Irrlicht. (diff)
Remove damned ancient DOS line endings from Irrlicht. Hopefully I did not go overboard.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook')
20 files changed, 8770 insertions, 8770 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/COPYING b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/COPYING
index c2d382b..a3e9774 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/COPYING
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/COPYING
@@ -1,340 +1,340 @@
2 Version 2, June 1991 2 Version 2, June 1991
3 3
4 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 4 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 5 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
6 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies 6 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
7 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 7 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
8 8
9 Preamble 9 Preamble
10 10
11 The licenses for most software are designed to take away your 11 The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
12freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public 12freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
13License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free 13License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
14software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This 14software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
15General Public License applies to most of the Free Software 15General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
16Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to 16Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
17using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by 17using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
18the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to 18the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
19your programs, too. 19your programs, too.
20 20
21 When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not 21 When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
22price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you 22price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
23have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for 23have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
24this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it 24this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
25if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it 25if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
26in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. 26in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
27 27
28 To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid 28 To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
29anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. 29anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
30These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you 30These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
31distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. 31distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
32 32
33 For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether 33 For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
34gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that 34gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
35you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the 35you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
36source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their 36source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
37rights. 37rights.
38 38
39 We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and 39 We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
40(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, 40(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
41distribute and/or modify the software. 41distribute and/or modify the software.
42 42
43 Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain 43 Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
44that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free 44that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
45software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we 45software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
46want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so 46want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
47that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original 47that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
48authors' reputations. 48authors' reputations.
49 49
50 Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software 50 Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
51patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free 51patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
52program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the 52program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
53program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any 53program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
54patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. 54patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
55 55
56 The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and 56 The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
57modification follow. 57modification follow.
58 58
61 61
62 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains 62 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
63a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed 63a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
64under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, 64under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
65refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" 65refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
66means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: 66means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
67that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, 67that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
68either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another 68either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
69language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in 69language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
70the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". 70the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
71 71
72Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not 72Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
73covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of 73covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
74running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program 74running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
75is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the 75is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
76Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). 76Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
77Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 77Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
78 78
79 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's 79 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
80source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you 80source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
81conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate 81conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
82copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the 82copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
83notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; 83notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
84and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License 84and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
85along with the Program. 85along with the Program.
86 86
87You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and 87You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
88you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 88you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
89 89
90 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion 90 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
91of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and 91of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
92distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 92distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
93above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: 93above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
94 94
95 a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices 95 a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
96 stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. 96 stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
97 97
98 b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in 98 b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
99 whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any 99 whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
100 part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third 100 part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
101 parties under the terms of this License. 101 parties under the terms of this License.
102 102
103 c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively 103 c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
104 when run, you must cause it, when started running for such 104 when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
105 interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an 105 interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
106 announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a 106 announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
107 notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide 107 notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
108 a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under 108 a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
109 these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this 109 these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
110 License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but 110 License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
111 does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on 111 does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
112 the Program is not required to print an announcement.) 112 the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
113 113
114These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If 114These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
115identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, 115identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
116and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in 116and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
117themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those 117themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
118sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you 118sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
119distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based 119distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
120on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of 120on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
121this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the 121this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
122entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. 122entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
123 123
124Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest 124Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
125your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to 125your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
126exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or 126exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
127collective works based on the Program. 127collective works based on the Program.
128 128
129In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program 129In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
130with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of 130with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
131a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under 131a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
132the scope of this License. 132the scope of this License.
133 133
134 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, 134 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
135under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of 135under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
136Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: 136Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
137 137
138 a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable 138 a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
139 source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 139 source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
140 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, 140 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
141 141
142 b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three 142 b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
143 years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your 143 years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
144 cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete 144 cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
145 machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be 145 machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
146 distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium 146 distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
147 customarily used for software interchange; or, 147 customarily used for software interchange; or,
148 148
149 c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer 149 c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
150 to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is 150 to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
151 allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you 151 allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
152 received the program in object code or executable form with such 152 received the program in object code or executable form with such
153 an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) 153 an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
154 154
155The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for 155The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
156making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source 156making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
157code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any 157code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
158associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to 158associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
159control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a 159control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
160special exception, the source code distributed need not include 160special exception, the source code distributed need not include
161anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary 161anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
162form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the 162form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
163operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component 163operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
164itself accompanies the executable. 164itself accompanies the executable.
165 165
166If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering 166If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
167access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent 167access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
168access to copy the source code from the same place counts as 168access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
169distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not 169distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
170compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 170compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
171 171
172 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program 172 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
173except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt 173except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
174otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is 174otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
175void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. 175void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
176However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under 176However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
177this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such 177this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
178parties remain in full compliance. 178parties remain in full compliance.
179 179
180 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not 180 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
181signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or 181signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
182distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are 182distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
183prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by 183prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
184modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the 184modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
185Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and 185Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
186all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying 186all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
187the Program or works based on it. 187the Program or works based on it.
188 188
189 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the 189 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
190Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the 190Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
191original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to 191original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
192these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further 192these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
193restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. 193restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
194You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to 194You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
195this License. 195this License.
196 196
197 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent 197 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
198infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), 198infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
199conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or 199conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
200otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not 200otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
201excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot 201excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
202distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this 202distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
203License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you 203License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
204may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent 204may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
205license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by 205license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
206all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then 206all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
207the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to 207the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
208refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. 208refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
209 209
210If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under 210If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
211any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to 211any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
212apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other 212apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
213circumstances. 213circumstances.
214 214
215It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any 215It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
216patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any 216patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
217such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the 217such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
218integrity of the free software distribution system, which is 218integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
219implemented by public license practices. Many people have made 219implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
220generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed 220generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
221through that system in reliance on consistent application of that 221through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
222system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing 222system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
223to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot 223to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
224impose that choice. 224impose that choice.
225 225
226This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to 226This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
227be a consequence of the rest of this License. 227be a consequence of the rest of this License.
228 228
229 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in 229 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
230certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the 230certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
231original copyright holder who places the Program under this License 231original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
232may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding 232may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
233those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among 233those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
234countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates 234countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
235the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 235the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
236 236
237 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions 237 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
238of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will 238of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
239be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to 239be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
240address new problems or concerns. 240address new problems or concerns.
241 241
242Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program 242Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
243specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any 243specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
244later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions 244later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
245either of that version or of any later version published by the Free 245either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
246Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of 246Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
247this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software 247this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
248Foundation. 248Foundation.
249 249
250 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free 250 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
251programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author 251programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
252to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free 252to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
253Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes 253Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
254make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals 254make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
255of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and 255of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
256of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. 256of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
257 257
259 259
269 269
279 279
281 281
282 How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs 282 How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
283 283
284 If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest 284 If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
285possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it 285possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
286free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. 286free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
287 287
288 To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest 288 To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
289to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively 289to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
290convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least 290convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
291the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. 291the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
292 292
293 <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> 293 <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
294 Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> 294 Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
295 295
296 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 296 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
297 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 297 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
298 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 298 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
299 (at your option) any later version. 299 (at your option) any later version.
300 300
301 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 301 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
302 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 302 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
304 GNU General Public License for more details. 304 GNU General Public License for more details.
305 305
306 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 306 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
307 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 307 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
308 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 308 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
309 309
310 310
311Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. 311Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
312 312
313If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this 313If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
314when it starts in an interactive mode: 314when it starts in an interactive mode:
315 315
316 Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author 316 Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
317 Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. 317 Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
318 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it 318 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
319 under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. 319 under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
320 320
321The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate 321The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
322parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may 322parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
323be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be 323be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
324mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. 324mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
325 325
326You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your 326You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
327school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if 327school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
328necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: 328necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
329 329
330 Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program 330 Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
331 `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. 331 `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
332 332
333 <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 333 <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
334 Ty Coon, President of Vice 334 Ty Coon, President of Vice
335 335
336This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into 336This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
337proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may 337proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
338consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the 338consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
339library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General 339library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
340Public License instead of this License. 340Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/LICENSE b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/LICENSE
index 40a0c8e..d956717 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/LICENSE
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/LICENSE
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 3 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
4 4
5 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 5 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
6 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 6 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
7 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 7 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
8 this software. 8 this software.
9 9
10 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 10 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
11 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 11 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
12 following two licenses (at your option): 12 following two licenses (at your option):
13 13
14 14
15 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 15 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
16 16
17 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 17 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
18 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 18 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
19 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 19 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
20 20
21 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 21 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
22 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 22 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
23 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 23 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
24 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 24 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
25 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 25 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
26 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 26 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
27 software must display the following acknowledgment: 27 software must display the following acknowledgment:
28 28
29 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 29 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
30 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 30 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
31 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 31 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
32 32
33 33
34 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 34 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
35 35
36 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 36 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
37 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 37 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
38 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 38 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
39 (at your option) any later version. 39 (at your option) any later version.
40 40
41 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 41 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
42 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 42 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
44 GNU General Public License for more details. 44 GNU General Public License for more details.
45 45
46 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 46 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
47 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 47 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
48 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 48 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
49 49
50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.mingw32 b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.mingw32
index a736556..e70a59a 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.mingw32
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.mingw32
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
1# Sample makefile for rpng-win / rpng2-win / wpng using mingw32-gcc and make. 1# Sample makefile for rpng-win / rpng2-win / wpng using mingw32-gcc and make.
2# Greg Roelofs 2# Greg Roelofs
3# Last modified: 2 June 2007 3# Last modified: 2 June 2007
4# 4#
5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book, 5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book,
6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and 6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and
7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Well, OK, it's not 7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Well, OK, it's not
8# generally for sale anymore, but it's the thought that counts, 8# generally for sale anymore, but it's the thought that counts,
9# right? (Hint: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/ ) 9# right? (Hint: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/ )
10# 10#
11# Invoke this makefile from a DOS-prompt window via: 11# Invoke this makefile from a DOS-prompt window via:
12# 12#
13# make -f Makefile.mingw32 13# make -f Makefile.mingw32
14# 14#
15# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded 15# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded
16# and are in subdirectories at the same level as the current subdirectory 16# and are in subdirectories at the same level as the current subdirectory
17# (as indicated by the PNGDIR and ZDIR macros below). It makes no assumptions 17# (as indicated by the PNGDIR and ZDIR macros below). It makes no assumptions
18# at all about the mingw32 installation tree (W32DIR). Edit as appropriate. 18# at all about the mingw32 installation tree (W32DIR). Edit as appropriate.
19# 19#
20# Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries 20# Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries
21# used below may change in later releases of the libraries. This makefile 21# used below may change in later releases of the libraries. This makefile
22# builds both statically and dynamically linked executables by default. 22# builds both statically and dynamically linked executables by default.
23# (You need only one set, but for testing it can be handy to have both.) 23# (You need only one set, but for testing it can be handy to have both.)
24 24
25 25
26# macros -------------------------------------------------------------------- 26# macros --------------------------------------------------------------------
27 27
28#PNGDIR = ../..# for libpng-x.y.z/contrib/gregbook builds 28#PNGDIR = ../..# for libpng-x.y.z/contrib/gregbook builds
29PNGDIR = ../libpng-win32 29PNGDIR = ../libpng-win32
31PNGLIBd = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.dll.a # dynamically linked 31PNGLIBd = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.dll.a # dynamically linked
32PNGLIBs = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a # statically linked, local libpng 32PNGLIBs = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a # statically linked, local libpng
33 33
34#ZDIR = ../../../zlib-win32# for libpng-x.y.z/contrib/gregbook builds 34#ZDIR = ../../../zlib-win32# for libpng-x.y.z/contrib/gregbook builds
35ZDIR = ../zlib-win32 35ZDIR = ../zlib-win32
36ZINC = -I$(ZDIR) 36ZINC = -I$(ZDIR)
37ZLIBd = $(ZDIR)/libzdll.a 37ZLIBd = $(ZDIR)/libzdll.a
38ZLIBs = $(ZDIR)/libz.a 38ZLIBs = $(ZDIR)/libz.a
39 39
40# change this to be the path where mingw32 installs its stuff: 40# change this to be the path where mingw32 installs its stuff:
41W32DIR = 41W32DIR =
42#W32DIR = /usr/local/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc 42#W32DIR = /usr/local/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc
43W32INC = -I$(W32DIR)/include 43W32INC = -I$(W32DIR)/include
44W32LIB = $(W32DIR)/lib/libuser32.a $(W32DIR)/lib/libgdi32.a 44W32LIB = $(W32DIR)/lib/libuser32.a $(W32DIR)/lib/libgdi32.a
45 45
46CC = gcc 46CC = gcc
47#CC = i386-mingw32msvc-gcc # e.g., Linux -> Win32 cross-compilation 47#CC = i386-mingw32msvc-gcc # e.g., Linux -> Win32 cross-compilation
48LD = $(CC) 48LD = $(CC)
49RM = rm -f 49RM = rm -f
51# [note that -Wall is a gcc-specific compilation flag ("most warnings on")] 51# [note that -Wall is a gcc-specific compilation flag ("most warnings on")]
52# [-ansi, -pedantic and -W can also be used] 52# [-ansi, -pedantic and -W can also be used]
54O = .o 54O = .o
55E = .exe 55E = .exe
56 56
57INCS = $(PNGINC) $(ZINC) $(W32INC) 57INCS = $(PNGINC) $(ZINC) $(W32INC)
58RLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) $(W32LIB) -lm 58RLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) $(W32LIB) -lm
59RLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs) $(W32LIB) -lm 59RLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs) $(W32LIB) -lm
60WLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) 60WLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd)
61WLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs) 61WLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs)
62 62
63RPNG = rpng-win 63RPNG = rpng-win
64RPNG2 = rpng2-win 64RPNG2 = rpng2-win
65WPNG = wpng 65WPNG = wpng
66 66
67ROBJSd = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng.pic$(O) 67ROBJSd = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng.pic$(O)
68ROBJS2d = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2.pic$(O) 68ROBJS2d = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2.pic$(O)
69WOBJSd = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng.pic$(O) 69WOBJSd = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng.pic$(O)
70 70
71RPNGs = $(RPNG)-static 71RPNGs = $(RPNG)-static
72RPNG2s = $(RPNG2)-static 72RPNG2s = $(RPNG2)-static
73WPNGs = $(WPNG)-static 73WPNGs = $(WPNG)-static
74 74
75ROBJSs = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O) 75ROBJSs = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O)
76ROBJS2s = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O) 76ROBJS2s = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O)
77WOBJSs = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O) 77WOBJSs = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O)
78 78
79STATIC_EXES = $(RPNGs)$(E) $(RPNG2s)$(E) $(WPNGs)$(E) 79STATIC_EXES = $(RPNGs)$(E) $(RPNG2s)$(E) $(WPNGs)$(E)
80DYNAMIC_EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E) 80DYNAMIC_EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E)
81 81
83 83
84 84
85# implicit make rules ------------------------------------------------------- 85# implicit make rules -------------------------------------------------------
86 86
87.c$(O): 87.c$(O):
88 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< 88 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
89 89
90%.pic$(O): %.c 90%.pic$(O): %.c
91 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DPNG_BUILD_DLL -o $@ $< 91 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DPNG_BUILD_DLL -o $@ $<
92 92
93 93
94# dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------- 94# dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------
95 95
96all: $(EXES) 96all: $(EXES)
97 97
98$(RPNGs)$(E): $(ROBJSs) 98$(RPNGs)$(E): $(ROBJSs)
99 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJSs) $(RLIBSs) 99 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJSs) $(RLIBSs)
100 100
101$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJSd) 101$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJSd)
102 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJSd) $(RLIBSd) 102 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJSd) $(RLIBSd)
103 103
104$(RPNG2s)$(E): $(ROBJS2s) 104$(RPNG2s)$(E): $(ROBJS2s)
105 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2s) $(RLIBSs) 105 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2s) $(RLIBSs)
106 106
107$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2d) 107$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2d)
108 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2d) $(RLIBSd) 108 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2d) $(RLIBSd)
109 109
110$(WPNGs)$(E): $(WOBJSs) 110$(WPNGs)$(E): $(WOBJSs)
111 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJSs) $(WLIBSs) 111 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJSs) $(WLIBSs)
112 112
113$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJSd) 113$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJSd)
114 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJSd) $(WLIBSd) 114 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJSd) $(WLIBSd)
115 115
116$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h 116$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h
117$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h 117$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h
118$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h 118$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h
119 119
120readpng$(O) readpng.pic$(O): readpng.c readpng.h 120readpng$(O) readpng.pic$(O): readpng.c readpng.h
121readpng2$(O) readpng2.pic$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h 121readpng2$(O) readpng2.pic$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h
122writepng$(O) writepng.pic$(O): writepng.c writepng.h 122writepng$(O) writepng.pic$(O): writepng.c writepng.h
123 123
124 124
125# maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------- 125# maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------
126 126
127clean: 127clean:
128 $(RM) $(EXES) 128 $(RM) $(EXES)
129 $(RM) $(ROBJSs) $(ROBJS2s) $(WOBJSs) 129 $(RM) $(ROBJSs) $(ROBJS2s) $(WOBJSs)
130 $(RM) $(ROBJSd) $(ROBJS2d) $(WOBJSd) 130 $(RM) $(ROBJSd) $(ROBJS2d) $(WOBJSd)
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.sgi b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.sgi
index 8773a00..91623ac 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.sgi
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.sgi
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
1# Sample makefile for rpng-x / rpng2-x / wpng for SGI using cc and make. 1# Sample makefile for rpng-x / rpng2-x / wpng for SGI using cc and make.
2# Greg Roelofs 2# Greg Roelofs
3# Last modified: 7 March 2002 3# Last modified: 7 March 2002
4# 4#
5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book, 5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book,
6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and 6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and
7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Buy some for friends 7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Buy some for friends
8# and family, too. (Not that this is a blatant plug or anything.) 8# and family, too. (Not that this is a blatant plug or anything.)
9# 9#
10# Invoke this makefile from a shell prompt in the usual way; for example: 10# Invoke this makefile from a shell prompt in the usual way; for example:
11# 11#
12# make -f Makefile.sgi 12# make -f Makefile.sgi
13# 13#
14# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded 14# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded
15# and are both installed in /usr/local/{include,lib} (as indicated by the 15# and are both installed in /usr/local/{include,lib} (as indicated by the
16# PNG* and Z* macros below). Edit as appropriate--choose only ONE each of 16# PNG* and Z* macros below). Edit as appropriate--choose only ONE each of
17# the PNGINC, PNGLIB, ZINC and ZLIB lines. 17# the PNGINC, PNGLIB, ZINC and ZLIB lines.
18# 18#
19# This makefile builds dynamically linked executables (against libpng and zlib, 19# This makefile builds dynamically linked executables (against libpng and zlib,
20# that is), but that can be changed by uncommenting the appropriate PNGLIB and 20# that is), but that can be changed by uncommenting the appropriate PNGLIB and
21# ZLIB lines. 21# ZLIB lines.
22 22
23 23
24# macros -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24# macros --------------------------------------------------------------------
25 25
26PNGINC = -I/usr/local/include/libpng15 26PNGINC = -I/usr/local/include/libpng15
27PNGLIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lpng15 # dynamically linked against libpng 27PNGLIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lpng15 # dynamically linked against libpng
28#PNGLIB = /usr/local/lib/libpng15.a # statically linked against libpng 28#PNGLIB = /usr/local/lib/libpng15.a # statically linked against libpng
29# or: 29# or:
30#PNGINC = -I../.. 30#PNGINC = -I../..
31#PNGLIB = -L../.. -lpng 31#PNGLIB = -L../.. -lpng
32#PNGLIB = ../../libpng.a 32#PNGLIB = ../../libpng.a
33 33
34ZINC = -I/usr/local/include 34ZINC = -I/usr/local/include
35ZLIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lz # dynamically linked against zlib 35ZLIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lz # dynamically linked against zlib
36#ZLIB = /usr/local/lib/libz.a # statically linked against zlib 36#ZLIB = /usr/local/lib/libz.a # statically linked against zlib
37#ZINC = -I../zlib 37#ZINC = -I../zlib
38#ZLIB = -L../zlib -lz 38#ZLIB = -L../zlib -lz
39#ZLIB = ../../../zlib/libz.a 39#ZLIB = ../../../zlib/libz.a
40 40
41XINC = -I/usr/include/X11 # old-style, stock X distributions 41XINC = -I/usr/include/X11 # old-style, stock X distributions
42XLIB = -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11 42XLIB = -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11
43#XINC = -I/usr/openwin/include # Sun workstations (OpenWindows) 43#XINC = -I/usr/openwin/include # Sun workstations (OpenWindows)
44#XLIB = -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11 44#XLIB = -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11
45#XINC = -I/usr/X11R6/include # new X distributions (XFree86, etc.) 45#XINC = -I/usr/X11R6/include # new X distributions (XFree86, etc.)
46#XLIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 46#XLIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
47 47
49RLIBS = $(PNGLIB) $(ZLIB) $(XLIB) -lm 49RLIBS = $(PNGLIB) $(ZLIB) $(XLIB) -lm
51 51
52CC = cc 52CC = cc
53LD = cc 53LD = cc
54RM = rm -f 54RM = rm -f
55# ABI must be the same as that used to build libpng. 55# ABI must be the same as that used to build libpng.
56ABI= 56ABI=
57CFLAGS = $(ABI) -O -fullwarn $(INCS) 57CFLAGS = $(ABI) -O -fullwarn $(INCS)
59O = .o 59O = .o
60E = 60E =
61 61
62RPNG = rpng-x 62RPNG = rpng-x
63RPNG2 = rpng2-x 63RPNG2 = rpng2-x
64WPNG = wpng 64WPNG = wpng
65 65
66ROBJS = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O) 66ROBJS = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O)
67ROBJS2 = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O) 67ROBJS2 = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O)
68WOBJS = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O) 68WOBJS = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O)
69 69
70EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E) 70EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E)
71 71
72 72
73# implicit make rules ------------------------------------------------------- 73# implicit make rules -------------------------------------------------------
74 74
75.c$(O): 75.c$(O):
76 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< 76 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
77 77
78 78
79# dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------- 79# dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------
80 80
81all: $(EXES) 81all: $(EXES)
82 82
83$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJS) 83$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJS)
84 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBS) 84 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBS)
85 85
86$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2) 86$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2)
87 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBS) 87 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBS)
88 88
89$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJS) 89$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJS)
90 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBS) 90 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBS)
91 91
92$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h 92$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h
93$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h 93$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h
94$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h 94$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h
95 95
96readpng$(O): readpng.c readpng.h 96readpng$(O): readpng.c readpng.h
97readpng2$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h 97readpng2$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h
98writepng$(O): writepng.c writepng.h 98writepng$(O): writepng.c writepng.h
99 99
100 100
101# maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------- 101# maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------
102 102
103clean: 103clean:
104 $(RM) $(EXES) $(ROBJS) $(ROBJS2) $(WOBJS) 104 $(RM) $(EXES) $(ROBJS) $(ROBJS2) $(WOBJS)
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.unx b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.unx
index 3bffc2f..b52d8b6 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.unx
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.unx
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
1# Sample makefile for rpng-x / rpng2-x / wpng using gcc and make. 1# Sample makefile for rpng-x / rpng2-x / wpng using gcc and make.
2# Greg Roelofs 2# Greg Roelofs
3# Last modified: 2 June 2007 3# Last modified: 2 June 2007
4# 4#
5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book, 5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book,
6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and 6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and
7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Well, OK, it's not 7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Well, OK, it's not
8# generally for sale anymore, but it's the thought that counts, 8# generally for sale anymore, but it's the thought that counts,
9# right? (Hint: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/ ) 9# right? (Hint: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/ )
10# 10#
11# Invoke this makefile from a shell prompt in the usual way; for example: 11# Invoke this makefile from a shell prompt in the usual way; for example:
12# 12#
13# make -f Makefile.unx 13# make -f Makefile.unx
14# 14#
15# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded 15# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded
16# and are installed in /usr/local/{include,lib} or as otherwise indicated by 16# and are installed in /usr/local/{include,lib} or as otherwise indicated by
17# the PNG* and Z* macros below. Edit as appropriate--choose only ONE each of 17# the PNG* and Z* macros below. Edit as appropriate--choose only ONE each of
18# the PNGINC, PNGLIBd, PNGLIBs, ZINC, ZLIBd and ZLIBs lines. 18# the PNGINC, PNGLIBd, PNGLIBs, ZINC, ZLIBd and ZLIBs lines.
19# 19#
20# This makefile builds both dynamically and statically linked executables 20# This makefile builds both dynamically and statically linked executables
21# (against libpng and zlib, that is), but that can be changed by modifying 21# (against libpng and zlib, that is), but that can be changed by modifying
22# the "EXES =" line. (You need only one set, but for testing it can be handy 22# the "EXES =" line. (You need only one set, but for testing it can be handy
23# to have both.) 23# to have both.)
24 24
25 25
26# macros -------------------------------------------------------------------- 26# macros --------------------------------------------------------------------
27 27
28#PNGDIR = /usr/local/lib 28#PNGDIR = /usr/local/lib
29#PNGINC = -I/usr/local/include/libpng15 29#PNGINC = -I/usr/local/include/libpng15
30#PNGLIBd = -L$(PNGDIR) -lpng15 # dynamically linked, installed libpng 30#PNGLIBd = -L$(PNGDIR) -lpng15 # dynamically linked, installed libpng
31#PNGLIBs = $(PNGDIR)/libpng15.a # statically linked, installed libpng 31#PNGLIBs = $(PNGDIR)/libpng15.a # statically linked, installed libpng
32# or: 32# or:
33PNGDIR = ../..# this one is for libpng-x.y.z/contrib/gregbook builds 33PNGDIR = ../..# this one is for libpng-x.y.z/contrib/gregbook builds
34#PNGDIR = ../libpng 34#PNGDIR = ../libpng
36PNGLIBd = -Wl,-rpath,$(PNGDIR) -L$(PNGDIR) -lpng15 # dynamically linked 36PNGLIBd = -Wl,-rpath,$(PNGDIR) -L$(PNGDIR) -lpng15 # dynamically linked
37PNGLIBs = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a # statically linked, local libpng 37PNGLIBs = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a # statically linked, local libpng
38 38
39ZDIR = /usr/local/lib 39ZDIR = /usr/local/lib
40#ZDIR = /usr/lib64 40#ZDIR = /usr/lib64
41ZINC = -I/usr/local/include 41ZINC = -I/usr/local/include
42ZLIBd = -L$(ZDIR) -lz # dynamically linked against zlib 42ZLIBd = -L$(ZDIR) -lz # dynamically linked against zlib
43ZLIBs = $(ZDIR)/libz.a # statically linked against zlib 43ZLIBs = $(ZDIR)/libz.a # statically linked against zlib
44# or: 44# or:
45#ZDIR = ../zlib 45#ZDIR = ../zlib
46#ZINC = -I$(ZDIR) 46#ZINC = -I$(ZDIR)
47#ZLIBd = -Wl,-rpath,$(ZDIR) -L$(ZDIR) -lz # -rpath allows in-place testing 47#ZLIBd = -Wl,-rpath,$(ZDIR) -L$(ZDIR) -lz # -rpath allows in-place testing
48#ZLIBs = $(ZDIR)/libz.a 48#ZLIBs = $(ZDIR)/libz.a
49 49
50#XINC = -I/usr/include # old-style, stock X distributions 50#XINC = -I/usr/include # old-style, stock X distributions
51#XLIB = -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11 # (including SGI IRIX) 51#XLIB = -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11 # (including SGI IRIX)
52#XINC = -I/usr/openwin/include # Sun workstations (OpenWindows) 52#XINC = -I/usr/openwin/include # Sun workstations (OpenWindows)
53#XLIB = -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11 53#XLIB = -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11
54XINC = -I/usr/X11R6/include # new X distributions (X.org, etc.) 54XINC = -I/usr/X11R6/include # new X distributions (X.org, etc.)
55XLIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 55XLIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
56#XLIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lX11 # e.g., Red Hat on AMD64 56#XLIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lX11 # e.g., Red Hat on AMD64
57 57
59RLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) $(XLIB) -lm 59RLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) $(XLIB) -lm
60RLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs) $(XLIB) -lm 60RLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs) $(XLIB) -lm
61WLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) -lm 61WLIBSd = $(PNGLIBd) $(ZLIBd) -lm
62WLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs) 62WLIBSs = $(PNGLIBs) $(ZLIBs)
63 63
64CC = gcc 64CC = gcc
65LD = gcc 65LD = gcc
66RM = rm -f 66RM = rm -f
68# [note that -Wall is a gcc-specific compilation flag ("most warnings on")] 68# [note that -Wall is a gcc-specific compilation flag ("most warnings on")]
69# [-ansi, -pedantic and -W can also be used] 69# [-ansi, -pedantic and -W can also be used]
71O = .o 71O = .o
72E = 72E =
73 73
74RPNG = rpng-x 74RPNG = rpng-x
75RPNG2 = rpng2-x 75RPNG2 = rpng2-x
76WPNG = wpng 76WPNG = wpng
77 77
78RPNGs = $(RPNG)-static 78RPNGs = $(RPNG)-static
79RPNG2s = $(RPNG2)-static 79RPNG2s = $(RPNG2)-static
80WPNGs = $(WPNG)-static 80WPNGs = $(WPNG)-static
81 81
82ROBJS = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O) 82ROBJS = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O)
83ROBJS2 = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O) 83ROBJS2 = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O)
84WOBJS = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O) 84WOBJS = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O)
85 85
86STATIC_EXES = $(RPNGs)$(E) $(RPNG2s)$(E) $(WPNGs)$(E) 86STATIC_EXES = $(RPNGs)$(E) $(RPNG2s)$(E) $(WPNGs)$(E)
87DYNAMIC_EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E) 87DYNAMIC_EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E)
88 88
90 90
91 91
92# implicit make rules ------------------------------------------------------- 92# implicit make rules -------------------------------------------------------
93 93
94.c$(O): 94.c$(O):
95 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< 95 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
96 96
97 97
98# dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------- 98# dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------
99 99
100all: $(EXES) 100all: $(EXES)
101 101
102$(RPNGs)$(E): $(ROBJS) 102$(RPNGs)$(E): $(ROBJS)
103 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBSs) 103 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBSs)
104 104
105$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJS) 105$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJS)
106 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBSd) 106 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBSd)
107 107
108$(RPNG2s)$(E): $(ROBJS2) 108$(RPNG2s)$(E): $(ROBJS2)
109 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBSs) 109 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBSs)
110 110
111$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2) 111$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2)
112 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBSd) 112 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBSd)
113 113
114$(WPNGs)$(E): $(WOBJS) 114$(WPNGs)$(E): $(WOBJS)
115 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBSs) 115 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBSs)
116 116
117$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJS) 117$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJS)
118 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBSd) 118 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBSd)
119 119
120$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h 120$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h
121$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h 121$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h
122$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h 122$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h
123 123
124readpng$(O): readpng.c readpng.h 124readpng$(O): readpng.c readpng.h
125readpng2$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h 125readpng2$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h
126writepng$(O): writepng.c writepng.h 126writepng$(O): writepng.c writepng.h
127 127
128 128
129# maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------- 129# maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------
130 130
131clean: 131clean:
132 $(RM) $(EXES) $(ROBJS) $(ROBJS2) $(WOBJS) 132 $(RM) $(EXES) $(ROBJS) $(ROBJS2) $(WOBJS)
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.w32 b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.w32
index eced083..41cfb23 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.w32
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/Makefile.w32
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
1# Sample makefile for rpng-win / rpng2-win / wpng using MSVC and NMAKE. 1# Sample makefile for rpng-win / rpng2-win / wpng using MSVC and NMAKE.
2# Greg Roelofs 2# Greg Roelofs
3# Last modified: 2 June 2007 3# Last modified: 2 June 2007
4# 4#
5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book, 5# The programs built by this makefile are described in the book,
6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and 6# "PNG: The Definitive Guide," by Greg Roelofs (O'Reilly and
7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Well, OK, it's not 7# Associates, 1999). Go buy a copy, eh? Well, OK, it's not
8# generally for sale anymore, but it's the thought that counts, 8# generally for sale anymore, but it's the thought that counts,
9# right? (Hint: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/ ) 9# right? (Hint: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/ )
10# 10#
11# Invoke this makefile from a DOS prompt window via: 11# Invoke this makefile from a DOS prompt window via:
12# 12#
13# %devstudio%\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat 13# %devstudio%\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat
14# nmake -nologo -f Makefile.w32 14# nmake -nologo -f Makefile.w32
15# 15#
16# where %devstudio% is the installation directory for MSVC / DevStudio. If 16# where %devstudio% is the installation directory for MSVC / DevStudio. If
17# you get "environment out of space" errors, create a desktop shortcut with 17# you get "environment out of space" errors, create a desktop shortcut with
18# "c:\windows\command.com /e:4096" as the program command line and set the 18# "c:\windows\command.com /e:4096" as the program command line and set the
19# working directory to this directory. Then double-click to open the new 19# working directory to this directory. Then double-click to open the new
20# DOS-prompt window with a bigger environment and retry the commands above. 20# DOS-prompt window with a bigger environment and retry the commands above.
21# 21#
22# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded 22# This makefile assumes libpng and zlib have already been built or downloaded
23# and are in subdirectories at the same level as the current subdirectory 23# and are in subdirectories at the same level as the current subdirectory
24# (as indicated by the PNGPATH and ZPATH macros below). Edit as appropriate. 24# (as indicated by the PNGPATH and ZPATH macros below). Edit as appropriate.
25# 25#
26# Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries 26# Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries
27# used below may change in later releases of the libraries. This makefile 27# used below may change in later releases of the libraries. This makefile
28# builds statically linked executables, but that can be changed by uncom- 28# builds statically linked executables, but that can be changed by uncom-
29# menting the appropriate PNGLIB and ZLIB lines. 29# menting the appropriate PNGLIB and ZLIB lines.
30 30
31!include <ntwin32.mak> 31!include <ntwin32.mak>
32 32
33 33
34# macros -------------------------------------------------------------------- 34# macros --------------------------------------------------------------------
35 35
36PNGPATH = ../libpng 36PNGPATH = ../libpng
38#PNGLIB = $(PNGPATH)/pngdll.lib 38#PNGLIB = $(PNGPATH)/pngdll.lib
39PNGLIB = $(PNGPATH)/libpng.lib 39PNGLIB = $(PNGPATH)/libpng.lib
40 40
41ZPATH = ../zlib 41ZPATH = ../zlib
43#ZLIB = $(ZPATH)/zlibdll.lib 43#ZLIB = $(ZPATH)/zlibdll.lib
44ZLIB = $(ZPATH)/zlibstat.lib 44ZLIB = $(ZPATH)/zlibstat.lib
45 45
46WINLIBS = -defaultlib:user32.lib gdi32.lib 46WINLIBS = -defaultlib:user32.lib gdi32.lib
47# ["real" apps may also need comctl32.lib, comdlg32.lib, winmm.lib, etc.] 47# ["real" apps may also need comctl32.lib, comdlg32.lib, winmm.lib, etc.]
48 48
52 52
53CC = cl 53CC = cl
54LD = link 54LD = link
55RM = del 55RM = del
56CFLAGS = -nologo -O -W3 $(INCS) $(cvars) 56CFLAGS = -nologo -O -W3 $(INCS) $(cvars)
57# [note that -W3 is an MSVC-specific compilation flag ("all warnings on")] 57# [note that -W3 is an MSVC-specific compilation flag ("all warnings on")]
58# [see %devstudio%\vc\include\win32.mak for cvars macro definition] 58# [see %devstudio%\vc\include\win32.mak for cvars macro definition]
59O = .obj 59O = .obj
60E = .exe 60E = .exe
61 61
62RLDFLAGS = -nologo -subsystem:windows 62RLDFLAGS = -nologo -subsystem:windows
63WLDFLAGS = -nologo 63WLDFLAGS = -nologo
64 64
65RPNG = rpng-win 65RPNG = rpng-win
66RPNG2 = rpng2-win 66RPNG2 = rpng2-win
67WPNG = wpng 67WPNG = wpng
68 68
69ROBJS = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O) 69ROBJS = $(RPNG)$(O) readpng$(O)
70ROBJS2 = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O) 70ROBJS2 = $(RPNG2)$(O) readpng2$(O)
71WOBJS = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O) 71WOBJS = $(WPNG)$(O) writepng$(O)
72 72
73EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E) 73EXES = $(RPNG)$(E) $(RPNG2)$(E) $(WPNG)$(E)
74 74
75 75
76# implicit make rules ------------------------------------------------------- 76# implicit make rules -------------------------------------------------------
77 77
78.c$(O): 78.c$(O):
79 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< 79 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
80 80
81 81
82# dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------- 82# dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------
83 83
84all: $(EXES) 84all: $(EXES)
85 85
86$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJS) 86$(RPNG)$(E): $(ROBJS)
87 $(LD) $(RLDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBS) 87 $(LD) $(RLDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(ROBJS) $(RLIBS)
88 88
89$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2) 89$(RPNG2)$(E): $(ROBJS2)
90 $(LD) $(RLDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBS) 90 $(LD) $(RLDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(ROBJS2) $(RLIBS)
91 91
92$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJS) 92$(WPNG)$(E): $(WOBJS)
93 $(LD) $(WLDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBS) 93 $(LD) $(WLDFLAGS) -out:$@ $(WOBJS) $(WLIBS)
94 94
95$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h 95$(RPNG)$(O): $(RPNG).c readpng.h
96$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h 96$(RPNG2)$(O): $(RPNG2).c readpng2.h
97$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h 97$(WPNG)$(O): $(WPNG).c writepng.h
98 98
99readpng$(O): readpng.c readpng.h 99readpng$(O): readpng.c readpng.h
100readpng2$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h 100readpng2$(O): readpng2.c readpng2.h
101writepng$(O): writepng.c writepng.h 101writepng$(O): writepng.c writepng.h
102 102
103 103
104# maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------- 104# maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------
105 105
106clean: 106clean:
107# ideally we could just do this: 107# ideally we could just do this:
108# $(RM) $(EXES) $(ROBJS) $(ROBJS2) $(WOBJS) 108# $(RM) $(EXES) $(ROBJS) $(ROBJS2) $(WOBJS)
109# ...but the Windows "DEL" command is none too bright, so: 109# ...but the Windows "DEL" command is none too bright, so:
110 $(RM) r*$(E) 110 $(RM) r*$(E)
111 $(RM) w*$(E) 111 $(RM) w*$(E)
112 $(RM) r*$(O) 112 $(RM) r*$(O)
113 $(RM) w*$(O) 113 $(RM) w*$(O)
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/README b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/README
index 791fec8..7b1f6a3 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/README
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/README
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
1 =========================== 1 ===========================
2 PNG: The Definitive Guide 2 PNG: The Definitive Guide
3 =========================== 3 ===========================
4 4
5 Source Code 5 Source Code
6 6
7Chapters 13, 14 and 15 of "PNG: The Definitive Guide" discuss three free, 7Chapters 13, 14 and 15 of "PNG: The Definitive Guide" discuss three free,
8cross-platform demo programs that show how to use the libpng reference 8cross-platform demo programs that show how to use the libpng reference
9library: rpng, rpng2 and wpng. rpng and rpng2 are viewers; the first is 9library: rpng, rpng2 and wpng. rpng and rpng2 are viewers; the first is
10a very simple example that that shows how a standard file-viewer might use 10a very simple example that that shows how a standard file-viewer might use
11libpng, while the second is designed to process streaming data and shows 11libpng, while the second is designed to process streaming data and shows
12how a web browser might be written. wpng is a simple command-line program 12how a web browser might be written. wpng is a simple command-line program
13that reads binary PGM and PPM files (the ``raw'' grayscale and RGB subsets 13that reads binary PGM and PPM files (the ``raw'' grayscale and RGB subsets
14of PBMPLUS/NetPBM) and converts them to PNG. 14of PBMPLUS/NetPBM) and converts them to PNG.
15 15
16The source code for all three demo programs currently compiles under 16The source code for all three demo programs currently compiles under
17Unix, OpenVMS, and 32-bit Windows. (Special thanks to Martin Zinser, 17Unix, OpenVMS, and 32-bit Windows. (Special thanks to Martin Zinser,
18zinser@decus.de, for making the necessary changes for OpenVMS and for 18zinser@decus.de, for making the necessary changes for OpenVMS and for
19providing an appropriate build script.) Build instructions can be found 19providing an appropriate build script.) Build instructions can be found
20below. 20below.
21 21
22Files: 22Files:
23 23
24 README this file 24 README this file
25 LICENSE terms of distribution and reuse (BSD-like or GNU GPL) 25 LICENSE terms of distribution and reuse (BSD-like or GNU GPL)
26 COPYING GNU General Public License (GPL) 26 COPYING GNU General Public License (GPL)
27 27
28 Makefile.unx Unix makefile 28 Makefile.unx Unix makefile
29 Makefile.w32 Windows (MSVC) makefile 29 Makefile.w32 Windows (MSVC) makefile
30 makevms.com OpenVMS build script 30 makevms.com OpenVMS build script
31 31
32 rpng-win.c Windows front end for the basic viewer 32 rpng-win.c Windows front end for the basic viewer
33 rpng-x.c X Window System (Unix, OpenVMS) front end 33 rpng-x.c X Window System (Unix, OpenVMS) front end
34 readpng.c generic back end for the basic viewer 34 readpng.c generic back end for the basic viewer
35 readpng.h header file for the basic viewer 35 readpng.h header file for the basic viewer
36 36
37 rpng2-win.c Windows front end for the progressive viewer 37 rpng2-win.c Windows front end for the progressive viewer
38 rpng2-x.c X front end for the progressive viewer 38 rpng2-x.c X front end for the progressive viewer
39 readpng2.c generic back end for the progressive viewer 39 readpng2.c generic back end for the progressive viewer
40 readpng2.h header file for the progressive viewer 40 readpng2.h header file for the progressive viewer
41 41
42 wpng.c generic (text) front end for the converter 42 wpng.c generic (text) front end for the converter
43 writepng.c generic back end for the converter 43 writepng.c generic back end for the converter
44 writepng.h header file for the converter 44 writepng.h header file for the converter
45 45
46 toucan.png transparent PNG for testing (by Stefan Schneider) 46 toucan.png transparent PNG for testing (by Stefan Schneider)
47 47
48Note that, although the programs are designed to be functional, their 48Note that, although the programs are designed to be functional, their
49primary purpose is to illustrate how to use libpng to add PNG support to 49primary purpose is to illustrate how to use libpng to add PNG support to
50other programs. As such, their user interfaces are crude and definitely 50other programs. As such, their user interfaces are crude and definitely
51are not intended for everyday use. 51are not intended for everyday use.
52 52
53Please see http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngbook.html for further infor- 53Please see http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngbook.html for further infor-
54mation and links to the latest version of the source code, and Chapters 54mation and links to the latest version of the source code, and Chapters
5513-15 of the book for detailed discussion of the three programs. 5513-15 of the book for detailed discussion of the three programs.
56 56
57Greg Roelofs 57Greg Roelofs
58http://pobox.com/~newt/greg_contact.html 58http://pobox.com/~newt/greg_contact.html
5916 March 2008 5916 March 2008
60 60
61 61
63 63
64 - Prerequisites (in order of compilation): 64 - Prerequisites (in order of compilation):
65 65
66 - zlib http://zlib.net/ 66 - zlib http://zlib.net/
67 - libpng http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html 67 - libpng http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
68 - pngbook http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/sources.html 68 - pngbook http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/sources.html
69 69
70 The pngbook demo programs are explicitly designed to demonstrate proper 70 The pngbook demo programs are explicitly designed to demonstrate proper
71 coding techniques for using the libpng reference library. As a result, 71 coding techniques for using the libpng reference library. As a result,
72 you need to download and build both zlib (on which libpng depends) and 72 you need to download and build both zlib (on which libpng depends) and
73 libpng. A common build setup is to place the zlib, libpng and pngbook 73 libpng. A common build setup is to place the zlib, libpng and pngbook
74 subdirectory trees ("folders") in the same parent directory. Then the 74 subdirectory trees ("folders") in the same parent directory. Then the
75 libpng build can refer to files in ../zlib (or ..\zlib or [-.zlib]), 75 libpng build can refer to files in ../zlib (or ..\zlib or [-.zlib]),
76 and similarly for the pngbook build. 76 and similarly for the pngbook build.
77 77
78 Note that all three packages are designed to be built from a command 78 Note that all three packages are designed to be built from a command
79 line by default; those who wish to use a graphical or other integrated 79 line by default; those who wish to use a graphical or other integrated
80 development environments are on their own. 80 development environments are on their own.
81 81
82 82
83 - Unix: 83 - Unix:
84 84
85 Unpack the latest pngbook sources (which should correspond to this 85 Unpack the latest pngbook sources (which should correspond to this
86 README file) into a directory and change into that directory. 86 README file) into a directory and change into that directory.
87 87
88 Copy Makefile.unx to Makefile and edit the PNG* and Z* variables 88 Copy Makefile.unx to Makefile and edit the PNG* and Z* variables
89 appropriately (possibly also the X* variables if necessary). 89 appropriately (possibly also the X* variables if necessary).
90 90
91 make 91 make
92 92
93 There is no "install" target, so copy the three executables somewhere 93 There is no "install" target, so copy the three executables somewhere
94 in your path or run them from the current directory. All three will 94 in your path or run them from the current directory. All three will
95 print a basic usage screen when run without any command-line arguments; 95 print a basic usage screen when run without any command-line arguments;
96 see the book for more details. 96 see the book for more details.
97 97
98 98
99 - Windows: 99 - Windows:
100 100
101 Unpack the latest pngbook sources (which should correspond to this 101 Unpack the latest pngbook sources (which should correspond to this
102 README file) into a folder, open a "DOS shell" or "command prompt" 102 README file) into a folder, open a "DOS shell" or "command prompt"
103 or equivalent command-line window, and cd into the folder where you 103 or equivalent command-line window, and cd into the folder where you
104 unpacked the source code. 104 unpacked the source code.
105 105
106 For MSVC, set up the necessary environment variables by invoking 106 For MSVC, set up the necessary environment variables by invoking
107 107
108 %devstudio%\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat 108 %devstudio%\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat
109 109
110 where where %devstudio% is the installation directory for MSVC / 110 where where %devstudio% is the installation directory for MSVC /
111 DevStudio. If you get "environment out of space" errors under 95/98, 111 DevStudio. If you get "environment out of space" errors under 95/98,
112 create a desktop shortcut with "c:\windows\command.com /e:4096" as 112 create a desktop shortcut with "c:\windows\command.com /e:4096" as
113 the program command line and set the working directory to the pngbook 113 the program command line and set the working directory to the pngbook
114 directory. Then double-click to open the new DOS-prompt window with 114 directory. Then double-click to open the new DOS-prompt window with
115 a bigger environment and retry the commands above. 115 a bigger environment and retry the commands above.
116 116
117 Copy Makefile.w32 to Makefile and edit the PNGPATH and ZPATH variables 117 Copy Makefile.w32 to Makefile and edit the PNGPATH and ZPATH variables
118 appropriately (possibly also the "INC" and "LIB" variables if needed). 118 appropriately (possibly also the "INC" and "LIB" variables if needed).
119 Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries 119 Note that the names of the dynamic and static libpng and zlib libraries
120 used in the makefile may change in later releases of the libraries. 120 used in the makefile may change in later releases of the libraries.
121 Also note that, as of libpng version 1.0.5, MSVC DLL builds do not work. 121 Also note that, as of libpng version 1.0.5, MSVC DLL builds do not work.
122 This makefile therefore builds statically linked executables, but if 122 This makefile therefore builds statically linked executables, but if
123 the DLL problems ever get fixed, uncommenting the appropriate PNGLIB 123 the DLL problems ever get fixed, uncommenting the appropriate PNGLIB
124 and ZLIB lines will build dynamically linked executables instead. 124 and ZLIB lines will build dynamically linked executables instead.
125 125
126 Do the build by typing 126 Do the build by typing
127 127
128 nmake 128 nmake
129 129
130 The result should be three executables: rpng-win.exe, rpng2-win.exe, 130 The result should be three executables: rpng-win.exe, rpng2-win.exe,
131 and wpng.exe. Copy them somewhere in your PATH or run them from the 131 and wpng.exe. Copy them somewhere in your PATH or run them from the
132 current folder. Like the Unix versions, the two windowed programs 132 current folder. Like the Unix versions, the two windowed programs
133 (rpng and rpng2) now display a usage screen in a console window when 133 (rpng and rpng2) now display a usage screen in a console window when
134 invoked without command-line arguments; this is new behavior as of 134 invoked without command-line arguments; this is new behavior as of
135 the June 2001 release. Note that the programs use the Unix-style "-" 135 the June 2001 release. Note that the programs use the Unix-style "-"
136 character to specify options, instead of the more common DOS/Windows 136 character to specify options, instead of the more common DOS/Windows
137 "/" character. (For example: "rpng2-win -bgpat 4 foo.png", not 137 "/" character. (For example: "rpng2-win -bgpat 4 foo.png", not
138 "rpng2-win /bgpat 4 foo.png") 138 "rpng2-win /bgpat 4 foo.png")
139 139
140 140
141 - OpenVMS: 141 - OpenVMS:
142 142
143 Unpack the pngbook sources into a subdirectory and change into that 143 Unpack the pngbook sources into a subdirectory and change into that
144 subdirectory. 144 subdirectory.
145 145
146 Edit makevms.com appropriately, specifically the zpath and pngpath 146 Edit makevms.com appropriately, specifically the zpath and pngpath
147 variables. 147 variables.
148 148
149 @makevms 149 @makevms
150 150
151 To run the programs, they probably first need to be set up as "foreign 151 To run the programs, they probably first need to be set up as "foreign
152 symbols," with "disk" and "dir" set appropriately: 152 symbols," with "disk" and "dir" set appropriately:
153 153
154 $ rpng == "$disk:[dir]rpng-x.exe" 154 $ rpng == "$disk:[dir]rpng-x.exe"
155 $ rpng2 == "$disk:[dir]rpng2-x.exe" 155 $ rpng2 == "$disk:[dir]rpng2-x.exe"
156 $ wpng == "$disk:[dir]wpng.exe" 156 $ wpng == "$disk:[dir]wpng.exe"
157 157
158 All three will print a basic usage screen when run without any command- 158 All three will print a basic usage screen when run without any command-
159 line arguments; see the book for more details. Note that the options 159 line arguments; see the book for more details. Note that the options
160 style is Unix-like, i.e., preceded by "-" rather than "/". 160 style is Unix-like, i.e., preceded by "-" rather than "/".
161 161
162 162
164 164
165 rpng is a simple PNG viewer that can display transparent PNGs with a 165 rpng is a simple PNG viewer that can display transparent PNGs with a
166 specified background color; for example, 166 specified background color; for example,
167 167
168 rpng -bgcolor \#ff0000 toucan.png 168 rpng -bgcolor \#ff0000 toucan.png
169 169
170 would display the image with a red background. rpng2 is a progressive 170 would display the image with a red background. rpng2 is a progressive
171 viewer that simulates a web browser in some respects; it can display 171 viewer that simulates a web browser in some respects; it can display
172 images against either a background color or a dynamically generated 172 images against either a background color or a dynamically generated
173 background image. For example: 173 background image. For example:
174 174
175 rpng2 -bgpat 16 toucan.png 175 rpng2 -bgpat 16 toucan.png
176 176
177 wpng is a purely command-line image converter from binary PBMPLUS/NetPBM 177 wpng is a purely command-line image converter from binary PBMPLUS/NetPBM
178 format (.pgm or .ppm) to PNG; for example, 178 format (.pgm or .ppm) to PNG; for example,
179 179
180 wpng -time < toucan-notrans.ppm > toucan-notrans.png 180 wpng -time < toucan-notrans.ppm > toucan-notrans.png
181 181
182 would convert the specified PPM file (using redirection) to PNG, auto- 182 would convert the specified PPM file (using redirection) to PNG, auto-
183 matically setting the PNG modification-time chunk. 183 matically setting the PNG modification-time chunk.
184 184
185 All options can be abbreviated to the shortest unique value; for example, 185 All options can be abbreviated to the shortest unique value; for example,
186 "-bgc" for -bgcolor (versus "-bgp" for -bgpat), or "-g" for -gamma. 186 "-bgc" for -bgcolor (versus "-bgp" for -bgpat), or "-g" for -gamma.
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/makevms.com b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/makevms.com
index 29a5727..f32bcab 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/makevms.com
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/makevms.com
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
1$!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1$!------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2$! make "PNG: The Definitive Guide" demo programs (for X) under OpenVMS 2$! make "PNG: The Definitive Guide" demo programs (for X) under OpenVMS
3$! 3$!
4$! Script created by Martin Zinser for libpng; modified by Greg Roelofs 4$! Script created by Martin Zinser for libpng; modified by Greg Roelofs
5$! for standalone pngbook source distribution. 5$! for standalone pngbook source distribution.
6$! 6$!
7$! 7$!
8$! Set locations where zlib and libpng sources live. 8$! Set locations where zlib and libpng sources live.
9$! 9$!
10$ zpath = "" 10$ zpath = ""
11$ pngpath = "" 11$ pngpath = ""
12$! 12$!
13$ if f$search("[---.zlib]zlib.h").nes."" then zpath = "[---.zlib]" 13$ if f$search("[---.zlib]zlib.h").nes."" then zpath = "[---.zlib]"
14$ if f$search("[--]png.h").nes."" then pngpath = "[--]" 14$ if f$search("[--]png.h").nes."" then pngpath = "[--]"
15$! 15$!
16$ if f$search("[-.zlib]zlib.h").nes."" then zpath = "[-.zlib]" 16$ if f$search("[-.zlib]zlib.h").nes."" then zpath = "[-.zlib]"
17$ if f$search("[-.libpng]png.h").nes."" then pngpath = "[-.libpng]" 17$ if f$search("[-.libpng]png.h").nes."" then pngpath = "[-.libpng]"
18$! 18$!
19$ if zpath .eqs. "" 19$ if zpath .eqs. ""
20$ then 20$ then
21$ write sys$output "zlib include not found. Exiting..." 21$ write sys$output "zlib include not found. Exiting..."
22$ exit 2 22$ exit 2
23$ endif 23$ endif
24$! 24$!
25$ if pngpath .eqs. "" 25$ if pngpath .eqs. ""
26$ then 26$ then
27$ write sys$output "libpng include not found. Exiting..." 27$ write sys$output "libpng include not found. Exiting..."
28$ exit 2 28$ exit 2
29$ endif 29$ endif
30$! 30$!
31$! Look for the compiler used. 31$! Look for the compiler used.
32$! 32$!
33$ ccopt="/include=(''zpath',''pngpath')" 33$ ccopt="/include=(''zpath',''pngpath')"
34$ if f$getsyi("HW_MODEL").ge.1024 34$ if f$getsyi("HW_MODEL").ge.1024
35$ then 35$ then
36$ ccopt = "/prefix=all"+ccopt 36$ ccopt = "/prefix=all"+ccopt
37$ comp = "__decc__=1" 37$ comp = "__decc__=1"
38$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library: 38$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library:
39$ else 39$ else
40$ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE").eqs."" 40$ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE").eqs.""
41$ then 41$ then
42$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library: 42$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys sys$library:
43$ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:VAXC.EXE").eqs."" 43$ if f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:VAXC.EXE").eqs.""
44$ then 44$ then
45$ comp = "__gcc__=1" 45$ comp = "__gcc__=1"
46$ CC :== GCC 46$ CC :== GCC
47$ else 47$ else
48$ comp = "__vaxc__=1" 48$ comp = "__vaxc__=1"
49$ endif 49$ endif
50$ else 50$ else
51$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys decc$library_include: 51$ if f$trnlnm("SYS").eqs."" then define sys decc$library_include:
52$ ccopt = "/decc/prefix=all"+ccopt 52$ ccopt = "/decc/prefix=all"+ccopt
53$ comp = "__decc__=1" 53$ comp = "__decc__=1"
54$ endif 54$ endif
55$ endif 55$ endif
56$ open/write lopt lib.opt 56$ open/write lopt lib.opt
57$ write lopt "''pngpath'libpng.olb/lib" 57$ write lopt "''pngpath'libpng.olb/lib"
58$ write lopt "''zpath'libz.olb/lib" 58$ write lopt "''zpath'libz.olb/lib"
59$ close lopt 59$ close lopt
60$ open/write xopt x11.opt 60$ open/write xopt x11.opt
61$ write xopt "sys$library:decw$xlibshr.exe/share" 61$ write xopt "sys$library:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
62$ close xopt 62$ close xopt
63$! 63$!
64$! Build 'em. 64$! Build 'em.
65$! 65$!
66$ write sys$output "Compiling PNG book programs ..." 66$ write sys$output "Compiling PNG book programs ..."
67$ CALL MAKE readpng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' readpng" - 67$ CALL MAKE readpng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' readpng" -
68 readpng.c readpng.h 68 readpng.c readpng.h
69$ CALL MAKE readpng2.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' readpng2" - 69$ CALL MAKE readpng2.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' readpng2" -
70 readpng2.c readpng2.h 70 readpng2.c readpng2.h
71$ CALL MAKE writepng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' writepng" - 71$ CALL MAKE writepng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' writepng" -
72 writepng.c writepng.h 72 writepng.c writepng.h
73$ write sys$output "Building rpng-x..." 73$ write sys$output "Building rpng-x..."
74$ CALL MAKE rpng-x.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' rpng-x" - 74$ CALL MAKE rpng-x.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' rpng-x" -
75 rpng-x.c readpng.h 75 rpng-x.c readpng.h
76$ call make rpng-x.exe - 76$ call make rpng-x.exe -
77 "LINK rpng-x,readpng,lib.opt/opt,x11.opt/opt" - 77 "LINK rpng-x,readpng,lib.opt/opt,x11.opt/opt" -
78 rpng-x.obj readpng.obj 78 rpng-x.obj readpng.obj
79$ write sys$output "Building rpng2-x..." 79$ write sys$output "Building rpng2-x..."
80$ CALL MAKE rpng2-x.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' rpng2-x" - 80$ CALL MAKE rpng2-x.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' rpng2-x" -
81 rpng2-x.c readpng2.h 81 rpng2-x.c readpng2.h
82$ call make rpng2-x.exe - 82$ call make rpng2-x.exe -
83 "LINK rpng2-x,readpng2,lib.opt/opt,x11.opt/opt" - 83 "LINK rpng2-x,readpng2,lib.opt/opt,x11.opt/opt" -
84 rpng2-x.obj readpng2.obj 84 rpng2-x.obj readpng2.obj
85$ write sys$output "Building wpng..." 85$ write sys$output "Building wpng..."
86$ CALL MAKE wpng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' wpng" - 86$ CALL MAKE wpng.OBJ "cc ''CCOPT' wpng" -
87 wpng.c writepng.h 87 wpng.c writepng.h
88$ call make wpng.exe - 88$ call make wpng.exe -
89 "LINK wpng,writepng,lib.opt/opt" - 89 "LINK wpng,writepng,lib.opt/opt" -
90 wpng.obj writepng.obj 90 wpng.obj writepng.obj
91$ exit 91$ exit
92$! 92$!
93$! 93$!
95$ V = 'F$Verify(0) 95$ V = 'F$Verify(0)
96$! P1 = What we are trying to make 96$! P1 = What we are trying to make
97$! P2 = Command to make it 97$! P2 = Command to make it
98$! P3 - P8 What it depends on 98$! P3 - P8 What it depends on
99$ 99$
100$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit 100$ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
101$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT")) 101$ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
102$arg=3 102$arg=3
103$Loop: 103$Loop:
104$ Argument = P'arg 104$ Argument = P'arg
105$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit 105$ If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
106$ El=0 106$ El=0
107$Loop2: 107$Loop2:
108$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument) 108$ File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
109$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl 109$ If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
110$ AFile = "" 110$ AFile = ""
111$Loop3: 111$Loop3:
112$ OFile = AFile 112$ OFile = AFile
113$ AFile = F$Search(File) 113$ AFile = F$Search(File)
114$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl 114$ If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
115$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit 115$ If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
116$ Goto Loop3 116$ Goto Loop3
117$NextEL: 117$NextEL:
118$ El = El + 1 118$ El = El + 1
119$ Goto Loop2 119$ Goto Loop2
120$EndL: 120$EndL:
121$ arg=arg+1 121$ arg=arg+1
122$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop 122$ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
123$ Goto Exit 123$ Goto Exit
124$ 124$
125$Makeit: 125$Makeit:
126$ VV=F$VERIFY(0) 126$ VV=F$VERIFY(0)
127$ write sys$output P2 127$ write sys$output P2
128$ 'P2 128$ 'P2
129$ VV='F$Verify(VV) 129$ VV='F$Verify(VV)
130$Exit: 130$Exit:
131$ If V Then Set Verify 131$ If V Then Set Verify
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.c
index 27a2f11..df42c30 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.c
@@ -1,311 +1,311 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng - simple PNG display program readpng.c 3 rpng - simple PNG display program readpng.c
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
8 8
9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
12 this software. 12 this software.
13 13
14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
16 following two licenses (at your option): 16 following two licenses (at your option):
17 17
18 18
19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
20 20
21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
24 24
25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
31 software must display the following acknowledgment: 31 software must display the following acknowledgment:
32 32
33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
35 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 35 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
36 36
37 37
38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
39 39
40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43 (at your option) any later version. 43 (at your option) any later version.
44 44
45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 GNU General Public License for more details. 48 GNU General Public License for more details.
49 49
50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
53 53
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 55
56#include <stdio.h> 56#include <stdio.h>
57#include <stdlib.h> 57#include <stdlib.h>
58 58
59#include "png.h" /* libpng header; includes zlib.h */ 59#include "png.h" /* libpng header; includes zlib.h */
60#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */ 60#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */
61 61
62/* future versions of libpng will provide this macro: */ 62/* future versions of libpng will provide this macro: */
63#ifndef png_jmpbuf 63#ifndef png_jmpbuf
64# define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->jmpbuf) 64# define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->jmpbuf)
65#endif 65#endif
66 66
67 67
68static png_structp png_ptr = NULL; 68static png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
69static png_infop info_ptr = NULL; 69static png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
70 70
71png_uint_32 width, height; 71png_uint_32 width, height;
72int bit_depth, color_type; 72int bit_depth, color_type;
73uch *image_data = NULL; 73uch *image_data = NULL;
74 74
75 75
76void readpng_version_info(void) 76void readpng_version_info(void)
77{ 77{
78 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with libpng %s; using libpng %s.\n", 78 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with libpng %s; using libpng %s.\n",
79 PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_libpng_ver); 79 PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_libpng_ver);
80 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with zlib %s; using zlib %s.\n", 80 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with zlib %s; using zlib %s.\n",
81 ZLIB_VERSION, zlib_version); 81 ZLIB_VERSION, zlib_version);
82} 82}
83 83
84 84
85/* return value = 0 for success, 1 for bad sig, 2 for bad IHDR, 4 for no mem */ 85/* return value = 0 for success, 1 for bad sig, 2 for bad IHDR, 4 for no mem */
86 86
87int readpng_init(FILE *infile, ulg *pWidth, ulg *pHeight) 87int readpng_init(FILE *infile, ulg *pWidth, ulg *pHeight)
88{ 88{
89 uch sig[8]; 89 uch sig[8];
90 90
91 91
92 /* first do a quick check that the file really is a PNG image; could 92 /* first do a quick check that the file really is a PNG image; could
93 * have used slightly more general png_sig_cmp() function instead */ 93 * have used slightly more general png_sig_cmp() function instead */
94 94
95 fread(sig, 1, 8, infile); 95 fread(sig, 1, 8, infile);
96 if (png_sig_cmp(sig, 0, 8)) 96 if (png_sig_cmp(sig, 0, 8))
97 return 1; /* bad signature */ 97 return 1; /* bad signature */
98 98
99 99
100 /* could pass pointers to user-defined error handlers instead of NULLs: */ 100 /* could pass pointers to user-defined error handlers instead of NULLs: */
101 101
102 png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); 102 png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
103 if (!png_ptr) 103 if (!png_ptr)
104 return 4; /* out of memory */ 104 return 4; /* out of memory */
105 105
106 info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); 106 info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
107 if (!info_ptr) { 107 if (!info_ptr) {
108 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL); 108 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
109 return 4; /* out of memory */ 109 return 4; /* out of memory */
110 } 110 }
111 111
112 112
113 /* we could create a second info struct here (end_info), but it's only 113 /* we could create a second info struct here (end_info), but it's only
114 * useful if we want to keep pre- and post-IDAT chunk info separated 114 * useful if we want to keep pre- and post-IDAT chunk info separated
115 * (mainly for PNG-aware image editors and converters) */ 115 * (mainly for PNG-aware image editors and converters) */
116 116
117 117
118 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading 118 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading
119 * libpng function */ 119 * libpng function */
120 120
121 if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { 121 if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
122 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 122 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
123 return 2; 123 return 2;
124 } 124 }
125 125
126 126
127 png_init_io(png_ptr, infile); 127 png_init_io(png_ptr, infile);
128 png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8); /* we already read the 8 signature bytes */ 128 png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8); /* we already read the 8 signature bytes */
129 129
130 png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); /* read all PNG info up to image data */ 130 png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); /* read all PNG info up to image data */
131 131
132 132
133 /* alternatively, could make separate calls to png_get_image_width(), 133 /* alternatively, could make separate calls to png_get_image_width(),
134 * etc., but want bit_depth and color_type for later [don't care about 134 * etc., but want bit_depth and color_type for later [don't care about
135 * compression_type and filter_type => NULLs] */ 135 * compression_type and filter_type => NULLs] */
136 136
137 png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, 137 png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type,
139 *pWidth = width; 139 *pWidth = width;
140 *pHeight = height; 140 *pHeight = height;
141 141
142 142
143 /* OK, that's all we need for now; return happy */ 143 /* OK, that's all we need for now; return happy */
144 144
145 return 0; 145 return 0;
146} 146}
147 147
148 148
149 149
150 150
151/* returns 0 if succeeds, 1 if fails due to no bKGD chunk, 2 if libpng error; 151/* returns 0 if succeeds, 1 if fails due to no bKGD chunk, 2 if libpng error;
152 * scales values to 8-bit if necessary */ 152 * scales values to 8-bit if necessary */
153 153
154int readpng_get_bgcolor(uch *red, uch *green, uch *blue) 154int readpng_get_bgcolor(uch *red, uch *green, uch *blue)
155{ 155{
156 png_color_16p pBackground; 156 png_color_16p pBackground;
157 157
158 158
159 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading 159 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading
160 * libpng function */ 160 * libpng function */
161 161
162 if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { 162 if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
163 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 163 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
164 return 2; 164 return 2;
165 } 165 }
166 166
167 167
168 if (!png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_bKGD)) 168 if (!png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_bKGD))
169 return 1; 169 return 1;
170 170
171 /* it is not obvious from the libpng documentation, but this function 171 /* it is not obvious from the libpng documentation, but this function
172 * takes a pointer to a pointer, and it always returns valid red, green 172 * takes a pointer to a pointer, and it always returns valid red, green
173 * and blue values, regardless of color_type: */ 173 * and blue values, regardless of color_type: */
174 174
175 png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &pBackground); 175 png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &pBackground);
176 176
177 177
178 /* however, it always returns the raw bKGD data, regardless of any 178 /* however, it always returns the raw bKGD data, regardless of any
179 * bit-depth transformations, so check depth and adjust if necessary */ 179 * bit-depth transformations, so check depth and adjust if necessary */
180 180
181 if (bit_depth == 16) { 181 if (bit_depth == 16) {
182 *red = pBackground->red >> 8; 182 *red = pBackground->red >> 8;
183 *green = pBackground->green >> 8; 183 *green = pBackground->green >> 8;
184 *blue = pBackground->blue >> 8; 184 *blue = pBackground->blue >> 8;
185 } else if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) { 185 } else if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) {
186 if (bit_depth == 1) 186 if (bit_depth == 1)
187 *red = *green = *blue = pBackground->gray? 255 : 0; 187 *red = *green = *blue = pBackground->gray? 255 : 0;
188 else if (bit_depth == 2) 188 else if (bit_depth == 2)
189 *red = *green = *blue = (255/3) * pBackground->gray; 189 *red = *green = *blue = (255/3) * pBackground->gray;
190 else /* bit_depth == 4 */ 190 else /* bit_depth == 4 */
191 *red = *green = *blue = (255/15) * pBackground->gray; 191 *red = *green = *blue = (255/15) * pBackground->gray;
192 } else { 192 } else {
193 *red = (uch)pBackground->red; 193 *red = (uch)pBackground->red;
194 *green = (uch)pBackground->green; 194 *green = (uch)pBackground->green;
195 *blue = (uch)pBackground->blue; 195 *blue = (uch)pBackground->blue;
196 } 196 }
197 197
198 return 0; 198 return 0;
199} 199}
200 200
201 201
202 202
203 203
204/* display_exponent == LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent */ 204/* display_exponent == LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent */
205 205
206uch *readpng_get_image(double display_exponent, int *pChannels, ulg *pRowbytes) 206uch *readpng_get_image(double display_exponent, int *pChannels, ulg *pRowbytes)
207{ 207{
208 double gamma; 208 double gamma;
209 png_uint_32 i, rowbytes; 209 png_uint_32 i, rowbytes;
210 png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL; 210 png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL;
211 211
212 212
213 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading 213 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading
214 * libpng function */ 214 * libpng function */
215 215
216 if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { 216 if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
217 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 217 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
218 return NULL; 218 return NULL;
219 } 219 }
220 220
221 221
222 /* expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth grayscale images to 8 bits, 222 /* expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth grayscale images to 8 bits,
223 * transparency chunks to full alpha channel; strip 16-bit-per-sample 223 * transparency chunks to full alpha channel; strip 16-bit-per-sample
224 * images to 8 bits per sample; and convert grayscale to RGB[A] */ 224 * images to 8 bits per sample; and convert grayscale to RGB[A] */
225 225
226 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) 226 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
227 png_set_expand(png_ptr); 227 png_set_expand(png_ptr);
228 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) 228 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
229 png_set_expand(png_ptr); 229 png_set_expand(png_ptr);
230 if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) 230 if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
231 png_set_expand(png_ptr); 231 png_set_expand(png_ptr);
232#ifdef PNG_READ_16_TO_8_SUPPORTED 232#ifdef PNG_READ_16_TO_8_SUPPORTED
233 if (bit_depth == 16) 233 if (bit_depth == 16)
235 png_set_scale_16(png_ptr); 235 png_set_scale_16(png_ptr);
236# else 236# else
237 png_set_strip_16(png_ptr); 237 png_set_strip_16(png_ptr);
238# endif 238# endif
239#endif 239#endif
240 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || 240 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
241 color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) 241 color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)
242 png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr); 242 png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr);
243 243
244 244
245 /* unlike the example in the libpng documentation, we have *no* idea where 245 /* unlike the example in the libpng documentation, we have *no* idea where
246 * this file may have come from--so if it doesn't have a file gamma, don't 246 * this file may have come from--so if it doesn't have a file gamma, don't
247 * do any correction ("do no harm") */ 247 * do any correction ("do no harm") */
248 248
249 if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma)) 249 if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma))
250 png_set_gamma(png_ptr, display_exponent, gamma); 250 png_set_gamma(png_ptr, display_exponent, gamma);
251 251
252 252
253 /* all transformations have been registered; now update info_ptr data, 253 /* all transformations have been registered; now update info_ptr data,
254 * get rowbytes and channels, and allocate image memory */ 254 * get rowbytes and channels, and allocate image memory */
255 255
256 png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); 256 png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
257 257
258 *pRowbytes = rowbytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr); 258 *pRowbytes = rowbytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);
259 *pChannels = (int)png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr); 259 *pChannels = (int)png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr);
260 260
261 if ((image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes*height)) == NULL) { 261 if ((image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes*height)) == NULL) {
262 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 262 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
263 return NULL; 263 return NULL;
264 } 264 }
265 if ((row_pointers = (png_bytepp)malloc(height*sizeof(png_bytep))) == NULL) { 265 if ((row_pointers = (png_bytepp)malloc(height*sizeof(png_bytep))) == NULL) {
266 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 266 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
267 free(image_data); 267 free(image_data);
268 image_data = NULL; 268 image_data = NULL;
269 return NULL; 269 return NULL;
270 } 270 }
271 271
272 Trace((stderr, "readpng_get_image: channels = %d, rowbytes = %ld, height = %ld\n", 272 Trace((stderr, "readpng_get_image: channels = %d, rowbytes = %ld, height = %ld\n",
273 *pChannels, rowbytes, height)); 273 *pChannels, rowbytes, height));
274 274
275 275
276 /* set the individual row_pointers to point at the correct offsets */ 276 /* set the individual row_pointers to point at the correct offsets */
277 277
278 for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) 278 for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
279 row_pointers[i] = image_data + i*rowbytes; 279 row_pointers[i] = image_data + i*rowbytes;
280 280
281 281
282 /* now we can go ahead and just read the whole image */ 282 /* now we can go ahead and just read the whole image */
283 283
284 png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers); 284 png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
285 285
286 286
287 /* and we're done! (png_read_end() can be omitted if no processing of 287 /* and we're done! (png_read_end() can be omitted if no processing of
288 * post-IDAT text/time/etc. is desired) */ 288 * post-IDAT text/time/etc. is desired) */
289 289
290 free(row_pointers); 290 free(row_pointers);
291 row_pointers = NULL; 291 row_pointers = NULL;
292 292
293 png_read_end(png_ptr, NULL); 293 png_read_end(png_ptr, NULL);
294 294
295 return image_data; 295 return image_data;
296} 296}
297 297
298 298
299void readpng_cleanup(int free_image_data) 299void readpng_cleanup(int free_image_data)
300{ 300{
301 if (free_image_data && image_data) { 301 if (free_image_data && image_data) {
302 free(image_data); 302 free(image_data);
303 image_data = NULL; 303 image_data = NULL;
304 } 304 }
305 305
306 if (png_ptr && info_ptr) { 306 if (png_ptr && info_ptr) {
307 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 307 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
308 png_ptr = NULL; 308 png_ptr = NULL;
309 info_ptr = NULL; 309 info_ptr = NULL;
310 } 310 }
311} 311}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.h b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.h
index ec6b483..fad9fe3 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.h
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng.h
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng - simple PNG display program readpng.h 3 rpng - simple PNG display program readpng.h
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
8 8
9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
12 this software. 12 this software.
13 13
14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
16 following two licenses (at your option): 16 following two licenses (at your option):
17 17
18 18
19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
20 20
21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
24 24
25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
31 software must display the following acknowledgment: 31 software must display the following acknowledgment:
32 32
33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
35 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 35 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
36 36
37 37
38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
39 39
40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43 (at your option) any later version. 43 (at your option) any later version.
44 44
45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 GNU General Public License for more details. 48 GNU General Public License for more details.
49 49
50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
53 53
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 55
56#ifndef TRUE 56#ifndef TRUE
57# define TRUE 1 57# define TRUE 1
58# define FALSE 0 58# define FALSE 0
59#endif 59#endif
60 60
61#ifndef MAX 61#ifndef MAX
62# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b)? (a) : (b)) 62# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b)? (a) : (b))
63# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b)) 63# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b))
64#endif 64#endif
65 65
66#ifdef DEBUG 66#ifdef DEBUG
67# define Trace(x) {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);} 67# define Trace(x) {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);}
68#else 68#else
69# define Trace(x) ; 69# define Trace(x) ;
70#endif 70#endif
71 71
72typedef unsigned char uch; 72typedef unsigned char uch;
73typedef unsigned short ush; 73typedef unsigned short ush;
74typedef unsigned long ulg; 74typedef unsigned long ulg;
75 75
76 76
77/* prototypes for public functions in readpng.c */ 77/* prototypes for public functions in readpng.c */
78 78
79void readpng_version_info(void); 79void readpng_version_info(void);
80 80
81int readpng_init(FILE *infile, ulg *pWidth, ulg *pHeight); 81int readpng_init(FILE *infile, ulg *pWidth, ulg *pHeight);
82 82
83int readpng_get_bgcolor(uch *bg_red, uch *bg_green, uch *bg_blue); 83int readpng_get_bgcolor(uch *bg_red, uch *bg_green, uch *bg_blue);
84 84
85uch *readpng_get_image(double display_exponent, int *pChannels, 85uch *readpng_get_image(double display_exponent, int *pChannels,
86 ulg *pRowbytes); 86 ulg *pRowbytes);
87 87
88void readpng_cleanup(int free_image_data); 88void readpng_cleanup(int free_image_data);
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.c
index 3bbd2ec..b9746b7 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.c
@@ -1,511 +1,511 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program readpng2.c 3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program readpng2.c
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
8 8
9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
12 this software. 12 this software.
13 13
14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
16 following two licenses (at your option): 16 following two licenses (at your option):
17 17
18 18
19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
20 20
21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
24 24
25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
31 software must display the following acknowledgment: 31 software must display the following acknowledgment:
32 32
33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
35 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 35 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
36 36
37 37
38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
39 39
40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43 (at your option) any later version. 43 (at your option) any later version.
44 44
45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 GNU General Public License for more details. 48 GNU General Public License for more details.
49 49
50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
53 53
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 55
56 56
57#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit() prototype */ 57#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit() prototype */
58#include <setjmp.h> 58#include <setjmp.h>
59 59
60#include <zlib.h> 60#include <zlib.h>
61#include "png.h" /* libpng header from the local directory */ 61#include "png.h" /* libpng header from the local directory */
62#include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */ 62#include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */
63 63
64 64
65/* local prototypes */ 65/* local prototypes */
66 66
67static void readpng2_info_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr); 67static void readpng2_info_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr);
68static void readpng2_row_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep new_row, 68static void readpng2_row_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep new_row,
69 png_uint_32 row_num, int pass); 69 png_uint_32 row_num, int pass);
70static void readpng2_end_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr); 70static void readpng2_end_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr);
71static void readpng2_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg); 71static void readpng2_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg);
72 72
73 73
74 74
75 75
76void readpng2_version_info(void) 76void readpng2_version_info(void)
77{ 77{
78 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with libpng %s; using libpng %s\n", 78 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with libpng %s; using libpng %s\n",
79 PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_libpng_ver); 79 PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_libpng_ver);
80 80
81 fprintf(stderr, " and with zlib %s; using zlib %s.\n", 81 fprintf(stderr, " and with zlib %s; using zlib %s.\n",
82 ZLIB_VERSION, zlib_version); 82 ZLIB_VERSION, zlib_version);
83} 83}
84 84
85 85
86 86
87 87
88int readpng2_check_sig(uch *sig, int num) 88int readpng2_check_sig(uch *sig, int num)
89{ 89{
90 return !png_sig_cmp(sig, 0, num); 90 return !png_sig_cmp(sig, 0, num);
91} 91}
92 92
93 93
94 94
95 95
96/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng problem, 4 for out of memory */ 96/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng problem, 4 for out of memory */
97 97
98int readpng2_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) 98int readpng2_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr)
99{ 99{
100 png_structp png_ptr; /* note: temporary variables! */ 100 png_structp png_ptr; /* note: temporary variables! */
101 png_infop info_ptr; 101 png_infop info_ptr;
102 102
103 103
104 /* could also replace libpng warning-handler (final NULL), but no need: */ 104 /* could also replace libpng warning-handler (final NULL), but no need: */
105 105
106 png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, mainprog_ptr, 106 png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, mainprog_ptr,
107 readpng2_error_handler, NULL); 107 readpng2_error_handler, NULL);
108 if (!png_ptr) 108 if (!png_ptr)
109 return 4; /* out of memory */ 109 return 4; /* out of memory */
110 110
111 info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); 111 info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
112 if (!info_ptr) { 112 if (!info_ptr) {
113 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL); 113 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
114 return 4; /* out of memory */ 114 return 4; /* out of memory */
115 } 115 }
116 116
117 117
118 /* we could create a second info struct here (end_info), but it's only 118 /* we could create a second info struct here (end_info), but it's only
119 * useful if we want to keep pre- and post-IDAT chunk info separated 119 * useful if we want to keep pre- and post-IDAT chunk info separated
120 * (mainly for PNG-aware image editors and converters) */ 120 * (mainly for PNG-aware image editors and converters) */
121 121
122 122
123 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading 123 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading
124 * libpng function, unless an alternate error handler was installed-- 124 * libpng function, unless an alternate error handler was installed--
125 * but compatible error handlers must either use longjmp() themselves 125 * but compatible error handlers must either use longjmp() themselves
126 * (as in this program) or exit immediately, so here we are: */ 126 * (as in this program) or exit immediately, so here we are: */
127 127
128 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) { 128 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
129 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 129 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
130 return 2; 130 return 2;
131 } 131 }
132 132
133 133
135 /* prepare the reader to ignore all recognized chunks whose data won't be 135 /* prepare the reader to ignore all recognized chunks whose data won't be
136 * used, i.e., all chunks recognized by libpng except for IHDR, PLTE, IDAT, 136 * used, i.e., all chunks recognized by libpng except for IHDR, PLTE, IDAT,
137 * IEND, tRNS, bKGD, gAMA, and sRGB (small performance improvement) */ 137 * IEND, tRNS, bKGD, gAMA, and sRGB (small performance improvement) */
138 { 138 {
139 /* These byte strings were copied from png.h. If a future libpng 139 /* These byte strings were copied from png.h. If a future libpng
140 * version recognizes more chunks, add them to this list. If a 140 * version recognizes more chunks, add them to this list. If a
141 * future version of readpng2.c recognizes more chunks, delete them 141 * future version of readpng2.c recognizes more chunks, delete them
142 * from this list. */ 142 * from this list. */
143 static /* const */ png_byte chunks_to_ignore[] = { 143 static /* const */ png_byte chunks_to_ignore[] = {
144 99, 72, 82, 77, '\0', /* cHRM */ 144 99, 72, 82, 77, '\0', /* cHRM */
145 104, 73, 83, 84, '\0', /* hIST */ 145 104, 73, 83, 84, '\0', /* hIST */
146 105, 67, 67, 80, '\0', /* iCCP */ 146 105, 67, 67, 80, '\0', /* iCCP */
147 105, 84, 88, 116, '\0', /* iTXt */ 147 105, 84, 88, 116, '\0', /* iTXt */
148 111, 70, 70, 115, '\0', /* oFFs */ 148 111, 70, 70, 115, '\0', /* oFFs */
149 112, 67, 65, 76, '\0', /* pCAL */ 149 112, 67, 65, 76, '\0', /* pCAL */
150 112, 72, 89, 115, '\0', /* pHYs */ 150 112, 72, 89, 115, '\0', /* pHYs */
151 115, 66, 73, 84, '\0', /* sBIT */ 151 115, 66, 73, 84, '\0', /* sBIT */
152 115, 67, 65, 76, '\0', /* sCAL */ 152 115, 67, 65, 76, '\0', /* sCAL */
153 115, 80, 76, 84, '\0', /* sPLT */ 153 115, 80, 76, 84, '\0', /* sPLT */
154 115, 84, 69, 82, '\0', /* sTER */ 154 115, 84, 69, 82, '\0', /* sTER */
155 116, 69, 88, 116, '\0', /* tEXt */ 155 116, 69, 88, 116, '\0', /* tEXt */
156 116, 73, 77, 69, '\0', /* tIME */ 156 116, 73, 77, 69, '\0', /* tIME */
157 122, 84, 88, 116, '\0' /* zTXt */ 157 122, 84, 88, 116, '\0' /* zTXt */
158 }; 158 };
159 159
160 png_set_keep_unknown_chunks(png_ptr, 1 /* PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_NEVER */, 160 png_set_keep_unknown_chunks(png_ptr, 1 /* PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_NEVER */,
161 chunks_to_ignore, sizeof(chunks_to_ignore)/5); 161 chunks_to_ignore, sizeof(chunks_to_ignore)/5);
162 } 162 }
164 164
165 165
166 /* instead of doing png_init_io() here, now we set up our callback 166 /* instead of doing png_init_io() here, now we set up our callback
167 * functions for progressive decoding */ 167 * functions for progressive decoding */
168 168
169 png_set_progressive_read_fn(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr, 169 png_set_progressive_read_fn(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr,
170 readpng2_info_callback, readpng2_row_callback, readpng2_end_callback); 170 readpng2_info_callback, readpng2_row_callback, readpng2_end_callback);
171 171
172 172
173 /* make sure we save our pointers for use in readpng2_decode_data() */ 173 /* make sure we save our pointers for use in readpng2_decode_data() */
174 174
175 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = png_ptr; 175 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = png_ptr;
176 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = info_ptr; 176 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = info_ptr;
177 177
178 178
179 /* and that's all there is to initialization */ 179 /* and that's all there is to initialization */
180 180
181 return 0; 181 return 0;
182} 182}
183 183
184 184
185 185
186 186
187/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng (longjmp) problem */ 187/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng (longjmp) problem */
188 188
189int readpng2_decode_data(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr, uch *rawbuf, ulg length) 189int readpng2_decode_data(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr, uch *rawbuf, ulg length)
190{ 190{
191 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr; 191 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr;
192 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr; 192 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr;
193 193
194 194
195 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading 195 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading
196 * libpng function */ 196 * libpng function */
197 197
198 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) { 198 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
199 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 199 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
200 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL; 200 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL;
201 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL; 201 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL;
202 return 2; 202 return 2;
203 } 203 }
204 204
205 205
206 /* hand off the next chunk of input data to libpng for decoding */ 206 /* hand off the next chunk of input data to libpng for decoding */
207 207
208 png_process_data(png_ptr, info_ptr, rawbuf, length); 208 png_process_data(png_ptr, info_ptr, rawbuf, length);
209 209
210 return 0; 210 return 0;
211} 211}
212 212
213 213
214 214
215 215
216static void readpng2_info_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr) 216static void readpng2_info_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)
217{ 217{
218 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr; 218 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr;
219 int color_type, bit_depth; 219 int color_type, bit_depth;
220 png_uint_32 width, height; 220 png_uint_32 width, height;
222 double gamma; 222 double gamma;
223#else 223#else
224 png_fixed_point gamma; 224 png_fixed_point gamma;
225#endif 225#endif
226 226
227 227
228 /* setjmp() doesn't make sense here, because we'd either have to exit(), 228 /* setjmp() doesn't make sense here, because we'd either have to exit(),
229 * longjmp() ourselves, or return control to libpng, which doesn't want 229 * longjmp() ourselves, or return control to libpng, which doesn't want
230 * to see us again. By not doing anything here, libpng will instead jump 230 * to see us again. By not doing anything here, libpng will instead jump
231 * to readpng2_decode_data(), which can return an error value to the main 231 * to readpng2_decode_data(), which can return an error value to the main
232 * program. */ 232 * program. */
233 233
234 234
235 /* retrieve the pointer to our special-purpose struct, using the png_ptr 235 /* retrieve the pointer to our special-purpose struct, using the png_ptr
236 * that libpng passed back to us (i.e., not a global this time--there's 236 * that libpng passed back to us (i.e., not a global this time--there's
237 * no real difference for a single image, but for a multithreaded browser 237 * no real difference for a single image, but for a multithreaded browser
238 * decoding several PNG images at the same time, one needs to avoid mixing 238 * decoding several PNG images at the same time, one needs to avoid mixing
239 * up different images' structs) */ 239 * up different images' structs) */
240 240
241 mainprog_ptr = png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr); 241 mainprog_ptr = png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr);
242 242
243 if (mainprog_ptr == NULL) { /* we be hosed */ 243 if (mainprog_ptr == NULL) { /* we be hosed */
244 fprintf(stderr, 244 fprintf(stderr,
245 "readpng2 error: main struct not recoverable in info_callback.\n"); 245 "readpng2 error: main struct not recoverable in info_callback.\n");
246 fflush(stderr); 246 fflush(stderr);
247 return; 247 return;
248 /* 248 /*
249 * Alternatively, we could call our error-handler just like libpng 249 * Alternatively, we could call our error-handler just like libpng
250 * does, which would effectively terminate the program. Since this 250 * does, which would effectively terminate the program. Since this
251 * can only happen if png_ptr gets redirected somewhere odd or the 251 * can only happen if png_ptr gets redirected somewhere odd or the
252 * main PNG struct gets wiped, we're probably toast anyway. (If 252 * main PNG struct gets wiped, we're probably toast anyway. (If
253 * png_ptr itself is NULL, we would not have been called.) 253 * png_ptr itself is NULL, we would not have been called.)
254 */ 254 */
255 } 255 }
256 256
257 257
258 /* this is just like in the non-progressive case */ 258 /* this is just like in the non-progressive case */
259 259
260 png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, 260 png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type,
262 mainprog_ptr->width = (ulg)width; 262 mainprog_ptr->width = (ulg)width;
263 mainprog_ptr->height = (ulg)height; 263 mainprog_ptr->height = (ulg)height;
264 264
265 265
266 /* since we know we've read all of the PNG file's "header" (i.e., up 266 /* since we know we've read all of the PNG file's "header" (i.e., up
267 * to IDAT), we can check for a background color here */ 267 * to IDAT), we can check for a background color here */
268 268
269 if (mainprog_ptr->need_bgcolor && 269 if (mainprog_ptr->need_bgcolor &&
270 png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_bKGD)) 270 png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_bKGD))
271 { 271 {
272 png_color_16p pBackground; 272 png_color_16p pBackground;
273 273
274 /* it is not obvious from the libpng documentation, but this function 274 /* it is not obvious from the libpng documentation, but this function
275 * takes a pointer to a pointer, and it always returns valid red, 275 * takes a pointer to a pointer, and it always returns valid red,
276 * green and blue values, regardless of color_type: */ 276 * green and blue values, regardless of color_type: */
277 png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &pBackground); 277 png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &pBackground);
278 278
279 /* however, it always returns the raw bKGD data, regardless of any 279 /* however, it always returns the raw bKGD data, regardless of any
280 * bit-depth transformations, so check depth and adjust if necessary */ 280 * bit-depth transformations, so check depth and adjust if necessary */
281 if (bit_depth == 16) { 281 if (bit_depth == 16) {
282 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = pBackground->red >> 8; 282 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = pBackground->red >> 8;
283 mainprog_ptr->bg_green = pBackground->green >> 8; 283 mainprog_ptr->bg_green = pBackground->green >> 8;
284 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = pBackground->blue >> 8; 284 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = pBackground->blue >> 8;
285 } else if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) { 285 } else if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) {
286 if (bit_depth == 1) 286 if (bit_depth == 1)
287 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = mainprog_ptr->bg_green = 287 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = mainprog_ptr->bg_green =
288 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = pBackground->gray? 255 : 0; 288 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = pBackground->gray? 255 : 0;
289 else if (bit_depth == 2) 289 else if (bit_depth == 2)
290 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = mainprog_ptr->bg_green = 290 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = mainprog_ptr->bg_green =
291 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = (255/3) * pBackground->gray; 291 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = (255/3) * pBackground->gray;
292 else /* bit_depth == 4 */ 292 else /* bit_depth == 4 */
293 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = mainprog_ptr->bg_green = 293 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = mainprog_ptr->bg_green =
294 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = (255/15) * pBackground->gray; 294 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = (255/15) * pBackground->gray;
295 } else { 295 } else {
296 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = (uch)pBackground->red; 296 mainprog_ptr->bg_red = (uch)pBackground->red;
297 mainprog_ptr->bg_green = (uch)pBackground->green; 297 mainprog_ptr->bg_green = (uch)pBackground->green;
298 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = (uch)pBackground->blue; 298 mainprog_ptr->bg_blue = (uch)pBackground->blue;
299 } 299 }
300 } 300 }
301 301
302 302
303 /* as before, let libpng expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth 303 /* as before, let libpng expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth
304 * grayscale images to 8 bits, transparency chunks to full alpha channel; 304 * grayscale images to 8 bits, transparency chunks to full alpha channel;
305 * strip 16-bit-per-sample images to 8 bits per sample; and convert 305 * strip 16-bit-per-sample images to 8 bits per sample; and convert
306 * grayscale to RGB[A] */ 306 * grayscale to RGB[A] */
307 307
308 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) 308 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
309 png_set_expand(png_ptr); 309 png_set_expand(png_ptr);
310 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) 310 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
311 png_set_expand(png_ptr); 311 png_set_expand(png_ptr);
312 if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) 312 if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
313 png_set_expand(png_ptr); 313 png_set_expand(png_ptr);
314#ifdef PNG_READ_16_TO_8_SUPPORTED 314#ifdef PNG_READ_16_TO_8_SUPPORTED
315 if (bit_depth == 16) 315 if (bit_depth == 16)
317 png_set_scale_16(png_ptr); 317 png_set_scale_16(png_ptr);
318# else 318# else
319 png_set_strip_16(png_ptr); 319 png_set_strip_16(png_ptr);
320# endif 320# endif
321#endif 321#endif
322 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || 322 if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
323 color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) 323 color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)
324 png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr); 324 png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr);
325 325
326 326
327 /* Unlike the basic viewer, which was designed to operate on local files, 327 /* Unlike the basic viewer, which was designed to operate on local files,
328 * this program is intended to simulate a web browser--even though we 328 * this program is intended to simulate a web browser--even though we
329 * actually read from a local file, too. But because we are pretending 329 * actually read from a local file, too. But because we are pretending
330 * that most of the images originate on the Internet, we follow the recom- 330 * that most of the images originate on the Internet, we follow the recom-
331 * mendation of the sRGB proposal and treat unlabelled images (no gAMA 331 * mendation of the sRGB proposal and treat unlabelled images (no gAMA
332 * chunk) as existing in the sRGB color space. That is, we assume that 332 * chunk) as existing in the sRGB color space. That is, we assume that
333 * such images have a file gamma of 0.45455, which corresponds to a PC-like 333 * such images have a file gamma of 0.45455, which corresponds to a PC-like
334 * display system. This change in assumptions will have no effect on a 334 * display system. This change in assumptions will have no effect on a
335 * PC-like system, but on a Mac, SGI, NeXT or other system with a non- 335 * PC-like system, but on a Mac, SGI, NeXT or other system with a non-
336 * identity lookup table, it will darken unlabelled images, which effec- 336 * identity lookup table, it will darken unlabelled images, which effec-
337 * tively favors images from PC-like systems over those originating on 337 * tively favors images from PC-like systems over those originating on
338 * the local platform. Note that mainprog_ptr->display_exponent is the 338 * the local platform. Note that mainprog_ptr->display_exponent is the
339 * "gamma" value for the entire display system, i.e., the product of 339 * "gamma" value for the entire display system, i.e., the product of
340 * LUT_exponent and CRT_exponent. */ 340 * LUT_exponent and CRT_exponent. */
341 341
343 if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma)) 343 if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma))
344 png_set_gamma(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->display_exponent, gamma); 344 png_set_gamma(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->display_exponent, gamma);
345 else 345 else
346 png_set_gamma(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->display_exponent, 0.45455); 346 png_set_gamma(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->display_exponent, 0.45455);
347#else 347#else
348 if (png_get_gAMA_fixed(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma)) 348 if (png_get_gAMA_fixed(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma))
349 png_set_gamma_fixed(png_ptr, 349 png_set_gamma_fixed(png_ptr,
350 (png_fixed_point)(100000*mainprog_ptr->display_exponent+.5), gamma); 350 (png_fixed_point)(100000*mainprog_ptr->display_exponent+.5), gamma);
351 else 351 else
352 png_set_gamma_fixed(png_ptr, 352 png_set_gamma_fixed(png_ptr,
353 (png_fixed_point)(100000*mainprog_ptr->display_exponent+.5), 45455); 353 (png_fixed_point)(100000*mainprog_ptr->display_exponent+.5), 45455);
354#endif 354#endif
355 355
356 /* we'll let libpng expand interlaced images, too */ 356 /* we'll let libpng expand interlaced images, too */
357 357
358 mainprog_ptr->passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr); 358 mainprog_ptr->passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);
359 359
360 360
361 /* all transformations have been registered; now update info_ptr data and 361 /* all transformations have been registered; now update info_ptr data and
362 * then get rowbytes and channels */ 362 * then get rowbytes and channels */
363 363
364 png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); 364 png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
365 365
366 mainprog_ptr->rowbytes = (int)png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr); 366 mainprog_ptr->rowbytes = (int)png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);
367 mainprog_ptr->channels = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr); 367 mainprog_ptr->channels = png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr);
368 368
369 369
370 /* Call the main program to allocate memory for the image buffer and 370 /* Call the main program to allocate memory for the image buffer and
371 * initialize windows and whatnot. (The old-style function-pointer 371 * initialize windows and whatnot. (The old-style function-pointer
372 * invocation is used for compatibility with a few supposedly ANSI 372 * invocation is used for compatibility with a few supposedly ANSI
373 * compilers that nevertheless barf on "fn_ptr()"-style syntax.) */ 373 * compilers that nevertheless barf on "fn_ptr()"-style syntax.) */
374 374
375 (*mainprog_ptr->mainprog_init)(); 375 (*mainprog_ptr->mainprog_init)();
376 376
377 377
378 /* and that takes care of initialization */ 378 /* and that takes care of initialization */
379 379
380 return; 380 return;
381} 381}
382 382
383 383
384 384
385 385
386 386
387static void readpng2_row_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep new_row, 387static void readpng2_row_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep new_row,
388 png_uint_32 row_num, int pass) 388 png_uint_32 row_num, int pass)
389{ 389{
390 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr; 390 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr;
391 391
392 392
393 /* first check whether the row differs from the previous pass; if not, 393 /* first check whether the row differs from the previous pass; if not,
394 * nothing to combine or display */ 394 * nothing to combine or display */
395 395
396 if (!new_row) 396 if (!new_row)
397 return; 397 return;
398 398
399 399
400 /* retrieve the pointer to our special-purpose struct so we can access 400 /* retrieve the pointer to our special-purpose struct so we can access
401 * the old rows and image-display callback function */ 401 * the old rows and image-display callback function */
402 402
403 mainprog_ptr = png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr); 403 mainprog_ptr = png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr);
404 404
405 405
406 /* save the pass number for optional use by the front end */ 406 /* save the pass number for optional use by the front end */
407 407
408 mainprog_ptr->pass = pass; 408 mainprog_ptr->pass = pass;
409 409
410 410
411 /* have libpng either combine the new row data with the existing row data 411 /* have libpng either combine the new row data with the existing row data
412 * from previous passes (if interlaced) or else just copy the new row 412 * from previous passes (if interlaced) or else just copy the new row
413 * into the main program's image buffer */ 413 * into the main program's image buffer */
414 414
415 png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->row_pointers[row_num], 415 png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->row_pointers[row_num],
416 new_row); 416 new_row);
417 417
418 418
419 /* finally, call the display routine in the main program with the number 419 /* finally, call the display routine in the main program with the number
420 * of the row we just updated */ 420 * of the row we just updated */
421 421
422 (*mainprog_ptr->mainprog_display_row)(row_num); 422 (*mainprog_ptr->mainprog_display_row)(row_num);
423 423
424 424
425 /* and we're ready for more */ 425 /* and we're ready for more */
426 426
427 return; 427 return;
428} 428}
429 429
430 430
431 431
432 432
433 433
434static void readpng2_end_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr) 434static void readpng2_end_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr)
435{ 435{
436 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr; 436 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr;
437 437
438 438
439 /* retrieve the pointer to our special-purpose struct */ 439 /* retrieve the pointer to our special-purpose struct */
440 440
441 mainprog_ptr = png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr); 441 mainprog_ptr = png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr);
442 442
443 443
444 /* let the main program know that it should flush any buffered image 444 /* let the main program know that it should flush any buffered image
445 * data to the display now and set a "done" flag or whatever, but note 445 * data to the display now and set a "done" flag or whatever, but note
446 * that it SHOULD NOT DESTROY THE PNG STRUCTS YET--in other words, do 446 * that it SHOULD NOT DESTROY THE PNG STRUCTS YET--in other words, do
447 * NOT call readpng2_cleanup() either here or in the finish_display() 447 * NOT call readpng2_cleanup() either here or in the finish_display()
448 * routine; wait until control returns to the main program via 448 * routine; wait until control returns to the main program via
449 * readpng2_decode_data() */ 449 * readpng2_decode_data() */
450 450
451 (*mainprog_ptr->mainprog_finish_display)(); 451 (*mainprog_ptr->mainprog_finish_display)();
452 452
453 453
454 /* all done */ 454 /* all done */
455 455
456 return; 456 return;
457} 457}
458 458
459 459
460 460
461 461
462 462
463void readpng2_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) 463void readpng2_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr)
464{ 464{
465 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr; 465 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr;
466 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr; 466 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr;
467 467
468 if (png_ptr && info_ptr) 468 if (png_ptr && info_ptr)
469 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); 469 png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
470 470
471 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL; 471 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL;
472 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL; 472 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL;
473} 473}
474 474
475 475
476 476
477 477
478 478
479static void readpng2_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg) 479static void readpng2_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg)
480{ 480{
481 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr; 481 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr;
482 482
483 /* This function, aside from the extra step of retrieving the "error 483 /* This function, aside from the extra step of retrieving the "error
484 * pointer" (below) and the fact that it exists within the application 484 * pointer" (below) and the fact that it exists within the application
485 * rather than within libpng, is essentially identical to libpng's 485 * rather than within libpng, is essentially identical to libpng's
486 * default error handler. The second point is critical: since both 486 * default error handler. The second point is critical: since both
487 * setjmp() and longjmp() are called from the same code, they are 487 * setjmp() and longjmp() are called from the same code, they are
488 * guaranteed to have compatible notions of how big a jmp_buf is, 488 * guaranteed to have compatible notions of how big a jmp_buf is,
489 * regardless of whether _BSD_SOURCE or anything else has (or has not) 489 * regardless of whether _BSD_SOURCE or anything else has (or has not)
490 * been defined. */ 490 * been defined. */
491 491
492 fprintf(stderr, "readpng2 libpng error: %s\n", msg); 492 fprintf(stderr, "readpng2 libpng error: %s\n", msg);
493 fflush(stderr); 493 fflush(stderr);
494 494
495 mainprog_ptr = png_get_error_ptr(png_ptr); 495 mainprog_ptr = png_get_error_ptr(png_ptr);
496 if (mainprog_ptr == NULL) { /* we are completely hosed now */ 496 if (mainprog_ptr == NULL) { /* we are completely hosed now */
497 fprintf(stderr, 497 fprintf(stderr,
498 "readpng2 severe error: jmpbuf not recoverable; terminating.\n"); 498 "readpng2 severe error: jmpbuf not recoverable; terminating.\n");
499 fflush(stderr); 499 fflush(stderr);
500 exit(99); 500 exit(99);
501 } 501 }
502 502
503 /* Now we have our data structure we can use the information in it 503 /* Now we have our data structure we can use the information in it
504 * to return control to our own higher level code (all the points 504 * to return control to our own higher level code (all the points
505 * where 'setjmp' is called in this file.) This will work with other 505 * where 'setjmp' is called in this file.) This will work with other
506 * error handling mechanisms as well - libpng always calls png_error 506 * error handling mechanisms as well - libpng always calls png_error
507 * when it can proceed no further, thus, so long as the error handler 507 * when it can proceed no further, thus, so long as the error handler
508 * is intercepted, application code can do its own error recovery. 508 * is intercepted, application code can do its own error recovery.
509 */ 509 */
510 longjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf, 1); 510 longjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
511} 511}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.h b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.h
index 7a59263..6b3660d 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.h
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readpng2.h
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program readpng2.h 3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program readpng2.h
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
8 8
9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
12 this software. 12 this software.
13 13
14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
16 following two licenses (at your option): 16 following two licenses (at your option):
17 17
18 18
19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
20 20
21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
24 24
25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
31 software must display the following acknowledgment: 31 software must display the following acknowledgment:
32 32
33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
35 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 35 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
36 36
37 37
38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
39 39
40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43 (at your option) any later version. 43 (at your option) any later version.
44 44
45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 GNU General Public License for more details. 48 GNU General Public License for more details.
49 49
50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
53 53
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 55
56#ifndef TRUE 56#ifndef TRUE
57# define TRUE 1 57# define TRUE 1
58# define FALSE 0 58# define FALSE 0
59#endif 59#endif
60 60
61#ifndef MAX 61#ifndef MAX
62# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b)? (a) : (b)) 62# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b)? (a) : (b))
63# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b)) 63# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b))
64#endif 64#endif
65 65
66#ifdef DEBUG 66#ifdef DEBUG
67# define Trace(x) {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);} 67# define Trace(x) {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);}
68#else 68#else
69# define Trace(x) ; 69# define Trace(x) ;
70#endif 70#endif
71 71
72enum rpng2_states { 72enum rpng2_states {
73 kPreInit = 0, 73 kPreInit = 0,
74 kWindowInit, 74 kWindowInit,
75 kDone 75 kDone
76}; 76};
77 77
78typedef unsigned char uch; 78typedef unsigned char uch;
79typedef unsigned short ush; 79typedef unsigned short ush;
80typedef unsigned long ulg; 80typedef unsigned long ulg;
81 81
82typedef struct _mainprog_info { 82typedef struct _mainprog_info {
83 double display_exponent; 83 double display_exponent;
84 ulg width; 84 ulg width;
85 ulg height; 85 ulg height;
86 void *png_ptr; 86 void *png_ptr;
87 void *info_ptr; 87 void *info_ptr;
88 void (*mainprog_init)(void); 88 void (*mainprog_init)(void);
89 void (*mainprog_display_row)(ulg row_num); 89 void (*mainprog_display_row)(ulg row_num);
90 void (*mainprog_finish_display)(void); 90 void (*mainprog_finish_display)(void);
91 uch *image_data; 91 uch *image_data;
92 uch **row_pointers; 92 uch **row_pointers;
93 jmp_buf jmpbuf; 93 jmp_buf jmpbuf;
94 int passes; /* not used */ 94 int passes; /* not used */
95 int pass; 95 int pass;
96 int rowbytes; 96 int rowbytes;
97 int channels; 97 int channels;
98 int need_bgcolor; 98 int need_bgcolor;
99 int state; 99 int state;
100 uch bg_red; 100 uch bg_red;
101 uch bg_green; 101 uch bg_green;
102 uch bg_blue; 102 uch bg_blue;
103} mainprog_info; 103} mainprog_info;
104 104
105 105
106/* prototypes for public functions in readpng2.c */ 106/* prototypes for public functions in readpng2.c */
107 107
108void readpng2_version_info(void); 108void readpng2_version_info(void);
109 109
110int readpng2_check_sig(uch *sig, int num); 110int readpng2_check_sig(uch *sig, int num);
111 111
112int readpng2_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 112int readpng2_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);
113 113
114int readpng2_decode_data(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr, uch *rawbuf, ulg length); 114int readpng2_decode_data(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr, uch *rawbuf, ulg length);
115 115
116void readpng2_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 116void readpng2_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readppm.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readppm.c
index 1ba2092..be9a56d 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readppm.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/readppm.c
@@ -1,179 +1,179 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng - simple PNG display program readppm.c 3 rpng - simple PNG display program readppm.c
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 This is a special-purpose replacement for readpng.c that allows binary 7 This is a special-purpose replacement for readpng.c that allows binary
8 PPM files to be used in place of PNG images. 8 PPM files to be used in place of PNG images.
9 9
10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
12 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 12 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
13 13
14 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 14 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
15 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 15 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
16 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 16 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
17 this software. 17 this software.
18 18
19 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 19 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
20 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 20 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
21 following two licenses (at your option): 21 following two licenses (at your option):
22 22
23 23
24 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 24 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
25 25
26 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 26 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
27 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 27 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
28 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 28 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
29 29
30 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 30 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
31 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 31 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
32 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 32 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
33 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 33 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
34 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 34 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
35 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 35 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
36 software must display the following acknowledgment: 36 software must display the following acknowledgment:
37 37
38 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 38 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
39 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 39 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
40 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 40 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
41 41
42 42
43 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 43 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
44 44
45 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 45 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
46 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 46 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
47 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 47 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
48 (at your option) any later version. 48 (at your option) any later version.
49 49
50 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 50 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
51 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 51 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
53 GNU General Public License for more details. 53 GNU General Public License for more details.
54 54
55 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 55 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
56 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 56 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
57 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 57 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
58 58
59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
60 60
61#include <stdio.h> 61#include <stdio.h>
62#include <stdlib.h> 62#include <stdlib.h>
63 63
64#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */ 64#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */
65 65
66 66
67ulg width, height; 67ulg width, height;
68int bit_depth, color_type, channels; 68int bit_depth, color_type, channels;
69uch *image_data = NULL; 69uch *image_data = NULL;
70FILE *saved_infile; 70FILE *saved_infile;
71 71
72 72
73void readpng_version_info() 73void readpng_version_info()
74{ 74{
75 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled without libpng, zlib or PBMPLUS/NetPBM.\n"); 75 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled without libpng, zlib or PBMPLUS/NetPBM.\n");
76} 76}
77 77
78 78
79/* return value = 0 for success, 1 for bad sig, 2 for bad IHDR, 4 for no mem */ 79/* return value = 0 for success, 1 for bad sig, 2 for bad IHDR, 4 for no mem */
80 80
81int readpng_init(FILE *infile, ulg *pWidth, ulg *pHeight) 81int readpng_init(FILE *infile, ulg *pWidth, ulg *pHeight)
82{ 82{
83 static uch ppmline[256]; 83 static uch ppmline[256];
84 int maxval; 84 int maxval;
85 85
86 86
87 saved_infile = infile; 87 saved_infile = infile;
88 88
89 fgets(ppmline, 256, infile); 89 fgets(ppmline, 256, infile);
90 if (ppmline[0] != 'P' || ppmline[1] != '6') { 90 if (ppmline[0] != 'P' || ppmline[1] != '6') {
91 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not a PPM file\n"); 91 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not a PPM file\n");
92 return 1; 92 return 1;
93 } 93 }
94 /* possible color types: P5 = grayscale (0), P6 = RGB (2), P8 = RGBA (6) */ 94 /* possible color types: P5 = grayscale (0), P6 = RGB (2), P8 = RGBA (6) */
95 if (ppmline[1] == '6') { 95 if (ppmline[1] == '6') {
96 color_type = 2; 96 color_type = 2;
97 channels = 3; 97 channels = 3;
98 } else if (ppmline[1] == '8') { 98 } else if (ppmline[1] == '8') {
99 color_type = 6; 99 color_type = 6;
100 channels = 4; 100 channels = 4;
101 } else /* if (ppmline[1] == '5') */ { 101 } else /* if (ppmline[1] == '5') */ {
102 color_type = 0; 102 color_type = 0;
103 channels = 1; 103 channels = 1;
104 } 104 }
105 105
106 do { 106 do {
107 fgets(ppmline, 256, infile); 107 fgets(ppmline, 256, infile);
108 } while (ppmline[0] == '#'); 108 } while (ppmline[0] == '#');
109 sscanf(ppmline, "%lu %lu", &width, &height); 109 sscanf(ppmline, "%lu %lu", &width, &height);
110 110
111 do { 111 do {
112 fgets(ppmline, 256, infile); 112 fgets(ppmline, 256, infile);
113 } while (ppmline[0] == '#'); 113 } while (ppmline[0] == '#');
114 sscanf(ppmline, "%d", &maxval); 114 sscanf(ppmline, "%d", &maxval);
115 if (maxval != 255) { 115 if (maxval != 255) {
116 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: maxval = %d\n", maxval); 116 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: maxval = %d\n", maxval);
117 return 2; 117 return 2;
118 } 118 }
119 bit_depth = 8; 119 bit_depth = 8;
120 120
121 *pWidth = width; 121 *pWidth = width;
122 *pHeight = height; 122 *pHeight = height;
123 123
124 return 0; 124 return 0;
125} 125}
126 126
127 127
128 128
129 129
130/* returns 0 if succeeds, 1 if fails due to no bKGD chunk, 2 if libpng error; 130/* returns 0 if succeeds, 1 if fails due to no bKGD chunk, 2 if libpng error;
131 * scales values to 8-bit if necessary */ 131 * scales values to 8-bit if necessary */
132 132
133int readpng_get_bgcolor(uch *red, uch *green, uch *blue) 133int readpng_get_bgcolor(uch *red, uch *green, uch *blue)
134{ 134{
135 return 1; 135 return 1;
136} 136}
137 137
138 138
139 139
140 140
141/* display_exponent == LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent */ 141/* display_exponent == LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent */
142 142
143uch *readpng_get_image(double display_exponent, int *pChannels, ulg *pRowbytes) 143uch *readpng_get_image(double display_exponent, int *pChannels, ulg *pRowbytes)
144{ 144{
145 ulg rowbytes; 145 ulg rowbytes;
146 146
147 147
148 /* expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth grayscale images to 8 bits, 148 /* expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth grayscale images to 8 bits,
149 * transparency chunks to full alpha channel; strip 16-bit-per-sample 149 * transparency chunks to full alpha channel; strip 16-bit-per-sample
150 * images to 8 bits per sample; and convert grayscale to RGB[A] */ 150 * images to 8 bits per sample; and convert grayscale to RGB[A] */
151 151
152 /* GRR WARNING: grayscale needs to be expanded and channels reset! */ 152 /* GRR WARNING: grayscale needs to be expanded and channels reset! */
153 153
154 *pRowbytes = rowbytes = channels*width; 154 *pRowbytes = rowbytes = channels*width;
155 *pChannels = channels; 155 *pChannels = channels;
156 156
157 if ((image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes*height)) == NULL) { 157 if ((image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes*height)) == NULL) {
158 return NULL; 158 return NULL;
159 } 159 }
160 160
161 Trace((stderr, "readpng_get_image: rowbytes = %ld, height = %ld\n", rowbytes, height)); 161 Trace((stderr, "readpng_get_image: rowbytes = %ld, height = %ld\n", rowbytes, height));
162 162
163 163
164 /* now we can go ahead and just read the whole image */ 164 /* now we can go ahead and just read the whole image */
165 165
166 fread(image_data, 1L, rowbytes*height, saved_infile); 166 fread(image_data, 1L, rowbytes*height, saved_infile);
167 167
168 168
169 return image_data; 169 return image_data;
170} 170}
171 171
172 172
173void readpng_cleanup(int free_image_data) 173void readpng_cleanup(int free_image_data)
174{ 174{
175 if (free_image_data && image_data) { 175 if (free_image_data && image_data) {
176 free(image_data); 176 free(image_data);
177 image_data = NULL; 177 image_data = NULL;
178 } 178 }
179} 179}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-win.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-win.c
index 1c22282..f53ddc8 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-win.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-win.c
@@ -1,728 +1,728 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng - simple PNG display program rpng-win.c 3 rpng - simple PNG display program rpng-win.c
4 4
5 This program decodes and displays PNG images, with gamma correction and 5 This program decodes and displays PNG images, with gamma correction and
6 optionally with a user-specified background color (in case the image has 6 optionally with a user-specified background color (in case the image has
7 transparency). It is very nearly the most basic PNG viewer possible. 7 transparency). It is very nearly the most basic PNG viewer possible.
8 This version is for 32-bit Windows; it may compile under 16-bit Windows 8 This version is for 32-bit Windows; it may compile under 16-bit Windows
9 with a little tweaking (or maybe not). 9 with a little tweaking (or maybe not).
10 10
11 to do: 11 to do:
12 - handle quoted command-line args (especially filenames with spaces) 12 - handle quoted command-line args (especially filenames with spaces)
13 - have minimum window width: oh well 13 - have minimum window width: oh well
14 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string? 14 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string?
15 15
16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 17
18 Changelog: 18 Changelog:
19 - 1.00: initial public release 19 - 1.00: initial public release
20 - 1.01: modified to allow abbreviated options; fixed long/ulong mis- 20 - 1.01: modified to allow abbreviated options; fixed long/ulong mis-
21 match; switched to png_jmpbuf() macro 21 match; switched to png_jmpbuf() macro
22 - 1.02: added extra set of parentheses to png_jmpbuf() macro; fixed 22 - 1.02: added extra set of parentheses to png_jmpbuf() macro; fixed
23 command-line parsing bug 23 command-line parsing bug
24 - 1.10: enabled "message window"/console (thanks to David Geldreich) 24 - 1.10: enabled "message window"/console (thanks to David Geldreich)
25 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL) 25 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL)
26 - 2.01: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s) 26 - 2.01: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s)
27 27
28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 29
30 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 30 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
31 31
32 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 32 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
33 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 33 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
34 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 34 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
35 this software. 35 this software.
36 36
37 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 37 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
38 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 38 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
39 following two licenses (at your option): 39 following two licenses (at your option):
40 40
41 41
42 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 42 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
43 43
44 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 44 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
45 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 45 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
46 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 46 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
47 47
48 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 48 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
49 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 49 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
50 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 50 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
51 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 51 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
52 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 52 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
53 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 53 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
54 software must display the following acknowledgment: 54 software must display the following acknowledgment:
55 55
56 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 56 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
57 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 57 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
58 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 58 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
59 59
60 60
61 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 61 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
62 62
63 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 63 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
64 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 64 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
65 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 65 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
66 (at your option) any later version. 66 (at your option) any later version.
67 67
68 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 68 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
69 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 69 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
71 GNU General Public License for more details. 71 GNU General Public License for more details.
72 72
73 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 73 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
74 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 74 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
75 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 75 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
76 76
77 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 77 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
78 78
79#define PROGNAME "rpng-win" 79#define PROGNAME "rpng-win"
80#define LONGNAME "Simple PNG Viewer for Windows" 80#define LONGNAME "Simple PNG Viewer for Windows"
81#define VERSION "2.01 of 16 March 2008" 81#define VERSION "2.01 of 16 March 2008"
82 82
83#include <stdio.h> 83#include <stdio.h>
84#include <stdlib.h> 84#include <stdlib.h>
85#include <string.h> 85#include <string.h>
86#include <time.h> 86#include <time.h>
87#include <windows.h> 87#include <windows.h>
88#ifdef __CYGWIN__ 88#ifdef __CYGWIN__
89/* getch replacement. Turns out, we don't really need this, 89/* getch replacement. Turns out, we don't really need this,
90 * but leave it here if we ever enable any of the uses of 90 * but leave it here if we ever enable any of the uses of
91 * _getch in the main code 91 * _getch in the main code
92 */ 92 */
93#include <unistd.h> 93#include <unistd.h>
94#include <termio.h> 94#include <termio.h>
95#include <sys/ioctl.h> 95#include <sys/ioctl.h>
96int repl_getch( void ) 96int repl_getch( void )
97{ 97{
98 char ch; 98 char ch;
99 int fd = fileno(stdin); 99 int fd = fileno(stdin);
100 struct termio old_tty, new_tty; 100 struct termio old_tty, new_tty;
101 101
102 ioctl(fd, TCGETA, &old_tty); 102 ioctl(fd, TCGETA, &old_tty);
103 new_tty = old_tty; 103 new_tty = old_tty;
104 new_tty.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG); 104 new_tty.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG);
105 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &new_tty); 105 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &new_tty);
106 fread(&ch, 1, sizeof(ch), stdin); 106 fread(&ch, 1, sizeof(ch), stdin);
107 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &old_tty); 107 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &old_tty);
108 108
109 return ch; 109 return ch;
110} 110}
111#define _getch repl_getch 111#define _getch repl_getch
112#else 112#else
113#include <conio.h> /* only for _getch() */ 113#include <conio.h> /* only for _getch() */
114#endif 114#endif
115 115
116/* #define DEBUG : this enables the Trace() macros */ 116/* #define DEBUG : this enables the Trace() macros */
117 117
118#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng prototypes */ 118#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng prototypes */
119 119
120 120
121/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need 121/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need
122 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects 122 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects
123 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with 123 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with
124 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */ 124 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */
125 125
126#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \ 126#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \
127 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \ 127 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \
128 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \ 128 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \
129 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \ 129 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \
130} 130}
131 131
132 132
133/* local prototypes */ 133/* local prototypes */
134static int rpng_win_create_window(HINSTANCE hInst, int showmode); 134static int rpng_win_create_window(HINSTANCE hInst, int showmode);
135static int rpng_win_display_image(void); 135static int rpng_win_display_image(void);
136static void rpng_win_cleanup(void); 136static void rpng_win_cleanup(void);
138 138
139 139
140static char titlebar[1024]; 140static char titlebar[1024];
141static char *progname = PROGNAME; 141static char *progname = PROGNAME;
142static char *appname = LONGNAME; 142static char *appname = LONGNAME;
143static char *filename; 143static char *filename;
144static FILE *infile; 144static FILE *infile;
145 145
146static char *bgstr; 146static char *bgstr;
147static uch bg_red=0, bg_green=0, bg_blue=0; 147static uch bg_red=0, bg_green=0, bg_blue=0;
148 148
149static double display_exponent; 149static double display_exponent;
150 150
151static ulg image_width, image_height, image_rowbytes; 151static ulg image_width, image_height, image_rowbytes;
152static int image_channels; 152static int image_channels;
153static uch *image_data; 153static uch *image_data;
154 154
155/* Windows-specific variables */ 155/* Windows-specific variables */
156static ulg wimage_rowbytes; 156static ulg wimage_rowbytes;
157static uch *dib; 157static uch *dib;
158static uch *wimage_data; 158static uch *wimage_data;
159static BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih; 159static BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih;
160 160
161static HWND global_hwnd; 161static HWND global_hwnd;
162 162
163 163
164 164
165 165
166int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, PSTR cmd, int showmode) 166int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, PSTR cmd, int showmode)
167{ 167{
168 char *args[1024]; /* arbitrary limit, but should suffice */ 168 char *args[1024]; /* arbitrary limit, but should suffice */
169 char *p, *q, **argv = args; 169 char *p, *q, **argv = args;
170 int argc = 0; 170 int argc = 0;
171 int rc, alen, flen; 171 int rc, alen, flen;
172 int error = 0; 172 int error = 0;
173 int have_bg = FALSE; 173 int have_bg = FALSE;
174 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */ 174 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */
175 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */ 175 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */
176 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */ 176 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */
177 MSG msg; 177 MSG msg;
178 178
179 179
180 filename = (char *)NULL; 180 filename = (char *)NULL;
181 181
182#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 182#ifndef __CYGWIN__
183 /* First reenable console output, which normally goes to the bit bucket 183 /* First reenable console output, which normally goes to the bit bucket
184 * for windowed apps. Closing the console window will terminate the 184 * for windowed apps. Closing the console window will terminate the
185 * app. Thanks to David.Geldreich@realviz.com for supplying the magical 185 * app. Thanks to David.Geldreich@realviz.com for supplying the magical
186 * incantation. */ 186 * incantation. */
187 187
188 AllocConsole(); 188 AllocConsole();
189 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stderr); 189 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stderr);
190 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stdout); 190 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stdout);
191#endif 191#endif
192 192
193 193
194 /* Next set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., 194 /* Next set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e.,
195 * the product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to 195 * the product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to
196 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an 196 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an
197 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird 197 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird
198 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. And 198 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. And
199 * yes, these ifdefs are completely wasted in a Windows program... */ 199 * yes, these ifdefs are completely wasted in a Windows program... */
200 200
201#if defined(NeXT) 201#if defined(NeXT)
202 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2; 202 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2;
203 /* 203 /*
204 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma)) 204 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma))
205 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma; 205 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma;
206 */ 206 */
207#elif defined(sgi) 207#elif defined(sgi)
208 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7; 208 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7;
209 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to get the 209 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to get the
210 * "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */ 210 * "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */
211 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r"); 211 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r");
212 if (infile) { 212 if (infile) {
213 double sgi_gamma; 213 double sgi_gamma;
214 214
215 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile); 215 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile);
216 fclose(infile); 216 fclose(infile);
217 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline); 217 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline);
218 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0) 218 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0)
219 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma; 219 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma;
220 } 220 }
221#elif defined(Macintosh) 221#elif defined(Macintosh)
222 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61; 222 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61;
223 /* 223 /*
224 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma)) 224 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma))
225 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61; 225 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61;
226 */ 226 */
227#else 227#else
228 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */ 228 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */
229#endif 229#endif
230 230
231 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */ 231 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */
232 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent; 232 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent;
233 233
234 234
235 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested 235 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested
236 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise 236 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise
237 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may 237 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may
238 * override this via a command-line option. */ 238 * override this via a command-line option. */
239 239
240 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL) 240 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL)
241 display_exponent = atof(p); 241 display_exponent = atof(p);
242 else 242 else
243 display_exponent = default_display_exponent; 243 display_exponent = default_display_exponent;
244 244
245 245
246 /* Windows really hates command lines, so we have to set up our own argv. 246 /* Windows really hates command lines, so we have to set up our own argv.
247 * Note that we do NOT bother with quoted arguments here, so don't use 247 * Note that we do NOT bother with quoted arguments here, so don't use
248 * filenames with spaces in 'em! */ 248 * filenames with spaces in 'em! */
249 249
250 argv[argc++] = PROGNAME; 250 argv[argc++] = PROGNAME;
251 p = cmd; 251 p = cmd;
252 for (;;) { 252 for (;;) {
253 if (*p == ' ') 253 if (*p == ' ')
254 while (*++p == ' ') 254 while (*++p == ' ')
255 ; 255 ;
256 /* now p points at the first non-space after some spaces */ 256 /* now p points at the first non-space after some spaces */
257 if (*p == '\0') 257 if (*p == '\0')
258 break; /* nothing after the spaces: done */ 258 break; /* nothing after the spaces: done */
259 argv[argc++] = q = p; 259 argv[argc++] = q = p;
260 while (*q && *q != ' ') 260 while (*q && *q != ' ')
261 ++q; 261 ++q;
262 /* now q points at a space or the end of the string */ 262 /* now q points at a space or the end of the string */
263 if (*q == '\0') 263 if (*q == '\0')
264 break; /* last argv already terminated; quit */ 264 break; /* last argv already terminated; quit */
265 *q = '\0'; /* change space to terminator */ 265 *q = '\0'; /* change space to terminator */
266 p = q + 1; 266 p = q + 1;
267 } 267 }
268 argv[argc] = NULL; /* terminate the argv array itself */ 268 argv[argc] = NULL; /* terminate the argv array itself */
269 269
270 270
271 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */ 271 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */
272 272
273 while (*++argv && !error) { 273 while (*++argv && !error) {
274 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) { 274 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) {
275 if (!*++argv) 275 if (!*++argv)
276 ++error; 276 ++error;
277 else { 277 else {
278 display_exponent = atof(*argv); 278 display_exponent = atof(*argv);
279 if (display_exponent <= 0.0) 279 if (display_exponent <= 0.0)
280 ++error; 280 ++error;
281 } 281 }
282 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 2)) { 282 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 2)) {
283 if (!*++argv) 283 if (!*++argv)
284 ++error; 284 ++error;
285 else { 285 else {
286 bgstr = *argv; 286 bgstr = *argv;
287 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#') 287 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#')
288 ++error; 288 ++error;
289 else 289 else
290 have_bg = TRUE; 290 have_bg = TRUE;
291 } 291 }
292 } else { 292 } else {
293 if (**argv != '-') { 293 if (**argv != '-') {
294 filename = *argv; 294 filename = *argv;
295 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */ 295 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */
296 ++error; 296 ++error;
297 } else 297 } else
298 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */ 298 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */
299 } 299 }
300 } 300 }
301 301
302 if (!filename) 302 if (!filename)
303 ++error; 303 ++error;
304 304
305 305
306 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */ 306 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */
307 307
308 if (error) { 308 if (error) {
309#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 309#ifndef __CYGWIN__
310 int ch; 310 int ch;
311#endif 311#endif
312 312
313 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname); 313 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
314 readpng_version_info(); 314 readpng_version_info();
315 fprintf(stderr, "\n" 315 fprintf(stderr, "\n"
316 "Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] file.png\n" 316 "Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] file.png\n"
317 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n" 317 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n"
318 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n" 318 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n"
319 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n" 319 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n"
320 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n" 320 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n"
321 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n" 321 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n"
322 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n" 322 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n"
323 "\t\t used with transparent images\n" 323 "\t\t used with transparent images\n"
324 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 after image is displayed to quit.\n" 324 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 after image is displayed to quit.\n"
325#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 325#ifndef __CYGWIN__
326 "Press Q or Esc to quit this usage screen.\n" 326 "Press Q or Esc to quit this usage screen.\n"
327#endif 327#endif
328 "\n", PROGNAME, default_display_exponent); 328 "\n", PROGNAME, default_display_exponent);
329#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 329#ifndef __CYGWIN__
330 do 330 do
331 ch = _getch(); 331 ch = _getch();
332 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B); 332 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B);
333#endif 333#endif
334 exit(1); 334 exit(1);
335 } 335 }
336 336
337 337
338 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) { 338 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
339 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename); 339 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename);
340 ++error; 340 ++error;
341 } else { 341 } else {
342 if ((rc = readpng_init(infile, &image_width, &image_height)) != 0) { 342 if ((rc = readpng_init(infile, &image_width, &image_height)) != 0) {
343 switch (rc) { 343 switch (rc) {
344 case 1: 344 case 1:
345 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 345 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
346 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n", 346 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n",
347 filename); 347 filename);
348 break; 348 break;
349 case 2: 349 case 2:
350 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 350 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
351 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename); 351 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename);
352 break; 352 break;
353 case 4: 353 case 4:
354 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n"); 354 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n");
355 break; 355 break;
356 default: 356 default:
357 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 357 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
358 ": unknown readpng_init() error\n"); 358 ": unknown readpng_init() error\n");
359 break; 359 break;
360 } 360 }
361 ++error; 361 ++error;
362 } 362 }
363 if (error) 363 if (error)
364 fclose(infile); 364 fclose(infile);
365 } 365 }
366 366
367 367
368 if (error) { 368 if (error) {
369#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 369#ifndef __CYGWIN__
370 int ch; 370 int ch;
371#endif 371#endif
372 372
373 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n"); 373 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n");
374#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 374#ifndef __CYGWIN__
375 do 375 do
376 ch = _getch(); 376 ch = _getch();
377 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B); 377 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B);
378#endif 378#endif
379 exit(2); 379 exit(2);
380 } else { 380 } else {
381 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname); 381 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
382#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 382#ifndef __CYGWIN__
383 fprintf(stderr, 383 fprintf(stderr,
384 "\n [console window: closing this window will terminate %s]\n\n", 384 "\n [console window: closing this window will terminate %s]\n\n",
386#endif 386#endif
387 } 387 }
388 388
389 389
390 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */ 390 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */
391 391
392 alen = strlen(appname); 392 alen = strlen(appname);
393 flen = strlen(filename); 393 flen = strlen(filename);
394 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023) 394 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023)
395 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023)); 395 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023));
396 else 396 else
397 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename); 397 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename);
398 398
399 399
400 /* if the user didn't specify a background color on the command line, 400 /* if the user didn't specify a background color on the command line,
401 * check for one in the PNG file--if not, the initialized values of 0 401 * check for one in the PNG file--if not, the initialized values of 0
402 * (black) will be used */ 402 * (black) will be used */
403 403
404 if (have_bg) { 404 if (have_bg) {
405 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */ 405 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */
406 406
407 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b); 407 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
408 bg_red = (uch)r; 408 bg_red = (uch)r;
409 bg_green = (uch)g; 409 bg_green = (uch)g;
410 bg_blue = (uch)b; 410 bg_blue = (uch)b;
411 } else if (readpng_get_bgcolor(&bg_red, &bg_green, &bg_blue) > 1) { 411 } else if (readpng_get_bgcolor(&bg_red, &bg_green, &bg_blue) > 1) {
412 readpng_cleanup(TRUE); 412 readpng_cleanup(TRUE);
413 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 413 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
414 ": libpng error while checking for background color\n"); 414 ": libpng error while checking for background color\n");
415 exit(2); 415 exit(2);
416 } 416 }
417 417
418 418
419 /* do the basic Windows initialization stuff, make the window and fill it 419 /* do the basic Windows initialization stuff, make the window and fill it
420 * with the background color */ 420 * with the background color */
421 421
422 if (rpng_win_create_window(hInst, showmode)) 422 if (rpng_win_create_window(hInst, showmode))
423 exit(2); 423 exit(2);
424 424
425 425
426 /* decode the image, all at once */ 426 /* decode the image, all at once */
427 427
428 Trace((stderr, "calling readpng_get_image()\n")) 428 Trace((stderr, "calling readpng_get_image()\n"))
429 image_data = readpng_get_image(display_exponent, &image_channels, 429 image_data = readpng_get_image(display_exponent, &image_channels,
430 &image_rowbytes); 430 &image_rowbytes);
431 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng_get_image()\n")) 431 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng_get_image()\n"))
432 432
433 433
434 /* done with PNG file, so clean up to minimize memory usage (but do NOT 434 /* done with PNG file, so clean up to minimize memory usage (but do NOT
435 * nuke image_data!) */ 435 * nuke image_data!) */
436 436
437 readpng_cleanup(FALSE); 437 readpng_cleanup(FALSE);
438 fclose(infile); 438 fclose(infile);
439 439
440 if (!image_data) { 440 if (!image_data) {
441 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to decode PNG image\n"); 441 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to decode PNG image\n");
442 exit(3); 442 exit(3);
443 } 443 }
444 444
445 445
446 /* display image (composite with background if requested) */ 446 /* display image (composite with background if requested) */
447 447
448 Trace((stderr, "calling rpng_win_display_image()\n")) 448 Trace((stderr, "calling rpng_win_display_image()\n"))
449 if (rpng_win_display_image()) { 449 if (rpng_win_display_image()) {
450 free(image_data); 450 free(image_data);
451 exit(4); 451 exit(4);
452 } 452 }
453 Trace((stderr, "done with rpng_win_display_image()\n")) 453 Trace((stderr, "done with rpng_win_display_image()\n"))
454 454
455 455
456 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */ 456 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
457 457
458 printf( 458 printf(
459#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 459#ifndef __CYGWIN__
460 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n" 460 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"
461#else 461#else
462 "Done. Press mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n" 462 "Done. Press mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"
463#endif 463#endif
464 ); 464 );
465 fflush(stdout); 465 fflush(stdout);
466 466
467 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { 467 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
468 TranslateMessage(&msg); 468 TranslateMessage(&msg);
469 DispatchMessage(&msg); 469 DispatchMessage(&msg);
470 } 470 }
471 471
472 472
473 /* OK, we're done: clean up all image and Windows resources and go away */ 473 /* OK, we're done: clean up all image and Windows resources and go away */
474 474
475 rpng_win_cleanup(); 475 rpng_win_cleanup();
476 476
477 return msg.wParam; 477 return msg.wParam;
478} 478}
479 479
480 480
481 481
482 482
483 483
484static int rpng_win_create_window(HINSTANCE hInst, int showmode) 484static int rpng_win_create_window(HINSTANCE hInst, int showmode)
485{ 485{
486 uch *dest; 486 uch *dest;
487 int extra_width, extra_height; 487 int extra_width, extra_height;
488 ulg i, j; 488 ulg i, j;
489 WNDCLASSEX wndclass; 489 WNDCLASSEX wndclass;
490 490
491 491
492/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 492/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
493 Allocate memory for the display-specific version of the image (round up 493 Allocate memory for the display-specific version of the image (round up
494 to multiple of 4 for Windows DIB). 494 to multiple of 4 for Windows DIB).
495 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 495 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
496 496
497 wimage_rowbytes = ((3*image_width + 3L) >> 2) << 2; 497 wimage_rowbytes = ((3*image_width + 3L) >> 2) << 2;
498 498
499 if (!(dib = (uch *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 499 if (!(dib = (uch *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
500 wimage_rowbytes*image_height))) 500 wimage_rowbytes*image_height)))
501 { 501 {
502 return 4; /* fail */ 502 return 4; /* fail */
503 } 503 }
504 504
505/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 505/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 Initialize the DIB. Negative height means to use top-down BMP ordering 506 Initialize the DIB. Negative height means to use top-down BMP ordering
507 (must be uncompressed, but that's what we want). Bit count of 1, 4 or 8 507 (must be uncompressed, but that's what we want). Bit count of 1, 4 or 8
508 implies a colormap of RGBX quads, but 24-bit BMPs just use B,G,R values 508 implies a colormap of RGBX quads, but 24-bit BMPs just use B,G,R values
509 directly => wimage_data begins immediately after BMP header. 509 directly => wimage_data begins immediately after BMP header.
510 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 510 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
511 511
512 memset(dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); 512 memset(dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
513 bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)dib; 513 bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)dib;
514 bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); 514 bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
515 bmih->biWidth = image_width; 515 bmih->biWidth = image_width;
516 bmih->biHeight = -((long)image_height); 516 bmih->biHeight = -((long)image_height);
517 bmih->biPlanes = 1; 517 bmih->biPlanes = 1;
518 bmih->biBitCount = 24; 518 bmih->biBitCount = 24;
519 bmih->biCompression = 0; 519 bmih->biCompression = 0;
520 wimage_data = dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); 520 wimage_data = dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
521 521
522/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 522/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 Fill in background color (black by default); data are in BGR order. 523 Fill in background color (black by default); data are in BGR order.
524 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 524 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
525 525
526 for (j = 0; j < image_height; ++j) { 526 for (j = 0; j < image_height; ++j) {
527 dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes; 527 dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes;
528 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 528 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
529 *dest++ = bg_blue; 529 *dest++ = bg_blue;
530 *dest++ = bg_green; 530 *dest++ = bg_green;
531 *dest++ = bg_red; 531 *dest++ = bg_red;
532 } 532 }
533 } 533 }
534 534
535/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 535/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
536 Set the window parameters. 536 Set the window parameters.
537 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 537 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
538 538
539 memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass)); 539 memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass));
540 540
541 wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); 541 wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass);
542 wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; 542 wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
543 wndclass.lpfnWndProc = rpng_win_wndproc; 543 wndclass.lpfnWndProc = rpng_win_wndproc;
544 wndclass.hInstance = hInst; 544 wndclass.hInstance = hInst;
545 wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); 545 wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
546 wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 546 wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
547 wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH); 547 wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH);
548 wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; 548 wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
549 wndclass.lpszClassName = progname; 549 wndclass.lpszClassName = progname;
550 wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); 550 wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
551 551
552 RegisterClassEx(&wndclass); 552 RegisterClassEx(&wndclass);
553 553
554/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 554/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
555 Finally, create the window. 555 Finally, create the window.
556 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 556 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
557 557
558 extra_width = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) + 558 extra_width = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) +
559 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME)); 559 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME));
560 extra_height = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) + 560 extra_height = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) +
561 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) + 561 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) +
562 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); 562 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
563 563
564 global_hwnd = CreateWindow(progname, titlebar, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 564 global_hwnd = CreateWindow(progname, titlebar, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
565 CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, image_width+extra_width, 565 CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, image_width+extra_width,
566 image_height+extra_height, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL); 566 image_height+extra_height, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL);
567 567
568 ShowWindow(global_hwnd, showmode); 568 ShowWindow(global_hwnd, showmode);
569 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); 569 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd);
570 570
571 return 0; 571 return 0;
572 572
573} /* end function rpng_win_create_window() */ 573} /* end function rpng_win_create_window() */
574 574
575 575
576 576
577 577
578 578
579static int rpng_win_display_image() 579static int rpng_win_display_image()
580{ 580{
581 uch *src, *dest; 581 uch *src, *dest;
582 uch r, g, b, a; 582 uch r, g, b, a;
583 ulg i, row, lastrow; 583 ulg i, row, lastrow;
584 RECT rect; 584 RECT rect;
585 585
586 586
587 Trace((stderr, "beginning display loop (image_channels == %d)\n", 587 Trace((stderr, "beginning display loop (image_channels == %d)\n",
588 image_channels)) 588 image_channels))
589 Trace((stderr, "(width = %ld, rowbytes = %ld, wimage_rowbytes = %d)\n", 589 Trace((stderr, "(width = %ld, rowbytes = %ld, wimage_rowbytes = %d)\n",
590 image_width, image_rowbytes, wimage_rowbytes)) 590 image_width, image_rowbytes, wimage_rowbytes))
591 591
592 592
593/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 593/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
594 Blast image data to buffer. This whole routine takes place before the 594 Blast image data to buffer. This whole routine takes place before the
595 message loop begins, so there's no real point in any pseudo-progressive 595 message loop begins, so there's no real point in any pseudo-progressive
596 display... 596 display...
597 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 597 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
598 598
599 for (lastrow = row = 0; row < image_height; ++row) { 599 for (lastrow = row = 0; row < image_height; ++row) {
600 src = image_data + row*image_rowbytes; 600 src = image_data + row*image_rowbytes;
601 dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes; 601 dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes;
602 if (image_channels == 3) { 602 if (image_channels == 3) {
603 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 603 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
604 r = *src++; 604 r = *src++;
605 g = *src++; 605 g = *src++;
606 b = *src++; 606 b = *src++;
607 *dest++ = b; 607 *dest++ = b;
608 *dest++ = g; /* note reverse order */ 608 *dest++ = g; /* note reverse order */
609 *dest++ = r; 609 *dest++ = r;
610 } 610 }
611 } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ { 611 } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ {
612 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 612 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
613 r = *src++; 613 r = *src++;
614 g = *src++; 614 g = *src++;
615 b = *src++; 615 b = *src++;
616 a = *src++; 616 a = *src++;
617 if (a == 255) { 617 if (a == 255) {
618 *dest++ = b; 618 *dest++ = b;
619 *dest++ = g; 619 *dest++ = g;
620 *dest++ = r; 620 *dest++ = r;
621 } else if (a == 0) { 621 } else if (a == 0) {
622 *dest++ = bg_blue; 622 *dest++ = bg_blue;
623 *dest++ = bg_green; 623 *dest++ = bg_green;
624 *dest++ = bg_red; 624 *dest++ = bg_red;
625 } else { 625 } else {
626 /* this macro (copied from png.h) composites the 626 /* this macro (copied from png.h) composites the
627 * foreground and background values and puts the 627 * foreground and background values and puts the
628 * result into the first argument; there are no 628 * result into the first argument; there are no
629 * side effects with the first argument */ 629 * side effects with the first argument */
630 alpha_composite(*dest++, b, a, bg_blue); 630 alpha_composite(*dest++, b, a, bg_blue);
631 alpha_composite(*dest++, g, a, bg_green); 631 alpha_composite(*dest++, g, a, bg_green);
632 alpha_composite(*dest++, r, a, bg_red); 632 alpha_composite(*dest++, r, a, bg_red);
633 } 633 }
634 } 634 }
635 } 635 }
636 /* display after every 16 lines */ 636 /* display after every 16 lines */
637 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) { 637 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) {
638 rect.left = 0L; 638 rect.left = 0L;
639 rect.top = (LONG)lastrow; 639 rect.top = (LONG)lastrow;
640 rect.right = (LONG)image_width; /* possibly off by one? */ 640 rect.right = (LONG)image_width; /* possibly off by one? */
641 rect.bottom = (LONG)lastrow + 16L; /* possibly off by one? */ 641 rect.bottom = (LONG)lastrow + 16L; /* possibly off by one? */
642 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE); 642 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
643 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */ 643 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */
644 lastrow = row + 1; 644 lastrow = row + 1;
645 } 645 }
646 } 646 }
647 647
648 Trace((stderr, "calling final image-flush routine\n")) 648 Trace((stderr, "calling final image-flush routine\n"))
649 if (lastrow < image_height) { 649 if (lastrow < image_height) {
650 rect.left = 0L; 650 rect.left = 0L;
651 rect.top = (LONG)lastrow; 651 rect.top = (LONG)lastrow;
652 rect.right = (LONG)image_width; /* possibly off by one? */ 652 rect.right = (LONG)image_width; /* possibly off by one? */
653 rect.bottom = (LONG)image_height; /* possibly off by one? */ 653 rect.bottom = (LONG)image_height; /* possibly off by one? */
654 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE); 654 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
655 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */ 655 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */
656 } 656 }
657 657
658/* 658/*
659 last param determines whether or not background is wiped before paint 659 last param determines whether or not background is wiped before paint
660 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); 660 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
661 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); 661 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd);
662 */ 662 */
663 663
664 return 0; 664 return 0;
665} 665}
666 666
667 667
668 668
669 669
670 670
671static void rpng_win_cleanup() 671static void rpng_win_cleanup()
672{ 672{
673 if (image_data) { 673 if (image_data) {
674 free(image_data); 674 free(image_data);
675 image_data = NULL; 675 image_data = NULL;
676 } 676 }
677 677
678 if (dib) { 678 if (dib) {
679 free(dib); 679 free(dib);
680 dib = NULL; 680 dib = NULL;
681 } 681 }
682} 682}
683 683
684 684
685 685
686 686
687 687
688LRESULT CALLBACK rpng_win_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wP, LPARAM lP) 688LRESULT CALLBACK rpng_win_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wP, LPARAM lP)
689{ 689{
690 HDC hdc; 690 HDC hdc;
692 int rc; 692 int rc;
693 693
694 switch (iMsg) { 694 switch (iMsg) {
695 case WM_CREATE: 695 case WM_CREATE:
696 /* one-time processing here, if any */ 696 /* one-time processing here, if any */
697 return 0; 697 return 0;
698 698
699 case WM_PAINT: 699 case WM_PAINT:
700 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); 700 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
701 /* dest */ 701 /* dest */
702 rc = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, image_width, image_height, 702 rc = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, image_width, image_height,
703 /* source */ 703 /* source */
704 0, 0, image_width, image_height, 704 0, 0, image_width, image_height,
705 wimage_data, (BITMAPINFO *)bmih, 705 wimage_data, (BITMAPINFO *)bmih,
706 /* iUsage: no clue */ 706 /* iUsage: no clue */
707 0, SRCCOPY); 707 0, SRCCOPY);
708 EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); 708 EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
709 return 0; 709 return 0;
710 710
711 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */ 711 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
712 case WM_CHAR: 712 case WM_CHAR:
713 switch (wP) { /* only need one, so ignore repeat count */ 713 switch (wP) { /* only need one, so ignore repeat count */
714 case 'q': 714 case 'q':
715 case 'Q': 715 case 'Q':
716 case 0x1B: /* Esc key */ 716 case 0x1B: /* Esc key */
717 PostQuitMessage(0); 717 PostQuitMessage(0);
718 } 718 }
719 return 0; 719 return 0;
720 720
721 case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* another way of quitting */ 721 case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* another way of quitting */
722 case WM_DESTROY: 722 case WM_DESTROY:
723 PostQuitMessage(0); 723 PostQuitMessage(0);
724 return 0; 724 return 0;
725 } 725 }
726 726
727 return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wP, lP); 727 return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wP, lP);
728} 728}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-x.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-x.c
index fc8be88..6d10e1b 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-x.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng-x.c
@@ -1,904 +1,904 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng - simple PNG display program rpng-x.c 3 rpng - simple PNG display program rpng-x.c
4 4
5 This program decodes and displays PNG images, with gamma correction and 5 This program decodes and displays PNG images, with gamma correction and
6 optionally with a user-specified background color (in case the image has 6 optionally with a user-specified background color (in case the image has
7 transparency). It is very nearly the most basic PNG viewer possible. 7 transparency). It is very nearly the most basic PNG viewer possible.
8 This version is for the X Window System (tested by author under Unix and 8 This version is for the X Window System (tested by author under Unix and
9 by Martin Zinser under OpenVMS; may work under OS/2 with some tweaking). 9 by Martin Zinser under OpenVMS; may work under OS/2 with some tweaking).
10 10
11 to do: 11 to do:
12 - 8-bit (colormapped) X support 12 - 8-bit (colormapped) X support
13 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string? 13 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string?
14 14
15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 16
17 Changelog: 17 Changelog:
18 - 1.01: initial public release 18 - 1.01: initial public release
19 - 1.02: modified to allow abbreviated options; fixed long/ulong mis- 19 - 1.02: modified to allow abbreviated options; fixed long/ulong mis-
20 match; switched to png_jmpbuf() macro 20 match; switched to png_jmpbuf() macro
21 - 1.10: added support for non-default visuals; fixed X pixel-conversion 21 - 1.10: added support for non-default visuals; fixed X pixel-conversion
22 - 1.11: added extra set of parentheses to png_jmpbuf() macro; fixed 22 - 1.11: added extra set of parentheses to png_jmpbuf() macro; fixed
23 command-line parsing bug 23 command-line parsing bug
24 - 1.12: fixed some small X memory leaks (thanks to François Petitjean) 24 - 1.12: fixed some small X memory leaks (thanks to François Petitjean)
25 - 1.13: fixed XFreeGC() crash bug (thanks to Patrick Welche) 25 - 1.13: fixed XFreeGC() crash bug (thanks to Patrick Welche)
26 - 1.14: added support for X resources (thanks to Gerhard Niklasch) 26 - 1.14: added support for X resources (thanks to Gerhard Niklasch)
27 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL) 27 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL)
28 - 2.01: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s) 28 - 2.01: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s)
29 29
30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 31
32 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 32 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
33 33
34 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 34 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
35 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 35 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
36 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 36 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
37 this software. 37 this software.
38 38
39 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 39 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
40 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 40 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
41 following two licenses (at your option): 41 following two licenses (at your option):
42 42
43 43
44 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 44 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
45 45
46 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 46 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
47 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 47 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
48 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 48 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
49 49
50 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 50 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
51 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 51 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
52 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 52 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
53 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 53 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
54 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 54 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
55 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 55 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
56 software must display the following acknowledgment: 56 software must display the following acknowledgment:
57 57
58 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 58 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
59 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 59 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
60 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 60 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
61 61
62 62
63 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 63 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
64 64
65 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 65 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
66 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 66 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
67 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 67 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
68 (at your option) any later version. 68 (at your option) any later version.
69 69
70 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 70 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
71 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 71 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
73 GNU General Public License for more details. 73 GNU General Public License for more details.
74 74
75 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 75 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
76 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 76 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
77 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 77 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
78 78
79 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 79 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
80 80
81#define PROGNAME "rpng-x" 81#define PROGNAME "rpng-x"
82#define LONGNAME "Simple PNG Viewer for X" 82#define LONGNAME "Simple PNG Viewer for X"
83#define VERSION "2.01 of 16 March 2008" 83#define VERSION "2.01 of 16 March 2008"
84#define RESNAME "rpng" /* our X resource application name */ 84#define RESNAME "rpng" /* our X resource application name */
85#define RESCLASS "Rpng" /* our X resource class name */ 85#define RESCLASS "Rpng" /* our X resource class name */
86 86
87#include <stdio.h> 87#include <stdio.h>
88#include <stdlib.h> 88#include <stdlib.h>
89#include <string.h> 89#include <string.h>
90#include <time.h> 90#include <time.h>
91#include <X11/Xlib.h> 91#include <X11/Xlib.h>
92#include <X11/Xutil.h> 92#include <X11/Xutil.h>
93#include <X11/Xos.h> 93#include <X11/Xos.h>
94#include <X11/keysym.h> 94#include <X11/keysym.h>
95 95
96/* #define DEBUG : this enables the Trace() macros */ 96/* #define DEBUG : this enables the Trace() macros */
97 97
98#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng prototypes */ 98#include "readpng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng prototypes */
99 99
100 100
101/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need 101/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need
102 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects 102 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects
103 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with 103 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with
104 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */ 104 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */
105 105
106#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \ 106#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \
107 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \ 107 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \
108 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \ 108 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \
109 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \ 109 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \
110} 110}
111 111
112 112
113/* local prototypes */ 113/* local prototypes */
114static int rpng_x_create_window(void); 114static int rpng_x_create_window(void);
115static int rpng_x_display_image(void); 115static int rpng_x_display_image(void);
116static void rpng_x_cleanup(void); 116static void rpng_x_cleanup(void);
117static int rpng_x_msb(ulg u32val); 117static int rpng_x_msb(ulg u32val);
118 118
119 119
120static char titlebar[1024], *window_name = titlebar; 120static char titlebar[1024], *window_name = titlebar;
121static char *appname = LONGNAME; 121static char *appname = LONGNAME;
122static char *icon_name = PROGNAME; 122static char *icon_name = PROGNAME;
123static char *res_name = RESNAME; 123static char *res_name = RESNAME;
124static char *res_class = RESCLASS; 124static char *res_class = RESCLASS;
125static char *filename; 125static char *filename;
126static FILE *infile; 126static FILE *infile;
127 127
128static char *bgstr; 128static char *bgstr;
129static uch bg_red=0, bg_green=0, bg_blue=0; 129static uch bg_red=0, bg_green=0, bg_blue=0;
130 130
131static double display_exponent; 131static double display_exponent;
132 132
133static ulg image_width, image_height, image_rowbytes; 133static ulg image_width, image_height, image_rowbytes;
134static int image_channels; 134static int image_channels;
135static uch *image_data; 135static uch *image_data;
136 136
137/* X-specific variables */ 137/* X-specific variables */
138static char *displayname; 138static char *displayname;
139static XImage *ximage; 139static XImage *ximage;
140static Display *display; 140static Display *display;
141static int depth; 141static int depth;
142static Visual *visual; 142static Visual *visual;
143static XVisualInfo *visual_list; 143static XVisualInfo *visual_list;
144static int RShift, GShift, BShift; 144static int RShift, GShift, BShift;
145static ulg RMask, GMask, BMask; 145static ulg RMask, GMask, BMask;
146static Window window; 146static Window window;
147static GC gc; 147static GC gc;
148static Colormap colormap; 148static Colormap colormap;
149 149
150static int have_nondefault_visual = FALSE; 150static int have_nondefault_visual = FALSE;
151static int have_colormap = FALSE; 151static int have_colormap = FALSE;
152static int have_window = FALSE; 152static int have_window = FALSE;
153static int have_gc = FALSE; 153static int have_gc = FALSE;
154/* 154/*
155ulg numcolors=0, pixels[256]; 155ulg numcolors=0, pixels[256];
156ush reds[256], greens[256], blues[256]; 156ush reds[256], greens[256], blues[256];
157 */ 157 */
158 158
159 159
160 160
161 161
162int main(int argc, char **argv) 162int main(int argc, char **argv)
163{ 163{
164#ifdef sgi 164#ifdef sgi
165 char tmpline[80]; 165 char tmpline[80];
166#endif 166#endif
167 char *p; 167 char *p;
168 int rc, alen, flen; 168 int rc, alen, flen;
169 int error = 0; 169 int error = 0;
170 int have_bg = FALSE; 170 int have_bg = FALSE;
171 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */ 171 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */
172 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */ 172 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */
173 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */ 173 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */
174 XEvent e; 174 XEvent e;
175 KeySym k; 175 KeySym k;
176 176
177 177
178 displayname = (char *)NULL; 178 displayname = (char *)NULL;
179 filename = (char *)NULL; 179 filename = (char *)NULL;
180 180
181 181
182 /* First set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., 182 /* First set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e.,
183 * the product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to 183 * the product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to
184 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an 184 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an
185 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird 185 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird
186 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. */ 186 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. */
187 187
188#if defined(NeXT) 188#if defined(NeXT)
189 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2; 189 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2;
190 /* 190 /*
191 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma)) 191 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma))
192 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma; 192 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma;
193 */ 193 */
194#elif defined(sgi) 194#elif defined(sgi)
195 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7; 195 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7;
196 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to get the 196 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to get the
197 * "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */ 197 * "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */
198 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r"); 198 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r");
199 if (infile) { 199 if (infile) {
200 double sgi_gamma; 200 double sgi_gamma;
201 201
202 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile); 202 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile);
203 fclose(infile); 203 fclose(infile);
204 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline); 204 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline);
205 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0) 205 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0)
206 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma; 206 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma;
207 } 207 }
208#elif defined(Macintosh) 208#elif defined(Macintosh)
209 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61; 209 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61;
210 /* 210 /*
211 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma)) 211 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma))
212 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61; 212 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61;
213 */ 213 */
214#else 214#else
215 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */ 215 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */
216#endif 216#endif
217 217
218 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */ 218 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */
219 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent; 219 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent;
220 220
221 221
222 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested 222 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested
223 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise 223 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise
224 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may 224 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may
225 * override this via a command-line option. */ 225 * override this via a command-line option. */
226 226
227 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL) 227 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL)
228 display_exponent = atof(p); 228 display_exponent = atof(p);
229 else 229 else
230 display_exponent = default_display_exponent; 230 display_exponent = default_display_exponent;
231 231
232 232
233 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */ 233 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */
234 234
235 while (*++argv && !error) { 235 while (*++argv && !error) {
236 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-display", 2)) { 236 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-display", 2)) {
237 if (!*++argv) 237 if (!*++argv)
238 ++error; 238 ++error;
239 else 239 else
240 displayname = *argv; 240 displayname = *argv;
241 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) { 241 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) {
242 if (!*++argv) 242 if (!*++argv)
243 ++error; 243 ++error;
244 else { 244 else {
245 display_exponent = atof(*argv); 245 display_exponent = atof(*argv);
246 if (display_exponent <= 0.0) 246 if (display_exponent <= 0.0)
247 ++error; 247 ++error;
248 } 248 }
249 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 2)) { 249 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 2)) {
250 if (!*++argv) 250 if (!*++argv)
251 ++error; 251 ++error;
252 else { 252 else {
253 bgstr = *argv; 253 bgstr = *argv;
254 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#') 254 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#')
255 ++error; 255 ++error;
256 else 256 else
257 have_bg = TRUE; 257 have_bg = TRUE;
258 } 258 }
259 } else { 259 } else {
260 if (**argv != '-') { 260 if (**argv != '-') {
261 filename = *argv; 261 filename = *argv;
262 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */ 262 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */
263 ++error; 263 ++error;
264 } else 264 } else
265 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */ 265 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */
266 } 266 }
267 } 267 }
268 268
269 if (!filename) 269 if (!filename)
270 ++error; 270 ++error;
271 271
272 272
273 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */ 273 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */
274 274
275 if (error) { 275 if (error) {
276 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname); 276 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
277 readpng_version_info(); 277 readpng_version_info();
278 fprintf(stderr, "\n" 278 fprintf(stderr, "\n"
279 "Usage: %s [-display xdpy] [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] file.png\n" 279 "Usage: %s [-display xdpy] [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] file.png\n"
280 " xdpy\tname of the target X display (e.g., ``hostname:0'')\n" 280 " xdpy\tname of the target X display (e.g., ``hostname:0'')\n"
281 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n" 281 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n"
282 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n" 282 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n"
283 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n" 283 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n"
284 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n" 284 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n"
285 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n" 285 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n"
286 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n" 286 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n"
287 "\t\t used with transparent images\n" 287 "\t\t used with transparent images\n"
288 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window, after image\n" 288 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window, after image\n"
289 "is displayed) to quit.\n" 289 "is displayed) to quit.\n"
290 "\n", PROGNAME, default_display_exponent); 290 "\n", PROGNAME, default_display_exponent);
291 exit(1); 291 exit(1);
292 } 292 }
293 293
294 294
295 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) { 295 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
296 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename); 296 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename);
297 ++error; 297 ++error;
298 } else { 298 } else {
299 if ((rc = readpng_init(infile, &image_width, &image_height)) != 0) { 299 if ((rc = readpng_init(infile, &image_width, &image_height)) != 0) {
300 switch (rc) { 300 switch (rc) {
301 case 1: 301 case 1:
302 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 302 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
303 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n", 303 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n",
304 filename); 304 filename);
305 break; 305 break;
306 case 2: 306 case 2:
307 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 307 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
308 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename); 308 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename);
309 break; 309 break;
310 case 4: 310 case 4:
311 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n"); 311 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n");
312 break; 312 break;
313 default: 313 default:
314 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 314 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
315 ": unknown readpng_init() error\n"); 315 ": unknown readpng_init() error\n");
316 break; 316 break;
317 } 317 }
318 ++error; 318 ++error;
319 } else { 319 } else {
320 display = XOpenDisplay(displayname); 320 display = XOpenDisplay(displayname);
321 if (!display) { 321 if (!display) {
322 readpng_cleanup(TRUE); 322 readpng_cleanup(TRUE);
323 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open X display [%s]\n", 323 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open X display [%s]\n",
324 displayname? displayname : "default"); 324 displayname? displayname : "default");
325 ++error; 325 ++error;
326 } 326 }
327 } 327 }
328 if (error) 328 if (error)
329 fclose(infile); 329 fclose(infile);
330 } 330 }
331 331
332 332
333 if (error) { 333 if (error) {
334 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n"); 334 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n");
335 exit(2); 335 exit(2);
336 } 336 }
337 337
338 338
339 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */ 339 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */
340 340
341 alen = strlen(appname); 341 alen = strlen(appname);
342 flen = strlen(filename); 342 flen = strlen(filename);
343 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023) 343 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023)
344 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023)); 344 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023));
345 else 345 else
346 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename); 346 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename);
347 347
348 348
349 /* if the user didn't specify a background color on the command line, 349 /* if the user didn't specify a background color on the command line,
350 * check for one in the PNG file--if not, the initialized values of 0 350 * check for one in the PNG file--if not, the initialized values of 0
351 * (black) will be used */ 351 * (black) will be used */
352 352
353 if (have_bg) { 353 if (have_bg) {
354 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */ 354 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */
355 355
356 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b); 356 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
357 bg_red = (uch)r; 357 bg_red = (uch)r;
358 bg_green = (uch)g; 358 bg_green = (uch)g;
359 bg_blue = (uch)b; 359 bg_blue = (uch)b;
360 } else if (readpng_get_bgcolor(&bg_red, &bg_green, &bg_blue) > 1) { 360 } else if (readpng_get_bgcolor(&bg_red, &bg_green, &bg_blue) > 1) {
361 readpng_cleanup(TRUE); 361 readpng_cleanup(TRUE);
362 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 362 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
363 ": libpng error while checking for background color\n"); 363 ": libpng error while checking for background color\n");
364 exit(2); 364 exit(2);
365 } 365 }
366 366
367 367
368 /* do the basic X initialization stuff, make the window and fill it 368 /* do the basic X initialization stuff, make the window and fill it
369 * with the background color */ 369 * with the background color */
370 370
371 if (rpng_x_create_window()) 371 if (rpng_x_create_window())
372 exit(2); 372 exit(2);
373 373
374 374
375 /* decode the image, all at once */ 375 /* decode the image, all at once */
376 376
377 Trace((stderr, "calling readpng_get_image()\n")) 377 Trace((stderr, "calling readpng_get_image()\n"))
378 image_data = readpng_get_image(display_exponent, &image_channels, 378 image_data = readpng_get_image(display_exponent, &image_channels,
379 &image_rowbytes); 379 &image_rowbytes);
380 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng_get_image()\n")) 380 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng_get_image()\n"))
381 381
382 382
383 /* done with PNG file, so clean up to minimize memory usage (but do NOT 383 /* done with PNG file, so clean up to minimize memory usage (but do NOT
384 * nuke image_data!) */ 384 * nuke image_data!) */
385 385
386 readpng_cleanup(FALSE); 386 readpng_cleanup(FALSE);
387 fclose(infile); 387 fclose(infile);
388 388
389 if (!image_data) { 389 if (!image_data) {
390 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to decode PNG image\n"); 390 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to decode PNG image\n");
391 exit(3); 391 exit(3);
392 } 392 }
393 393
394 394
395 /* display image (composite with background if requested) */ 395 /* display image (composite with background if requested) */
396 396
397 Trace((stderr, "calling rpng_x_display_image()\n")) 397 Trace((stderr, "calling rpng_x_display_image()\n"))
398 if (rpng_x_display_image()) { 398 if (rpng_x_display_image()) {
399 free(image_data); 399 free(image_data);
400 exit(4); 400 exit(4);
401 } 401 }
402 Trace((stderr, "done with rpng_x_display_image()\n")) 402 Trace((stderr, "done with rpng_x_display_image()\n"))
403 403
404 404
405 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */ 405 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
406 406
407 printf( 407 printf(
408 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"); 408 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n");
409 fflush(stdout); 409 fflush(stdout);
410 410
411 do 411 do
412 XNextEvent(display, &e); 412 XNextEvent(display, &e);
413 while (!(e.type == ButtonPress && e.xbutton.button == Button1) && 413 while (!(e.type == ButtonPress && e.xbutton.button == Button1) &&
414 !(e.type == KeyPress && /* v--- or 1 for shifted keys */ 414 !(e.type == KeyPress && /* v--- or 1 for shifted keys */
415 ((k = XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey, 0)) == XK_q || k == XK_Escape) )); 415 ((k = XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey, 0)) == XK_q || k == XK_Escape) ));
416 416
417 417
418 /* OK, we're done: clean up all image and X resources and go away */ 418 /* OK, we're done: clean up all image and X resources and go away */
419 419
420 rpng_x_cleanup(); 420 rpng_x_cleanup();
421 421
422 return 0; 422 return 0;
423} 423}
424 424
425 425
426 426
427 427
428 428
429static int rpng_x_create_window(void) 429static int rpng_x_create_window(void)
430{ 430{
431 uch *xdata; 431 uch *xdata;
432 int need_colormap = FALSE; 432 int need_colormap = FALSE;
433 int screen, pad; 433 int screen, pad;
434 ulg bg_pixel = 0L; 434 ulg bg_pixel = 0L;
435 ulg attrmask; 435 ulg attrmask;
436 Window root; 436 Window root;
437 XEvent e; 437 XEvent e;
438 XGCValues gcvalues; 438 XGCValues gcvalues;
439 XSetWindowAttributes attr; 439 XSetWindowAttributes attr;
440 XTextProperty windowName, *pWindowName = &windowName; 440 XTextProperty windowName, *pWindowName = &windowName;
441 XTextProperty iconName, *pIconName = &iconName; 441 XTextProperty iconName, *pIconName = &iconName;
442 XVisualInfo visual_info; 442 XVisualInfo visual_info;
443 XSizeHints *size_hints; 443 XSizeHints *size_hints;
444 XWMHints *wm_hints; 444 XWMHints *wm_hints;
445 XClassHint *class_hints; 445 XClassHint *class_hints;
446 446
447 447
448 screen = DefaultScreen(display); 448 screen = DefaultScreen(display);
449 depth = DisplayPlanes(display, screen); 449 depth = DisplayPlanes(display, screen);
450 root = RootWindow(display, screen); 450 root = RootWindow(display, screen);
451 451
452#ifdef DEBUG 452#ifdef DEBUG
453 XSynchronize(display, True); 453 XSynchronize(display, True);
454#endif 454#endif
455 455
456#if 0 456#if 0
457/* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 457/* GRR: add 8-bit support */
458 if (/* depth != 8 && */ depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) { 458 if (/* depth != 8 && */ depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) {
459 fprintf(stderr, 459 fprintf(stderr,
460 "screen depth %d not supported (only 16-, 24- or 32-bit TrueColor)\n", 460 "screen depth %d not supported (only 16-, 24- or 32-bit TrueColor)\n",
461 depth); 461 depth);
462 return 2; 462 return 2;
463 } 463 }
464 464
465 XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, depth, 465 XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, depth,
466 (depth == 8)? PseudoColor : TrueColor, &visual_info); 466 (depth == 8)? PseudoColor : TrueColor, &visual_info);
467 visual = visual_info.visual; 467 visual = visual_info.visual;
468#else 468#else
469 if (depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) { 469 if (depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) {
470 int visuals_matched = 0; 470 int visuals_matched = 0;
471 471
472 Trace((stderr, "default depth is %d: checking other visuals\n", 472 Trace((stderr, "default depth is %d: checking other visuals\n",
473 depth)) 473 depth))
474 474
475 /* 24-bit first */ 475 /* 24-bit first */
476 visual_info.screen = screen; 476 visual_info.screen = screen;
477 visual_info.depth = 24; 477 visual_info.depth = 24;
478 visual_list = XGetVisualInfo(display, 478 visual_list = XGetVisualInfo(display,
479 VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask, &visual_info, &visuals_matched); 479 VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask, &visual_info, &visuals_matched);
480 if (visuals_matched == 0) { 480 if (visuals_matched == 0) {
481/* GRR: add 15-, 16- and 32-bit TrueColor visuals (also DirectColor?) */ 481/* GRR: add 15-, 16- and 32-bit TrueColor visuals (also DirectColor?) */
482 fprintf(stderr, "default screen depth %d not supported, and no" 482 fprintf(stderr, "default screen depth %d not supported, and no"
483 " 24-bit visuals found\n", depth); 483 " 24-bit visuals found\n", depth);
484 return 2; 484 return 2;
485 } 485 }
486 Trace((stderr, "XGetVisualInfo() returned %d 24-bit visuals\n", 486 Trace((stderr, "XGetVisualInfo() returned %d 24-bit visuals\n",
487 visuals_matched)) 487 visuals_matched))
488 visual = visual_list[0].visual; 488 visual = visual_list[0].visual;
489 depth = visual_list[0].depth; 489 depth = visual_list[0].depth;
490/* 490/*
491 colormap_size = visual_list[0].colormap_size; 491 colormap_size = visual_list[0].colormap_size;
492 visual_class = visual->class; 492 visual_class = visual->class;
493 visualID = XVisualIDFromVisual(visual); 493 visualID = XVisualIDFromVisual(visual);
494 */ 494 */
495 have_nondefault_visual = TRUE; 495 have_nondefault_visual = TRUE;
496 need_colormap = TRUE; 496 need_colormap = TRUE;
497 } else { 497 } else {
498 XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, depth, TrueColor, &visual_info); 498 XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, depth, TrueColor, &visual_info);
499 visual = visual_info.visual; 499 visual = visual_info.visual;
500 } 500 }
501#endif 501#endif
502 502
503 RMask = visual->red_mask; 503 RMask = visual->red_mask;
504 GMask = visual->green_mask; 504 GMask = visual->green_mask;
505 BMask = visual->blue_mask; 505 BMask = visual->blue_mask;
506 506
507/* GRR: add/check 8-bit support */ 507/* GRR: add/check 8-bit support */
508 if (depth == 8 || need_colormap) { 508 if (depth == 8 || need_colormap) {
509 colormap = XCreateColormap(display, root, visual, AllocNone); 509 colormap = XCreateColormap(display, root, visual, AllocNone);
510 if (!colormap) { 510 if (!colormap) {
511 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateColormap() failed\n"); 511 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateColormap() failed\n");
512 return 2; 512 return 2;
513 } 513 }
514 have_colormap = TRUE; 514 have_colormap = TRUE;
515 } 515 }
516 if (depth == 15 || depth == 16) { 516 if (depth == 15 || depth == 16) {
517 RShift = 15 - rpng_x_msb(RMask); /* these are right-shifts */ 517 RShift = 15 - rpng_x_msb(RMask); /* these are right-shifts */
518 GShift = 15 - rpng_x_msb(GMask); 518 GShift = 15 - rpng_x_msb(GMask);
519 BShift = 15 - rpng_x_msb(BMask); 519 BShift = 15 - rpng_x_msb(BMask);
520 } else if (depth > 16) { 520 } else if (depth > 16) {
521#define NO_24BIT_MASKS 521#define NO_24BIT_MASKS
522#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS 522#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS
523 RShift = rpng_x_msb(RMask) - 7; /* these are left-shifts */ 523 RShift = rpng_x_msb(RMask) - 7; /* these are left-shifts */
524 GShift = rpng_x_msb(GMask) - 7; 524 GShift = rpng_x_msb(GMask) - 7;
525 BShift = rpng_x_msb(BMask) - 7; 525 BShift = rpng_x_msb(BMask) - 7;
526#else 526#else
527 RShift = 7 - rpng_x_msb(RMask); /* these are right-shifts, too */ 527 RShift = 7 - rpng_x_msb(RMask); /* these are right-shifts, too */
528 GShift = 7 - rpng_x_msb(GMask); 528 GShift = 7 - rpng_x_msb(GMask);
529 BShift = 7 - rpng_x_msb(BMask); 529 BShift = 7 - rpng_x_msb(BMask);
530#endif 530#endif
531 } 531 }
532 if (depth >= 15 && (RShift < 0 || GShift < 0 || BShift < 0)) { 532 if (depth >= 15 && (RShift < 0 || GShift < 0 || BShift < 0)) {
533 fprintf(stderr, "rpng internal logic error: negative X shift(s)!\n"); 533 fprintf(stderr, "rpng internal logic error: negative X shift(s)!\n");
534 return 2; 534 return 2;
535 } 535 }
536 536
537/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 537/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
538 Finally, create the window. 538 Finally, create the window.
539 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 539 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
540 540
541 attr.backing_store = Always; 541 attr.backing_store = Always;
542 attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask; 542 attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask;
543 attrmask = CWBackingStore | CWEventMask; 543 attrmask = CWBackingStore | CWEventMask;
544 if (have_nondefault_visual) { 544 if (have_nondefault_visual) {
545 attr.colormap = colormap; 545 attr.colormap = colormap;
546 attr.background_pixel = 0; 546 attr.background_pixel = 0;
547 attr.border_pixel = 1; 547 attr.border_pixel = 1;
548 attrmask |= CWColormap | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel; 548 attrmask |= CWColormap | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel;
549 } 549 }
550 550
551 window = XCreateWindow(display, root, 0, 0, image_width, image_height, 0, 551 window = XCreateWindow(display, root, 0, 0, image_width, image_height, 0,
552 depth, InputOutput, visual, attrmask, &attr); 552 depth, InputOutput, visual, attrmask, &attr);
553 553
554 if (window == None) { 554 if (window == None) {
555 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateWindow() failed\n"); 555 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateWindow() failed\n");
556 return 2; 556 return 2;
557 } else 557 } else
558 have_window = TRUE; 558 have_window = TRUE;
559 559
560 if (depth == 8) 560 if (depth == 8)
561 XSetWindowColormap(display, window, colormap); 561 XSetWindowColormap(display, window, colormap);
562 562
563 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&window_name, 1, pWindowName)) 563 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&window_name, 1, pWindowName))
564 pWindowName = NULL; 564 pWindowName = NULL;
565 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&icon_name, 1, pIconName)) 565 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&icon_name, 1, pIconName))
566 pIconName = NULL; 566 pIconName = NULL;
567 567
568 /* OK if any hints allocation fails; XSetWMProperties() allows NULLs */ 568 /* OK if any hints allocation fails; XSetWMProperties() allows NULLs */
569 569
570 if ((size_hints = XAllocSizeHints()) != NULL) { 570 if ((size_hints = XAllocSizeHints()) != NULL) {
571 /* window will not be resizable */ 571 /* window will not be resizable */
572 size_hints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; 572 size_hints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
573 size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = (int)image_width; 573 size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = (int)image_width;
574 size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height = (int)image_height; 574 size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height = (int)image_height;
575 } 575 }
576 576
577 if ((wm_hints = XAllocWMHints()) != NULL) { 577 if ((wm_hints = XAllocWMHints()) != NULL) {
578 wm_hints->initial_state = NormalState; 578 wm_hints->initial_state = NormalState;
579 wm_hints->input = True; 579 wm_hints->input = True;
580 /* wm_hints->icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap; */ 580 /* wm_hints->icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap; */
581 wm_hints->flags = StateHint | InputHint /* | IconPixmapHint */ ; 581 wm_hints->flags = StateHint | InputHint /* | IconPixmapHint */ ;
582 } 582 }
583 583
584 if ((class_hints = XAllocClassHint()) != NULL) { 584 if ((class_hints = XAllocClassHint()) != NULL) {
585 class_hints->res_name = res_name; 585 class_hints->res_name = res_name;
586 class_hints->res_class = res_class; 586 class_hints->res_class = res_class;
587 } 587 }
588 588
589 XSetWMProperties(display, window, pWindowName, pIconName, NULL, 0, 589 XSetWMProperties(display, window, pWindowName, pIconName, NULL, 0,
590 size_hints, wm_hints, class_hints); 590 size_hints, wm_hints, class_hints);
591 591
592 /* various properties and hints no longer needed; free memory */ 592 /* various properties and hints no longer needed; free memory */
593 if (pWindowName) 593 if (pWindowName)
594 XFree(pWindowName->value); 594 XFree(pWindowName->value);
595 if (pIconName) 595 if (pIconName)
596 XFree(pIconName->value); 596 XFree(pIconName->value);
597 if (size_hints) 597 if (size_hints)
598 XFree(size_hints); 598 XFree(size_hints);
599 if (wm_hints) 599 if (wm_hints)
600 XFree(wm_hints); 600 XFree(wm_hints);
601 if (class_hints) 601 if (class_hints)
602 XFree(class_hints); 602 XFree(class_hints);
603 603
604 XMapWindow(display, window); 604 XMapWindow(display, window);
605 605
606 gc = XCreateGC(display, window, 0, &gcvalues); 606 gc = XCreateGC(display, window, 0, &gcvalues);
607 have_gc = TRUE; 607 have_gc = TRUE;
608 608
609/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 609/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
610 Fill window with the specified background color. 610 Fill window with the specified background color.
611 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 611 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
612 612
613 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 613 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
614 bg_pixel = ((ulg)bg_red << RShift) | 614 bg_pixel = ((ulg)bg_red << RShift) |
615 ((ulg)bg_green << GShift) | 615 ((ulg)bg_green << GShift) |
616 ((ulg)bg_blue << BShift); 616 ((ulg)bg_blue << BShift);
617 } else if (depth == 16) { 617 } else if (depth == 16) {
618 bg_pixel = ((((ulg)bg_red << 8) >> RShift) & RMask) | 618 bg_pixel = ((((ulg)bg_red << 8) >> RShift) & RMask) |
619 ((((ulg)bg_green << 8) >> GShift) & GMask) | 619 ((((ulg)bg_green << 8) >> GShift) & GMask) |
620 ((((ulg)bg_blue << 8) >> BShift) & BMask); 620 ((((ulg)bg_blue << 8) >> BShift) & BMask);
621 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 621 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
622 622
623 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 623 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */
624 624
625 } 625 }
626 626
627 XSetForeground(display, gc, bg_pixel); 627 XSetForeground(display, gc, bg_pixel);
628 XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, 0, 0, image_width, image_height); 628 XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, 0, 0, image_width, image_height);
629 629
630/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 630/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
631 Wait for first Expose event to do any drawing, then flush. 631 Wait for first Expose event to do any drawing, then flush.
632 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 632 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
633 633
634 do 634 do
635 XNextEvent(display, &e); 635 XNextEvent(display, &e);
636 while (e.type != Expose || e.xexpose.count); 636 while (e.type != Expose || e.xexpose.count);
637 637
638 XFlush(display); 638 XFlush(display);
639 639
640/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 640/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
641 Allocate memory for the X- and display-specific version of the image. 641 Allocate memory for the X- and display-specific version of the image.
642 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 642 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
643 643
644 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 644 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
645 xdata = (uch *)malloc(4*image_width*image_height); 645 xdata = (uch *)malloc(4*image_width*image_height);
646 pad = 32; 646 pad = 32;
647 } else if (depth == 16) { 647 } else if (depth == 16) {
648 xdata = (uch *)malloc(2*image_width*image_height); 648 xdata = (uch *)malloc(2*image_width*image_height);
649 pad = 16; 649 pad = 16;
650 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 650 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
651 xdata = (uch *)malloc(image_width*image_height); 651 xdata = (uch *)malloc(image_width*image_height);
652 pad = 8; 652 pad = 8;
653 } 653 }
654 654
655 if (!xdata) { 655 if (!xdata) {
656 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to allocate image memory\n"); 656 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to allocate image memory\n");
657 return 4; 657 return 4;
658 } 658 }
659 659
660 ximage = XCreateImage(display, visual, depth, ZPixmap, 0, 660 ximage = XCreateImage(display, visual, depth, ZPixmap, 0,
661 (char *)xdata, image_width, image_height, pad, 0); 661 (char *)xdata, image_width, image_height, pad, 0);
662 662
663 if (!ximage) { 663 if (!ximage) {
664 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": XCreateImage() failed\n"); 664 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": XCreateImage() failed\n");
665 free(xdata); 665 free(xdata);
666 return 3; 666 return 3;
667 } 667 }
668 668
669 /* to avoid testing the byte order every pixel (or doubling the size of 669 /* to avoid testing the byte order every pixel (or doubling the size of
670 * the drawing routine with a giant if-test), we arbitrarily set the byte 670 * the drawing routine with a giant if-test), we arbitrarily set the byte
671 * order to MSBFirst and let Xlib worry about inverting things on little- 671 * order to MSBFirst and let Xlib worry about inverting things on little-
672 * endian machines (like Linux/x86, old VAXen, etc.)--this is not the most 672 * endian machines (like Linux/x86, old VAXen, etc.)--this is not the most
673 * efficient approach (the giant if-test would be better), but in the 673 * efficient approach (the giant if-test would be better), but in the
674 * interest of clarity, we take the easy way out... */ 674 * interest of clarity, we take the easy way out... */
675 675
676 ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst; 676 ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst;
677 677
678 return 0; 678 return 0;
679 679
680} /* end function rpng_x_create_window() */ 680} /* end function rpng_x_create_window() */
681 681
682 682
683 683
684 684
685 685
686static int rpng_x_display_image(void) 686static int rpng_x_display_image(void)
687{ 687{
688 uch *src; 688 uch *src;
689 char *dest; 689 char *dest;
690 uch r, g, b, a; 690 uch r, g, b, a;
691 ulg i, row, lastrow = 0; 691 ulg i, row, lastrow = 0;
692 ulg pixel; 692 ulg pixel;
693 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line; 693 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line;
694/* int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; */ 694/* int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; */
695 695
696 696
697 Trace((stderr, "beginning display loop (image_channels == %d)\n", 697 Trace((stderr, "beginning display loop (image_channels == %d)\n",
698 image_channels)) 698 image_channels))
699 Trace((stderr, " (width = %ld, rowbytes = %ld, ximage_rowbytes = %d)\n", 699 Trace((stderr, " (width = %ld, rowbytes = %ld, ximage_rowbytes = %d)\n",
700 image_width, image_rowbytes, ximage_rowbytes)) 700 image_width, image_rowbytes, ximage_rowbytes))
701 Trace((stderr, " (bpp = %d)\n", ximage->bits_per_pixel)) 701 Trace((stderr, " (bpp = %d)\n", ximage->bits_per_pixel))
702 Trace((stderr, " (byte_order = %s)\n", ximage->byte_order == MSBFirst? 702 Trace((stderr, " (byte_order = %s)\n", ximage->byte_order == MSBFirst?
703 "MSBFirst" : (ximage->byte_order == LSBFirst? "LSBFirst" : "unknown"))) 703 "MSBFirst" : (ximage->byte_order == LSBFirst? "LSBFirst" : "unknown")))
704 704
705 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 705 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
706 ulg red, green, blue; 706 ulg red, green, blue;
707 707
708 for (lastrow = row = 0; row < image_height; ++row) { 708 for (lastrow = row = 0; row < image_height; ++row) {
709 src = image_data + row*image_rowbytes; 709 src = image_data + row*image_rowbytes;
710 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 710 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
711 if (image_channels == 3) { 711 if (image_channels == 3) {
712 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 712 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
713 red = *src++; 713 red = *src++;
714 green = *src++; 714 green = *src++;
715 blue = *src++; 715 blue = *src++;
716#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS 716#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS
717 pixel = (red << RShift) | 717 pixel = (red << RShift) |
718 (green << GShift) | 718 (green << GShift) |
719 (blue << BShift); 719 (blue << BShift);
720 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 720 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
721 /* GRR BUG: this assumes bpp == 32, but may be 24: */ 721 /* GRR BUG: this assumes bpp == 32, but may be 24: */
722 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 722 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
723 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 723 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
724 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 724 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
725 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 725 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
726#else 726#else
727 red = (RShift < 0)? red << (-RShift) : red >> RShift; 727 red = (RShift < 0)? red << (-RShift) : red >> RShift;
728 green = (GShift < 0)? green << (-GShift) : green >> GShift; 728 green = (GShift < 0)? green << (-GShift) : green >> GShift;
729 blue = (BShift < 0)? blue << (-BShift) : blue >> BShift; 729 blue = (BShift < 0)? blue << (-BShift) : blue >> BShift;
730 pixel = (red & RMask) | (green & GMask) | (blue & BMask); 730 pixel = (red & RMask) | (green & GMask) | (blue & BMask);
731 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 731 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
732 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 732 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
733 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 733 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
734 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 734 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
735 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 735 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
736#endif 736#endif
737 } 737 }
738 } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ { 738 } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ {
739 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 739 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
740 r = *src++; 740 r = *src++;
741 g = *src++; 741 g = *src++;
742 b = *src++; 742 b = *src++;
743 a = *src++; 743 a = *src++;
744 if (a == 255) { 744 if (a == 255) {
745 red = r; 745 red = r;
746 green = g; 746 green = g;
747 blue = b; 747 blue = b;
748 } else if (a == 0) { 748 } else if (a == 0) {
749 red = bg_red; 749 red = bg_red;
750 green = bg_green; 750 green = bg_green;
751 blue = bg_blue; 751 blue = bg_blue;
752 } else { 752 } else {
753 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground 753 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground
754 * and background values and puts the result into the 754 * and background values and puts the result into the
755 * first argument */ 755 * first argument */
756 alpha_composite(red, r, a, bg_red); 756 alpha_composite(red, r, a, bg_red);
757 alpha_composite(green, g, a, bg_green); 757 alpha_composite(green, g, a, bg_green);
758 alpha_composite(blue, b, a, bg_blue); 758 alpha_composite(blue, b, a, bg_blue);
759 } 759 }
760 pixel = (red << RShift) | 760 pixel = (red << RShift) |
761 (green << GShift) | 761 (green << GShift) |
762 (blue << BShift); 762 (blue << BShift);
763 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 763 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
764 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 764 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
765 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 765 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
766 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 766 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
767 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 767 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
768 } 768 }
769 } 769 }
770 /* display after every 16 lines */ 770 /* display after every 16 lines */
771 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) { 771 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) {
772 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0, 772 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0,
773 (int)lastrow, image_width, 16); 773 (int)lastrow, image_width, 16);
774 XFlush(display); 774 XFlush(display);
775 lastrow = row + 1; 775 lastrow = row + 1;
776 } 776 }
777 } 777 }
778 778
779 } else if (depth == 16) { 779 } else if (depth == 16) {
780 ush red, green, blue; 780 ush red, green, blue;
781 781
782 for (lastrow = row = 0; row < image_height; ++row) { 782 for (lastrow = row = 0; row < image_height; ++row) {
783 src = image_data + row*image_rowbytes; 783 src = image_data + row*image_rowbytes;
784 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 784 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
785 if (image_channels == 3) { 785 if (image_channels == 3) {
786 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 786 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
787 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 787 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
788 ++src; 788 ++src;
789 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 789 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
790 ++src; 790 ++src;
791 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 791 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
792 ++src; 792 ++src;
793 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 793 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
794 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 794 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
795 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 795 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
796 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 796 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
797 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 797 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
798 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 798 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
799 } 799 }
800 } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ { 800 } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ {
801 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) { 801 for (i = image_width; i > 0; --i) {
802 r = *src++; 802 r = *src++;
803 g = *src++; 803 g = *src++;
804 b = *src++; 804 b = *src++;
805 a = *src++; 805 a = *src++;
806 if (a == 255) { 806 if (a == 255) {
807 red = ((ush)r << 8); 807 red = ((ush)r << 8);
808 green = ((ush)g << 8); 808 green = ((ush)g << 8);
809 blue = ((ush)b << 8); 809 blue = ((ush)b << 8);
810 } else if (a == 0) { 810 } else if (a == 0) {
811 red = ((ush)bg_red << 8); 811 red = ((ush)bg_red << 8);
812 green = ((ush)bg_green << 8); 812 green = ((ush)bg_green << 8);
813 blue = ((ush)bg_blue << 8); 813 blue = ((ush)bg_blue << 8);
814 } else { 814 } else {
815 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground 815 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground
816 * and background values and puts the result back into 816 * and background values and puts the result back into
817 * the first argument (== fg byte here: safe) */ 817 * the first argument (== fg byte here: safe) */
818 alpha_composite(r, r, a, bg_red); 818 alpha_composite(r, r, a, bg_red);
819 alpha_composite(g, g, a, bg_green); 819 alpha_composite(g, g, a, bg_green);
820 alpha_composite(b, b, a, bg_blue); 820 alpha_composite(b, b, a, bg_blue);
821 red = ((ush)r << 8); 821 red = ((ush)r << 8);
822 green = ((ush)g << 8); 822 green = ((ush)g << 8);
823 blue = ((ush)b << 8); 823 blue = ((ush)b << 8);
824 } 824 }
825 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 825 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
826 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 826 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
827 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 827 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
828 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 828 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
829 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 829 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
830 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 830 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
831 } 831 }
832 } 832 }
833 /* display after every 16 lines */ 833 /* display after every 16 lines */
834 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) { 834 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) {
835 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0, 835 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0,
836 (int)lastrow, image_width, 16); 836 (int)lastrow, image_width, 16);
837 XFlush(display); 837 XFlush(display);
838 lastrow = row + 1; 838 lastrow = row + 1;
839 } 839 }
840 } 840 }
841 841
842 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 842 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
843 843
844 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 844 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */
845 845
846 } 846 }
847 847
848 Trace((stderr, "calling final XPutImage()\n")) 848 Trace((stderr, "calling final XPutImage()\n"))
849 if (lastrow < image_height) { 849 if (lastrow < image_height) {
850 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0, 850 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0,
851 (int)lastrow, image_width, image_height-lastrow); 851 (int)lastrow, image_width, image_height-lastrow);
852 XFlush(display); 852 XFlush(display);
853 } 853 }
854 854
855 return 0; 855 return 0;
856} 856}
857 857
858 858
859 859
860 860
861static void rpng_x_cleanup(void) 861static void rpng_x_cleanup(void)
862{ 862{
863 if (image_data) { 863 if (image_data) {
864 free(image_data); 864 free(image_data);
865 image_data = NULL; 865 image_data = NULL;
866 } 866 }
867 867
868 if (ximage) { 868 if (ximage) {
869 if (ximage->data) { 869 if (ximage->data) {
870 free(ximage->data); /* we allocated it, so we free it */ 870 free(ximage->data); /* we allocated it, so we free it */
871 ximage->data = (char *)NULL; /* instead of XDestroyImage() */ 871 ximage->data = (char *)NULL; /* instead of XDestroyImage() */
872 } 872 }
873 XDestroyImage(ximage); 873 XDestroyImage(ximage);
874 ximage = NULL; 874 ximage = NULL;
875 } 875 }
876 876
877 if (have_gc) 877 if (have_gc)
878 XFreeGC(display, gc); 878 XFreeGC(display, gc);
879 879
880 if (have_window) 880 if (have_window)
881 XDestroyWindow(display, window); 881 XDestroyWindow(display, window);
882 882
883 if (have_colormap) 883 if (have_colormap)
884 XFreeColormap(display, colormap); 884 XFreeColormap(display, colormap);
885 885
886 if (have_nondefault_visual) 886 if (have_nondefault_visual)
887 XFree(visual_list); 887 XFree(visual_list);
888} 888}
889 889
890 890
891 891
892 892
893 893
894static int rpng_x_msb(ulg u32val) 894static int rpng_x_msb(ulg u32val)
895{ 895{
896 int i; 896 int i;
897 897
898 for (i = 31; i >= 0; --i) { 898 for (i = 31; i >= 0; --i) {
899 if (u32val & 0x80000000L) 899 if (u32val & 0x80000000L)
900 break; 900 break;
901 u32val <<= 1; 901 u32val <<= 1;
902 } 902 }
903 return i; 903 return i;
904} 904}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-win.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-win.c
index 2303b58..223e737 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-win.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-win.c
@@ -1,1253 +1,1253 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program rpng2-win.c 3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program rpng2-win.c
4 4
5 This program decodes and displays PNG files progressively, as if it were 5 This program decodes and displays PNG files progressively, as if it were
6 a web browser (though the front end is only set up to read from files). 6 a web browser (though the front end is only set up to read from files).
7 It supports gamma correction, user-specified background colors, and user- 7 It supports gamma correction, user-specified background colors, and user-
8 specified background patterns (for transparent images). This version is 8 specified background patterns (for transparent images). This version is
9 for 32-bit Windows; it may compile under 16-bit Windows with a little 9 for 32-bit Windows; it may compile under 16-bit Windows with a little
10 tweaking (or maybe not). Thanks to Adam Costello and Pieter S. van der 10 tweaking (or maybe not). Thanks to Adam Costello and Pieter S. van der
11 Meulen for the "diamond" and "radial waves" patterns, respectively. 11 Meulen for the "diamond" and "radial waves" patterns, respectively.
12 12
13 to do (someday, maybe): 13 to do (someday, maybe):
14 - handle quoted command-line args (especially filenames with spaces) 14 - handle quoted command-line args (especially filenames with spaces)
15 - finish resizable checkerboard-gradient (sizes 4-128?) 15 - finish resizable checkerboard-gradient (sizes 4-128?)
16 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string? 16 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string?
17 - have minimum window width: oh well 17 - have minimum window width: oh well
18 18
19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 20
21 Changelog: 21 Changelog:
22 - 1.01: initial public release 22 - 1.01: initial public release
23 - 1.02: fixed cut-and-paste error in usage screen (oops...) 23 - 1.02: fixed cut-and-paste error in usage screen (oops...)
24 - 1.03: modified to allow abbreviated options 24 - 1.03: modified to allow abbreviated options
25 - 1.04: removed bogus extra argument from usage fprintf() [Glenn R-P?]; 25 - 1.04: removed bogus extra argument from usage fprintf() [Glenn R-P?];
26 fixed command-line parsing bug 26 fixed command-line parsing bug
27 - 1.10: enabled "message window"/console (thanks to David Geldreich) 27 - 1.10: enabled "message window"/console (thanks to David Geldreich)
28 - 1.20: added runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and new -mmx* options 28 - 1.20: added runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and new -mmx* options
29 - 1.21: made minor tweak to usage screen to fit within 25-line console 29 - 1.21: made minor tweak to usage screen to fit within 25-line console
30 - 1.22: added AMD64/EM64T support (__x86_64__) 30 - 1.22: added AMD64/EM64T support (__x86_64__)
31 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL) 31 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL)
32 - 2.01: fixed 64-bit typo in readpng2.c 32 - 2.01: fixed 64-bit typo in readpng2.c
33 - 2.02: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s); fixed 33 - 2.02: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s); fixed
34 unexpected-EOF and file-read-error cases 34 unexpected-EOF and file-read-error cases
35 - 2.03: removed runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and obsolete -mmx* options 35 - 2.03: removed runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and obsolete -mmx* options
36 36
37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 38
39 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 39 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
40 40
41 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 41 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
42 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 42 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
43 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 43 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
44 this software. 44 this software.
45 45
46 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 46 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
47 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 47 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
48 following two licenses (at your option): 48 following two licenses (at your option):
49 49
50 50
51 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 51 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
52 52
53 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 53 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
54 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 54 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
55 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 55 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
56 56
57 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 57 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
58 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 58 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
59 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 59 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
60 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 60 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
61 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 61 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
62 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 62 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
63 software must display the following acknowledgment: 63 software must display the following acknowledgment:
64 64
65 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 65 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
66 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 66 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
67 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 67 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
68 68
69 69
70 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 70 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
71 71
72 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 72 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
73 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 73 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
74 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 74 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
75 (at your option) any later version. 75 (at your option) any later version.
76 76
77 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 77 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
78 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 78 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
80 GNU General Public License for more details. 80 GNU General Public License for more details.
81 81
82 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 82 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
83 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 83 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
84 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 84 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
85 85
86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
87 87
88#define PROGNAME "rpng2-win" 88#define PROGNAME "rpng2-win"
89#define LONGNAME "Progressive PNG Viewer for Windows" 89#define LONGNAME "Progressive PNG Viewer for Windows"
90#define VERSION "2.02 of 16 March 2008" 90#define VERSION "2.02 of 16 March 2008"
91 91
92#include <stdio.h> 92#include <stdio.h>
93#include <stdlib.h> 93#include <stdlib.h>
94#include <string.h> 94#include <string.h>
95#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in readpng2.h */ 95#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in readpng2.h */
96#include <time.h> 96#include <time.h>
97#include <math.h> /* only for PvdM background code */ 97#include <math.h> /* only for PvdM background code */
98#include <windows.h> 98#include <windows.h>
99#ifdef __CYGWIN__ 99#ifdef __CYGWIN__
100/* getch replacement. Turns out, we don't really need this, 100/* getch replacement. Turns out, we don't really need this,
101 * but leave it here if we ever enable any of the uses of 101 * but leave it here if we ever enable any of the uses of
102 * _getch in the main code 102 * _getch in the main code
103 */ 103 */
104#include <unistd.h> 104#include <unistd.h>
105#include <termio.h> 105#include <termio.h>
106#include <sys/ioctl.h> 106#include <sys/ioctl.h>
107int repl_getch( void ) 107int repl_getch( void )
108{ 108{
109 char ch; 109 char ch;
110 int fd = fileno(stdin); 110 int fd = fileno(stdin);
111 struct termio old_tty, new_tty; 111 struct termio old_tty, new_tty;
112 112
113 ioctl(fd, TCGETA, &old_tty); 113 ioctl(fd, TCGETA, &old_tty);
114 new_tty = old_tty; 114 new_tty = old_tty;
115 new_tty.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG); 115 new_tty.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ISIG);
116 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &new_tty); 116 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &new_tty);
117 fread(&ch, 1, sizeof(ch), stdin); 117 fread(&ch, 1, sizeof(ch), stdin);
118 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &old_tty); 118 ioctl(fd, TCSETA, &old_tty);
119 119
120 return ch; 120 return ch;
121} 121}
122#define _getch repl_getch 122#define _getch repl_getch
123#else 123#else
124#include <conio.h> /* only for _getch() */ 124#include <conio.h> /* only for _getch() */
125#endif 125#endif
126 126
127/* all for PvdM background code: */ 127/* all for PvdM background code: */
128#ifndef PI 128#ifndef PI
129# define PI 3.141592653589793238 129# define PI 3.141592653589793238
130#endif 130#endif
131#define PI_2 (PI*0.5) 131#define PI_2 (PI*0.5)
132#define INV_PI_360 (360.0 / PI) 132#define INV_PI_360 (360.0 / PI)
133#define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b) 133#define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
134#define MIN(a,b) (a<b?a:b) 134#define MIN(a,b) (a<b?a:b)
135#define CLIP(a,min,max) MAX(min,MIN((a),max)) 135#define CLIP(a,min,max) MAX(min,MIN((a),max))
136#define ABS(a) ((a)<0?-(a):(a)) 136#define ABS(a) ((a)<0?-(a):(a))
137#define CLIP8P(c) MAX(0,(MIN((c),255))) /* 8-bit pos. integer (uch) */ 137#define CLIP8P(c) MAX(0,(MIN((c),255))) /* 8-bit pos. integer (uch) */
138#define ROUNDF(f) ((int)(f + 0.5)) 138#define ROUNDF(f) ((int)(f + 0.5))
139 139
140#define rgb1_max bg_freq 140#define rgb1_max bg_freq
141#define rgb1_min bg_gray 141#define rgb1_min bg_gray
142#define rgb2_max bg_bsat 142#define rgb2_max bg_bsat
143#define rgb2_min bg_brot 143#define rgb2_min bg_brot
144 144
145/* #define DEBUG */ /* this enables the Trace() macros */ 145/* #define DEBUG */ /* this enables the Trace() macros */
146 146
147#include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng2 prototypes */ 147#include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng2 prototypes */
148 148
149 149
150/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need 150/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need
151 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects 151 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects
152 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with 152 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with
153 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */ 153 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */
154 154
155#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \ 155#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \
156 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \ 156 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \
157 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \ 157 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \
158 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \ 158 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \
159} 159}
160 160
161 161
162#define INBUFSIZE 4096 /* with pseudo-timing on (1 sec delay/block), this 162#define INBUFSIZE 4096 /* with pseudo-timing on (1 sec delay/block), this
163 * block size corresponds roughly to a download 163 * block size corresponds roughly to a download
164 * speed 10% faster than theoretical 33.6K maximum 164 * speed 10% faster than theoretical 33.6K maximum
165 * (assuming 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no other 165 * (assuming 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no other
166 * overhead) */ 166 * overhead) */
167 167
168/* local prototypes */ 168/* local prototypes */
169static void rpng2_win_init(void); 169static void rpng2_win_init(void);
170static int rpng2_win_create_window(void); 170static int rpng2_win_create_window(void);
171static int rpng2_win_load_bg_image(void); 171static int rpng2_win_load_bg_image(void);
172static void rpng2_win_display_row(ulg row); 172static void rpng2_win_display_row(ulg row);
173static void rpng2_win_finish_display(void); 173static void rpng2_win_finish_display(void);
174static void rpng2_win_cleanup(void); 174static void rpng2_win_cleanup(void);
176 176
177 177
178static char titlebar[1024]; 178static char titlebar[1024];
179static char *progname = PROGNAME; 179static char *progname = PROGNAME;
180static char *appname = LONGNAME; 180static char *appname = LONGNAME;
181static char *filename; 181static char *filename;
182static FILE *infile; 182static FILE *infile;
183 183
184static mainprog_info rpng2_info; 184static mainprog_info rpng2_info;
185 185
186static uch inbuf[INBUFSIZE]; 186static uch inbuf[INBUFSIZE];
187static int incount; 187static int incount;
188 188
189static int pat = 6; /* must be less than num_bgpat */ 189static int pat = 6; /* must be less than num_bgpat */
190static int bg_image = 0; 190static int bg_image = 0;
191static int bgscale = 16; 191static int bgscale = 16;
192static ulg bg_rowbytes; 192static ulg bg_rowbytes;
193static uch *bg_data; 193static uch *bg_data;
194 194
195static struct rgb_color { 195static struct rgb_color {
196 uch r, g, b; 196 uch r, g, b;
197} rgb[] = { 197} rgb[] = {
198 { 0, 0, 0}, /* 0: black */ 198 { 0, 0, 0}, /* 0: black */
199 {255, 255, 255}, /* 1: white */ 199 {255, 255, 255}, /* 1: white */
200 {173, 132, 57}, /* 2: tan */ 200 {173, 132, 57}, /* 2: tan */
201 { 64, 132, 0}, /* 3: medium green */ 201 { 64, 132, 0}, /* 3: medium green */
202 {189, 117, 1}, /* 4: gold */ 202 {189, 117, 1}, /* 4: gold */
203 {253, 249, 1}, /* 5: yellow */ 203 {253, 249, 1}, /* 5: yellow */
204 { 0, 0, 255}, /* 6: blue */ 204 { 0, 0, 255}, /* 6: blue */
205 { 0, 0, 120}, /* 7: medium blue */ 205 { 0, 0, 120}, /* 7: medium blue */
206 {255, 0, 255}, /* 8: magenta */ 206 {255, 0, 255}, /* 8: magenta */
207 { 64, 0, 64}, /* 9: dark magenta */ 207 { 64, 0, 64}, /* 9: dark magenta */
208 {255, 0, 0}, /* 10: red */ 208 {255, 0, 0}, /* 10: red */
209 { 64, 0, 0}, /* 11: dark red */ 209 { 64, 0, 0}, /* 11: dark red */
210 {255, 127, 0}, /* 12: orange */ 210 {255, 127, 0}, /* 12: orange */
211 {192, 96, 0}, /* 13: darker orange */ 211 {192, 96, 0}, /* 13: darker orange */
212 { 24, 60, 0}, /* 14: dark green-yellow */ 212 { 24, 60, 0}, /* 14: dark green-yellow */
213 { 85, 125, 200} /* 15: ice blue */ 213 { 85, 125, 200} /* 15: ice blue */
214}; 214};
215/* not used for now, but should be for error-checking: 215/* not used for now, but should be for error-checking:
216static int num_rgb = sizeof(rgb) / sizeof(struct rgb_color); 216static int num_rgb = sizeof(rgb) / sizeof(struct rgb_color);
217 */ 217 */
218 218
219/* 219/*
220 This whole struct is a fairly cheesy way to keep the number of 220 This whole struct is a fairly cheesy way to keep the number of
221 command-line options to a minimum. The radial-waves background 221 command-line options to a minimum. The radial-waves background
222 type is a particularly poor fit to the integer elements of the 222 type is a particularly poor fit to the integer elements of the
223 struct...but a few macros and a little fixed-point math will do 223 struct...but a few macros and a little fixed-point math will do
224 wonders for ya. 224 wonders for ya.
225 225
226 type bits: 226 type bits:
227 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 227 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
228 | | | | | 228 | | | | |
229 | | +-+-+-- 0 = sharp-edged checkerboard 229 | | +-+-+-- 0 = sharp-edged checkerboard
230 | | 1 = soft diamonds 230 | | 1 = soft diamonds
231 | | 2 = radial waves 231 | | 2 = radial waves
232 | | 3-7 = undefined 232 | | 3-7 = undefined
233 | +-- gradient #2 inverted? 233 | +-- gradient #2 inverted?
234 +-- alternating columns inverted? 234 +-- alternating columns inverted?
235 */ 235 */
236static struct background_pattern { 236static struct background_pattern {
237 ush type; 237 ush type;
238 int rgb1_max, rgb1_min; /* or bg_freq, bg_gray */ 238 int rgb1_max, rgb1_min; /* or bg_freq, bg_gray */
239 int rgb2_max, rgb2_min; /* or bg_bsat, bg_brot (both scaled by 10)*/ 239 int rgb2_max, rgb2_min; /* or bg_bsat, bg_brot (both scaled by 10)*/
240} bg[] = { 240} bg[] = {
241 {0+8, 2,0, 1,15}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/ice blue */ 241 {0+8, 2,0, 1,15}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/ice blue */
242 {0+24, 2,0, 1,0}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/black */ 242 {0+24, 2,0, 1,0}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/black */
243 {0+8, 4,5, 0,2}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/tan */ 243 {0+8, 4,5, 0,2}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/tan */
244 {0+8, 4,5, 0,6}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/blue */ 244 {0+8, 4,5, 0,6}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/blue */
245 {0, 7,0, 8,9}, /* checkered: deep blue/black vs. magenta */ 245 {0, 7,0, 8,9}, /* checkered: deep blue/black vs. magenta */
246 {0+8, 13,0, 5,14}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. yellow */ 246 {0+8, 13,0, 5,14}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. yellow */
247 {0+8, 12,0, 10,11}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. red */ 247 {0+8, 12,0, 10,11}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. red */
248 {1, 7,0, 8,0}, /* diamonds: deep blue/black vs. magenta */ 248 {1, 7,0, 8,0}, /* diamonds: deep blue/black vs. magenta */
249 {1, 12,0, 11,0}, /* diamonds: orange vs. dark red */ 249 {1, 12,0, 11,0}, /* diamonds: orange vs. dark red */
250 {1, 10,0, 7,0}, /* diamonds: red vs. medium blue */ 250 {1, 10,0, 7,0}, /* diamonds: red vs. medium blue */
251 {1, 4,0, 5,0}, /* diamonds: gold vs. yellow */ 251 {1, 4,0, 5,0}, /* diamonds: gold vs. yellow */
252 {1, 3,0, 0,0}, /* diamonds: medium green vs. black */ 252 {1, 3,0, 0,0}, /* diamonds: medium green vs. black */
253 {2, 16, 100, 20, 0}, /* radial: ~hard radial color-beams */ 253 {2, 16, 100, 20, 0}, /* radial: ~hard radial color-beams */
254 {2, 18, 100, 10, 2}, /* radial: soft, curved radial color-beams */ 254 {2, 18, 100, 10, 2}, /* radial: soft, curved radial color-beams */
255 {2, 16, 256, 100, 250}, /* radial: very tight spiral */ 255 {2, 16, 256, 100, 250}, /* radial: very tight spiral */
256 {2, 10000, 256, 11, 0} /* radial: dipole-moire' (almost fractal) */ 256 {2, 10000, 256, 11, 0} /* radial: dipole-moire' (almost fractal) */
257}; 257};
258static int num_bgpat = sizeof(bg) / sizeof(struct background_pattern); 258static int num_bgpat = sizeof(bg) / sizeof(struct background_pattern);
259 259
260 260
261/* Windows-specific global variables (could go in struct, but messy...) */ 261/* Windows-specific global variables (could go in struct, but messy...) */
262static ulg wimage_rowbytes; 262static ulg wimage_rowbytes;
263static uch *dib; 263static uch *dib;
264static uch *wimage_data; 264static uch *wimage_data;
265static BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih; 265static BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih;
266 266
267static HWND global_hwnd; 267static HWND global_hwnd;
268static HINSTANCE global_hInst; 268static HINSTANCE global_hInst;
269static int global_showmode; 269static int global_showmode;
270 270
271 271
272 272
273 273
274int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, PSTR cmd, int showmode) 274int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, PSTR cmd, int showmode)
275{ 275{
276 char *args[1024]; /* arbitrary limit, but should suffice */ 276 char *args[1024]; /* arbitrary limit, but should suffice */
277 char **argv = args; 277 char **argv = args;
278 char *p, *q, *bgstr = NULL; 278 char *p, *q, *bgstr = NULL;
279 int argc = 0; 279 int argc = 0;
280 int rc, alen, flen; 280 int rc, alen, flen;
281 int error = 0; 281 int error = 0;
282 int timing = FALSE; 282 int timing = FALSE;
283 int have_bg = FALSE; 283 int have_bg = FALSE;
284 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */ 284 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */
285 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */ 285 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */
286 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */ 286 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */
287 MSG msg; 287 MSG msg;
288 288
289 289
290 /* First initialize a few things, just to be sure--memset takes care of 290 /* First initialize a few things, just to be sure--memset takes care of
291 * default background color (black), booleans (FALSE), pointers (NULL), 291 * default background color (black), booleans (FALSE), pointers (NULL),
292 * etc. */ 292 * etc. */
293 293
294 global_hInst = hInst; 294 global_hInst = hInst;
295 global_showmode = showmode; 295 global_showmode = showmode;
296 filename = (char *)NULL; 296 filename = (char *)NULL;
297 memset(&rpng2_info, 0, sizeof(mainprog_info)); 297 memset(&rpng2_info, 0, sizeof(mainprog_info));
298 298
299#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 299#ifndef __CYGWIN__
300 /* Next reenable console output, which normally goes to the bit bucket 300 /* Next reenable console output, which normally goes to the bit bucket
301 * for windowed apps. Closing the console window will terminate the 301 * for windowed apps. Closing the console window will terminate the
302 * app. Thanks to David.Geldreich@realviz.com for supplying the magical 302 * app. Thanks to David.Geldreich@realviz.com for supplying the magical
303 * incantation. */ 303 * incantation. */
304 304
305 AllocConsole(); 305 AllocConsole();
306 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stderr); 306 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stderr);
307 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stdout); 307 freopen("CONOUT$", "a", stdout);
308#endif 308#endif
309 309
310 /* Set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., the 310 /* Set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., the
311 * product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to 311 * product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to
312 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an 312 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an
313 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird 313 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird
314 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. And 314 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. And
315 * yes, these ifdefs are completely wasted in a Windows program... */ 315 * yes, these ifdefs are completely wasted in a Windows program... */
316 316
317#if defined(NeXT) 317#if defined(NeXT)
318 /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */ 318 /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */
319 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2; 319 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2;
320 /* 320 /*
321 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma)) 321 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma))
322 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma; 322 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma;
323 */ 323 */
324#elif defined(sgi) 324#elif defined(sgi)
325 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7; 325 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7;
326 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to 326 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to
327 * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */ 327 * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */
328 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r"); 328 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r");
329 if (infile) { 329 if (infile) {
330 double sgi_gamma; 330 double sgi_gamma;
331 331
332 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile); 332 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile);
333 fclose(infile); 333 fclose(infile);
334 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline); 334 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline);
335 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0) 335 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0)
336 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma; 336 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma;
337 } 337 }
338#elif defined(Macintosh) 338#elif defined(Macintosh)
339 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61; 339 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61;
340 /* 340 /*
341 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma)) 341 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma))
342 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61; 342 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61;
343 */ 343 */
344#else 344#else
345 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */ 345 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */
346#endif 346#endif
347 347
348 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */ 348 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */
349 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent; 349 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent;
350 350
351 351
352 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested 352 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested
353 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise 353 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise
354 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may 354 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may
355 * override this via a command-line option. */ 355 * override this via a command-line option. */
356 356
357 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL) 357 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL)
358 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(p); 358 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(p);
359 else 359 else
360 rpng2_info.display_exponent = default_display_exponent; 360 rpng2_info.display_exponent = default_display_exponent;
361 361
362 362
363 /* Windows really hates command lines, so we have to set up our own argv. 363 /* Windows really hates command lines, so we have to set up our own argv.
364 * Note that we do NOT bother with quoted arguments here, so don't use 364 * Note that we do NOT bother with quoted arguments here, so don't use
365 * filenames with spaces in 'em! */ 365 * filenames with spaces in 'em! */
366 366
367 argv[argc++] = PROGNAME; 367 argv[argc++] = PROGNAME;
368 p = cmd; 368 p = cmd;
369 for (;;) { 369 for (;;) {
370 if (*p == ' ') 370 if (*p == ' ')
371 while (*++p == ' ') 371 while (*++p == ' ')
372 ; 372 ;
373 /* now p points at the first non-space after some spaces */ 373 /* now p points at the first non-space after some spaces */
374 if (*p == '\0') 374 if (*p == '\0')
375 break; /* nothing after the spaces: done */ 375 break; /* nothing after the spaces: done */
376 argv[argc++] = q = p; 376 argv[argc++] = q = p;
377 while (*q && *q != ' ') 377 while (*q && *q != ' ')
378 ++q; 378 ++q;
379 /* now q points at a space or the end of the string */ 379 /* now q points at a space or the end of the string */
380 if (*q == '\0') 380 if (*q == '\0')
381 break; /* last argv already terminated; quit */ 381 break; /* last argv already terminated; quit */
382 *q = '\0'; /* change space to terminator */ 382 *q = '\0'; /* change space to terminator */
383 p = q + 1; 383 p = q + 1;
384 } 384 }
385 argv[argc] = NULL; /* terminate the argv array itself */ 385 argv[argc] = NULL; /* terminate the argv array itself */
386 386
387 387
388 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */ 388 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */
389 389
390 while (*++argv && !error) { 390 while (*++argv && !error) {
391 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) { 391 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) {
392 if (!*++argv) 392 if (!*++argv)
393 ++error; 393 ++error;
394 else { 394 else {
395 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(*argv); 395 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(*argv);
396 if (rpng2_info.display_exponent <= 0.0) 396 if (rpng2_info.display_exponent <= 0.0)
397 ++error; 397 ++error;
398 } 398 }
399 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) { 399 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) {
400 if (!*++argv) 400 if (!*++argv)
401 ++error; 401 ++error;
402 else { 402 else {
403 bgstr = *argv; 403 bgstr = *argv;
404 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#') 404 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#')
405 ++error; 405 ++error;
406 else { 406 else {
407 have_bg = TRUE; 407 have_bg = TRUE;
408 bg_image = FALSE; 408 bg_image = FALSE;
409 } 409 }
410 } 410 }
411 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgpat", 4)) { 411 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgpat", 4)) {
412 if (!*++argv) 412 if (!*++argv)
413 ++error; 413 ++error;
414 else { 414 else {
415 pat = atoi(*argv) - 1; 415 pat = atoi(*argv) - 1;
416 if (pat < 0 || pat >= num_bgpat) 416 if (pat < 0 || pat >= num_bgpat)
417 ++error; 417 ++error;
418 else { 418 else {
419 bg_image = TRUE; 419 bg_image = TRUE;
420 have_bg = FALSE; 420 have_bg = FALSE;
421 } 421 }
422 } 422 }
423 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-timing", 2)) { 423 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-timing", 2)) {
424 timing = TRUE; 424 timing = TRUE;
425 } else { 425 } else {
426 if (**argv != '-') { 426 if (**argv != '-') {
427 filename = *argv; 427 filename = *argv;
428 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */ 428 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */
429 ++error; 429 ++error;
430 } else 430 } else
431 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */ 431 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */
432 } 432 }
433 } 433 }
434 434
435 if (!filename) 435 if (!filename)
436 ++error; 436 ++error;
437 437
438 438
439 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */ 439 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */
440 440
441 if (error) { 441 if (error) {
442#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 442#ifndef __CYGWIN__
443 int ch; 443 int ch;
444#endif 444#endif
445 445
446 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname); 446 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
447 readpng2_version_info(); 447 readpng2_version_info();
448 fprintf(stderr, "\n" 448 fprintf(stderr, "\n"
449 "Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg | -bgpat pat] [-timing]\n" 449 "Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg | -bgpat pat] [-timing]\n"
450 " %*s file.png\n\n" 450 " %*s file.png\n\n"
451 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n" 451 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n"
452 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n" 452 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n"
453 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n" 453 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n"
454 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n" 454 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n"
455 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n" 455 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n"
456 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n" 456 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n"
457 "\t\t used with transparent images; overrides -bgpat option\n" 457 "\t\t used with transparent images; overrides -bgpat option\n"
458 " pat \tdesired background pattern number (1-%d); used with\n" 458 " pat \tdesired background pattern number (1-%d); used with\n"
459 "\t\t transparent images; overrides -bgcolor option\n" 459 "\t\t transparent images; overrides -bgcolor option\n"
460 " -timing\tenables delay for every block read, to simulate modem\n" 460 " -timing\tenables delay for every block read, to simulate modem\n"
461 "\t\t download of image (~36 Kbps)\n" 461 "\t\t download of image (~36 Kbps)\n"
462 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 after image is displayed to quit.\n" 462 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 after image is displayed to quit.\n"
463#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 463#ifndef __CYGWIN__
464 "Press Q or Esc to quit this usage screen. ", 464 "Press Q or Esc to quit this usage screen. ",
465#else 465#else
466 , 466 ,
467#endif 467#endif
469#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__)) && \ 469#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__x86_64__)) && \
470 !(defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__)) 470 !(defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__))
471 (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ", 471 (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ",
472#endif 472#endif
473 (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ", default_display_exponent, num_bgpat); 473 (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ", default_display_exponent, num_bgpat);
474 fflush(stderr); 474 fflush(stderr);
475#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 475#ifndef __CYGWIN__
476 do 476 do
477 ch = _getch(); 477 ch = _getch();
478 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B); 478 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B);
479#endif 479#endif
480 exit(1); 480 exit(1);
481 } 481 }
482 482
483 483
484 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) { 484 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
485 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename); 485 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename);
486 ++error; 486 ++error;
487 } else { 487 } else {
488 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile); 488 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile);
489 if (incount < 8 || !readpng2_check_sig(inbuf, 8)) { 489 if (incount < 8 || !readpng2_check_sig(inbuf, 8)) {
490 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 490 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
491 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n", 491 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n",
492 filename); 492 filename);
493 ++error; 493 ++error;
494 } else if ((rc = readpng2_init(&rpng2_info)) != 0) { 494 } else if ((rc = readpng2_init(&rpng2_info)) != 0) {
495 switch (rc) { 495 switch (rc) {
496 case 2: 496 case 2:
497 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 497 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
498 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename); 498 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename);
499 break; 499 break;
500 case 4: 500 case 4:
501 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n"); 501 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n");
502 break; 502 break;
503 default: 503 default:
504 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 504 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
505 ": unknown readpng2_init() error\n"); 505 ": unknown readpng2_init() error\n");
506 break; 506 break;
507 } 507 }
508 ++error; 508 ++error;
509 } 509 }
510 if (error) 510 if (error)
511 fclose(infile); 511 fclose(infile);
512 } 512 }
513 513
514 514
515 if (error) { 515 if (error) {
516#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 516#ifndef __CYGWIN__
517 int ch; 517 int ch;
518#endif 518#endif
519 519
520 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n"); 520 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n");
521#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 521#ifndef __CYGWIN__
522 do 522 do
523 ch = _getch(); 523 ch = _getch();
524 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B); 524 while (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 0x1B);
525#endif 525#endif
526 exit(2); 526 exit(2);
527 } else { 527 } else {
528 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname); 528 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
529#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 529#ifndef __CYGWIN__
530 fprintf(stderr, 530 fprintf(stderr,
531 "\n [console window: closing this window will terminate %s]\n\n", 531 "\n [console window: closing this window will terminate %s]\n\n",
533#endif 533#endif
534 fflush(stderr); 534 fflush(stderr);
535 } 535 }
536 536
537 537
538 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */ 538 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */
539 539
540 alen = strlen(appname); 540 alen = strlen(appname);
541 flen = strlen(filename); 541 flen = strlen(filename);
542 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023) 542 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023)
543 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023)); 543 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023));
544 else 544 else
545 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename); 545 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename);
546 546
547 547
548 /* set some final rpng2_info variables before entering main data loop */ 548 /* set some final rpng2_info variables before entering main data loop */
549 549
550 if (have_bg) { 550 if (have_bg) {
551 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */ 551 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */
552 552
553 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b); 553 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
554 rpng2_info.bg_red = (uch)r; 554 rpng2_info.bg_red = (uch)r;
555 rpng2_info.bg_green = (uch)g; 555 rpng2_info.bg_green = (uch)g;
556 rpng2_info.bg_blue = (uch)b; 556 rpng2_info.bg_blue = (uch)b;
557 } else 557 } else
558 rpng2_info.need_bgcolor = TRUE; 558 rpng2_info.need_bgcolor = TRUE;
559 559
560 rpng2_info.state = kPreInit; 560 rpng2_info.state = kPreInit;
561 rpng2_info.mainprog_init = rpng2_win_init; 561 rpng2_info.mainprog_init = rpng2_win_init;
562 rpng2_info.mainprog_display_row = rpng2_win_display_row; 562 rpng2_info.mainprog_display_row = rpng2_win_display_row;
563 rpng2_info.mainprog_finish_display = rpng2_win_finish_display; 563 rpng2_info.mainprog_finish_display = rpng2_win_finish_display;
564 564
565 565
566 /* OK, this is the fun part: call readpng2_decode_data() at the start of 566 /* OK, this is the fun part: call readpng2_decode_data() at the start of
567 * the loop to deal with our first buffer of data (read in above to verify 567 * the loop to deal with our first buffer of data (read in above to verify
568 * that the file is a PNG image), then loop through the file and continue 568 * that the file is a PNG image), then loop through the file and continue
569 * calling the same routine to handle each chunk of data. It in turn 569 * calling the same routine to handle each chunk of data. It in turn
570 * passes the data to libpng, which will invoke one or more of our call- 570 * passes the data to libpng, which will invoke one or more of our call-
571 * backs as decoded data become available. We optionally call Sleep() for 571 * backs as decoded data become available. We optionally call Sleep() for
572 * one second per iteration to simulate downloading the image via an analog 572 * one second per iteration to simulate downloading the image via an analog
573 * modem. */ 573 * modem. */
574 574
575 for (;;) { 575 for (;;) {
576 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_decode_data()\n")) 576 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_decode_data()\n"))
577 if (readpng2_decode_data(&rpng2_info, inbuf, incount)) 577 if (readpng2_decode_data(&rpng2_info, inbuf, incount))
578 ++error; 578 ++error;
579 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng2_decode_data()\n")) 579 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng2_decode_data()\n"))
580 580
581 if (error || incount != INBUFSIZE || rpng2_info.state == kDone) { 581 if (error || incount != INBUFSIZE || rpng2_info.state == kDone) {
582 if (rpng2_info.state == kDone) { 582 if (rpng2_info.state == kDone) {
583 Trace((stderr, "done decoding PNG image\n")) 583 Trace((stderr, "done decoding PNG image\n"))
584 } else if (ferror(infile)) { 584 } else if (ferror(infile)) {
585 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 585 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
586 ": error while reading PNG image file\n"); 586 ": error while reading PNG image file\n");
587 exit(3); 587 exit(3);
588 } else if (feof(infile)) { 588 } else if (feof(infile)) {
589 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": end of file reached " 589 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": end of file reached "
590 "(unexpectedly) while reading PNG image file\n"); 590 "(unexpectedly) while reading PNG image file\n");
591 exit(3); 591 exit(3);
592 } else /* if (error) */ { 592 } else /* if (error) */ {
593 /* will print error message below */ 593 /* will print error message below */
594 } 594 }
595 break; 595 break;
596 } 596 }
597 597
598 if (timing) 598 if (timing)
599 Sleep(1000L); 599 Sleep(1000L);
600 600
601 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile); 601 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile);
602 } 602 }
603 603
604 604
605 /* clean up PNG stuff and report any decoding errors */ 605 /* clean up PNG stuff and report any decoding errors */
606 606
607 fclose(infile); 607 fclose(infile);
608 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_cleanup()\n")) 608 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_cleanup()\n"))
609 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 609 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
610 610
611 if (error) { 611 if (error) {
612 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": libpng error while decoding PNG image\n"); 612 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": libpng error while decoding PNG image\n");
613 exit(3); 613 exit(3);
614 } 614 }
615 615
616 616
617 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */ 617 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
618 618
619 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { 619 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
620 TranslateMessage(&msg); 620 TranslateMessage(&msg);
621 DispatchMessage(&msg); 621 DispatchMessage(&msg);
622 } 622 }
623 623
624 624
625 /* we're done: clean up all image and Windows resources and go away */ 625 /* we're done: clean up all image and Windows resources and go away */
626 626
627 Trace((stderr, "about to call rpng2_win_cleanup()\n")) 627 Trace((stderr, "about to call rpng2_win_cleanup()\n"))
628 rpng2_win_cleanup(); 628 rpng2_win_cleanup();
629 629
630 return msg.wParam; 630 return msg.wParam;
631} 631}
632 632
633 633
634 634
635 635
636 636
637/* this function is called by readpng2_info_callback() in readpng2.c, which 637/* this function is called by readpng2_info_callback() in readpng2.c, which
638 * in turn is called by libpng after all of the pre-IDAT chunks have been 638 * in turn is called by libpng after all of the pre-IDAT chunks have been
639 * read and processed--i.e., we now have enough info to finish initializing */ 639 * read and processed--i.e., we now have enough info to finish initializing */
640 640
641static void rpng2_win_init() 641static void rpng2_win_init()
642{ 642{
643 ulg i; 643 ulg i;
644 ulg rowbytes = rpng2_info.rowbytes; 644 ulg rowbytes = rpng2_info.rowbytes;
645 645
646 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_init()\n")) 646 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_init()\n"))
647 Trace((stderr, " rowbytes = %d\n", rpng2_info.rowbytes)) 647 Trace((stderr, " rowbytes = %d\n", rpng2_info.rowbytes))
648 Trace((stderr, " width = %ld\n", rpng2_info.width)) 648 Trace((stderr, " width = %ld\n", rpng2_info.width))
649 Trace((stderr, " height = %ld\n", rpng2_info.height)) 649 Trace((stderr, " height = %ld\n", rpng2_info.height))
650 650
651 rpng2_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes * rpng2_info.height); 651 rpng2_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes * rpng2_info.height);
652 if (!rpng2_info.image_data) { 652 if (!rpng2_info.image_data) {
653 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 653 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
654 return; 654 return;
655 } 655 }
656 656
657 rpng2_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(rpng2_info.height * sizeof(uch *)); 657 rpng2_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(rpng2_info.height * sizeof(uch *));
658 if (!rpng2_info.row_pointers) { 658 if (!rpng2_info.row_pointers) {
659 free(rpng2_info.image_data); 659 free(rpng2_info.image_data);
660 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL; 660 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL;
661 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 661 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
662 return; 662 return;
663 } 663 }
664 664
665 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.height; ++i) 665 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.height; ++i)
666 rpng2_info.row_pointers[i] = rpng2_info.image_data + i*rowbytes; 666 rpng2_info.row_pointers[i] = rpng2_info.image_data + i*rowbytes;
667 667
668/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 668/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
669 Do the basic Windows initialization stuff, make the window, and fill it 669 Do the basic Windows initialization stuff, make the window, and fill it
670 with the user-specified, file-specified or default background color. 670 with the user-specified, file-specified or default background color.
671 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 671 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
672 672
673 if (rpng2_win_create_window()) { 673 if (rpng2_win_create_window()) {
674 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 674 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
675 return; 675 return;
676 } 676 }
677 677
678 rpng2_info.state = kWindowInit; 678 rpng2_info.state = kWindowInit;
679} 679}
680 680
681 681
682 682
683 683
684 684
685static int rpng2_win_create_window() 685static int rpng2_win_create_window()
686{ 686{
687 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red; 687 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
688 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green; 688 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
689 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue; 689 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
690 uch *dest; 690 uch *dest;
691 int extra_width, extra_height; 691 int extra_width, extra_height;
692 ulg i, j; 692 ulg i, j;
693 WNDCLASSEX wndclass; 693 WNDCLASSEX wndclass;
694 RECT rect; 694 RECT rect;
695 695
696 696
697/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 697/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
698 Allocate memory for the display-specific version of the image (round up 698 Allocate memory for the display-specific version of the image (round up
699 to multiple of 4 for Windows DIB). 699 to multiple of 4 for Windows DIB).
700 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 700 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
701 701
702 wimage_rowbytes = ((3*rpng2_info.width + 3L) >> 2) << 2; 702 wimage_rowbytes = ((3*rpng2_info.width + 3L) >> 2) << 2;
703 703
704 if (!(dib = (uch *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 704 if (!(dib = (uch *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
705 wimage_rowbytes*rpng2_info.height))) 705 wimage_rowbytes*rpng2_info.height)))
706 { 706 {
707 return 4; /* fail */ 707 return 4; /* fail */
708 } 708 }
709 709
710/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 710/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
711 Initialize the DIB. Negative height means to use top-down BMP ordering 711 Initialize the DIB. Negative height means to use top-down BMP ordering
712 (must be uncompressed, but that's what we want). Bit count of 1, 4 or 8 712 (must be uncompressed, but that's what we want). Bit count of 1, 4 or 8
713 implies a colormap of RGBX quads, but 24-bit BMPs just use B,G,R values 713 implies a colormap of RGBX quads, but 24-bit BMPs just use B,G,R values
714 directly => wimage_data begins immediately after BMP header. 714 directly => wimage_data begins immediately after BMP header.
715 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 715 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
716 716
717 memset(dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); 717 memset(dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
718 bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)dib; 718 bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)dib;
719 bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); 719 bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
720 bmih->biWidth = rpng2_info.width; 720 bmih->biWidth = rpng2_info.width;
721 bmih->biHeight = -((long)rpng2_info.height); 721 bmih->biHeight = -((long)rpng2_info.height);
722 bmih->biPlanes = 1; 722 bmih->biPlanes = 1;
723 bmih->biBitCount = 24; 723 bmih->biBitCount = 24;
724 bmih->biCompression = 0; 724 bmih->biCompression = 0;
725 wimage_data = dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); 725 wimage_data = dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
726 726
727/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 727/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
728 Fill window with the specified background color (default is black), but 728 Fill window with the specified background color (default is black), but
729 defer loading faked "background image" until window is displayed (may be 729 defer loading faked "background image" until window is displayed (may be
730 slow to compute). Data are in BGR order. 730 slow to compute). Data are in BGR order.
731 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 731 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
732 732
733 if (bg_image) { /* just fill with black for now */ 733 if (bg_image) { /* just fill with black for now */
734 memset(wimage_data, 0, wimage_rowbytes*rpng2_info.height); 734 memset(wimage_data, 0, wimage_rowbytes*rpng2_info.height);
735 } else { 735 } else {
736 for (j = 0; j < rpng2_info.height; ++j) { 736 for (j = 0; j < rpng2_info.height; ++j) {
737 dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes; 737 dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes;
738 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 738 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
739 *dest++ = bg_blue; 739 *dest++ = bg_blue;
740 *dest++ = bg_green; 740 *dest++ = bg_green;
741 *dest++ = bg_red; 741 *dest++ = bg_red;
742 } 742 }
743 } 743 }
744 } 744 }
745 745
746/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 746/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
747 Set the window parameters. 747 Set the window parameters.
748 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 748 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
749 749
750 memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass)); 750 memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass));
751 751
752 wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); 752 wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass);
753 wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; 753 wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
754 wndclass.lpfnWndProc = rpng2_win_wndproc; 754 wndclass.lpfnWndProc = rpng2_win_wndproc;
755 wndclass.hInstance = global_hInst; 755 wndclass.hInstance = global_hInst;
756 wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); 756 wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
757 wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 757 wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
758 wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH); 758 wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH);
759 wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; 759 wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
760 wndclass.lpszClassName = progname; 760 wndclass.lpszClassName = progname;
761 wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); 761 wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
762 762
763 RegisterClassEx(&wndclass); 763 RegisterClassEx(&wndclass);
764 764
765/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 765/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
766 Finally, create the window. 766 Finally, create the window.
767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
768 768
769 extra_width = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) + 769 extra_width = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) +
770 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME)); 770 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME));
771 extra_height = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) + 771 extra_height = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) +
772 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) + 772 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) +
773 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); 773 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
774 774
775 global_hwnd = CreateWindow(progname, titlebar, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 775 global_hwnd = CreateWindow(progname, titlebar, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
776 CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, rpng2_info.width+extra_width, 776 CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, rpng2_info.width+extra_width,
777 rpng2_info.height+extra_height, NULL, NULL, global_hInst, NULL); 777 rpng2_info.height+extra_height, NULL, NULL, global_hInst, NULL);
778 778
779 ShowWindow(global_hwnd, global_showmode); 779 ShowWindow(global_hwnd, global_showmode);
780 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); 780 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd);
781 781
782/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 782/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
783 Now compute the background image and display it. If it fails (memory 783 Now compute the background image and display it. If it fails (memory
784 allocation), revert to a plain background color. 784 allocation), revert to a plain background color.
785 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 785 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
786 786
787 if (bg_image) { 787 if (bg_image) {
788 static const char *msg = "Computing background image..."; 788 static const char *msg = "Computing background image...";
789 int x, y, len = strlen(msg); 789 int x, y, len = strlen(msg);
790 HDC hdc = GetDC(global_hwnd); 790 HDC hdc = GetDC(global_hwnd);
792 792
793 GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); 793 GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
794 x = (rpng2_info.width - len*tm.tmAveCharWidth)/2; 794 x = (rpng2_info.width - len*tm.tmAveCharWidth)/2;
795 y = (rpng2_info.height - tm.tmHeight)/2; 795 y = (rpng2_info.height - tm.tmHeight)/2;
796 SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); 796 SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
797 SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); 797 SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
798 /* this can still begin out of bounds even if x is positive (???): */ 798 /* this can still begin out of bounds even if x is positive (???): */
799 TextOut(hdc, ((x < 0)? 0 : x), ((y < 0)? 0 : y), msg, len); 799 TextOut(hdc, ((x < 0)? 0 : x), ((y < 0)? 0 : y), msg, len);
800 ReleaseDC(global_hwnd, hdc); 800 ReleaseDC(global_hwnd, hdc);
801 801
802 rpng2_win_load_bg_image(); /* resets bg_image if fails */ 802 rpng2_win_load_bg_image(); /* resets bg_image if fails */
803 } 803 }
804 804
805 if (!bg_image) { 805 if (!bg_image) {
806 for (j = 0; j < rpng2_info.height; ++j) { 806 for (j = 0; j < rpng2_info.height; ++j) {
807 dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes; 807 dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes;
808 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 808 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
809 *dest++ = bg_blue; 809 *dest++ = bg_blue;
810 *dest++ = bg_green; 810 *dest++ = bg_green;
811 *dest++ = bg_red; 811 *dest++ = bg_red;
812 } 812 }
813 } 813 }
814 } 814 }
815 815
816 rect.left = 0L; 816 rect.left = 0L;
817 rect.top = 0L; 817 rect.top = 0L;
818 rect.right = (LONG)rpng2_info.width; /* possibly off by one? */ 818 rect.right = (LONG)rpng2_info.width; /* possibly off by one? */
819 rect.bottom = (LONG)rpng2_info.height; /* possibly off by one? */ 819 rect.bottom = (LONG)rpng2_info.height; /* possibly off by one? */
820 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE); 820 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
821 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */ 821 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */
822 822
823 return 0; 823 return 0;
824 824
825} /* end function rpng2_win_create_window() */ 825} /* end function rpng2_win_create_window() */
826 826
827 827
828 828
829 829
830 830
831static int rpng2_win_load_bg_image() 831static int rpng2_win_load_bg_image()
832{ 832{
833 uch *src, *dest; 833 uch *src, *dest;
834 uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2; 834 uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2;
835 uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv; 835 uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv;
836 int k, hmax, max; 836 int k, hmax, max;
837 int xidx, yidx, yidx_max = (bgscale-1); 837 int xidx, yidx, yidx_max = (bgscale-1);
838 int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd; 838 int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd;
839 int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08); 839 int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08);
840 int invert_column; 840 int invert_column;
841 ulg i, row; 841 ulg i, row;
842 842
843/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 843/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
844 Allocate buffer for fake background image to be used with transparent 844 Allocate buffer for fake background image to be used with transparent
845 images; if this fails, revert to plain background color. 845 images; if this fails, revert to plain background color.
846 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 846 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
847 847
848 bg_rowbytes = 3 * rpng2_info.width; 848 bg_rowbytes = 3 * rpng2_info.width;
849 bg_data = (uch *)malloc(bg_rowbytes * rpng2_info.height); 849 bg_data = (uch *)malloc(bg_rowbytes * rpng2_info.height);
850 if (!bg_data) { 850 if (!bg_data) {
851 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 851 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
852 ": unable to allocate memory for background image\n"); 852 ": unable to allocate memory for background image\n");
853 bg_image = 0; 853 bg_image = 0;
854 return 1; 854 return 1;
855 } 855 }
856 856
857/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 857/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
858 Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and 858 Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and
859 colors (N == bgscale). 859 colors (N == bgscale).
860 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 860 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
861 861
862 if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) { 862 if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) {
863 uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r; 863 uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r;
864 uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g; 864 uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g;
865 uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b; 865 uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b;
866 uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r; 866 uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r;
867 uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g; 867 uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g;
868 uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b; 868 uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b;
869 int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min; 869 int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min;
870 int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min; 870 int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min;
871 int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min; 871 int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min;
872 int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min; 872 int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min;
873 int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min; 873 int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min;
874 int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min; 874 int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min;
875 875
876 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 876 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
877 yidx = row % bgscale; 877 yidx = row % bgscale;
878 even_odd_vert = (row / bgscale) & 1; 878 even_odd_vert = (row / bgscale) & 1;
879 879
880 r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 880 r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
881 g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 881 g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
882 b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 882 b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
883 r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 883 r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
884 g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 884 g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
885 b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 885 b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
886 886
887 r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 887 r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
888 g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 888 g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
889 b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 889 b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
890 r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 890 r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
891 g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 891 g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
892 b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 892 b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
893 893
894 dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 894 dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
895 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 895 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
896 even_odd_horiz = (i / bgscale) & 1; 896 even_odd_horiz = (i / bgscale) & 1;
897 even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz; 897 even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz;
898 invert_column = 898 invert_column =
899 (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10)); 899 (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10));
900 if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */ 900 if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */
901 if (invert_column) { 901 if (invert_column) {
902 *dest++ = r1_inv; 902 *dest++ = r1_inv;
903 *dest++ = g1_inv; 903 *dest++ = g1_inv;
904 *dest++ = b1_inv; 904 *dest++ = b1_inv;
905 } else { 905 } else {
906 *dest++ = r1; 906 *dest++ = r1;
907 *dest++ = g1; 907 *dest++ = g1;
908 *dest++ = b1; 908 *dest++ = b1;
909 } 909 }
910 } else { /* gradient #2 */ 910 } else { /* gradient #2 */
911 if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) || 911 if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) ||
912 (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2)) 912 (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2))
913 { 913 {
914 *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */ 914 *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */
915 *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */ 915 *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */
916 *dest++ = b2; 916 *dest++ = b2;
917 } else { 917 } else {
918 *dest++ = r2_inv; 918 *dest++ = r2_inv;
919 *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */ 919 *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */
920 *dest++ = b2_inv; 920 *dest++ = b2_inv;
921 } 921 }
922 } 922 }
923 } 923 }
924 } 924 }
925 925
926/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 926/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
927 Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam 927 Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam
928 M. Costello. 928 M. Costello.
929 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 929 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
930 930
931 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) { 931 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) {
932 932
933 hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */ 933 hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */
934 max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */ 934 max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */
935 935
936 r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r; 936 r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r;
937 g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g; 937 g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g;
938 b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b; 938 b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b;
939 r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r; 939 r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r;
940 g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g; 940 g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g;
941 b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b; 941 b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b;
942 942
943 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 943 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
944 yidx = row % bgscale; 944 yidx = row % bgscale;
945 if (yidx > hmax) 945 if (yidx > hmax)
946 yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx; 946 yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx;
947 dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 947 dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
948 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 948 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
949 xidx = i % bgscale; 949 xidx = i % bgscale;
950 if (xidx > hmax) 950 if (xidx > hmax)
951 xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx; 951 xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx;
952 k = xidx + yidx; 952 k = xidx + yidx;
953 *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max; 953 *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max;
954 *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max; 954 *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max;
955 *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max; 955 *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max;
956 } 956 }
957 } 957 }
958 958
959/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 959/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
960 Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu- 960 Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu-
961 soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con- 961 soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con-
962 tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk). 962 tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk).
963 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 963 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
964 964
965 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) { 965 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) {
966 uch ch; 966 uch ch;
967 int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot; 967 int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot;
968 double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity; 968 double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity;
969 double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist; 969 double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist;
970 double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t; 970 double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t;
971 971
972 fprintf(stderr, "%s: computing radial background...", 972 fprintf(stderr, "%s: computing radial background...",
974 fflush(stderr); 974 fflush(stderr);
975 975
976 hh = rpng2_info.height / 2; 976 hh = rpng2_info.height / 2;
977 hw = rpng2_info.width / 2; 977 hw = rpng2_info.width / 2;
978 978
979 /* variables for radial waves: 979 /* variables for radial waves:
980 * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED] 980 * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED]
981 * freq: number of color beams originating from the center 981 * freq: number of color beams originating from the center
982 * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias) 982 * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias)
983 * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius 983 * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius
984 * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally 984 * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally
985 */ 985 */
986 angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0); 986 angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0);
987 grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw)); 987 grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw));
988 freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0); 988 freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0);
989 saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1; 989 saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1;
990 rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1; 990 rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1;
991 gray = 0.0; 991 gray = 0.0;
992 intensity = 0.0; 992 intensity = 0.0;
993 maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh)); 993 maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh));
994 994
995 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 995 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
996 y = row - hh; 996 y = row - hh;
997 dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 997 dest = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
998 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 998 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
999 x = i - hw; 999 x = i - hw;
1000 angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x); 1000 angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x);
1001 gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot; 1001 gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot;
1002 gray = MIN(1.0, gray); 1002 gray = MIN(1.0, gray);
1003 dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist; 1003 dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist;
1004 intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) * 1004 intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) *
1005 gray * saturate; 1005 gray * saturate;
1006 intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5; 1006 intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5;
1007 hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset; 1007 hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset;
1008 s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh)); 1008 s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh));
1009 s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0); 1009 s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0);
1010 v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0); 1010 v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0);
1011 1011
1012 if (s == 0.0) { 1012 if (s == 0.0) {
1013 ch = (uch)(v * 255.0); 1013 ch = (uch)(v * 255.0);
1014 *dest++ = ch; 1014 *dest++ = ch;
1015 *dest++ = ch; 1015 *dest++ = ch;
1016 *dest++ = ch; 1016 *dest++ = ch;
1017 } else { 1017 } else {
1018 if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0)) 1018 if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0))
1019 hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0); 1019 hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0);
1020 hue /= 60.0; 1020 hue /= 60.0;
1021 ii = (int)hue; 1021 ii = (int)hue;
1022 f = hue - (double)ii; 1022 f = hue - (double)ii;
1023 p = (1.0 - s) * v; 1023 p = (1.0 - s) * v;
1024 q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v; 1024 q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v;
1025 t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v; 1025 t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v;
1026 if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; } 1026 if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; }
1027 else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; } 1027 else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; }
1028 else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; } 1028 else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; }
1029 else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; } 1029 else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; }
1030 else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; } 1030 else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; }
1031 else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; } 1031 else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; }
1032 *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0); 1032 *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0);
1033 *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0); 1033 *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0);
1034 *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0); 1034 *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0);
1035 } 1035 }
1036 } 1036 }
1037 } 1037 }
1038 fprintf(stderr, "done.\n"); 1038 fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
1039 fflush(stderr); 1039 fflush(stderr);
1040 } 1040 }
1041 1041
1042/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1042/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1043 Blast background image to display buffer before beginning PNG decode; 1043 Blast background image to display buffer before beginning PNG decode;
1044 calling function will handle invalidation and UpdateWindow() call. 1044 calling function will handle invalidation and UpdateWindow() call.
1045 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1045 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1046 1046
1047 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1047 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1048 src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1048 src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1049 dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes; 1049 dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes;
1050 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1050 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1051 r1 = *src++; 1051 r1 = *src++;
1052 g1 = *src++; 1052 g1 = *src++;
1053 b1 = *src++; 1053 b1 = *src++;
1054 *dest++ = b1; 1054 *dest++ = b1;
1055 *dest++ = g1; /* note reverse order */ 1055 *dest++ = g1; /* note reverse order */
1056 *dest++ = r1; 1056 *dest++ = r1;
1057 } 1057 }
1058 } 1058 }
1059 1059
1060 return 0; 1060 return 0;
1061 1061
1062} /* end function rpng2_win_load_bg_image() */ 1062} /* end function rpng2_win_load_bg_image() */
1063 1063
1064 1064
1065 1065
1066 1066
1067 1067
1068static void rpng2_win_display_row(ulg row) 1068static void rpng2_win_display_row(ulg row)
1069{ 1069{
1070 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red; 1070 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
1071 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green; 1071 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
1072 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue; 1072 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
1073 uch *src, *src2=NULL, *dest; 1073 uch *src, *src2=NULL, *dest;
1074 uch r, g, b, a; 1074 uch r, g, b, a;
1075 ulg i; 1075 ulg i;
1076 static int rows=0; 1076 static int rows=0;
1077 static ulg firstrow; 1077 static ulg firstrow;
1078 1078
1079/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1079/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 rows and firstrow simply track how many rows (and which ones) have not 1080 rows and firstrow simply track how many rows (and which ones) have not
1081 yet been displayed; alternatively, we could call InvalidateRect() for 1081 yet been displayed; alternatively, we could call InvalidateRect() for
1082 every row and not bother with the records-keeping. 1082 every row and not bother with the records-keeping.
1083 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1083 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1084 1084
1085 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_display_row()\n")) 1085 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_display_row()\n"))
1086 1086
1087 if (rows == 0) 1087 if (rows == 0)
1088 firstrow = row; /* first row not yet displayed */ 1088 firstrow = row; /* first row not yet displayed */
1089 1089
1090 ++rows; /* count of rows received but not yet displayed */ 1090 ++rows; /* count of rows received but not yet displayed */
1091 1091
1092/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1092/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1093 Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct and the lack of an outer 1093 Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct and the lack of an outer
1094 loop (over rows), this routine is identical to rpng_win_display_image() 1094 loop (over rows), this routine is identical to rpng_win_display_image()
1095 in the non-progressive version of the program. 1095 in the non-progressive version of the program.
1096 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1096 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1097 1097
1098 src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes; 1098 src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes;
1099 if (bg_image) 1099 if (bg_image)
1100 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1100 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1101 dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes; 1101 dest = wimage_data + row*wimage_rowbytes;
1102 1102
1103 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) { 1103 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) {
1104 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1104 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1105 r = *src++; 1105 r = *src++;
1106 g = *src++; 1106 g = *src++;
1107 b = *src++; 1107 b = *src++;
1108 *dest++ = b; 1108 *dest++ = b;
1109 *dest++ = g; /* note reverse order */ 1109 *dest++ = g; /* note reverse order */
1110 *dest++ = r; 1110 *dest++ = r;
1111 } 1111 }
1112 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ { 1112 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ {
1113 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1113 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1114 r = *src++; 1114 r = *src++;
1115 g = *src++; 1115 g = *src++;
1116 b = *src++; 1116 b = *src++;
1117 a = *src++; 1117 a = *src++;
1118 if (bg_image) { 1118 if (bg_image) {
1119 bg_red = *src2++; 1119 bg_red = *src2++;
1120 bg_green = *src2++; 1120 bg_green = *src2++;
1121 bg_blue = *src2++; 1121 bg_blue = *src2++;
1122 } 1122 }
1123 if (a == 255) { 1123 if (a == 255) {
1124 *dest++ = b; 1124 *dest++ = b;
1125 *dest++ = g; 1125 *dest++ = g;
1126 *dest++ = r; 1126 *dest++ = r;
1127 } else if (a == 0) { 1127 } else if (a == 0) {
1128 *dest++ = bg_blue; 1128 *dest++ = bg_blue;
1129 *dest++ = bg_green; 1129 *dest++ = bg_green;
1130 *dest++ = bg_red; 1130 *dest++ = bg_red;
1131 } else { 1131 } else {
1132 /* this macro (copied from png.h) composites the 1132 /* this macro (copied from png.h) composites the
1133 * foreground and background values and puts the 1133 * foreground and background values and puts the
1134 * result into the first argument; there are no 1134 * result into the first argument; there are no
1135 * side effects with the first argument */ 1135 * side effects with the first argument */
1136 alpha_composite(*dest++, b, a, bg_blue); 1136 alpha_composite(*dest++, b, a, bg_blue);
1137 alpha_composite(*dest++, g, a, bg_green); 1137 alpha_composite(*dest++, g, a, bg_green);
1138 alpha_composite(*dest++, r, a, bg_red); 1138 alpha_composite(*dest++, r, a, bg_red);
1139 } 1139 }
1140 } 1140 }
1141 } 1141 }
1142 1142
1143/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1143/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1144 Display after every 16 rows or when on last row. (Region may include 1144 Display after every 16 rows or when on last row. (Region may include
1145 previously displayed lines due to interlacing--i.e., not contiguous.) 1145 previously displayed lines due to interlacing--i.e., not contiguous.)
1146 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1146 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1147 1147
1148 if ((rows & 0xf) == 0 || row == rpng2_info.height-1) { 1148 if ((rows & 0xf) == 0 || row == rpng2_info.height-1) {
1149 RECT rect; 1149 RECT rect;
1150 1150
1151 rect.left = 0L; 1151 rect.left = 0L;
1152 rect.top = (LONG)firstrow; 1152 rect.top = (LONG)firstrow;
1153 rect.right = (LONG)rpng2_info.width; /* possibly off by one? */ 1153 rect.right = (LONG)rpng2_info.width; /* possibly off by one? */
1154 rect.bottom = (LONG)row + 1L; /* possibly off by one? */ 1154 rect.bottom = (LONG)row + 1L; /* possibly off by one? */
1155 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE); 1155 InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
1156 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */ 1156 UpdateWindow(global_hwnd); /* similar to XFlush() */
1157 rows = 0; 1157 rows = 0;
1158 } 1158 }
1159 1159
1160} /* end function rpng2_win_display_row() */ 1160} /* end function rpng2_win_display_row() */
1161 1161
1162 1162
1163 1163
1164 1164
1165 1165
1166static void rpng2_win_finish_display() 1166static void rpng2_win_finish_display()
1167{ 1167{
1168 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_finish_display()\n")) 1168 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_win_finish_display()\n"))
1169 1169
1170 /* last row has already been displayed by rpng2_win_display_row(), so 1170 /* last row has already been displayed by rpng2_win_display_row(), so
1171 * we have nothing to do here except set a flag and let the user know 1171 * we have nothing to do here except set a flag and let the user know
1172 * that the image is done */ 1172 * that the image is done */
1173 1173
1174 rpng2_info.state = kDone; 1174 rpng2_info.state = kDone;
1175 printf( 1175 printf(
1176#ifndef __CYGWIN__ 1176#ifndef __CYGWIN__
1177 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n" 1177 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"
1178#else 1178#else
1179 "Done. Press mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n" 1179 "Done. Press mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"
1180#endif 1180#endif
1181 ); 1181 );
1182 fflush(stdout); 1182 fflush(stdout);
1183} 1183}
1184 1184
1185 1185
1186 1186
1187 1187
1188 1188
1189static void rpng2_win_cleanup() 1189static void rpng2_win_cleanup()
1190{ 1190{
1191 if (bg_image && bg_data) { 1191 if (bg_image && bg_data) {
1192 free(bg_data); 1192 free(bg_data);
1193 bg_data = NULL; 1193 bg_data = NULL;
1194 } 1194 }
1195 1195
1196 if (rpng2_info.image_data) { 1196 if (rpng2_info.image_data) {
1197 free(rpng2_info.image_data); 1197 free(rpng2_info.image_data);
1198 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL; 1198 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL;
1199 } 1199 }
1200 1200
1201 if (rpng2_info.row_pointers) { 1201 if (rpng2_info.row_pointers) {
1202 free(rpng2_info.row_pointers); 1202 free(rpng2_info.row_pointers);
1203 rpng2_info.row_pointers = NULL; 1203 rpng2_info.row_pointers = NULL;
1204 } 1204 }
1205 1205
1206 if (dib) { 1206 if (dib) {
1207 free(dib); 1207 free(dib);
1208 dib = NULL; 1208 dib = NULL;
1209 } 1209 }
1210} 1210}
1211 1211
1212 1212
1213 1213
1214 1214
1215 1215
1216LRESULT CALLBACK rpng2_win_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wP, LPARAM lP) 1216LRESULT CALLBACK rpng2_win_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wP, LPARAM lP)
1217{ 1217{
1218 HDC hdc; 1218 HDC hdc;
1220 int rc; 1220 int rc;
1221 1221
1222 switch (iMsg) { 1222 switch (iMsg) {
1223 case WM_CREATE: 1223 case WM_CREATE:
1224 /* one-time processing here, if any */ 1224 /* one-time processing here, if any */
1225 return 0; 1225 return 0;
1226 1226
1227 case WM_PAINT: 1227 case WM_PAINT:
1228 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); 1228 hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
1229 rc = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height, 1229 rc = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height,
1230 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height, 1230 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height,
1231 wimage_data, (BITMAPINFO *)bmih, 1231 wimage_data, (BITMAPINFO *)bmih,
1232 0, SRCCOPY); 1232 0, SRCCOPY);
1233 EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); 1233 EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
1234 return 0; 1234 return 0;
1235 1235
1236 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */ 1236 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
1237 case WM_CHAR: 1237 case WM_CHAR:
1238 switch (wP) { /* only need one, so ignore repeat count */ 1238 switch (wP) { /* only need one, so ignore repeat count */
1239 case 'q': 1239 case 'q':
1240 case 'Q': 1240 case 'Q':
1241 case 0x1B: /* Esc key */ 1241 case 0x1B: /* Esc key */
1242 PostQuitMessage(0); 1242 PostQuitMessage(0);
1243 } 1243 }
1244 return 0; 1244 return 0;
1245 1245
1246 case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* another way of quitting */ 1246 case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* another way of quitting */
1247 case WM_DESTROY: 1247 case WM_DESTROY:
1248 PostQuitMessage(0); 1248 PostQuitMessage(0);
1249 return 0; 1249 return 0;
1250 } 1250 }
1251 1251
1252 return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wP, lP); 1252 return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wP, lP);
1253} 1253}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-x.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-x.c
index 6c687db..7f24b63 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-x.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/rpng2-x.c
@@ -1,2107 +1,2107 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program rpng2-x.c 3 rpng2 - progressive-model PNG display program rpng2-x.c
4 4
5 This program decodes and displays PNG files progressively, as if it were 5 This program decodes and displays PNG files progressively, as if it were
6 a web browser (though the front end is only set up to read from files). 6 a web browser (though the front end is only set up to read from files).
7 It supports gamma correction, user-specified background colors, and user- 7 It supports gamma correction, user-specified background colors, and user-
8 specified background patterns (for transparent images). This version is 8 specified background patterns (for transparent images). This version is
9 for the X Window System (tested by the author under Unix and by Martin 9 for the X Window System (tested by the author under Unix and by Martin
10 Zinser under OpenVMS; may work under OS/2 with a little tweaking). 10 Zinser under OpenVMS; may work under OS/2 with a little tweaking).
11 11
12 Thanks to Adam Costello and Pieter S. van der Meulen for the "diamond" 12 Thanks to Adam Costello and Pieter S. van der Meulen for the "diamond"
13 and "radial waves" patterns, respectively. 13 and "radial waves" patterns, respectively.
14 14
15 to do (someday, maybe): 15 to do (someday, maybe):
16 - fix expose/redraw code: don't draw entire row if only part exposed 16 - fix expose/redraw code: don't draw entire row if only part exposed
17 - 8-bit (colormapped) X support 17 - 8-bit (colormapped) X support
18 - finish resizable checkerboard-gradient (sizes 4-128?) 18 - finish resizable checkerboard-gradient (sizes 4-128?)
19 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string? 19 - use %.1023s to simplify truncation of title-bar string?
20 20
21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 22
23 Changelog: 23 Changelog:
24 - 1.01: initial public release 24 - 1.01: initial public release
25 - 1.02: modified to allow abbreviated options; fixed char/uchar mismatch 25 - 1.02: modified to allow abbreviated options; fixed char/uchar mismatch
26 - 1.10: added support for non-default visuals; fixed X pixel-conversion 26 - 1.10: added support for non-default visuals; fixed X pixel-conversion
27 - 1.11: added -usleep option for demos; fixed command-line parsing bug 27 - 1.11: added -usleep option for demos; fixed command-line parsing bug
28 - 1.12: added -pause option for demos and testing 28 - 1.12: added -pause option for demos and testing
29 - 1.20: added runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and new -mmx* options 29 - 1.20: added runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and new -mmx* options
30 - 1.21: fixed some small X memory leaks (thanks to François Petitjean) 30 - 1.21: fixed some small X memory leaks (thanks to François Petitjean)
31 - 1.22: fixed XFreeGC() crash bug (thanks to Patrick Welche) 31 - 1.22: fixed XFreeGC() crash bug (thanks to Patrick Welche)
32 - 1.23: added -bgpat 0 mode (std white/gray checkerboard, 8x8 squares) 32 - 1.23: added -bgpat 0 mode (std white/gray checkerboard, 8x8 squares)
33 - 1.30: added -loop option for -bgpat (ifdef FEATURE_LOOP); fixed bpp = 33 - 1.30: added -loop option for -bgpat (ifdef FEATURE_LOOP); fixed bpp =
34 24; added support for X resources (thanks to Gerhard Niklasch) 34 24; added support for X resources (thanks to Gerhard Niklasch)
35 - 1.31: added code to skip unused chunks (thanks to Glenn Randers-Pehrson) 35 - 1.31: added code to skip unused chunks (thanks to Glenn Randers-Pehrson)
36 - 1.32: added AMD64/EM64T support (__x86_64__); added basic expose/redraw 36 - 1.32: added AMD64/EM64T support (__x86_64__); added basic expose/redraw
37 handling 37 handling
38 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL) 38 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL)
39 - 2.01: fixed 64-bit typo in readpng2.c; fixed -pause usage description 39 - 2.01: fixed 64-bit typo in readpng2.c; fixed -pause usage description
40 - 2.02: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s); fixed 40 - 2.02: fixed improper display of usage screen on PNG error(s); fixed
41 unexpected-EOF and file-read-error cases; fixed Trace() cut-and- 41 unexpected-EOF and file-read-error cases; fixed Trace() cut-and-
42 paste bugs 42 paste bugs
43 - 2.03: deleted runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and obsolete -mmx* options 43 - 2.03: deleted runtime MMX-enabling/disabling and obsolete -mmx* options
44 44
45 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 46
47 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 47 Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
48 48
49 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 49 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
50 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 50 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
51 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 51 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
52 this software. 52 this software.
53 53
54 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 54 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
55 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 55 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
56 following two licenses (at your option): 56 following two licenses (at your option):
57 57
58 58
59 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 59 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
60 60
61 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 61 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
62 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 62 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
63 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 63 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
64 64
65 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 65 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
66 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 66 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
67 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 67 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
68 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 68 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
69 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 69 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
70 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 70 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
71 software must display the following acknowledgment: 71 software must display the following acknowledgment:
72 72
73 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 73 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
74 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 74 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
75 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 75 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
76 76
77 77
78 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 78 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
79 79
80 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 80 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
81 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 81 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
82 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 82 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
83 (at your option) any later version. 83 (at your option) any later version.
84 84
85 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 85 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
86 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 86 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
88 GNU General Public License for more details. 88 GNU General Public License for more details.
89 89
90 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 90 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
91 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 91 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
92 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 92 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
93 93
94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
95 95
96#define PROGNAME "rpng2-x" 96#define PROGNAME "rpng2-x"
97#define LONGNAME "Progressive PNG Viewer for X" 97#define LONGNAME "Progressive PNG Viewer for X"
98#define VERSION "2.03 of 25 February 2010" 98#define VERSION "2.03 of 25 February 2010"
99#define RESNAME "rpng2" /* our X resource application name */ 99#define RESNAME "rpng2" /* our X resource application name */
100#define RESCLASS "Rpng" /* our X resource class name */ 100#define RESCLASS "Rpng" /* our X resource class name */
101 101
102#include <stdio.h> 102#include <stdio.h>
103#include <stdlib.h> 103#include <stdlib.h>
104#include <ctype.h> 104#include <ctype.h>
105#include <string.h> 105#include <string.h>
106#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in readpng2.h */ 106#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in readpng2.h */
107#include <time.h> 107#include <time.h>
108#include <math.h> /* only for PvdM background code */ 108#include <math.h> /* only for PvdM background code */
109#include <X11/Xlib.h> 109#include <X11/Xlib.h>
110#include <X11/Xutil.h> 110#include <X11/Xutil.h>
111#include <X11/Xos.h> 111#include <X11/Xos.h>
112#include <X11/keysym.h> /* defines XK_* macros */ 112#include <X11/keysym.h> /* defines XK_* macros */
113 113
114#ifdef VMS 114#ifdef VMS
115# include <unistd.h> 115# include <unistd.h>
116#endif 116#endif
117 117
118/* all for PvdM background code: */ 118/* all for PvdM background code: */
119#ifndef PI 119#ifndef PI
120# define PI 3.141592653589793238 120# define PI 3.141592653589793238
121#endif 121#endif
122#define PI_2 (PI*0.5) 122#define PI_2 (PI*0.5)
123#define INV_PI_360 (360.0 / PI) 123#define INV_PI_360 (360.0 / PI)
124#define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b) 124#define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
125#define MIN(a,b) (a<b?a:b) 125#define MIN(a,b) (a<b?a:b)
126#define CLIP(a,min,max) MAX(min,MIN((a),max)) 126#define CLIP(a,min,max) MAX(min,MIN((a),max))
127#define ABS(a) ((a)<0?-(a):(a)) 127#define ABS(a) ((a)<0?-(a):(a))
128#define CLIP8P(c) MAX(0,(MIN((c),255))) /* 8-bit pos. integer (uch) */ 128#define CLIP8P(c) MAX(0,(MIN((c),255))) /* 8-bit pos. integer (uch) */
129#define ROUNDF(f) ((int)(f + 0.5)) 129#define ROUNDF(f) ((int)(f + 0.5))
130 130
131#define QUIT(e,k) ((e.type == ButtonPress && e.xbutton.button == Button1) || \ 131#define QUIT(e,k) ((e.type == ButtonPress && e.xbutton.button == Button1) || \
132 (e.type == KeyPress && /* v--- or 1 for shifted keys */ \ 132 (e.type == KeyPress && /* v--- or 1 for shifted keys */ \
133 ((k = XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey, 0)) == XK_q || k == XK_Escape))) 133 ((k = XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey, 0)) == XK_q || k == XK_Escape)))
134 134
135#define NO_24BIT_MASKS /* undef case not fully written--only for redisplay() */ 135#define NO_24BIT_MASKS /* undef case not fully written--only for redisplay() */
136 136
137#define rgb1_max bg_freq 137#define rgb1_max bg_freq
138#define rgb1_min bg_gray 138#define rgb1_min bg_gray
139#define rgb2_max bg_bsat 139#define rgb2_max bg_bsat
140#define rgb2_min bg_brot 140#define rgb2_min bg_brot
141 141
142/* #define DEBUG */ /* this enables the Trace() macros */ 142/* #define DEBUG */ /* this enables the Trace() macros */
143 143
144#include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng2 prototypes */ 144#include "readpng2.h" /* typedefs, common macros, readpng2 prototypes */
145 145
146 146
147/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need 147/* could just include png.h, but this macro is the only thing we need
148 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects 148 * (name and typedefs changed to local versions); note that side effects
149 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with 149 * only happen with alpha (which could easily be avoided with
150 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */ 150 * "ush acopy = (alpha);") */
151 151
152#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \ 152#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) { \
153 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \ 153 ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) + \
154 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \ 154 (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128); \
155 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \ 155 (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8); \
156} 156}
157 157
158 158
159#define INBUFSIZE 4096 /* with pseudo-timing on (1 sec delay/block), this 159#define INBUFSIZE 4096 /* with pseudo-timing on (1 sec delay/block), this
160 * block size corresponds roughly to a download 160 * block size corresponds roughly to a download
161 * speed 10% faster than theoretical 33.6K maximum 161 * speed 10% faster than theoretical 33.6K maximum
162 * (assuming 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no other 162 * (assuming 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no other
163 * overhead) */ 163 * overhead) */
164 164
165/* local prototypes */ 165/* local prototypes */
166static void rpng2_x_init (void); 166static void rpng2_x_init (void);
167static int rpng2_x_create_window (void); 167static int rpng2_x_create_window (void);
168static int rpng2_x_load_bg_image (void); 168static int rpng2_x_load_bg_image (void);
169static void rpng2_x_display_row (ulg row); 169static void rpng2_x_display_row (ulg row);
170static void rpng2_x_finish_display (void); 170static void rpng2_x_finish_display (void);
171static void rpng2_x_redisplay_image (ulg startcol, ulg startrow, 171static void rpng2_x_redisplay_image (ulg startcol, ulg startrow,
172 ulg width, ulg height); 172 ulg width, ulg height);
173#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 173#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
174static void rpng2_x_reload_bg_image (void); 174static void rpng2_x_reload_bg_image (void);
175static int is_number (char *p); 175static int is_number (char *p);
176#endif 176#endif
177static void rpng2_x_cleanup (void); 177static void rpng2_x_cleanup (void);
178static int rpng2_x_msb (ulg u32val); 178static int rpng2_x_msb (ulg u32val);
179 179
180 180
181static char titlebar[1024], *window_name = titlebar; 181static char titlebar[1024], *window_name = titlebar;
182static char *appname = LONGNAME; 182static char *appname = LONGNAME;
183static char *icon_name = PROGNAME; 183static char *icon_name = PROGNAME;
184static char *res_name = RESNAME; 184static char *res_name = RESNAME;
185static char *res_class = RESCLASS; 185static char *res_class = RESCLASS;
186static char *filename; 186static char *filename;
187static FILE *infile; 187static FILE *infile;
188 188
189static mainprog_info rpng2_info; 189static mainprog_info rpng2_info;
190 190
191static uch inbuf[INBUFSIZE]; 191static uch inbuf[INBUFSIZE];
192static int incount; 192static int incount;
193 193
194static int pat = 6; /* must be less than num_bgpat */ 194static int pat = 6; /* must be less than num_bgpat */
195static int bg_image = 0; 195static int bg_image = 0;
196static int bgscale, bgscale_default = 16; 196static int bgscale, bgscale_default = 16;
197static ulg bg_rowbytes; 197static ulg bg_rowbytes;
198static uch *bg_data; 198static uch *bg_data;
199 199
200int pause_after_pass = FALSE; 200int pause_after_pass = FALSE;
201int demo_timing = FALSE; 201int demo_timing = FALSE;
202ulg usleep_duration = 0L; 202ulg usleep_duration = 0L;
203 203
204static struct rgb_color { 204static struct rgb_color {
205 uch r, g, b; 205 uch r, g, b;
206} rgb[] = { 206} rgb[] = {
207 { 0, 0, 0}, /* 0: black */ 207 { 0, 0, 0}, /* 0: black */
208 {255, 255, 255}, /* 1: white */ 208 {255, 255, 255}, /* 1: white */
209 {173, 132, 57}, /* 2: tan */ 209 {173, 132, 57}, /* 2: tan */
210 { 64, 132, 0}, /* 3: medium green */ 210 { 64, 132, 0}, /* 3: medium green */
211 {189, 117, 1}, /* 4: gold */ 211 {189, 117, 1}, /* 4: gold */
212 {253, 249, 1}, /* 5: yellow */ 212 {253, 249, 1}, /* 5: yellow */
213 { 0, 0, 255}, /* 6: blue */ 213 { 0, 0, 255}, /* 6: blue */
214 { 0, 0, 120}, /* 7: medium blue */ 214 { 0, 0, 120}, /* 7: medium blue */
215 {255, 0, 255}, /* 8: magenta */ 215 {255, 0, 255}, /* 8: magenta */
216 { 64, 0, 64}, /* 9: dark magenta */ 216 { 64, 0, 64}, /* 9: dark magenta */
217 {255, 0, 0}, /* 10: red */ 217 {255, 0, 0}, /* 10: red */
218 { 64, 0, 0}, /* 11: dark red */ 218 { 64, 0, 0}, /* 11: dark red */
219 {255, 127, 0}, /* 12: orange */ 219 {255, 127, 0}, /* 12: orange */
220 {192, 96, 0}, /* 13: darker orange */ 220 {192, 96, 0}, /* 13: darker orange */
221 { 24, 60, 0}, /* 14: dark green-yellow */ 221 { 24, 60, 0}, /* 14: dark green-yellow */
222 { 85, 125, 200}, /* 15: ice blue */ 222 { 85, 125, 200}, /* 15: ice blue */
223 {192, 192, 192} /* 16: Netscape/Mosaic gray */ 223 {192, 192, 192} /* 16: Netscape/Mosaic gray */
224}; 224};
225/* not used for now, but should be for error-checking: 225/* not used for now, but should be for error-checking:
226static int num_rgb = sizeof(rgb) / sizeof(struct rgb_color); 226static int num_rgb = sizeof(rgb) / sizeof(struct rgb_color);
227 */ 227 */
228 228
229/* 229/*
230 This whole struct is a fairly cheesy way to keep the number of 230 This whole struct is a fairly cheesy way to keep the number of
231 command-line options to a minimum. The radial-waves background 231 command-line options to a minimum. The radial-waves background
232 type is a particularly poor fit to the integer elements of the 232 type is a particularly poor fit to the integer elements of the
233 struct...but a few macros and a little fixed-point math will do 233 struct...but a few macros and a little fixed-point math will do
234 wonders for ya. 234 wonders for ya.
235 235
236 type bits: 236 type bits:
237 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 237 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
238 | | | | | 238 | | | | |
239 | | +-+-+-- 0 = sharp-edged checkerboard 239 | | +-+-+-- 0 = sharp-edged checkerboard
240 | | 1 = soft diamonds 240 | | 1 = soft diamonds
241 | | 2 = radial waves 241 | | 2 = radial waves
242 | | 3-7 = undefined 242 | | 3-7 = undefined
243 | +-- gradient #2 inverted? 243 | +-- gradient #2 inverted?
244 +-- alternating columns inverted? 244 +-- alternating columns inverted?
245 */ 245 */
246static struct background_pattern { 246static struct background_pattern {
247 ush type; 247 ush type;
248 int rgb1_max, rgb1_min; /* or bg_freq, bg_gray */ 248 int rgb1_max, rgb1_min; /* or bg_freq, bg_gray */
249 int rgb2_max, rgb2_min; /* or bg_bsat, bg_brot (both scaled by 10)*/ 249 int rgb2_max, rgb2_min; /* or bg_bsat, bg_brot (both scaled by 10)*/
250} bg[] = { 250} bg[] = {
251 {0, 1,1, 16,16}, /* checkered: white vs. light gray (basic) */ 251 {0, 1,1, 16,16}, /* checkered: white vs. light gray (basic) */
252 {0+8, 2,0, 1,15}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/ice blue */ 252 {0+8, 2,0, 1,15}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/ice blue */
253 {0+24, 2,0, 1,0}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/black */ 253 {0+24, 2,0, 1,0}, /* checkered: tan/black vs. white/black */
254 {0+8, 4,5, 0,2}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/tan */ 254 {0+8, 4,5, 0,2}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/tan */
255 {0+8, 4,5, 0,6}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/blue */ 255 {0+8, 4,5, 0,6}, /* checkered: gold/yellow vs. black/blue */
256 {0, 7,0, 8,9}, /* checkered: deep blue/black vs. magenta */ 256 {0, 7,0, 8,9}, /* checkered: deep blue/black vs. magenta */
257 {0+8, 13,0, 5,14}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. yellow */ 257 {0+8, 13,0, 5,14}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. yellow */
258 {0+8, 12,0, 10,11}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. red */ 258 {0+8, 12,0, 10,11}, /* checkered: orange/black vs. red */
259 {1, 7,0, 8,0}, /* diamonds: deep blue/black vs. magenta */ 259 {1, 7,0, 8,0}, /* diamonds: deep blue/black vs. magenta */
260 {1, 12,0, 11,0}, /* diamonds: orange vs. dark red */ 260 {1, 12,0, 11,0}, /* diamonds: orange vs. dark red */
261 {1, 10,0, 7,0}, /* diamonds: red vs. medium blue */ 261 {1, 10,0, 7,0}, /* diamonds: red vs. medium blue */
262 {1, 4,0, 5,0}, /* diamonds: gold vs. yellow */ 262 {1, 4,0, 5,0}, /* diamonds: gold vs. yellow */
263 {1, 3,0, 0,0}, /* diamonds: medium green vs. black */ 263 {1, 3,0, 0,0}, /* diamonds: medium green vs. black */
264 {2, 16, 100, 20, 0}, /* radial: ~hard radial color-beams */ 264 {2, 16, 100, 20, 0}, /* radial: ~hard radial color-beams */
265 {2, 18, 100, 10, 2}, /* radial: soft, curved radial color-beams */ 265 {2, 18, 100, 10, 2}, /* radial: soft, curved radial color-beams */
266 {2, 16, 256, 100, 250}, /* radial: very tight spiral */ 266 {2, 16, 256, 100, 250}, /* radial: very tight spiral */
267 {2, 10000, 256, 11, 0} /* radial: dipole-moire' (almost fractal) */ 267 {2, 10000, 256, 11, 0} /* radial: dipole-moire' (almost fractal) */
268}; 268};
269static int num_bgpat = sizeof(bg) / sizeof(struct background_pattern); 269static int num_bgpat = sizeof(bg) / sizeof(struct background_pattern);
270 270
271 271
272/* X-specific variables */ 272/* X-specific variables */
273static char *displayname; 273static char *displayname;
274static XImage *ximage; 274static XImage *ximage;
275static Display *display; 275static Display *display;
276static int depth; 276static int depth;
277static Visual *visual; 277static Visual *visual;
278static XVisualInfo *visual_list; 278static XVisualInfo *visual_list;
279static int RShift, GShift, BShift; 279static int RShift, GShift, BShift;
280static ulg RMask, GMask, BMask; 280static ulg RMask, GMask, BMask;
281static Window window; 281static Window window;
282static GC gc; 282static GC gc;
283static Colormap colormap; 283static Colormap colormap;
284 284
285static int have_nondefault_visual = FALSE; 285static int have_nondefault_visual = FALSE;
286static int have_colormap = FALSE; 286static int have_colormap = FALSE;
287static int have_window = FALSE; 287static int have_window = FALSE;
288static int have_gc = FALSE; 288static int have_gc = FALSE;
289 289
290 290
291 291
292 292
293int main(int argc, char **argv) 293int main(int argc, char **argv)
294{ 294{
295#ifdef sgi 295#ifdef sgi
296 char tmpline[80]; 296 char tmpline[80];
297#endif 297#endif
298 char *p, *bgstr = NULL; 298 char *p, *bgstr = NULL;
299 int rc, alen, flen; 299 int rc, alen, flen;
300 int error = 0; 300 int error = 0;
301 int timing = FALSE; 301 int timing = FALSE;
302 int have_bg = FALSE; 302 int have_bg = FALSE;
303#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 303#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
304 int loop = FALSE; 304 int loop = FALSE;
305 long loop_interval = -1; /* seconds (100,000 max) */ 305 long loop_interval = -1; /* seconds (100,000 max) */
306#endif 306#endif
307 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */ 307 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */
308 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */ 308 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */
309 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */ 309 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */
310 XEvent e; 310 XEvent e;
311 KeySym k; 311 KeySym k;
312 312
313 313
314 /* First initialize a few things, just to be sure--memset takes care of 314 /* First initialize a few things, just to be sure--memset takes care of
315 * default background color (black), booleans (FALSE), pointers (NULL), 315 * default background color (black), booleans (FALSE), pointers (NULL),
316 * etc. */ 316 * etc. */
317 317
318 displayname = (char *)NULL; 318 displayname = (char *)NULL;
319 filename = (char *)NULL; 319 filename = (char *)NULL;
320 memset(&rpng2_info, 0, sizeof(mainprog_info)); 320 memset(&rpng2_info, 0, sizeof(mainprog_info));
321 321
322 322
323 /* Set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., the 323 /* Set the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., the
324 * product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to 324 * product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to
325 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an 325 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. This is not an
326 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird 326 * exhaustive list of LUT values (e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird
327 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. */ 327 * ones), but it should cover 99% of the current possibilities. */
328 328
329#if defined(NeXT) 329#if defined(NeXT)
330 /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */ 330 /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */
331 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2; 331 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2;
332 /* 332 /*
333 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma)) 333 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma))
334 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma; 334 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma;
335 */ 335 */
336#elif defined(sgi) 336#elif defined(sgi)
337 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7; 337 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7;
338 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to 338 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to
339 * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */ 339 * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */
340 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r"); 340 infile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r");
341 if (infile) { 341 if (infile) {
342 double sgi_gamma; 342 double sgi_gamma;
343 343
344 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile); 344 fgets(tmpline, 80, infile);
345 fclose(infile); 345 fclose(infile);
346 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline); 346 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline);
347 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0) 347 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0)
348 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma; 348 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma;
349 } 349 }
350#elif defined(Macintosh) 350#elif defined(Macintosh)
351 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61; 351 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61;
352 /* 352 /*
353 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma)) 353 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma))
354 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61; 354 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61;
355 */ 355 */
356#else 356#else
357 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */ 357 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */
358#endif 358#endif
359 359
360 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */ 360 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */
361 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent; 361 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent;
362 362
363 363
364 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested 364 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested
365 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise 365 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise
366 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may 366 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may
367 * override this via a command-line option. */ 367 * override this via a command-line option. */
368 368
369 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL) 369 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL)
370 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(p); 370 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(p);
371 else 371 else
372 rpng2_info.display_exponent = default_display_exponent; 372 rpng2_info.display_exponent = default_display_exponent;
373 373
374 374
375 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */ 375 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNG filename. */
376 376
377 while (*++argv && !error) { 377 while (*++argv && !error) {
378 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-display", 2)) { 378 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-display", 2)) {
379 if (!*++argv) 379 if (!*++argv)
380 ++error; 380 ++error;
381 else 381 else
382 displayname = *argv; 382 displayname = *argv;
383 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) { 383 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) {
384 if (!*++argv) 384 if (!*++argv)
385 ++error; 385 ++error;
386 else { 386 else {
387 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(*argv); 387 rpng2_info.display_exponent = atof(*argv);
388 if (rpng2_info.display_exponent <= 0.0) 388 if (rpng2_info.display_exponent <= 0.0)
389 ++error; 389 ++error;
390 } 390 }
391 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) { 391 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) {
392 if (!*++argv) 392 if (!*++argv)
393 ++error; 393 ++error;
394 else { 394 else {
395 bgstr = *argv; 395 bgstr = *argv;
396 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#') 396 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#')
397 ++error; 397 ++error;
398 else { 398 else {
399 have_bg = TRUE; 399 have_bg = TRUE;
400 bg_image = FALSE; 400 bg_image = FALSE;
401 } 401 }
402 } 402 }
403 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgpat", 4)) { 403 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgpat", 4)) {
404 if (!*++argv) 404 if (!*++argv)
405 ++error; 405 ++error;
406 else { 406 else {
407 pat = atoi(*argv); 407 pat = atoi(*argv);
408 if (pat >= 0 && pat < num_bgpat) { 408 if (pat >= 0 && pat < num_bgpat) {
409 bg_image = TRUE; 409 bg_image = TRUE;
410 have_bg = FALSE; 410 have_bg = FALSE;
411 } else 411 } else
412 ++error; 412 ++error;
413 } 413 }
414 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-usleep", 2)) { 414 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-usleep", 2)) {
415 if (!*++argv) 415 if (!*++argv)
416 ++error; 416 ++error;
417 else { 417 else {
418 usleep_duration = (ulg)atol(*argv); 418 usleep_duration = (ulg)atol(*argv);
419 demo_timing = TRUE; 419 demo_timing = TRUE;
420 } 420 }
421 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-pause", 2)) { 421 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-pause", 2)) {
422 pause_after_pass = TRUE; 422 pause_after_pass = TRUE;
423 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-timing", 2)) { 423 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-timing", 2)) {
424 timing = TRUE; 424 timing = TRUE;
425#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 425#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
426 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-loop", 2)) { 426 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-loop", 2)) {
427 loop = TRUE; 427 loop = TRUE;
428 if (!argv[1] || !is_number(argv[1])) 428 if (!argv[1] || !is_number(argv[1]))
429 loop_interval = 2; 429 loop_interval = 2;
430 else { 430 else {
431 ++argv; 431 ++argv;
432 loop_interval = atol(*argv); 432 loop_interval = atol(*argv);
433 if (loop_interval < 0) 433 if (loop_interval < 0)
434 loop_interval = 2; 434 loop_interval = 2;
435 else if (loop_interval > 100000) /* bit more than one day */ 435 else if (loop_interval > 100000) /* bit more than one day */
436 loop_interval = 100000; 436 loop_interval = 100000;
437 } 437 }
438#endif 438#endif
439 } else { 439 } else {
440 if (**argv != '-') { 440 if (**argv != '-') {
441 filename = *argv; 441 filename = *argv;
442 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */ 442 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */
443 ++error; 443 ++error;
444 } else 444 } else
445 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */ 445 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */
446 } 446 }
447 } 447 }
448 448
449 if (!filename) 449 if (!filename)
450 ++error; 450 ++error;
451 451
452 452
453 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */ 453 /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */
454 454
455 if (error) { 455 if (error) {
456 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname); 456 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, appname);
457 readpng2_version_info(); 457 readpng2_version_info();
458 fprintf(stderr, "\n" 458 fprintf(stderr, "\n"
459 "Usage: %s [-display xdpy] [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg | -bgpat pat]\n" 459 "Usage: %s [-display xdpy] [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg | -bgpat pat]\n"
460#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 460#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
461 " %*s [-usleep dur | -timing] [-pause] [-loop [sec]] file.png\n\n" 461 " %*s [-usleep dur | -timing] [-pause] [-loop [sec]] file.png\n\n"
462#else 462#else
463 " %*s [-usleep dur | -timing] [-pause] file.png\n\n" 463 " %*s [-usleep dur | -timing] [-pause] file.png\n\n"
464#endif 464#endif
465 " xdpy\tname of the target X display (e.g., ``hostname:0'')\n" 465 " xdpy\tname of the target X display (e.g., ``hostname:0'')\n"
466 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n" 466 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the display\n"
467 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n" 467 "\t\t system in floating-point format (e.g., ``%.1f''); equal\n"
468 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n" 468 "\t\t to the product of the lookup-table exponent (varies)\n"
469 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n" 469 "\t\t and the CRT exponent (usually 2.2); must be positive\n"
470 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n" 470 " bg \tdesired background color in 7-character hex RGB format\n"
471 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n" 471 "\t\t (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange: same as HTML colors);\n"
472 "\t\t used with transparent images; overrides -bgpat\n" 472 "\t\t used with transparent images; overrides -bgpat\n"
473 " pat \tdesired background pattern number (0-%d); used with\n" 473 " pat \tdesired background pattern number (0-%d); used with\n"
474 "\t\t transparent images; overrides -bgcolor\n" 474 "\t\t transparent images; overrides -bgcolor\n"
475#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 475#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
476 " -loop\tloops through background images after initial display\n" 476 " -loop\tloops through background images after initial display\n"
477 "\t\t is complete (depends on -bgpat)\n" 477 "\t\t is complete (depends on -bgpat)\n"
478 " sec \tseconds to display each background image (default = 2)\n" 478 " sec \tseconds to display each background image (default = 2)\n"
479#endif 479#endif
480 " dur \tduration in microseconds to wait after displaying each\n" 480 " dur \tduration in microseconds to wait after displaying each\n"
481 "\t\t row (for demo purposes)\n" 481 "\t\t row (for demo purposes)\n"
482 " -timing\tenables delay for every block read, to simulate modem\n" 482 " -timing\tenables delay for every block read, to simulate modem\n"
483 "\t\t download of image (~36 Kbps)\n" 483 "\t\t download of image (~36 Kbps)\n"
484 " -pause\tpauses after displaying each pass until mouse clicked\n" 484 " -pause\tpauses after displaying each pass until mouse clicked\n"
485 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window, after image\n" 485 "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window, after image\n"
486 "is displayed) to quit.\n" 486 "is displayed) to quit.\n"
487 "\n", PROGNAME, 487 "\n", PROGNAME,
488 (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ", default_display_exponent, num_bgpat-1); 488 (int)strlen(PROGNAME), " ", default_display_exponent, num_bgpat-1);
489 exit(1); 489 exit(1);
490 } 490 }
491 491
492 492
493 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) { 493 if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
494 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename); 494 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open PNG file [%s]\n", filename);
495 ++error; 495 ++error;
496 } else { 496 } else {
497 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile); 497 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile);
498 if (incount < 8 || !readpng2_check_sig(inbuf, 8)) { 498 if (incount < 8 || !readpng2_check_sig(inbuf, 8)) {
499 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 499 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
500 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n", 500 ": [%s] is not a PNG file: incorrect signature\n",
501 filename); 501 filename);
502 ++error; 502 ++error;
503 } else if ((rc = readpng2_init(&rpng2_info)) != 0) { 503 } else if ((rc = readpng2_init(&rpng2_info)) != 0) {
504 switch (rc) { 504 switch (rc) {
505 case 2: 505 case 2:
506 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 506 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
507 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename); 507 ": [%s] has bad IHDR (libpng longjmp)\n", filename);
508 break; 508 break;
509 case 4: 509 case 4:
510 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n"); 510 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n");
511 break; 511 break;
512 default: 512 default:
513 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 513 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
514 ": unknown readpng2_init() error\n"); 514 ": unknown readpng2_init() error\n");
515 break; 515 break;
516 } 516 }
517 ++error; 517 ++error;
518 } else { 518 } else {
519 Trace((stderr, "about to call XOpenDisplay()\n")) 519 Trace((stderr, "about to call XOpenDisplay()\n"))
520 display = XOpenDisplay(displayname); 520 display = XOpenDisplay(displayname);
521 if (!display) { 521 if (!display) {
522 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 522 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
523 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open X display [%s]\n", 523 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open X display [%s]\n",
524 displayname? displayname : "default"); 524 displayname? displayname : "default");
525 ++error; 525 ++error;
526 } 526 }
527 } 527 }
528 if (error) 528 if (error)
529 fclose(infile); 529 fclose(infile);
530 } 530 }
531 531
532 532
533 if (error) { 533 if (error) {
534 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n"); 534 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": aborting.\n");
535 exit(2); 535 exit(2);
536 } 536 }
537 537
538 538
539 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */ 539 /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */
540 540
541 alen = strlen(appname); 541 alen = strlen(appname);
542 flen = strlen(filename); 542 flen = strlen(filename);
543 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023) 543 if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023)
544 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023)); 544 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023));
545 else 545 else
546 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename); 546 sprintf(titlebar, "%s: %s", appname, filename);
547 547
548 548
549 /* set some final rpng2_info variables before entering main data loop */ 549 /* set some final rpng2_info variables before entering main data loop */
550 550
551 if (have_bg) { 551 if (have_bg) {
552 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */ 552 unsigned r, g, b; /* this approach quiets compiler warnings */
553 553
554 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b); 554 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
555 rpng2_info.bg_red = (uch)r; 555 rpng2_info.bg_red = (uch)r;
556 rpng2_info.bg_green = (uch)g; 556 rpng2_info.bg_green = (uch)g;
557 rpng2_info.bg_blue = (uch)b; 557 rpng2_info.bg_blue = (uch)b;
558 } else 558 } else
559 rpng2_info.need_bgcolor = TRUE; 559 rpng2_info.need_bgcolor = TRUE;
560 560
561 rpng2_info.state = kPreInit; 561 rpng2_info.state = kPreInit;
562 rpng2_info.mainprog_init = rpng2_x_init; 562 rpng2_info.mainprog_init = rpng2_x_init;
563 rpng2_info.mainprog_display_row = rpng2_x_display_row; 563 rpng2_info.mainprog_display_row = rpng2_x_display_row;
564 rpng2_info.mainprog_finish_display = rpng2_x_finish_display; 564 rpng2_info.mainprog_finish_display = rpng2_x_finish_display;
565 565
566 566
567 /* OK, this is the fun part: call readpng2_decode_data() at the start of 567 /* OK, this is the fun part: call readpng2_decode_data() at the start of
568 * the loop to deal with our first buffer of data (read in above to verify 568 * the loop to deal with our first buffer of data (read in above to verify
569 * that the file is a PNG image), then loop through the file and continue 569 * that the file is a PNG image), then loop through the file and continue
570 * calling the same routine to handle each chunk of data. It in turn 570 * calling the same routine to handle each chunk of data. It in turn
571 * passes the data to libpng, which will invoke one or more of our call- 571 * passes the data to libpng, which will invoke one or more of our call-
572 * backs as decoded data become available. We optionally call sleep() for 572 * backs as decoded data become available. We optionally call sleep() for
573 * one second per iteration to simulate downloading the image via an analog 573 * one second per iteration to simulate downloading the image via an analog
574 * modem. */ 574 * modem. */
575 575
576 for (;;) { 576 for (;;) {
577 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_decode_data()\n")) 577 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_decode_data()\n"))
578 if (readpng2_decode_data(&rpng2_info, inbuf, incount)) 578 if (readpng2_decode_data(&rpng2_info, inbuf, incount))
579 ++error; 579 ++error;
580 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng2_decode_data()\n")) 580 Trace((stderr, "done with readpng2_decode_data()\n"))
581 581
582 if (error || incount != INBUFSIZE || rpng2_info.state == kDone) { 582 if (error || incount != INBUFSIZE || rpng2_info.state == kDone) {
583 if (rpng2_info.state == kDone) { 583 if (rpng2_info.state == kDone) {
584 Trace((stderr, "done decoding PNG image\n")) 584 Trace((stderr, "done decoding PNG image\n"))
585 } else if (ferror(infile)) { 585 } else if (ferror(infile)) {
586 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 586 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
587 ": error while reading PNG image file\n"); 587 ": error while reading PNG image file\n");
588 exit(3); 588 exit(3);
589 } else if (feof(infile)) { 589 } else if (feof(infile)) {
590 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": end of file reached " 590 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": end of file reached "
591 "(unexpectedly) while reading PNG image file\n"); 591 "(unexpectedly) while reading PNG image file\n");
592 exit(3); 592 exit(3);
593 } else /* if (error) */ { 593 } else /* if (error) */ {
594 /* will print error message below */ 594 /* will print error message below */
595 } 595 }
596 break; 596 break;
597 } 597 }
598 598
599 if (timing) 599 if (timing)
600 sleep(1); 600 sleep(1);
601 601
602 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile); 602 incount = fread(inbuf, 1, INBUFSIZE, infile);
603 } 603 }
604 604
605 605
606 /* clean up PNG stuff and report any decoding errors */ 606 /* clean up PNG stuff and report any decoding errors */
607 607
608 fclose(infile); 608 fclose(infile);
609 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_cleanup()\n")) 609 Trace((stderr, "about to call readpng2_cleanup()\n"))
610 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 610 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
611 611
612 if (error) { 612 if (error) {
613 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": libpng error while decoding PNG image\n"); 613 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": libpng error while decoding PNG image\n");
614 exit(3); 614 exit(3);
615 } 615 }
616 616
617 617
618#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 618#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
619 619
620 if (loop && bg_image) { 620 if (loop && bg_image) {
621 Trace((stderr, "entering -loop loop (FEATURE_LOOP)\n")) 621 Trace((stderr, "entering -loop loop (FEATURE_LOOP)\n"))
622 for (;;) { 622 for (;;) {
623 int i, use_sleep; 623 int i, use_sleep;
624 struct timeval now, then; 624 struct timeval now, then;
625 625
626 /* get current time and add loop_interval to get target time */ 626 /* get current time and add loop_interval to get target time */
627 if (gettimeofday(&then, NULL) == 0) { 627 if (gettimeofday(&then, NULL) == 0) {
628 then.tv_sec += loop_interval; 628 then.tv_sec += loop_interval;
629 use_sleep = FALSE; 629 use_sleep = FALSE;
630 } else 630 } else
631 use_sleep = TRUE; 631 use_sleep = TRUE;
632 632
633 /* do quick check for a quit event but don't wait for it */ 633 /* do quick check for a quit event but don't wait for it */
634 /* GRR BUG: should also check for Expose events and redraw... */ 634 /* GRR BUG: should also check for Expose events and redraw... */
635 if (XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask, &e)) 635 if (XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask, &e))
636 if (QUIT(e,k)) 636 if (QUIT(e,k))
637 break; 637 break;
638 638
639 /* generate next background image */ 639 /* generate next background image */
640 if (++pat >= num_bgpat) 640 if (++pat >= num_bgpat)
641 pat = 0; 641 pat = 0;
642 rpng2_x_reload_bg_image(); 642 rpng2_x_reload_bg_image();
643 643
644 /* wait for timeout, using whatever means are available */ 644 /* wait for timeout, using whatever means are available */
645 if (use_sleep || gettimeofday(&now, NULL) != 0) { 645 if (use_sleep || gettimeofday(&now, NULL) != 0) {
646 for (i = loop_interval; i > 0; --i) { 646 for (i = loop_interval; i > 0; --i) {
647 sleep(1); 647 sleep(1);
648 /* GRR BUG: also need to check for Expose (and redraw!) */ 648 /* GRR BUG: also need to check for Expose (and redraw!) */
649 if (XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask, 649 if (XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask,
650 &e) && QUIT(e,k)) 650 &e) && QUIT(e,k))
651 break; 651 break;
652 } 652 }
653 } else { 653 } else {
654 /* Y2038 BUG! */ 654 /* Y2038 BUG! */
655 if (now.tv_sec < then.tv_sec || 655 if (now.tv_sec < then.tv_sec ||
656 (now.tv_sec == then.tv_sec && now.tv_usec < then.tv_usec)) 656 (now.tv_sec == then.tv_sec && now.tv_usec < then.tv_usec))
657 { 657 {
658 int quit = FALSE; 658 int quit = FALSE;
659 long seconds_to_go = then.tv_sec - now.tv_sec; 659 long seconds_to_go = then.tv_sec - now.tv_sec;
660 long usleep_usec; 660 long usleep_usec;
661 661
662 /* basically chew up most of remaining loop-interval with 662 /* basically chew up most of remaining loop-interval with
663 * calls to sleep(1) interleaved with checks for quit 663 * calls to sleep(1) interleaved with checks for quit
664 * events, but also recalc time-to-go periodically; when 664 * events, but also recalc time-to-go periodically; when
665 * done, clean up any remaining time with usleep() call 665 * done, clean up any remaining time with usleep() call
666 * (could also use SIGALRM, but signals are a pain...) */ 666 * (could also use SIGALRM, but signals are a pain...) */
667 while (seconds_to_go-- > 1) { 667 while (seconds_to_go-- > 1) {
668 int seconds_done = 0; 668 int seconds_done = 0;
669 669
670 for (i = seconds_to_go; i > 0 && !quit; --i) { 670 for (i = seconds_to_go; i > 0 && !quit; --i) {
671 sleep(1); 671 sleep(1);
672 /* GRR BUG: need to check for Expose and redraw */ 672 /* GRR BUG: need to check for Expose and redraw */
673 if (XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask | 673 if (XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask |
674 ButtonPressMask, &e) && QUIT(e,k)) 674 ButtonPressMask, &e) && QUIT(e,k))
675 quit = TRUE; 675 quit = TRUE;
676 if (++seconds_done > 1000) 676 if (++seconds_done > 1000)
677 break; /* time to redo seconds_to_go meas. */ 677 break; /* time to redo seconds_to_go meas. */
678 } 678 }
679 if (quit) 679 if (quit)
680 break; 680 break;
681 681
682 /* OK, more than 1000 seconds since last check: 682 /* OK, more than 1000 seconds since last check:
683 * correct the time-to-go measurement for drift */ 683 * correct the time-to-go measurement for drift */
684 if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) == 0) { 684 if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) == 0) {
685 if (now.tv_sec >= then.tv_sec) 685 if (now.tv_sec >= then.tv_sec)
686 break; 686 break;
687 seconds_to_go = then.tv_sec - now.tv_sec; 687 seconds_to_go = then.tv_sec - now.tv_sec;
688 } else 688 } else
689 ++seconds_to_go; /* restore what we subtracted */ 689 ++seconds_to_go; /* restore what we subtracted */
690 } 690 }
691 if (quit) 691 if (quit)
692 break; /* breaks outer do-loop, skips redisplay */ 692 break; /* breaks outer do-loop, skips redisplay */
693 693
694 /* since difference between "now" and "then" is already 694 /* since difference between "now" and "then" is already
695 * eaten up to within a couple of seconds, don't need to 695 * eaten up to within a couple of seconds, don't need to
696 * worry about overflow--but might have overshot (neg.) */ 696 * worry about overflow--but might have overshot (neg.) */
697 if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) == 0) { 697 if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) == 0) {
698 usleep_usec = 1000000L*(then.tv_sec - now.tv_sec) + 698 usleep_usec = 1000000L*(then.tv_sec - now.tv_sec) +
699 then.tv_usec - now.tv_usec; 699 then.tv_usec - now.tv_usec;
700 if (usleep_usec > 0) 700 if (usleep_usec > 0)
701 usleep((ulg)usleep_usec); 701 usleep((ulg)usleep_usec);
702 } 702 }
703 } 703 }
704 } 704 }
705 705
706 /* composite image against new background and display (note that 706 /* composite image against new background and display (note that
707 * we do not take into account the time spent doing this...) */ 707 * we do not take into account the time spent doing this...) */
708 rpng2_x_redisplay_image (0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height); 708 rpng2_x_redisplay_image (0, 0, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height);
709 } 709 }
710 710
711 } else /* FALL THROUGH and do the normal thing */ 711 } else /* FALL THROUGH and do the normal thing */
712 712
713#endif /* FEATURE_LOOP */ 713#endif /* FEATURE_LOOP */
714 714
715 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */ 715 /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
716 716
717 if (rpng2_info.state >= kWindowInit) { 717 if (rpng2_info.state >= kWindowInit) {
718 Trace((stderr, "entering final wait-for-quit-event loop\n")) 718 Trace((stderr, "entering final wait-for-quit-event loop\n"))
719 do { 719 do {
720 XNextEvent(display, &e); 720 XNextEvent(display, &e);
721 if (e.type == Expose) { 721 if (e.type == Expose) {
722 XExposeEvent *ex = (XExposeEvent *)&e; 722 XExposeEvent *ex = (XExposeEvent *)&e;
723 rpng2_x_redisplay_image (ex->x, ex->y, ex->width, ex->height); 723 rpng2_x_redisplay_image (ex->x, ex->y, ex->width, ex->height);
724 } 724 }
725 } while (!QUIT(e,k)); 725 } while (!QUIT(e,k));
726 } else { 726 } else {
727 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": init callback never called: probable " 727 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": init callback never called: probable "
728 "libpng error while decoding PNG metadata\n"); 728 "libpng error while decoding PNG metadata\n");
729 exit(4); 729 exit(4);
730 } 730 }
731 731
732 732
733 /* we're done: clean up all image and X resources and go away */ 733 /* we're done: clean up all image and X resources and go away */
734 734
735 Trace((stderr, "about to call rpng2_x_cleanup()\n")) 735 Trace((stderr, "about to call rpng2_x_cleanup()\n"))
736 rpng2_x_cleanup(); 736 rpng2_x_cleanup();
737 737
738 return 0; 738 return 0;
739} 739}
740 740
741 741
742 742
743 743
744 744
745/* this function is called by readpng2_info_callback() in readpng2.c, which 745/* this function is called by readpng2_info_callback() in readpng2.c, which
746 * in turn is called by libpng after all of the pre-IDAT chunks have been 746 * in turn is called by libpng after all of the pre-IDAT chunks have been
747 * read and processed--i.e., we now have enough info to finish initializing */ 747 * read and processed--i.e., we now have enough info to finish initializing */
748 748
749static void rpng2_x_init(void) 749static void rpng2_x_init(void)
750{ 750{
751 ulg i; 751 ulg i;
752 ulg rowbytes = rpng2_info.rowbytes; 752 ulg rowbytes = rpng2_info.rowbytes;
753 753
754 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_init()\n")) 754 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_init()\n"))
755 Trace((stderr, " rowbytes = %d\n", rpng2_info.rowbytes)) 755 Trace((stderr, " rowbytes = %d\n", rpng2_info.rowbytes))
756 Trace((stderr, " width = %ld\n", rpng2_info.width)) 756 Trace((stderr, " width = %ld\n", rpng2_info.width))
757 Trace((stderr, " height = %ld\n", rpng2_info.height)) 757 Trace((stderr, " height = %ld\n", rpng2_info.height))
758 758
759 rpng2_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes * rpng2_info.height); 759 rpng2_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes * rpng2_info.height);
760 if (!rpng2_info.image_data) { 760 if (!rpng2_info.image_data) {
761 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 761 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
762 return; 762 return;
763 } 763 }
764 764
765 rpng2_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(rpng2_info.height * sizeof(uch *)); 765 rpng2_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(rpng2_info.height * sizeof(uch *));
766 if (!rpng2_info.row_pointers) { 766 if (!rpng2_info.row_pointers) {
767 free(rpng2_info.image_data); 767 free(rpng2_info.image_data);
768 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL; 768 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL;
769 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 769 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
770 return; 770 return;
771 } 771 }
772 772
773 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.height; ++i) 773 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.height; ++i)
774 rpng2_info.row_pointers[i] = rpng2_info.image_data + i*rowbytes; 774 rpng2_info.row_pointers[i] = rpng2_info.image_data + i*rowbytes;
775 775
776 776
777 /* do the basic X initialization stuff, make the window, and fill it with 777 /* do the basic X initialization stuff, make the window, and fill it with
778 * the user-specified, file-specified or default background color or 778 * the user-specified, file-specified or default background color or
779 * pattern */ 779 * pattern */
780 780
781 if (rpng2_x_create_window()) { 781 if (rpng2_x_create_window()) {
782 782
783 /* GRR TEMPORARY HACK: this is fundamentally no different from cases 783 /* GRR TEMPORARY HACK: this is fundamentally no different from cases
784 * above; libpng should call our error handler to longjmp() back to us 784 * above; libpng should call our error handler to longjmp() back to us
785 * when png_ptr goes away. If we/it segfault instead, seems like a 785 * when png_ptr goes away. If we/it segfault instead, seems like a
786 * libpng bug... */ 786 * libpng bug... */
787 787
788 /* we're here via libpng callback, so if window fails, clean and bail */ 788 /* we're here via libpng callback, so if window fails, clean and bail */
789 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info); 789 readpng2_cleanup(&rpng2_info);
790 rpng2_x_cleanup(); 790 rpng2_x_cleanup();
791 exit(2); 791 exit(2);
792 } 792 }
793 793
794 rpng2_info.state = kWindowInit; 794 rpng2_info.state = kWindowInit;
795} 795}
796 796
797 797
798 798
799 799
800 800
801static int rpng2_x_create_window(void) 801static int rpng2_x_create_window(void)
802{ 802{
803 ulg bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red; 803 ulg bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
804 ulg bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green; 804 ulg bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
805 ulg bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue; 805 ulg bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
806 ulg bg_pixel = 0L; 806 ulg bg_pixel = 0L;
807 ulg attrmask; 807 ulg attrmask;
808 int need_colormap = FALSE; 808 int need_colormap = FALSE;
809 int screen, pad; 809 int screen, pad;
810 uch *xdata; 810 uch *xdata;
811 Window root; 811 Window root;
812 XEvent e; 812 XEvent e;
813 XGCValues gcvalues; 813 XGCValues gcvalues;
814 XSetWindowAttributes attr; 814 XSetWindowAttributes attr;
815 XTextProperty windowName, *pWindowName = &windowName; 815 XTextProperty windowName, *pWindowName = &windowName;
816 XTextProperty iconName, *pIconName = &iconName; 816 XTextProperty iconName, *pIconName = &iconName;
817 XVisualInfo visual_info; 817 XVisualInfo visual_info;
818 XSizeHints *size_hints; 818 XSizeHints *size_hints;
819 XWMHints *wm_hints; 819 XWMHints *wm_hints;
820 XClassHint *class_hints; 820 XClassHint *class_hints;
821 821
822 822
823 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_create_window()\n")) 823 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_create_window()\n"))
824 824
825 screen = DefaultScreen(display); 825 screen = DefaultScreen(display);
826 depth = DisplayPlanes(display, screen); 826 depth = DisplayPlanes(display, screen);
827 root = RootWindow(display, screen); 827 root = RootWindow(display, screen);
828 828
829#ifdef DEBUG 829#ifdef DEBUG
830 XSynchronize(display, True); 830 XSynchronize(display, True);
831#endif 831#endif
832 832
833 if (depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) { 833 if (depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) {
834 int visuals_matched = 0; 834 int visuals_matched = 0;
835 835
836 Trace((stderr, "default depth is %d: checking other visuals\n", 836 Trace((stderr, "default depth is %d: checking other visuals\n",
837 depth)) 837 depth))
838 838
839 /* 24-bit first */ 839 /* 24-bit first */
840 visual_info.screen = screen; 840 visual_info.screen = screen;
841 visual_info.depth = 24; 841 visual_info.depth = 24;
842 visual_list = XGetVisualInfo(display, 842 visual_list = XGetVisualInfo(display,
843 VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask, &visual_info, &visuals_matched); 843 VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask, &visual_info, &visuals_matched);
844 if (visuals_matched == 0) { 844 if (visuals_matched == 0) {
845/* GRR: add 15-, 16- and 32-bit TrueColor visuals (also DirectColor?) */ 845/* GRR: add 15-, 16- and 32-bit TrueColor visuals (also DirectColor?) */
846 fprintf(stderr, "default screen depth %d not supported, and no" 846 fprintf(stderr, "default screen depth %d not supported, and no"
847 " 24-bit visuals found\n", depth); 847 " 24-bit visuals found\n", depth);
848 return 2; 848 return 2;
849 } 849 }
850 Trace((stderr, "XGetVisualInfo() returned %d 24-bit visuals\n", 850 Trace((stderr, "XGetVisualInfo() returned %d 24-bit visuals\n",
851 visuals_matched)) 851 visuals_matched))
852 visual = visual_list[0].visual; 852 visual = visual_list[0].visual;
853 depth = visual_list[0].depth; 853 depth = visual_list[0].depth;
854/* 854/*
855 colormap_size = visual_list[0].colormap_size; 855 colormap_size = visual_list[0].colormap_size;
856 visual_class = visual->class; 856 visual_class = visual->class;
857 visualID = XVisualIDFromVisual(visual); 857 visualID = XVisualIDFromVisual(visual);
858 */ 858 */
859 have_nondefault_visual = TRUE; 859 have_nondefault_visual = TRUE;
860 need_colormap = TRUE; 860 need_colormap = TRUE;
861 } else { 861 } else {
862 XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, depth, TrueColor, &visual_info); 862 XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, depth, TrueColor, &visual_info);
863 visual = visual_info.visual; 863 visual = visual_info.visual;
864 } 864 }
865 865
866 RMask = visual->red_mask; 866 RMask = visual->red_mask;
867 GMask = visual->green_mask; 867 GMask = visual->green_mask;
868 BMask = visual->blue_mask; 868 BMask = visual->blue_mask;
869 869
870/* GRR: add/check 8-bit support */ 870/* GRR: add/check 8-bit support */
871 if (depth == 8 || need_colormap) { 871 if (depth == 8 || need_colormap) {
872 colormap = XCreateColormap(display, root, visual, AllocNone); 872 colormap = XCreateColormap(display, root, visual, AllocNone);
873 if (!colormap) { 873 if (!colormap) {
874 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateColormap() failed\n"); 874 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateColormap() failed\n");
875 return 2; 875 return 2;
876 } 876 }
877 have_colormap = TRUE; 877 have_colormap = TRUE;
878 if (depth == 8) 878 if (depth == 8)
879 bg_image = FALSE; /* gradient just wastes palette entries */ 879 bg_image = FALSE; /* gradient just wastes palette entries */
880 } 880 }
881 if (depth == 15 || depth == 16) { 881 if (depth == 15 || depth == 16) {
882 RShift = 15 - rpng2_x_msb(RMask); /* these are right-shifts */ 882 RShift = 15 - rpng2_x_msb(RMask); /* these are right-shifts */
883 GShift = 15 - rpng2_x_msb(GMask); 883 GShift = 15 - rpng2_x_msb(GMask);
884 BShift = 15 - rpng2_x_msb(BMask); 884 BShift = 15 - rpng2_x_msb(BMask);
885 } else if (depth > 16) { 885 } else if (depth > 16) {
886 RShift = rpng2_x_msb(RMask) - 7; /* these are left-shifts */ 886 RShift = rpng2_x_msb(RMask) - 7; /* these are left-shifts */
887 GShift = rpng2_x_msb(GMask) - 7; 887 GShift = rpng2_x_msb(GMask) - 7;
888 BShift = rpng2_x_msb(BMask) - 7; 888 BShift = rpng2_x_msb(BMask) - 7;
889 } 889 }
890 if (depth >= 15 && (RShift < 0 || GShift < 0 || BShift < 0)) { 890 if (depth >= 15 && (RShift < 0 || GShift < 0 || BShift < 0)) {
891 fprintf(stderr, "rpng2 internal logic error: negative X shift(s)!\n"); 891 fprintf(stderr, "rpng2 internal logic error: negative X shift(s)!\n");
892 return 2; 892 return 2;
893 } 893 }
894 894
895/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 895/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
896 Finally, create the window. 896 Finally, create the window.
897 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 897 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
898 898
899 attr.backing_store = Always; 899 attr.backing_store = Always;
900 attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask; 900 attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask;
901 attrmask = CWBackingStore | CWEventMask; 901 attrmask = CWBackingStore | CWEventMask;
902 if (have_nondefault_visual) { 902 if (have_nondefault_visual) {
903 attr.colormap = colormap; 903 attr.colormap = colormap;
904 attr.background_pixel = 0; 904 attr.background_pixel = 0;
905 attr.border_pixel = 1; 905 attr.border_pixel = 1;
906 attrmask |= CWColormap | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel; 906 attrmask |= CWColormap | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel;
907 } 907 }
908 908
909 window = XCreateWindow(display, root, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, 909 window = XCreateWindow(display, root, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width,
910 rpng2_info.height, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual, attrmask, &attr); 910 rpng2_info.height, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual, attrmask, &attr);
911 911
912 if (window == None) { 912 if (window == None) {
913 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateWindow() failed\n"); 913 fprintf(stderr, "XCreateWindow() failed\n");
914 return 2; 914 return 2;
915 } else 915 } else
916 have_window = TRUE; 916 have_window = TRUE;
917 917
918 if (depth == 8) 918 if (depth == 8)
919 XSetWindowColormap(display, window, colormap); 919 XSetWindowColormap(display, window, colormap);
920 920
921 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&window_name, 1, pWindowName)) 921 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&window_name, 1, pWindowName))
922 pWindowName = NULL; 922 pWindowName = NULL;
923 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&icon_name, 1, pIconName)) 923 if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&icon_name, 1, pIconName))
924 pIconName = NULL; 924 pIconName = NULL;
925 925
926 /* OK if either hints allocation fails; XSetWMProperties() allows NULLs */ 926 /* OK if either hints allocation fails; XSetWMProperties() allows NULLs */
927 927
928 if ((size_hints = XAllocSizeHints()) != NULL) { 928 if ((size_hints = XAllocSizeHints()) != NULL) {
929 /* window will not be resizable */ 929 /* window will not be resizable */
930 size_hints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; 930 size_hints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
931 size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = (int)rpng2_info.width; 931 size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = (int)rpng2_info.width;
932 size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height = 932 size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height =
933 (int)rpng2_info.height; 933 (int)rpng2_info.height;
934 } 934 }
935 935
936 if ((wm_hints = XAllocWMHints()) != NULL) { 936 if ((wm_hints = XAllocWMHints()) != NULL) {
937 wm_hints->initial_state = NormalState; 937 wm_hints->initial_state = NormalState;
938 wm_hints->input = True; 938 wm_hints->input = True;
939 /* wm_hints->icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap; */ 939 /* wm_hints->icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap; */
940 wm_hints->flags = StateHint | InputHint /* | IconPixmapHint */ ; 940 wm_hints->flags = StateHint | InputHint /* | IconPixmapHint */ ;
941 } 941 }
942 942
943 if ((class_hints = XAllocClassHint()) != NULL) { 943 if ((class_hints = XAllocClassHint()) != NULL) {
944 class_hints->res_name = res_name; 944 class_hints->res_name = res_name;
945 class_hints->res_class = res_class; 945 class_hints->res_class = res_class;
946 } 946 }
947 947
948 XSetWMProperties(display, window, pWindowName, pIconName, NULL, 0, 948 XSetWMProperties(display, window, pWindowName, pIconName, NULL, 0,
949 size_hints, wm_hints, class_hints); 949 size_hints, wm_hints, class_hints);
950 950
951 /* various properties and hints no longer needed; free memory */ 951 /* various properties and hints no longer needed; free memory */
952 if (pWindowName) 952 if (pWindowName)
953 XFree(pWindowName->value); 953 XFree(pWindowName->value);
954 if (pIconName) 954 if (pIconName)
955 XFree(pIconName->value); 955 XFree(pIconName->value);
956 if (size_hints) 956 if (size_hints)
957 XFree(size_hints); 957 XFree(size_hints);
958 if (wm_hints) 958 if (wm_hints)
959 XFree(wm_hints); 959 XFree(wm_hints);
960 if (class_hints) 960 if (class_hints)
961 XFree(class_hints); 961 XFree(class_hints);
962 962
963 XMapWindow(display, window); 963 XMapWindow(display, window);
964 964
965 gc = XCreateGC(display, window, 0, &gcvalues); 965 gc = XCreateGC(display, window, 0, &gcvalues);
966 have_gc = TRUE; 966 have_gc = TRUE;
967 967
968/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 968/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
969 Allocate memory for the X- and display-specific version of the image. 969 Allocate memory for the X- and display-specific version of the image.
970 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 970 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
971 971
972 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 972 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
973 xdata = (uch *)malloc(4*rpng2_info.width*rpng2_info.height); 973 xdata = (uch *)malloc(4*rpng2_info.width*rpng2_info.height);
974 pad = 32; 974 pad = 32;
975 } else if (depth == 16) { 975 } else if (depth == 16) {
976 xdata = (uch *)malloc(2*rpng2_info.width*rpng2_info.height); 976 xdata = (uch *)malloc(2*rpng2_info.width*rpng2_info.height);
977 pad = 16; 977 pad = 16;
978 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 978 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
979 xdata = (uch *)malloc(rpng2_info.width*rpng2_info.height); 979 xdata = (uch *)malloc(rpng2_info.width*rpng2_info.height);
980 pad = 8; 980 pad = 8;
981 } 981 }
982 982
983 if (!xdata) { 983 if (!xdata) {
984 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to allocate image memory\n"); 984 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to allocate image memory\n");
985 return 4; 985 return 4;
986 } 986 }
987 987
988 ximage = XCreateImage(display, visual, depth, ZPixmap, 0, 988 ximage = XCreateImage(display, visual, depth, ZPixmap, 0,
989 (char *)xdata, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height, pad, 0); 989 (char *)xdata, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height, pad, 0);
990 990
991 if (!ximage) { 991 if (!ximage) {
992 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": XCreateImage() failed\n"); 992 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": XCreateImage() failed\n");
993 free(xdata); 993 free(xdata);
994 return 3; 994 return 3;
995 } 995 }
996 996
997 /* to avoid testing the byte order every pixel (or doubling the size of 997 /* to avoid testing the byte order every pixel (or doubling the size of
998 * the drawing routine with a giant if-test), we arbitrarily set the byte 998 * the drawing routine with a giant if-test), we arbitrarily set the byte
999 * order to MSBFirst and let Xlib worry about inverting things on little- 999 * order to MSBFirst and let Xlib worry about inverting things on little-
1000 * endian machines (e.g., Linux/x86, old VAXen, etc.)--this is not the 1000 * endian machines (e.g., Linux/x86, old VAXen, etc.)--this is not the
1001 * most efficient approach (the giant if-test would be better), but in 1001 * most efficient approach (the giant if-test would be better), but in
1002 * the interest of clarity, we'll take the easy way out... */ 1002 * the interest of clarity, we'll take the easy way out... */
1003 1003
1004 ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst; 1004 ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst;
1005 1005
1006/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1006/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1007 Fill window with the specified background color (default is black) or 1007 Fill window with the specified background color (default is black) or
1008 faked "background image" (but latter is disabled if 8-bit; gradients 1008 faked "background image" (but latter is disabled if 8-bit; gradients
1009 just waste palette entries). 1009 just waste palette entries).
1010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1011 1011
1012 if (bg_image) 1012 if (bg_image)
1013 rpng2_x_load_bg_image(); /* resets bg_image if fails */ 1013 rpng2_x_load_bg_image(); /* resets bg_image if fails */
1014 1014
1015 if (!bg_image) { 1015 if (!bg_image) {
1016 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 1016 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
1017 bg_pixel = (bg_red << RShift) | 1017 bg_pixel = (bg_red << RShift) |
1018 (bg_green << GShift) | 1018 (bg_green << GShift) |
1019 (bg_blue << BShift); 1019 (bg_blue << BShift);
1020 } else if (depth == 16) { 1020 } else if (depth == 16) {
1021 bg_pixel = (((bg_red << 8) >> RShift) & RMask) | 1021 bg_pixel = (((bg_red << 8) >> RShift) & RMask) |
1022 (((bg_green << 8) >> GShift) & GMask) | 1022 (((bg_green << 8) >> GShift) & GMask) |
1023 (((bg_blue << 8) >> BShift) & BMask); 1023 (((bg_blue << 8) >> BShift) & BMask);
1024 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 1024 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
1025 1025
1026 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 1026 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */
1027 1027
1028 } 1028 }
1029 XSetForeground(display, gc, bg_pixel); 1029 XSetForeground(display, gc, bg_pixel);
1030 XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, 1030 XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width,
1031 rpng2_info.height); 1031 rpng2_info.height);
1032 } 1032 }
1033 1033
1034/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1034/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1035 Wait for first Expose event to do any drawing, then flush and return. 1035 Wait for first Expose event to do any drawing, then flush and return.
1036 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1036 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1037 1037
1038 do 1038 do
1039 XNextEvent(display, &e); 1039 XNextEvent(display, &e);
1040 while (e.type != Expose || e.xexpose.count); 1040 while (e.type != Expose || e.xexpose.count);
1041 1041
1042 XFlush(display); 1042 XFlush(display);
1043 1043
1044 return 0; 1044 return 0;
1045 1045
1046} /* end function rpng2_x_create_window() */ 1046} /* end function rpng2_x_create_window() */
1047 1047
1048 1048
1049 1049
1050 1050
1051 1051
1052static int rpng2_x_load_bg_image(void) 1052static int rpng2_x_load_bg_image(void)
1053{ 1053{
1054 uch *src; 1054 uch *src;
1055 char *dest; 1055 char *dest;
1056 uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2; 1056 uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2;
1057 uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv; 1057 uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv;
1058 int k, hmax, max; 1058 int k, hmax, max;
1059 int xidx, yidx, yidx_max; 1059 int xidx, yidx, yidx_max;
1060 int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd; 1060 int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd;
1061 int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08); 1061 int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08);
1062 int invert_column; 1062 int invert_column;
1063 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line; 1063 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line;
1064 ulg i, row; 1064 ulg i, row;
1065 ulg pixel; 1065 ulg pixel;
1066 1066
1067/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1067/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1068 Allocate buffer for fake background image to be used with transparent 1068 Allocate buffer for fake background image to be used with transparent
1069 images; if this fails, revert to plain background color. 1069 images; if this fails, revert to plain background color.
1070 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1070 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1071 1071
1072 bg_rowbytes = 3 * rpng2_info.width; 1072 bg_rowbytes = 3 * rpng2_info.width;
1073 bg_data = (uch *)malloc(bg_rowbytes * rpng2_info.height); 1073 bg_data = (uch *)malloc(bg_rowbytes * rpng2_info.height);
1074 if (!bg_data) { 1074 if (!bg_data) {
1075 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 1075 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
1076 ": unable to allocate memory for background image\n"); 1076 ": unable to allocate memory for background image\n");
1077 bg_image = 0; 1077 bg_image = 0;
1078 return 1; 1078 return 1;
1079 } 1079 }
1080 1080
1081 bgscale = (pat == 0)? 8 : bgscale_default; 1081 bgscale = (pat == 0)? 8 : bgscale_default;
1082 yidx_max = bgscale - 1; 1082 yidx_max = bgscale - 1;
1083 1083
1084/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1084/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1085 Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and 1085 Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and
1086 colors (N == bgscale). 1086 colors (N == bgscale).
1087 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1087 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1088 1088
1089 if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) { 1089 if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) {
1090 uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r; 1090 uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r;
1091 uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g; 1091 uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g;
1092 uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b; 1092 uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b;
1093 uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r; 1093 uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r;
1094 uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g; 1094 uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g;
1095 uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b; 1095 uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b;
1096 int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min; 1096 int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min;
1097 int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min; 1097 int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min;
1098 int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min; 1098 int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min;
1099 int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min; 1099 int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min;
1100 int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min; 1100 int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min;
1101 int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min; 1101 int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min;
1102 1102
1103 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1103 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1104 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale); 1104 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale);
1105 even_odd_vert = (int)((row / bgscale) & 1); 1105 even_odd_vert = (int)((row / bgscale) & 1);
1106 1106
1107 r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1107 r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1108 g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1108 g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1109 b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1109 b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1110 r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1110 r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1111 g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1111 g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1112 b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1112 b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1113 1113
1114 r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1114 r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1115 g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1115 g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1116 b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1116 b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1117 r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1117 r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1118 g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1118 g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1119 b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1119 b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1120 1120
1121 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1121 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1122 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 1122 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
1123 even_odd_horiz = (int)((i / bgscale) & 1); 1123 even_odd_horiz = (int)((i / bgscale) & 1);
1124 even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz; 1124 even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz;
1125 invert_column = 1125 invert_column =
1126 (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10)); 1126 (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10));
1127 if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */ 1127 if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */
1128 if (invert_column) { 1128 if (invert_column) {
1129 *dest++ = r1_inv; 1129 *dest++ = r1_inv;
1130 *dest++ = g1_inv; 1130 *dest++ = g1_inv;
1131 *dest++ = b1_inv; 1131 *dest++ = b1_inv;
1132 } else { 1132 } else {
1133 *dest++ = r1; 1133 *dest++ = r1;
1134 *dest++ = g1; 1134 *dest++ = g1;
1135 *dest++ = b1; 1135 *dest++ = b1;
1136 } 1136 }
1137 } else { /* gradient #2 */ 1137 } else { /* gradient #2 */
1138 if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) || 1138 if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) ||
1139 (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2)) 1139 (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2))
1140 { 1140 {
1141 *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */ 1141 *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */
1142 *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */ 1142 *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */
1143 *dest++ = b2; 1143 *dest++ = b2;
1144 } else { 1144 } else {
1145 *dest++ = r2_inv; 1145 *dest++ = r2_inv;
1146 *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */ 1146 *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */
1147 *dest++ = b2_inv; 1147 *dest++ = b2_inv;
1148 } 1148 }
1149 } 1149 }
1150 } 1150 }
1151 } 1151 }
1152 1152
1153/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1153/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1154 Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam 1154 Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam
1155 M. Costello. 1155 M. Costello.
1156 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1156 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1157 1157
1158 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) { 1158 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) {
1159 1159
1160 hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */ 1160 hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */
1161 max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */ 1161 max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */
1162 1162
1163 r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r; 1163 r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r;
1164 g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g; 1164 g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g;
1165 b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b; 1165 b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b;
1166 r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r; 1166 r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r;
1167 g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g; 1167 g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g;
1168 b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b; 1168 b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b;
1169 1169
1170 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1170 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1171 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale); 1171 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale);
1172 if (yidx > hmax) 1172 if (yidx > hmax)
1173 yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx; 1173 yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx;
1174 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1174 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1175 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 1175 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
1176 xidx = (int)(i % bgscale); 1176 xidx = (int)(i % bgscale);
1177 if (xidx > hmax) 1177 if (xidx > hmax)
1178 xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx; 1178 xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx;
1179 k = xidx + yidx; 1179 k = xidx + yidx;
1180 *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max; 1180 *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max;
1181 *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max; 1181 *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max;
1182 *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max; 1182 *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max;
1183 } 1183 }
1184 } 1184 }
1185 1185
1186/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1186/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1187 Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu- 1187 Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu-
1188 soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con- 1188 soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con-
1189 tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk). 1189 tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk).
1190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1191 1191
1192 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) { 1192 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) {
1193 uch ch; 1193 uch ch;
1194 int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot; 1194 int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot;
1195 double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity; 1195 double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity;
1196 double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist; 1196 double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist;
1197 double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t; 1197 double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t;
1198 1198
1199 fprintf(stderr, "%s: computing radial background...", 1199 fprintf(stderr, "%s: computing radial background...",
1201 fflush(stderr); 1201 fflush(stderr);
1202 1202
1203 hh = (int)(rpng2_info.height / 2); 1203 hh = (int)(rpng2_info.height / 2);
1204 hw = (int)(rpng2_info.width / 2); 1204 hw = (int)(rpng2_info.width / 2);
1205 1205
1206 /* variables for radial waves: 1206 /* variables for radial waves:
1207 * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED] 1207 * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED]
1208 * freq: number of color beams originating from the center 1208 * freq: number of color beams originating from the center
1209 * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias) 1209 * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias)
1210 * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius 1210 * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius
1211 * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally 1211 * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally
1212 */ 1212 */
1213 angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0); 1213 angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0);
1214 grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw)); 1214 grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw));
1215 freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0); 1215 freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0);
1216 saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1; 1216 saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1;
1217 rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1; 1217 rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1;
1218 gray = 0.0; 1218 gray = 0.0;
1219 intensity = 0.0; 1219 intensity = 0.0;
1220 maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh)); 1220 maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh));
1221 1221
1222 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1222 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1223 y = (int)(row - hh); 1223 y = (int)(row - hh);
1224 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1224 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1225 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 1225 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
1226 x = (int)(i - hw); 1226 x = (int)(i - hw);
1227 angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x); 1227 angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x);
1228 gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot; 1228 gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot;
1229 gray = MIN(1.0, gray); 1229 gray = MIN(1.0, gray);
1230 dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist; 1230 dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist;
1231 intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) * 1231 intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) *
1232 gray * saturate; 1232 gray * saturate;
1233 intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5; 1233 intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5;
1234 hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset; 1234 hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset;
1235 s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh)); 1235 s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh));
1236 s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0); 1236 s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0);
1237 v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0); 1237 v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0);
1238 1238
1239 if (s == 0.0) { 1239 if (s == 0.0) {
1240 ch = (uch)(v * 255.0); 1240 ch = (uch)(v * 255.0);
1241 *dest++ = ch; 1241 *dest++ = ch;
1242 *dest++ = ch; 1242 *dest++ = ch;
1243 *dest++ = ch; 1243 *dest++ = ch;
1244 } else { 1244 } else {
1245 if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0)) 1245 if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0))
1246 hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0); 1246 hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0);
1247 hue /= 60.0; 1247 hue /= 60.0;
1248 ii = (int)hue; 1248 ii = (int)hue;
1249 f = hue - (double)ii; 1249 f = hue - (double)ii;
1250 p = (1.0 - s) * v; 1250 p = (1.0 - s) * v;
1251 q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v; 1251 q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v;
1252 t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v; 1252 t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v;
1253 if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; } 1253 if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; }
1254 else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; } 1254 else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; }
1255 else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; } 1255 else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; }
1256 else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; } 1256 else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; }
1257 else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; } 1257 else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; }
1258 else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; } 1258 else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; }
1259 *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0); 1259 *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0);
1260 *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0); 1260 *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0);
1261 *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0); 1261 *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0);
1262 } 1262 }
1263 } 1263 }
1264 } 1264 }
1265 fprintf(stderr, "done.\n"); 1265 fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
1266 fflush(stderr); 1266 fflush(stderr);
1267 } 1267 }
1268 1268
1269/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1269/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1270 Blast background image to display buffer before beginning PNG decode. 1270 Blast background image to display buffer before beginning PNG decode.
1271 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1271 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1272 1272
1273 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 1273 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
1274 ulg red, green, blue; 1274 ulg red, green, blue;
1275 int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; 1275 int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel;
1276 1276
1277 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1277 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1278 src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1278 src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1279 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 1279 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
1280 if (bpp == 32) { /* slightly optimized version */ 1280 if (bpp == 32) { /* slightly optimized version */
1281 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1281 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1282 red = *src++; 1282 red = *src++;
1283 green = *src++; 1283 green = *src++;
1284 blue = *src++; 1284 blue = *src++;
1285 pixel = (red << RShift) | 1285 pixel = (red << RShift) |
1286 (green << GShift) | 1286 (green << GShift) |
1287 (blue << BShift); 1287 (blue << BShift);
1288 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1288 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1289 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1289 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1290 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1290 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1291 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1291 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1292 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1292 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1293 } 1293 }
1294 } else { 1294 } else {
1295 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1295 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1296 red = *src++; 1296 red = *src++;
1297 green = *src++; 1297 green = *src++;
1298 blue = *src++; 1298 blue = *src++;
1299 pixel = (red << RShift) | 1299 pixel = (red << RShift) |
1300 (green << GShift) | 1300 (green << GShift) |
1301 (blue << BShift); 1301 (blue << BShift);
1302 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1302 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1303 /* GRR BUG? this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1303 /* GRR BUG? this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1304 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */ 1304 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */
1305 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1305 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1306 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1306 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1307 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1307 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1308 } 1308 }
1309 } 1309 }
1310 } 1310 }
1311 1311
1312 } else if (depth == 16) { 1312 } else if (depth == 16) {
1313 ush red, green, blue; 1313 ush red, green, blue;
1314 1314
1315 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1315 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1316 src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1316 src = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1317 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 1317 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
1318 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1318 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1319 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8); ++src; 1319 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8); ++src;
1320 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8); ++src; 1320 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8); ++src;
1321 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8); ++src; 1321 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8); ++src;
1322 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 1322 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
1323 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 1323 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
1324 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 1324 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
1325 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1325 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1326 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1326 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1327 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1327 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1328 } 1328 }
1329 } 1329 }
1330 1330
1331 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 1331 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
1332 1332
1333 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 1333 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */
1334 1334
1335 } 1335 }
1336 1336
1337 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width, 1337 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, rpng2_info.width,
1338 rpng2_info.height); 1338 rpng2_info.height);
1339 1339
1340 return 0; 1340 return 0;
1341 1341
1342} /* end function rpng2_x_load_bg_image() */ 1342} /* end function rpng2_x_load_bg_image() */
1343 1343
1344 1344
1345 1345
1346 1346
1347 1347
1348static void rpng2_x_display_row(ulg row) 1348static void rpng2_x_display_row(ulg row)
1349{ 1349{
1350 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red; 1350 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
1351 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green; 1351 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
1352 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue; 1352 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
1353 uch *src, *src2=NULL; 1353 uch *src, *src2=NULL;
1354 char *dest; 1354 char *dest;
1355 uch r, g, b, a; 1355 uch r, g, b, a;
1356 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line; 1356 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line;
1357 ulg i, pixel; 1357 ulg i, pixel;
1358 static int rows=0, prevpass=(-1); 1358 static int rows=0, prevpass=(-1);
1359 static ulg firstrow; 1359 static ulg firstrow;
1360 1360
1361/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1361/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1362 rows and firstrow simply track how many rows (and which ones) have not 1362 rows and firstrow simply track how many rows (and which ones) have not
1363 yet been displayed; alternatively, we could call XPutImage() for every 1363 yet been displayed; alternatively, we could call XPutImage() for every
1364 row and not bother with the records-keeping. 1364 row and not bother with the records-keeping.
1365 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1365 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1366 1366
1367 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_display_row()\n")) 1367 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_display_row()\n"))
1368 1368
1369 if (rpng2_info.pass != prevpass) { 1369 if (rpng2_info.pass != prevpass) {
1370 if (pause_after_pass && rpng2_info.pass > 0) { 1370 if (pause_after_pass && rpng2_info.pass > 0) {
1371 XEvent e; 1371 XEvent e;
1372 KeySym k; 1372 KeySym k;
1373 1373
1374 fprintf(stderr, 1374 fprintf(stderr,
1375 "%s: end of pass %d of 7; click in image window to continue\n", 1375 "%s: end of pass %d of 7; click in image window to continue\n",
1376 PROGNAME, prevpass + 1); 1376 PROGNAME, prevpass + 1);
1377 do 1377 do
1378 XNextEvent(display, &e); 1378 XNextEvent(display, &e);
1379 while (!QUIT(e,k)); 1379 while (!QUIT(e,k));
1380 } 1380 }
1381 fprintf(stderr, "%s: pass %d of 7\r", PROGNAME, rpng2_info.pass + 1); 1381 fprintf(stderr, "%s: pass %d of 7\r", PROGNAME, rpng2_info.pass + 1);
1382 fflush(stderr); 1382 fflush(stderr);
1383 prevpass = rpng2_info.pass; 1383 prevpass = rpng2_info.pass;
1384 } 1384 }
1385 1385
1386 if (rows == 0) 1386 if (rows == 0)
1387 firstrow = row; /* first row that is not yet displayed */ 1387 firstrow = row; /* first row that is not yet displayed */
1388 1388
1389 ++rows; /* count of rows received but not yet displayed */ 1389 ++rows; /* count of rows received but not yet displayed */
1390 1390
1391/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1391/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1392 Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct, the lack of an outer loop 1392 Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct, the lack of an outer loop
1393 (over rows) and moving the XPutImage() call outside the "if (depth)" 1393 (over rows) and moving the XPutImage() call outside the "if (depth)"
1394 tests, this routine is identical to rpng_x_display_image() in the non- 1394 tests, this routine is identical to rpng_x_display_image() in the non-
1395 progressive version of the program. 1395 progressive version of the program.
1396 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1396 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1397 1397
1398 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 1398 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
1399 ulg red, green, blue; 1399 ulg red, green, blue;
1400 int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; 1400 int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel;
1401 1401
1402 src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes; 1402 src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes;
1403 if (bg_image) 1403 if (bg_image)
1404 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1404 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1405 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 1405 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
1406 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) { 1406 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) {
1407 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1407 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1408 red = *src++; 1408 red = *src++;
1409 green = *src++; 1409 green = *src++;
1410 blue = *src++; 1410 blue = *src++;
1411 pixel = (red << RShift) | 1411 pixel = (red << RShift) |
1412 (green << GShift) | 1412 (green << GShift) |
1413 (blue << BShift); 1413 (blue << BShift);
1414 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1414 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1415 if (bpp == 32) { 1415 if (bpp == 32) {
1416 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1416 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1417 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1417 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1418 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1418 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1419 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1419 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1420 } else { 1420 } else {
1421 /* GRR BUG? this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1421 /* GRR BUG? this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1422 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */ 1422 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */
1423 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1423 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1424 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1424 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1425 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1425 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1426 } 1426 }
1427 } 1427 }
1428 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ { 1428 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ {
1429 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1429 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1430 r = *src++; 1430 r = *src++;
1431 g = *src++; 1431 g = *src++;
1432 b = *src++; 1432 b = *src++;
1433 a = *src++; 1433 a = *src++;
1434 if (bg_image) { 1434 if (bg_image) {
1435 bg_red = *src2++; 1435 bg_red = *src2++;
1436 bg_green = *src2++; 1436 bg_green = *src2++;
1437 bg_blue = *src2++; 1437 bg_blue = *src2++;
1438 } 1438 }
1439 if (a == 255) { 1439 if (a == 255) {
1440 red = r; 1440 red = r;
1441 green = g; 1441 green = g;
1442 blue = b; 1442 blue = b;
1443 } else if (a == 0) { 1443 } else if (a == 0) {
1444 red = bg_red; 1444 red = bg_red;
1445 green = bg_green; 1445 green = bg_green;
1446 blue = bg_blue; 1446 blue = bg_blue;
1447 } else { 1447 } else {
1448 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground 1448 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground
1449 * and background values and puts the result into the 1449 * and background values and puts the result into the
1450 * first argument */ 1450 * first argument */
1451 alpha_composite(red, r, a, bg_red); 1451 alpha_composite(red, r, a, bg_red);
1452 alpha_composite(green, g, a, bg_green); 1452 alpha_composite(green, g, a, bg_green);
1453 alpha_composite(blue, b, a, bg_blue); 1453 alpha_composite(blue, b, a, bg_blue);
1454 } 1454 }
1455 pixel = (red << RShift) | 1455 pixel = (red << RShift) |
1456 (green << GShift) | 1456 (green << GShift) |
1457 (blue << BShift); 1457 (blue << BShift);
1458 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1458 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1459 if (bpp == 32) { 1459 if (bpp == 32) {
1460 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1460 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1461 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1461 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1462 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1462 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1463 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1463 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1464 } else { 1464 } else {
1465 /* GRR BUG? this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1465 /* GRR BUG? this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1466 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */ 1466 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */
1467 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1467 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1468 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1468 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1469 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1469 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1470 } 1470 }
1471 } 1471 }
1472 } 1472 }
1473 1473
1474 } else if (depth == 16) { 1474 } else if (depth == 16) {
1475 ush red, green, blue; 1475 ush red, green, blue;
1476 1476
1477 src = rpng2_info.row_pointers[row]; 1477 src = rpng2_info.row_pointers[row];
1478 if (bg_image) 1478 if (bg_image)
1479 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1479 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1480 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 1480 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
1481 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) { 1481 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) {
1482 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1482 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1483 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 1483 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
1484 ++src; 1484 ++src;
1485 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 1485 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
1486 ++src; 1486 ++src;
1487 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 1487 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
1488 ++src; 1488 ++src;
1489 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 1489 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
1490 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 1490 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
1491 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 1491 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
1492 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1492 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1493 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1493 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1494 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1494 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1495 } 1495 }
1496 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ { 1496 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ {
1497 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1497 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1498 r = *src++; 1498 r = *src++;
1499 g = *src++; 1499 g = *src++;
1500 b = *src++; 1500 b = *src++;
1501 a = *src++; 1501 a = *src++;
1502 if (bg_image) { 1502 if (bg_image) {
1503 bg_red = *src2++; 1503 bg_red = *src2++;
1504 bg_green = *src2++; 1504 bg_green = *src2++;
1505 bg_blue = *src2++; 1505 bg_blue = *src2++;
1506 } 1506 }
1507 if (a == 255) { 1507 if (a == 255) {
1508 red = ((ush)r << 8); 1508 red = ((ush)r << 8);
1509 green = ((ush)g << 8); 1509 green = ((ush)g << 8);
1510 blue = ((ush)b << 8); 1510 blue = ((ush)b << 8);
1511 } else if (a == 0) { 1511 } else if (a == 0) {
1512 red = ((ush)bg_red << 8); 1512 red = ((ush)bg_red << 8);
1513 green = ((ush)bg_green << 8); 1513 green = ((ush)bg_green << 8);
1514 blue = ((ush)bg_blue << 8); 1514 blue = ((ush)bg_blue << 8);
1515 } else { 1515 } else {
1516 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground 1516 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground
1517 * and background values and puts the result back into 1517 * and background values and puts the result back into
1518 * the first argument (== fg byte here: safe) */ 1518 * the first argument (== fg byte here: safe) */
1519 alpha_composite(r, r, a, bg_red); 1519 alpha_composite(r, r, a, bg_red);
1520 alpha_composite(g, g, a, bg_green); 1520 alpha_composite(g, g, a, bg_green);
1521 alpha_composite(b, b, a, bg_blue); 1521 alpha_composite(b, b, a, bg_blue);
1522 red = ((ush)r << 8); 1522 red = ((ush)r << 8);
1523 green = ((ush)g << 8); 1523 green = ((ush)g << 8);
1524 blue = ((ush)b << 8); 1524 blue = ((ush)b << 8);
1525 } 1525 }
1526 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 1526 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
1527 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 1527 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
1528 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 1528 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
1529 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1529 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1530 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1530 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1531 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1531 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1532 } 1532 }
1533 } 1533 }
1534 1534
1535 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 1535 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
1536 1536
1537 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 1537 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */
1538 1538
1539 } 1539 }
1540 1540
1541 1541
1542/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1542/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1543 Display after every 16 rows or when on one of last two rows. (Region 1543 Display after every 16 rows or when on one of last two rows. (Region
1544 may include previously displayed lines due to interlacing--i.e., not 1544 may include previously displayed lines due to interlacing--i.e., not
1545 contiguous. Also, second-to-last row is final one in interlaced images 1545 contiguous. Also, second-to-last row is final one in interlaced images
1546 with odd number of rows.) For demos, flush (and delay) after every 16th 1546 with odd number of rows.) For demos, flush (and delay) after every 16th
1547 row so "sparse" passes don't go twice as fast. 1547 row so "sparse" passes don't go twice as fast.
1548 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1548 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1549 1549
1550 if (demo_timing && (row - firstrow >= 16 || row >= rpng2_info.height-2)) { 1550 if (demo_timing && (row - firstrow >= 16 || row >= rpng2_info.height-2)) {
1551 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)firstrow, 0, 1551 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)firstrow, 0,
1552 (int)firstrow, rpng2_info.width, row - firstrow + 1); 1552 (int)firstrow, rpng2_info.width, row - firstrow + 1);
1553 XFlush(display); 1553 XFlush(display);
1554 rows = 0; 1554 rows = 0;
1555 usleep(usleep_duration); 1555 usleep(usleep_duration);
1556 } else 1556 } else
1557 if (!demo_timing && ((rows & 0xf) == 0 || row >= rpng2_info.height-2)) { 1557 if (!demo_timing && ((rows & 0xf) == 0 || row >= rpng2_info.height-2)) {
1558 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)firstrow, 0, 1558 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)firstrow, 0,
1559 (int)firstrow, rpng2_info.width, row - firstrow + 1); 1559 (int)firstrow, rpng2_info.width, row - firstrow + 1);
1560 XFlush(display); 1560 XFlush(display);
1561 rows = 0; 1561 rows = 0;
1562 } 1562 }
1563 1563
1564} 1564}
1565 1565
1566 1566
1567 1567
1568 1568
1569 1569
1570static void rpng2_x_finish_display(void) 1570static void rpng2_x_finish_display(void)
1571{ 1571{
1572 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_finish_display()\n")) 1572 Trace((stderr, "beginning rpng2_x_finish_display()\n"))
1573 1573
1574 /* last row has already been displayed by rpng2_x_display_row(), so we 1574 /* last row has already been displayed by rpng2_x_display_row(), so we
1575 * have nothing to do here except set a flag and let the user know that 1575 * have nothing to do here except set a flag and let the user know that
1576 * the image is done */ 1576 * the image is done */
1577 1577
1578 rpng2_info.state = kDone; 1578 rpng2_info.state = kDone;
1579 printf( 1579 printf(
1580 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"); 1580 "Done. Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n");
1581 fflush(stdout); 1581 fflush(stdout);
1582} 1582}
1583 1583
1584 1584
1585 1585
1586 1586
1587 1587
1588static void rpng2_x_redisplay_image(ulg startcol, ulg startrow, 1588static void rpng2_x_redisplay_image(ulg startcol, ulg startrow,
1589 ulg width, ulg height) 1589 ulg width, ulg height)
1590{ 1590{
1591 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red; 1591 uch bg_red = rpng2_info.bg_red;
1592 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green; 1592 uch bg_green = rpng2_info.bg_green;
1593 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue; 1593 uch bg_blue = rpng2_info.bg_blue;
1594 uch *src, *src2=NULL; 1594 uch *src, *src2=NULL;
1595 char *dest; 1595 char *dest;
1596 uch r, g, b, a; 1596 uch r, g, b, a;
1597 ulg i, row, lastrow = 0; 1597 ulg i, row, lastrow = 0;
1598 ulg pixel; 1598 ulg pixel;
1599 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line; 1599 int ximage_rowbytes = ximage->bytes_per_line;
1600 1600
1601 1601
1602 Trace((stderr, "beginning display loop (image_channels == %d)\n", 1602 Trace((stderr, "beginning display loop (image_channels == %d)\n",
1603 rpng2_info.channels)) 1603 rpng2_info.channels))
1604 Trace((stderr, " (width = %ld, rowbytes = %d, ximage_rowbytes = %d)\n", 1604 Trace((stderr, " (width = %ld, rowbytes = %d, ximage_rowbytes = %d)\n",
1605 rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.rowbytes, ximage_rowbytes)) 1605 rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.rowbytes, ximage_rowbytes))
1606 Trace((stderr, " (bpp = %d)\n", ximage->bits_per_pixel)) 1606 Trace((stderr, " (bpp = %d)\n", ximage->bits_per_pixel))
1607 Trace((stderr, " (byte_order = %s)\n", ximage->byte_order == MSBFirst? 1607 Trace((stderr, " (byte_order = %s)\n", ximage->byte_order == MSBFirst?
1608 "MSBFirst" : (ximage->byte_order == LSBFirst? "LSBFirst" : "unknown"))) 1608 "MSBFirst" : (ximage->byte_order == LSBFirst? "LSBFirst" : "unknown")))
1609 1609
1610/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1610/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611 Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct and of src2 (for background 1611 Aside from the use of the rpng2_info struct and of src2 (for background
1612 image), this routine is identical to rpng_x_display_image() in the non- 1612 image), this routine is identical to rpng_x_display_image() in the non-
1613 progressive version of the program--for the simple reason that redisplay 1613 progressive version of the program--for the simple reason that redisplay
1614 of the image against a new background happens after the image is fully 1614 of the image against a new background happens after the image is fully
1615 decoded and therefore is, by definition, non-progressive. 1615 decoded and therefore is, by definition, non-progressive.
1616 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1616 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1617 1617
1618 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) { 1618 if (depth == 24 || depth == 32) {
1619 ulg red, green, blue; 1619 ulg red, green, blue;
1620 int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; 1620 int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel;
1621 1621
1622 for (lastrow = row = startrow; row < startrow+height; ++row) { 1622 for (lastrow = row = startrow; row < startrow+height; ++row) {
1623 src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes; 1623 src = rpng2_info.image_data + row*rpng2_info.rowbytes;
1624 if (bg_image) 1624 if (bg_image)
1625 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1625 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1626 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 1626 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
1627 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) { 1627 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) {
1628 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1628 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1629 red = *src++; 1629 red = *src++;
1630 green = *src++; 1630 green = *src++;
1631 blue = *src++; 1631 blue = *src++;
1632#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS 1632#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS
1633 pixel = (red << RShift) | 1633 pixel = (red << RShift) |
1634 (green << GShift) | 1634 (green << GShift) |
1635 (blue << BShift); 1635 (blue << BShift);
1636 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1636 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1637 if (bpp == 32) { 1637 if (bpp == 32) {
1638 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1638 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1639 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1639 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1640 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1640 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1641 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1641 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1642 } else { 1642 } else {
1643 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1643 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1644 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */ 1644 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */
1645 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1645 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1646 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1646 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1647 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1647 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1648 } 1648 }
1649#else 1649#else
1650 red = (RShift < 0)? red << (-RShift) : red >> RShift; 1650 red = (RShift < 0)? red << (-RShift) : red >> RShift;
1651 green = (GShift < 0)? green << (-GShift) : green >> GShift; 1651 green = (GShift < 0)? green << (-GShift) : green >> GShift;
1652 blue = (BShift < 0)? blue << (-BShift) : blue >> BShift; 1652 blue = (BShift < 0)? blue << (-BShift) : blue >> BShift;
1653 pixel = (red & RMask) | (green & GMask) | (blue & BMask); 1653 pixel = (red & RMask) | (green & GMask) | (blue & BMask);
1654 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1654 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1655 if (bpp == 32) { 1655 if (bpp == 32) {
1656 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1656 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1657 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1657 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1658 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1658 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1659 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1659 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1660 } else { 1660 } else {
1661 /* GRR BUG */ 1661 /* GRR BUG */
1662 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1662 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1663 /* (probably need to use RShift/RMask/etc. here, too) */ 1663 /* (probably need to use RShift/RMask/etc. here, too) */
1664 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1664 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1665 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1665 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1666 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1666 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1667 } 1667 }
1668#endif 1668#endif
1669 } 1669 }
1670 1670
1671 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ { 1671 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ {
1672 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1672 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1673 r = *src++; 1673 r = *src++;
1674 g = *src++; 1674 g = *src++;
1675 b = *src++; 1675 b = *src++;
1676 a = *src++; 1676 a = *src++;
1677 if (bg_image) { 1677 if (bg_image) {
1678 bg_red = *src2++; 1678 bg_red = *src2++;
1679 bg_green = *src2++; 1679 bg_green = *src2++;
1680 bg_blue = *src2++; 1680 bg_blue = *src2++;
1681 } 1681 }
1682 if (a == 255) { 1682 if (a == 255) {
1683 red = r; 1683 red = r;
1684 green = g; 1684 green = g;
1685 blue = b; 1685 blue = b;
1686 } else if (a == 0) { 1686 } else if (a == 0) {
1687 red = bg_red; 1687 red = bg_red;
1688 green = bg_green; 1688 green = bg_green;
1689 blue = bg_blue; 1689 blue = bg_blue;
1690 } else { 1690 } else {
1691 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground 1691 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground
1692 * and background values and puts the result into the 1692 * and background values and puts the result into the
1693 * first argument */ 1693 * first argument */
1694 alpha_composite(red, r, a, bg_red); 1694 alpha_composite(red, r, a, bg_red);
1695 alpha_composite(green, g, a, bg_green); 1695 alpha_composite(green, g, a, bg_green);
1696 alpha_composite(blue, b, a, bg_blue); 1696 alpha_composite(blue, b, a, bg_blue);
1697 } 1697 }
1698#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS 1698#ifdef NO_24BIT_MASKS
1699 pixel = (red << RShift) | 1699 pixel = (red << RShift) |
1700 (green << GShift) | 1700 (green << GShift) |
1701 (blue << BShift); 1701 (blue << BShift);
1702 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1702 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1703 if (bpp == 32) { 1703 if (bpp == 32) {
1704 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1704 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1705 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1705 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1706 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1706 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1707 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1707 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1708 } else { 1708 } else {
1709 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1709 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1710 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */ 1710 /* (probably need to use RShift, RMask, etc.) */
1711 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1711 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1712 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1712 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1713 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1713 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1714 } 1714 }
1715#else 1715#else
1716 red = (RShift < 0)? red << (-RShift) : red >> RShift; 1716 red = (RShift < 0)? red << (-RShift) : red >> RShift;
1717 green = (GShift < 0)? green << (-GShift) : green >> GShift; 1717 green = (GShift < 0)? green << (-GShift) : green >> GShift;
1718 blue = (BShift < 0)? blue << (-BShift) : blue >> BShift; 1718 blue = (BShift < 0)? blue << (-BShift) : blue >> BShift;
1719 pixel = (red & RMask) | (green & GMask) | (blue & BMask); 1719 pixel = (red & RMask) | (green & GMask) | (blue & BMask);
1720 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1720 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1721 if (bpp == 32) { 1721 if (bpp == 32) {
1722 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff); 1722 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
1723 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1723 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1724 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1724 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1725 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1725 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1726 } else { 1726 } else {
1727 /* GRR BUG */ 1727 /* GRR BUG */
1728 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */ 1728 /* this assumes bpp == 24 & bits are packed low */
1729 /* (probably need to use RShift/RMask/etc. here, too) */ 1729 /* (probably need to use RShift/RMask/etc. here, too) */
1730 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); 1730 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
1731 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1731 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1732 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1732 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1733 } 1733 }
1734#endif 1734#endif
1735 } 1735 }
1736 } 1736 }
1737 /* display after every 16 lines */ 1737 /* display after every 16 lines */
1738 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) { 1738 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) {
1739 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0, 1739 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0,
1740 (int)lastrow, rpng2_info.width, 16); 1740 (int)lastrow, rpng2_info.width, 16);
1741 XFlush(display); 1741 XFlush(display);
1742 lastrow = row + 1; 1742 lastrow = row + 1;
1743 } 1743 }
1744 } 1744 }
1745 1745
1746 } else if (depth == 16) { 1746 } else if (depth == 16) {
1747 ush red, green, blue; 1747 ush red, green, blue;
1748 1748
1749 for (lastrow = row = startrow; row < startrow+height; ++row) { 1749 for (lastrow = row = startrow; row < startrow+height; ++row) {
1750 src = rpng2_info.row_pointers[row]; 1750 src = rpng2_info.row_pointers[row];
1751 if (bg_image) 1751 if (bg_image)
1752 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1752 src2 = bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1753 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes; 1753 dest = ximage->data + row*ximage_rowbytes;
1754 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) { 1754 if (rpng2_info.channels == 3) {
1755 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1755 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1756 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 1756 red = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
1757 ++src; 1757 ++src;
1758 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 1758 green = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
1759 ++src; 1759 ++src;
1760 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8); 1760 blue = ((ush)(*src) << 8);
1761 ++src; 1761 ++src;
1762 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 1762 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
1763 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 1763 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
1764 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 1764 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
1765 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1765 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1766 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1766 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1767 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1767 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1768 } 1768 }
1769 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ { 1769 } else /* if (rpng2_info.channels == 4) */ {
1770 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) { 1770 for (i = rpng2_info.width; i > 0; --i) {
1771 r = *src++; 1771 r = *src++;
1772 g = *src++; 1772 g = *src++;
1773 b = *src++; 1773 b = *src++;
1774 a = *src++; 1774 a = *src++;
1775 if (bg_image) { 1775 if (bg_image) {
1776 bg_red = *src2++; 1776 bg_red = *src2++;
1777 bg_green = *src2++; 1777 bg_green = *src2++;
1778 bg_blue = *src2++; 1778 bg_blue = *src2++;
1779 } 1779 }
1780 if (a == 255) { 1780 if (a == 255) {
1781 red = ((ush)r << 8); 1781 red = ((ush)r << 8);
1782 green = ((ush)g << 8); 1782 green = ((ush)g << 8);
1783 blue = ((ush)b << 8); 1783 blue = ((ush)b << 8);
1784 } else if (a == 0) { 1784 } else if (a == 0) {
1785 red = ((ush)bg_red << 8); 1785 red = ((ush)bg_red << 8);
1786 green = ((ush)bg_green << 8); 1786 green = ((ush)bg_green << 8);
1787 blue = ((ush)bg_blue << 8); 1787 blue = ((ush)bg_blue << 8);
1788 } else { 1788 } else {
1789 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground 1789 /* this macro (from png.h) composites the foreground
1790 * and background values and puts the result back into 1790 * and background values and puts the result back into
1791 * the first argument (== fg byte here: safe) */ 1791 * the first argument (== fg byte here: safe) */
1792 alpha_composite(r, r, a, bg_red); 1792 alpha_composite(r, r, a, bg_red);
1793 alpha_composite(g, g, a, bg_green); 1793 alpha_composite(g, g, a, bg_green);
1794 alpha_composite(b, b, a, bg_blue); 1794 alpha_composite(b, b, a, bg_blue);
1795 red = ((ush)r << 8); 1795 red = ((ush)r << 8);
1796 green = ((ush)g << 8); 1796 green = ((ush)g << 8);
1797 blue = ((ush)b << 8); 1797 blue = ((ush)b << 8);
1798 } 1798 }
1799 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) | 1799 pixel = ((red >> RShift) & RMask) |
1800 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) | 1800 ((green >> GShift) & GMask) |
1801 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask); 1801 ((blue >> BShift) & BMask);
1802 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */ 1802 /* recall that we set ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst above */
1803 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); 1803 *dest++ = (char)((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
1804 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff); 1804 *dest++ = (char)( pixel & 0xff);
1805 } 1805 }
1806 } 1806 }
1807 /* display after every 16 lines */ 1807 /* display after every 16 lines */
1808 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) { 1808 if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) {
1809 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0, 1809 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0,
1810 (int)lastrow, rpng2_info.width, 16); 1810 (int)lastrow, rpng2_info.width, 16);
1811 XFlush(display); 1811 XFlush(display);
1812 lastrow = row + 1; 1812 lastrow = row + 1;
1813 } 1813 }
1814 } 1814 }
1815 1815
1816 } else /* depth == 8 */ { 1816 } else /* depth == 8 */ {
1817 1817
1818 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */ 1818 /* GRR: add 8-bit support */
1819 1819
1820 } 1820 }
1821 1821
1822 Trace((stderr, "calling final XPutImage()\n")) 1822 Trace((stderr, "calling final XPutImage()\n"))
1823 if (lastrow < startrow+height) { 1823 if (lastrow < startrow+height) {
1824 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0, 1824 XPutImage(display, window, gc, ximage, 0, (int)lastrow, 0,
1825 (int)lastrow, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height-lastrow); 1825 (int)lastrow, rpng2_info.width, rpng2_info.height-lastrow);
1826 XFlush(display); 1826 XFlush(display);
1827 } 1827 }
1828 1828
1829} /* end function rpng2_x_redisplay_image() */ 1829} /* end function rpng2_x_redisplay_image() */
1830 1830
1831 1831
1832 1832
1833 1833
1834 1834
1835#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP 1835#ifdef FEATURE_LOOP
1836 1836
1837static void rpng2_x_reload_bg_image(void) 1837static void rpng2_x_reload_bg_image(void)
1838{ 1838{
1839 char *dest; 1839 char *dest;
1840 uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2; 1840 uch r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2;
1841 uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv; 1841 uch r1_inv, r2_inv, g1_inv, g2_inv, b1_inv, b2_inv;
1842 int k, hmax, max; 1842 int k, hmax, max;
1843 int xidx, yidx, yidx_max; 1843 int xidx, yidx, yidx_max;
1844 int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd; 1844 int even_odd_vert, even_odd_horiz, even_odd;
1845 int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08); 1845 int invert_gradient2 = (bg[pat].type & 0x08);
1846 int invert_column; 1846 int invert_column;
1847 ulg i, row; 1847 ulg i, row;
1848 1848
1849 1849
1850 bgscale = (pat == 0)? 8 : bgscale_default; 1850 bgscale = (pat == 0)? 8 : bgscale_default;
1851 yidx_max = bgscale - 1; 1851 yidx_max = bgscale - 1;
1852 1852
1853/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1853/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1854 Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and 1854 Vertical gradients (ramps) in NxN squares, alternating direction and
1855 colors (N == bgscale). 1855 colors (N == bgscale).
1856 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1856 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1857 1857
1858 if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) { 1858 if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 0) {
1859 uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r; 1859 uch r1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].r;
1860 uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g; 1860 uch g1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].g;
1861 uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b; 1861 uch b1_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_min].b;
1862 uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r; 1862 uch r2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].r;
1863 uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g; 1863 uch g2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].g;
1864 uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b; 1864 uch b2_min = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_min].b;
1865 int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min; 1865 int r1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r - r1_min;
1866 int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min; 1866 int g1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g - g1_min;
1867 int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min; 1867 int b1_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b - b1_min;
1868 int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min; 1868 int r2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r - r2_min;
1869 int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min; 1869 int g2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g - g2_min;
1870 int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min; 1870 int b2_diff = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b - b2_min;
1871 1871
1872 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1872 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1873 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale); 1873 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale);
1874 even_odd_vert = (int)((row / bgscale) & 1); 1874 even_odd_vert = (int)((row / bgscale) & 1);
1875 1875
1876 r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1876 r1 = r1_min + (r1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1877 g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1877 g1 = g1_min + (g1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1878 b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1878 b1 = b1_min + (b1_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1879 r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1879 r1_inv = r1_min + (r1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1880 g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1880 g1_inv = g1_min + (g1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1881 b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1881 b1_inv = b1_min + (b1_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1882 1882
1883 r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1883 r2 = r2_min + (r2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1884 g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1884 g2 = g2_min + (g2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1885 b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max; 1885 b2 = b2_min + (b2_diff * yidx) / yidx_max;
1886 r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1886 r2_inv = r2_min + (r2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1887 g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1887 g2_inv = g2_min + (g2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1888 b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max; 1888 b2_inv = b2_min + (b2_diff * (yidx_max-yidx)) / yidx_max;
1889 1889
1890 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1890 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1891 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 1891 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
1892 even_odd_horiz = (int)((i / bgscale) & 1); 1892 even_odd_horiz = (int)((i / bgscale) & 1);
1893 even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz; 1893 even_odd = even_odd_vert ^ even_odd_horiz;
1894 invert_column = 1894 invert_column =
1895 (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10)); 1895 (even_odd_horiz && (bg[pat].type & 0x10));
1896 if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */ 1896 if (even_odd == 0) { /* gradient #1 */
1897 if (invert_column) { 1897 if (invert_column) {
1898 *dest++ = r1_inv; 1898 *dest++ = r1_inv;
1899 *dest++ = g1_inv; 1899 *dest++ = g1_inv;
1900 *dest++ = b1_inv; 1900 *dest++ = b1_inv;
1901 } else { 1901 } else {
1902 *dest++ = r1; 1902 *dest++ = r1;
1903 *dest++ = g1; 1903 *dest++ = g1;
1904 *dest++ = b1; 1904 *dest++ = b1;
1905 } 1905 }
1906 } else { /* gradient #2 */ 1906 } else { /* gradient #2 */
1907 if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) || 1907 if ((invert_column && invert_gradient2) ||
1908 (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2)) 1908 (!invert_column && !invert_gradient2))
1909 { 1909 {
1910 *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */ 1910 *dest++ = r2; /* not inverted or */
1911 *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */ 1911 *dest++ = g2; /* doubly inverted */
1912 *dest++ = b2; 1912 *dest++ = b2;
1913 } else { 1913 } else {
1914 *dest++ = r2_inv; 1914 *dest++ = r2_inv;
1915 *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */ 1915 *dest++ = g2_inv; /* singly inverted */
1916 *dest++ = b2_inv; 1916 *dest++ = b2_inv;
1917 } 1917 }
1918 } 1918 }
1919 } 1919 }
1920 } 1920 }
1921 1921
1922/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1922/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1923 Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam 1923 Soft gradient-diamonds with scale = bgscale. Code contributed by Adam
1924 M. Costello. 1924 M. Costello.
1925 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1925 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1926 1926
1927 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) { 1927 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 1) {
1928 1928
1929 hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */ 1929 hmax = (bgscale-1)/2; /* half the max weight of a color */
1930 max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */ 1930 max = 2*hmax; /* the max weight of a color */
1931 1931
1932 r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r; 1932 r1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].r;
1933 g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g; 1933 g1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].g;
1934 b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b; 1934 b1 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb1_max].b;
1935 r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r; 1935 r2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].r;
1936 g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g; 1936 g2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].g;
1937 b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b; 1937 b2 = rgb[bg[pat].rgb2_max].b;
1938 1938
1939 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1939 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1940 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale); 1940 yidx = (int)(row % bgscale);
1941 if (yidx > hmax) 1941 if (yidx > hmax)
1942 yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx; 1942 yidx = bgscale-1 - yidx;
1943 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1943 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1944 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 1944 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
1945 xidx = (int)(i % bgscale); 1945 xidx = (int)(i % bgscale);
1946 if (xidx > hmax) 1946 if (xidx > hmax)
1947 xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx; 1947 xidx = bgscale-1 - xidx;
1948 k = xidx + yidx; 1948 k = xidx + yidx;
1949 *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max; 1949 *dest++ = (k*r1 + (max-k)*r2) / max;
1950 *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max; 1950 *dest++ = (k*g1 + (max-k)*g2) / max;
1951 *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max; 1951 *dest++ = (k*b1 + (max-k)*b2) / max;
1952 } 1952 }
1953 } 1953 }
1954 1954
1955/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1955/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1956 Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu- 1956 Radial "starburst" with azimuthal sinusoids; [eventually number of sinu-
1957 soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con- 1957 soids will equal bgscale?]. This one is slow but very cool. Code con-
1958 tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk). 1958 tributed by Pieter S. van der Meulen (originally in Smalltalk).
1959 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 1959 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1960 1960
1961 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) { 1961 } else if ((bg[pat].type & 0x07) == 2) {
1962 uch ch; 1962 uch ch;
1963 int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot; 1963 int ii, x, y, hw, hh, grayspot;
1964 double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity; 1964 double freq, rotate, saturate, gray, intensity;
1965 double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist; 1965 double angle=0.0, aoffset=0.0, maxDist, dist;
1966 double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t; 1966 double red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0, hue, s, v, f, p, q, t;
1967 1967
1968 hh = (int)(rpng2_info.height / 2); 1968 hh = (int)(rpng2_info.height / 2);
1969 hw = (int)(rpng2_info.width / 2); 1969 hw = (int)(rpng2_info.width / 2);
1970 1970
1971 /* variables for radial waves: 1971 /* variables for radial waves:
1972 * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED] 1972 * aoffset: number of degrees to rotate hue [CURRENTLY NOT USED]
1973 * freq: number of color beams originating from the center 1973 * freq: number of color beams originating from the center
1974 * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias) 1974 * grayspot: size of the graying center area (anti-alias)
1975 * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius 1975 * rotate: rotation of the beams as a function of radius
1976 * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally 1976 * saturate: saturation of beams' shape azimuthally
1977 */ 1977 */
1978 angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0); 1978 angle = CLIP(angle, 0.0, 360.0);
1979 grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw)); 1979 grayspot = CLIP(bg[pat].bg_gray, 1, (hh + hw));
1980 freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0); 1980 freq = MAX((double)bg[pat].bg_freq, 0.0);
1981 saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1; 1981 saturate = (double)bg[pat].bg_bsat * 0.1;
1982 rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1; 1982 rotate = (double)bg[pat].bg_brot * 0.1;
1983 gray = 0.0; 1983 gray = 0.0;
1984 intensity = 0.0; 1984 intensity = 0.0;
1985 maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh)); 1985 maxDist = (double)((hw*hw) + (hh*hh));
1986 1986
1987 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) { 1987 for (row = 0; row < rpng2_info.height; ++row) {
1988 y = (int)(row - hh); 1988 y = (int)(row - hh);
1989 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes; 1989 dest = (char *)bg_data + row*bg_rowbytes;
1990 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) { 1990 for (i = 0; i < rpng2_info.width; ++i) {
1991 x = (int)(i - hw); 1991 x = (int)(i - hw);
1992 angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x); 1992 angle = (x == 0)? PI_2 : atan((double)y / (double)x);
1993 gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot; 1993 gray = (double)MAX(ABS(y), ABS(x)) / grayspot;
1994 gray = MIN(1.0, gray); 1994 gray = MIN(1.0, gray);
1995 dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist; 1995 dist = (double)((x*x) + (y*y)) / maxDist;
1996 intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) * 1996 intensity = cos((angle+(rotate*dist*PI)) * freq) *
1997 gray * saturate; 1997 gray * saturate;
1998 intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5; 1998 intensity = (MAX(MIN(intensity,1.0),-1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5;
1999 hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset; 1999 hue = (angle + PI) * INV_PI_360 + aoffset;
2000 s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh)); 2000 s = gray * ((double)(ABS(x)+ABS(y)) / (double)(hw + hh));
2001 s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0); 2001 s = MIN(MAX(s,0.0), 1.0);
2002 v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0); 2002 v = MIN(MAX(intensity,0.0), 1.0);
2003 2003
2004 if (s == 0.0) { 2004 if (s == 0.0) {
2005 ch = (uch)(v * 255.0); 2005 ch = (uch)(v * 255.0);
2006 *dest++ = ch; 2006 *dest++ = ch;
2007 *dest++ = ch; 2007 *dest++ = ch;
2008 *dest++ = ch; 2008 *dest++ = ch;
2009 } else { 2009 } else {
2010 if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0)) 2010 if ((hue < 0.0) || (hue >= 360.0))
2011 hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0); 2011 hue -= (((int)(hue / 360.0)) * 360.0);
2012 hue /= 60.0; 2012 hue /= 60.0;
2013 ii = (int)hue; 2013 ii = (int)hue;
2014 f = hue - (double)ii; 2014 f = hue - (double)ii;
2015 p = (1.0 - s) * v; 2015 p = (1.0 - s) * v;
2016 q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v; 2016 q = (1.0 - (s * f)) * v;
2017 t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v; 2017 t = (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v;
2018 if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; } 2018 if (ii == 0) { red = v; green = t; blue = p; }
2019 else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; } 2019 else if (ii == 1) { red = q; green = v; blue = p; }
2020 else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; } 2020 else if (ii == 2) { red = p; green = v; blue = t; }
2021 else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; } 2021 else if (ii == 3) { red = p; green = q; blue = v; }
2022 else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; } 2022 else if (ii == 4) { red = t; green = p; blue = v; }
2023 else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; } 2023 else if (ii == 5) { red = v; green = p; blue = q; }
2024 *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0); 2024 *dest++ = (uch)(red * 255.0);
2025 *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0); 2025 *dest++ = (uch)(green * 255.0);
2026 *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0); 2026 *dest++ = (uch)(blue * 255.0);
2027 } 2027 }
2028 } 2028 }
2029 } 2029 }
2030 } 2030 }
2031 2031
2032} /* end function rpng2_x_reload_bg_image() */ 2032} /* end function rpng2_x_reload_bg_image() */
2033 2033
2034 2034
2035 2035
2036 2036
2037 2037
2038static int is_number(char *p) 2038static int is_number(char *p)
2039{ 2039{
2040 while (*p) { 2040 while (*p) {
2041 if (!isdigit(*p)) 2041 if (!isdigit(*p))
2042 return FALSE; 2042 return FALSE;
2043 ++p; 2043 ++p;
2044 } 2044 }
2045 return TRUE; 2045 return TRUE;
2046} 2046}
2047 2047
2048#endif /* FEATURE_LOOP */ 2048#endif /* FEATURE_LOOP */
2049 2049
2050 2050
2051 2051
2052 2052
2053 2053
2054static void rpng2_x_cleanup(void) 2054static void rpng2_x_cleanup(void)
2055{ 2055{
2056 if (bg_image && bg_data) { 2056 if (bg_image && bg_data) {
2057 free(bg_data); 2057 free(bg_data);
2058 bg_data = NULL; 2058 bg_data = NULL;
2059 } 2059 }
2060 2060
2061 if (rpng2_info.image_data) { 2061 if (rpng2_info.image_data) {
2062 free(rpng2_info.image_data); 2062 free(rpng2_info.image_data);
2063 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL; 2063 rpng2_info.image_data = NULL;
2064 } 2064 }
2065 2065
2066 if (rpng2_info.row_pointers) { 2066 if (rpng2_info.row_pointers) {
2067 free(rpng2_info.row_pointers); 2067 free(rpng2_info.row_pointers);
2068 rpng2_info.row_pointers = NULL; 2068 rpng2_info.row_pointers = NULL;
2069 } 2069 }
2070 2070
2071 if (ximage) { 2071 if (ximage) {
2072 if (ximage->data) { 2072 if (ximage->data) {
2073 free(ximage->data); /* we allocated it, so we free it */ 2073 free(ximage->data); /* we allocated it, so we free it */
2074 ximage->data = (char *)NULL; /* instead of XDestroyImage() */ 2074 ximage->data = (char *)NULL; /* instead of XDestroyImage() */
2075 } 2075 }
2076 XDestroyImage(ximage); 2076 XDestroyImage(ximage);
2077 ximage = NULL; 2077 ximage = NULL;
2078 } 2078 }
2079 2079
2080 if (have_gc) 2080 if (have_gc)
2081 XFreeGC(display, gc); 2081 XFreeGC(display, gc);
2082 2082
2083 if (have_window) 2083 if (have_window)
2084 XDestroyWindow(display, window); 2084 XDestroyWindow(display, window);
2085 2085
2086 if (have_colormap) 2086 if (have_colormap)
2087 XFreeColormap(display, colormap); 2087 XFreeColormap(display, colormap);
2088 2088
2089 if (have_nondefault_visual) 2089 if (have_nondefault_visual)
2090 XFree(visual_list); 2090 XFree(visual_list);
2091} 2091}
2092 2092
2093 2093
2094 2094
2095 2095
2096 2096
2097static int rpng2_x_msb(ulg u32val) 2097static int rpng2_x_msb(ulg u32val)
2098{ 2098{
2099 int i; 2099 int i;
2100 2100
2101 for (i = 31; i >= 0; --i) { 2101 for (i = 31; i >= 0; --i) {
2102 if (u32val & 0x80000000L) 2102 if (u32val & 0x80000000L)
2103 break; 2103 break;
2104 u32val <<= 1; 2104 u32val <<= 1;
2105 } 2105 }
2106 return i; 2106 return i;
2107} 2107}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/wpng.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/wpng.c
index 30372a3..a06e352 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/wpng.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/wpng.c
@@ -1,853 +1,853 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 wpng - simple PNG-writing program wpng.c 3 wpng - simple PNG-writing program wpng.c
4 4
5 This program converts certain NetPBM binary files (grayscale and RGB, 5 This program converts certain NetPBM binary files (grayscale and RGB,
6 maxval = 255) to PNG. Non-interlaced PNGs are written progressively; 6 maxval = 255) to PNG. Non-interlaced PNGs are written progressively;
7 interlaced PNGs are read and written in one memory-intensive blast. 7 interlaced PNGs are read and written in one memory-intensive blast.
8 8
9 Thanks to Jean-loup Gailly for providing the necessary trick to read 9 Thanks to Jean-loup Gailly for providing the necessary trick to read
10 interactive text from the keyboard while stdin is redirected. Thanks 10 interactive text from the keyboard while stdin is redirected. Thanks
11 to Cosmin Truta for Cygwin fixes. 11 to Cosmin Truta for Cygwin fixes.
12 12
13 NOTE: includes provisional support for PNM type "8" (portable alphamap) 13 NOTE: includes provisional support for PNM type "8" (portable alphamap)
14 images, presumed to be a 32-bit interleaved RGBA format; no pro- 14 images, presumed to be a 32-bit interleaved RGBA format; no pro-
15 vision for possible interleaved grayscale+alpha (16-bit) format. 15 vision for possible interleaved grayscale+alpha (16-bit) format.
17 17
18 to do: 18 to do:
19 - delete output file if quit before calling any writepng routines 19 - delete output file if quit before calling any writepng routines
20 - process backspace with -text option under DOS/Win? (currently get ^H) 20 - process backspace with -text option under DOS/Win? (currently get ^H)
21 21
22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
24 Changelog: 24 Changelog:
25 - 1.01: initial public release 25 - 1.01: initial public release
26 - 1.02: modified to allow abbreviated options 26 - 1.02: modified to allow abbreviated options
27 - 1.03: removed extraneous character from usage screen; fixed bug in 27 - 1.03: removed extraneous character from usage screen; fixed bug in
28 command-line parsing 28 command-line parsing
29 - 1.04: fixed DOS/OS2/Win32 detection, including partial Cygwin fix 29 - 1.04: fixed DOS/OS2/Win32 detection, including partial Cygwin fix
30 (see http://home.att.net/~perlspinr/diffs/GregBook_cygwin.diff) 30 (see http://home.att.net/~perlspinr/diffs/GregBook_cygwin.diff)
31 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL) 31 - 2.00: dual-licensed (added GNU GPL)
32 32
33 [REPORTED BUG (win32 only): "contrib/gregbook/wpng.c - cmd line 33 [REPORTED BUG (win32 only): "contrib/gregbook/wpng.c - cmd line
34 dose not work! In order to do something useful I needed to redirect 34 dose not work! In order to do something useful I needed to redirect
35 both input and output, with cygwin and with bcc32 as well. Under 35 both input and output, with cygwin and with bcc32 as well. Under
36 Linux, the same wpng appears to work fine. I don't know what is 36 Linux, the same wpng appears to work fine. I don't know what is
37 the problem."] 37 the problem."]
38 38
39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 40
41 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 41 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
42 42
43 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 43 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
44 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 44 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
45 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 45 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
46 this software. 46 this software.
47 47
48 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 48 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
49 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 49 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
50 following two licenses (at your option): 50 following two licenses (at your option):
51 51
52 52
53 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 53 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
54 54
55 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 55 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
56 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 56 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
57 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 57 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
58 58
59 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 59 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
60 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 60 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
61 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 61 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
62 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 62 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
63 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 63 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
64 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 64 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
65 software must display the following acknowledgment: 65 software must display the following acknowledgment:
66 66
67 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 67 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
68 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 68 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
69 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 69 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
70 70
71 71
72 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 72 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
73 73
74 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 74 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
75 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 75 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
76 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 76 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
77 (at your option) any later version. 77 (at your option) any later version.
78 78
79 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 79 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
80 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 80 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
82 GNU General Public License for more details. 82 GNU General Public License for more details.
83 83
84 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 84 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
85 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 85 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
86 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 86 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
87 87
88 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 88 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
89 89
90#define PROGNAME "wpng" 90#define PROGNAME "wpng"
91#define VERSION "2.00 of 2 June 2007" 91#define VERSION "2.00 of 2 June 2007"
92#define APPNAME "Simple PGM/PPM/PAM to PNG Converter" 92#define APPNAME "Simple PGM/PPM/PAM to PNG Converter"
93 93
94#if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__OS2__) 94#if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__OS2__)
95# define DOS_OS2_W32 95# define DOS_OS2_W32
96#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) 96#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)
97# ifndef __GNUC__ /* treat Win32 native ports of gcc as Unix environments */ 97# ifndef __GNUC__ /* treat Win32 native ports of gcc as Unix environments */
98# define DOS_OS2_W32 98# define DOS_OS2_W32
99# endif 99# endif
100#endif 100#endif
101 101
102#include <stdio.h> 102#include <stdio.h>
103#include <stdlib.h> 103#include <stdlib.h>
104#include <string.h> 104#include <string.h>
105#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in writepng.h */ 105#include <setjmp.h> /* for jmpbuf declaration in writepng.h */
106#include <time.h> 106#include <time.h>
107 107
108#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32 108#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32
109# include <io.h> /* for isatty(), setmode() prototypes */ 109# include <io.h> /* for isatty(), setmode() prototypes */
110# include <fcntl.h> /* O_BINARY for fdopen() without text translation */ 110# include <fcntl.h> /* O_BINARY for fdopen() without text translation */
111# ifdef __EMX__ 111# ifdef __EMX__
112# ifndef getch 112# ifndef getch
113# define getch() _read_kbd(0, 1, 0) /* need getche() */ 113# define getch() _read_kbd(0, 1, 0) /* need getche() */
114# endif 114# endif
115# else /* !__EMX__ */ 115# else /* !__EMX__ */
116# ifdef __GO32__ 116# ifdef __GO32__
117# include <pc.h> 117# include <pc.h>
118# define getch() getkey() /* GRR: need getche() */ 118# define getch() getkey() /* GRR: need getche() */
119# else 119# else
120# include <conio.h> /* for getche() console input */ 120# include <conio.h> /* for getche() console input */
121# endif 121# endif
122# endif /* ?__EMX__ */ 122# endif /* ?__EMX__ */
123# define FGETS(buf,len,stream) dos_kbd_gets(buf,len) 123# define FGETS(buf,len,stream) dos_kbd_gets(buf,len)
124#else 124#else
125# include <unistd.h> /* for isatty() prototype */ 125# include <unistd.h> /* for isatty() prototype */
126# define FGETS fgets 126# define FGETS fgets
127#endif 127#endif
128 128
129/* #define DEBUG : this enables the Trace() macros */ 129/* #define DEBUG : this enables the Trace() macros */
130 130
131/* #define FORBID_LATIN1_CTRL : this requires the user to re-enter any 131/* #define FORBID_LATIN1_CTRL : this requires the user to re-enter any
132 text that includes control characters discouraged by the PNG spec; text 132 text that includes control characters discouraged by the PNG spec; text
133 that includes an escape character (27) must be re-entered regardless */ 133 that includes an escape character (27) must be re-entered regardless */
134 134
135#include "writepng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, writepng prototypes */ 135#include "writepng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, writepng prototypes */
136 136
137 137
138 138
139/* local prototypes */ 139/* local prototypes */
140 140
141static int wpng_isvalid_latin1(uch *p, int len); 141static int wpng_isvalid_latin1(uch *p, int len);
142static void wpng_cleanup(void); 142static void wpng_cleanup(void);
143 143
144#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32 144#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32
145 static char *dos_kbd_gets(char *buf, int len); 145 static char *dos_kbd_gets(char *buf, int len);
146#endif 146#endif
147 147
148 148
149 149
150static mainprog_info wpng_info; /* lone global */ 150static mainprog_info wpng_info; /* lone global */
151 151
152 152
153 153
154int main(int argc, char **argv) 154int main(int argc, char **argv)
155{ 155{
156#ifndef DOS_OS2_W32 156#ifndef DOS_OS2_W32
157 FILE *keybd; 157 FILE *keybd;
158#endif 158#endif
159#ifdef sgi 159#ifdef sgi
160 FILE *tmpfile; /* or we could just use keybd, since no overlap */ 160 FILE *tmpfile; /* or we could just use keybd, since no overlap */
161 char tmpline[80]; 161 char tmpline[80];
162#endif 162#endif
163 char *inname = NULL, outname[256]; 163 char *inname = NULL, outname[256];
164 char *p, pnmchar, pnmline[256]; 164 char *p, pnmchar, pnmline[256];
165 char *bgstr, *textbuf = NULL; 165 char *bgstr, *textbuf = NULL;
166 ulg rowbytes; 166 ulg rowbytes;
167 int rc, len = 0; 167 int rc, len = 0;
168 int error = 0; 168 int error = 0;
169 int text = FALSE; 169 int text = FALSE;
170 int maxval; 170 int maxval;
171 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */ 171 double LUT_exponent; /* just the lookup table */
172 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */ 172 double CRT_exponent = 2.2; /* just the monitor */
173 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */ 173 double default_display_exponent; /* whole display system */
174 double default_gamma = 0.0; 174 double default_gamma = 0.0;
175 175
176 176
177 wpng_info.infile = NULL; 177 wpng_info.infile = NULL;
178 wpng_info.outfile = NULL; 178 wpng_info.outfile = NULL;
179 wpng_info.image_data = NULL; 179 wpng_info.image_data = NULL;
180 wpng_info.row_pointers = NULL; 180 wpng_info.row_pointers = NULL;
181 wpng_info.filter = FALSE; 181 wpng_info.filter = FALSE;
182 wpng_info.interlaced = FALSE; 182 wpng_info.interlaced = FALSE;
183 wpng_info.have_bg = FALSE; 183 wpng_info.have_bg = FALSE;
184 wpng_info.have_time = FALSE; 184 wpng_info.have_time = FALSE;
185 wpng_info.have_text = 0; 185 wpng_info.have_text = 0;
186 wpng_info.gamma = 0.0; 186 wpng_info.gamma = 0.0;
187 187
188 188
189 /* First get the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e., 189 /* First get the default value for our display-system exponent, i.e.,
190 * the product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to 190 * the product of the CRT exponent and the exponent corresponding to
191 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. If the PNM image 191 * the frame-buffer's lookup table (LUT), if any. If the PNM image
192 * looks correct on the user's display system, its file gamma is the 192 * looks correct on the user's display system, its file gamma is the
193 * inverse of this value. (Note that this is not an exhaustive list 193 * inverse of this value. (Note that this is not an exhaustive list
194 * of LUT values--e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird ones--but it should 194 * of LUT values--e.g., OpenStep has a lot of weird ones--but it should
195 * cover 99% of the current possibilities. This section must ensure 195 * cover 99% of the current possibilities. This section must ensure
196 * that default_display_exponent is positive.) */ 196 * that default_display_exponent is positive.) */
197 197
198#if defined(NeXT) 198#if defined(NeXT)
199 /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */ 199 /* third-party utilities can modify the default LUT exponent */
200 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2; 200 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 2.2;
201 /* 201 /*
202 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma)) 202 if (some_next_function_that_returns_gamma(&next_gamma))
203 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma; 203 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / next_gamma;
204 */ 204 */
205#elif defined(sgi) 205#elif defined(sgi)
206 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7; 206 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / 1.7;
207 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to 207 /* there doesn't seem to be any documented function to
208 * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */ 208 * get the "gamma" value, so we do it the hard way */
209 tmpfile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r"); 209 tmpfile = fopen("/etc/config/system.glGammaVal", "r");
210 if (tmpfile) { 210 if (tmpfile) {
211 double sgi_gamma; 211 double sgi_gamma;
212 212
213 fgets(tmpline, 80, tmpfile); 213 fgets(tmpline, 80, tmpfile);
214 fclose(tmpfile); 214 fclose(tmpfile);
215 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline); 215 sgi_gamma = atof(tmpline);
216 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0) 216 if (sgi_gamma > 0.0)
217 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma; 217 LUT_exponent = 1.0 / sgi_gamma;
218 } 218 }
219#elif defined(Macintosh) 219#elif defined(Macintosh)
220 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61; 220 LUT_exponent = 1.8 / 2.61;
221 /* 221 /*
222 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma)) 222 if (some_mac_function_that_returns_gamma(&mac_gamma))
223 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61; 223 LUT_exponent = mac_gamma / 2.61;
224 */ 224 */
225#else 225#else
226 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */ 226 LUT_exponent = 1.0; /* assume no LUT: most PCs */
227#endif 227#endif
228 228
229 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */ 229 /* the defaults above give 1.0, 1.3, 1.5 and 2.2, respectively: */
230 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent; 230 default_display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent;
231 231
232 232
233 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested 233 /* If the user has set the SCREEN_GAMMA environment variable as suggested
234 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise 234 * (somewhat imprecisely) in the libpng documentation, use that; otherwise
235 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may 235 * use the default value we just calculated. Either way, the user may
236 * override this via a command-line option. */ 236 * override this via a command-line option. */
237 237
238 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL) { 238 if ((p = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL) {
239 double exponent = atof(p); 239 double exponent = atof(p);
240 240
241 if (exponent > 0.0) 241 if (exponent > 0.0)
242 default_gamma = 1.0 / exponent; 242 default_gamma = 1.0 / exponent;
243 } 243 }
244 244
245 if (default_gamma == 0.0) 245 if (default_gamma == 0.0)
246 default_gamma = 1.0 / default_display_exponent; 246 default_gamma = 1.0 / default_display_exponent;
247 247
248 248
249 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNM filename. */ 249 /* Now parse the command line for options and the PNM filename. */
250 250
251 while (*++argv && !error) { 251 while (*++argv && !error) {
252 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-i", 2)) { 252 if (!strncmp(*argv, "-i", 2)) {
253 wpng_info.interlaced = TRUE; 253 wpng_info.interlaced = TRUE;
254 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-time", 3)) { 254 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-time", 3)) {
255 wpng_info.modtime = time(NULL); 255 wpng_info.modtime = time(NULL);
256 wpng_info.have_time = TRUE; 256 wpng_info.have_time = TRUE;
257 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-text", 3)) { 257 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-text", 3)) {
258 text = TRUE; 258 text = TRUE;
259 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) { 259 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-gamma", 2)) {
260 if (!*++argv) 260 if (!*++argv)
261 ++error; 261 ++error;
262 else { 262 else {
263 wpng_info.gamma = atof(*argv); 263 wpng_info.gamma = atof(*argv);
264 if (wpng_info.gamma <= 0.0) 264 if (wpng_info.gamma <= 0.0)
265 ++error; 265 ++error;
266 else if (wpng_info.gamma > 1.01) 266 else if (wpng_info.gamma > 1.01)
267 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 267 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
268 " warning: file gammas are usually less than 1.0\n"); 268 " warning: file gammas are usually less than 1.0\n");
269 } 269 }
270 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) { 270 } else if (!strncmp(*argv, "-bgcolor", 4)) {
271 if (!*++argv) 271 if (!*++argv)
272 ++error; 272 ++error;
273 else { 273 else {
274 bgstr = *argv; 274 bgstr = *argv;
275 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#') 275 if (strlen(bgstr) != 7 || bgstr[0] != '#')
276 ++error; 276 ++error;
277 else { 277 else {
278 unsigned r, g, b; /* this way quiets compiler warnings */ 278 unsigned r, g, b; /* this way quiets compiler warnings */
279 279
280 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b); 280 sscanf(bgstr+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b);
281 wpng_info.bg_red = (uch)r; 281 wpng_info.bg_red = (uch)r;
282 wpng_info.bg_green = (uch)g; 282 wpng_info.bg_green = (uch)g;
283 wpng_info.bg_blue = (uch)b; 283 wpng_info.bg_blue = (uch)b;
284 wpng_info.have_bg = TRUE; 284 wpng_info.have_bg = TRUE;
285 } 285 }
286 } 286 }
287 } else { 287 } else {
288 if (**argv != '-') { 288 if (**argv != '-') {
289 inname = *argv; 289 inname = *argv;
290 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */ 290 if (argv[1]) /* shouldn't be any more args after filename */
291 ++error; 291 ++error;
292 } else 292 } else
293 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */ 293 ++error; /* not expecting any other options */
294 } 294 }
295 } 295 }
296 296
297 297
298 /* open the input and output files, or register an error and abort */ 298 /* open the input and output files, or register an error and abort */
299 299
300 if (!inname) { 300 if (!inname) {
301 if (isatty(0)) { 301 if (isatty(0)) {
302 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 302 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
303 ": must give input filename or provide image data via stdin\n"); 303 ": must give input filename or provide image data via stdin\n");
304 ++error; 304 ++error;
305 } else { 305 } else {
306#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32 306#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32
307 /* some buggy C libraries require BOTH setmode() and fdopen(bin) */ 307 /* some buggy C libraries require BOTH setmode() and fdopen(bin) */
308 setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY); 308 setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY);
309 setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY); 309 setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);
310#endif 310#endif
311 if ((wpng_info.infile = fdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb")) == NULL) { 311 if ((wpng_info.infile = fdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb")) == NULL) {
312 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 312 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
313 ": unable to reopen stdin in binary mode\n"); 313 ": unable to reopen stdin in binary mode\n");
314 ++error; 314 ++error;
315 } else 315 } else
316 if ((wpng_info.outfile = fdopen(fileno(stdout), "wb")) == NULL) { 316 if ((wpng_info.outfile = fdopen(fileno(stdout), "wb")) == NULL) {
317 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 317 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
318 ": unable to reopen stdout in binary mode\n"); 318 ": unable to reopen stdout in binary mode\n");
319 fclose(wpng_info.infile); 319 fclose(wpng_info.infile);
320 ++error; 320 ++error;
321 } else 321 } else
322 wpng_info.filter = TRUE; 322 wpng_info.filter = TRUE;
323 } 323 }
324 } else if ((len = strlen(inname)) > 250) { 324 } else if ((len = strlen(inname)) > 250) {
325 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": input filename is too long [%d chars]\n", 325 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": input filename is too long [%d chars]\n",
326 len); 326 len);
327 ++error; 327 ++error;
328 } else if (!(wpng_info.infile = fopen(inname, "rb"))) { 328 } else if (!(wpng_info.infile = fopen(inname, "rb"))) {
329 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open input file [%s]\n", inname); 329 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open input file [%s]\n", inname);
330 ++error; 330 ++error;
331 } 331 }
332 332
333 if (!error) { 333 if (!error) {
334 fgets(pnmline, 256, wpng_info.infile); 334 fgets(pnmline, 256, wpng_info.infile);
335 if (pnmline[0] != 'P' || ((pnmchar = pnmline[1]) != '5' && 335 if (pnmline[0] != 'P' || ((pnmchar = pnmline[1]) != '5' &&
336 pnmchar != '6' && pnmchar != '8')) 336 pnmchar != '6' && pnmchar != '8'))
337 { 337 {
338 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 338 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
339 ": input file [%s] is not a binary PGM, PPM or PAM file\n", 339 ": input file [%s] is not a binary PGM, PPM or PAM file\n",
340 inname); 340 inname);
341 ++error; 341 ++error;
342 } else { 342 } else {
343 wpng_info.pnmtype = (int)(pnmchar - '0'); 343 wpng_info.pnmtype = (int)(pnmchar - '0');
344 if (wpng_info.pnmtype != 8) 344 if (wpng_info.pnmtype != 8)
345 wpng_info.have_bg = FALSE; /* no need for bg if opaque */ 345 wpng_info.have_bg = FALSE; /* no need for bg if opaque */
346 do { 346 do {
347 fgets(pnmline, 256, wpng_info.infile); /* lose any comments */ 347 fgets(pnmline, 256, wpng_info.infile); /* lose any comments */
348 } while (pnmline[0] == '#'); 348 } while (pnmline[0] == '#');
349 sscanf(pnmline, "%ld %ld", &wpng_info.width, &wpng_info.height); 349 sscanf(pnmline, "%ld %ld", &wpng_info.width, &wpng_info.height);
350 do { 350 do {
351 fgets(pnmline, 256, wpng_info.infile); /* more comment lines */ 351 fgets(pnmline, 256, wpng_info.infile); /* more comment lines */
352 } while (pnmline[0] == '#'); 352 } while (pnmline[0] == '#');
353 sscanf(pnmline, "%d", &maxval); 353 sscanf(pnmline, "%d", &maxval);
354 if (wpng_info.width <= 0L || wpng_info.height <= 0L || 354 if (wpng_info.width <= 0L || wpng_info.height <= 0L ||
355 maxval != 255) 355 maxval != 255)
356 { 356 {
357 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 357 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
358 ": only positive width/height, maxval == 255 allowed \n"); 358 ": only positive width/height, maxval == 255 allowed \n");
359 ++error; 359 ++error;
360 } 360 }
361 wpng_info.sample_depth = 8; /* <==> maxval 255 */ 361 wpng_info.sample_depth = 8; /* <==> maxval 255 */
362 362
363 if (!wpng_info.filter) { 363 if (!wpng_info.filter) {
364 /* make outname from inname */ 364 /* make outname from inname */
365 if ((p = strrchr(inname, '.')) == NULL || 365 if ((p = strrchr(inname, '.')) == NULL ||
366 (p - inname) != (len - 4)) 366 (p - inname) != (len - 4))
367 { 367 {
368 strcpy(outname, inname); 368 strcpy(outname, inname);
369 strcpy(outname+len, ".png"); 369 strcpy(outname+len, ".png");
370 } else { 370 } else {
371 len -= 4; 371 len -= 4;
372 strncpy(outname, inname, len); 372 strncpy(outname, inname, len);
373 strcpy(outname+len, ".png"); 373 strcpy(outname+len, ".png");
374 } 374 }
375 /* check if outname already exists; if not, open */ 375 /* check if outname already exists; if not, open */
376 if ((wpng_info.outfile = fopen(outname, "rb")) != NULL) { 376 if ((wpng_info.outfile = fopen(outname, "rb")) != NULL) {
377 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": output file exists [%s]\n", 377 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": output file exists [%s]\n",
378 outname); 378 outname);
379 fclose(wpng_info.outfile); 379 fclose(wpng_info.outfile);
380 ++error; 380 ++error;
381 } else if (!(wpng_info.outfile = fopen(outname, "wb"))) { 381 } else if (!(wpng_info.outfile = fopen(outname, "wb"))) {
382 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open output file [%s]\n", 382 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": can't open output file [%s]\n",
383 outname); 383 outname);
384 ++error; 384 ++error;
385 } 385 }
386 } 386 }
387 } 387 }
388 if (error) { 388 if (error) {
389 fclose(wpng_info.infile); 389 fclose(wpng_info.infile);
390 wpng_info.infile = NULL; 390 wpng_info.infile = NULL;
391 if (wpng_info.filter) { 391 if (wpng_info.filter) {
392 fclose(wpng_info.outfile); 392 fclose(wpng_info.outfile);
393 wpng_info.outfile = NULL; 393 wpng_info.outfile = NULL;
394 } 394 }
395 } 395 }
396 } 396 }
397 397
398 398
399 /* if we had any errors, print usage and die horrible death...arrr! */ 399 /* if we had any errors, print usage and die horrible death...arrr! */
400 400
401 if (error) { 401 if (error) {
402 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, APPNAME); 402 fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s: %s\n", PROGNAME, VERSION, APPNAME);
403 writepng_version_info(); 403 writepng_version_info();
404 fprintf(stderr, "\n" 404 fprintf(stderr, "\n"
405"Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] [-text] [-time] [-interlace] pnmfile\n" 405"Usage: %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] [-text] [-time] [-interlace] pnmfile\n"
406"or: ... | %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] [-text] [-time] [-interlace] | ...\n" 406"or: ... | %s [-gamma exp] [-bgcolor bg] [-text] [-time] [-interlace] | ...\n"
407 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the image in\n" 407 " exp \ttransfer-function exponent (``gamma'') of the image in\n"
408 "\t\t floating-point format (e.g., ``%.5f''); if image looks\n" 408 "\t\t floating-point format (e.g., ``%.5f''); if image looks\n"
409 "\t\t correct on given display system, image gamma is equal to\n" 409 "\t\t correct on given display system, image gamma is equal to\n"
410 "\t\t inverse of display-system exponent, i.e., 1 / (LUT * CRT)\n" 410 "\t\t inverse of display-system exponent, i.e., 1 / (LUT * CRT)\n"
411 "\t\t (where LUT = lookup-table exponent and CRT = CRT exponent;\n" 411 "\t\t (where LUT = lookup-table exponent and CRT = CRT exponent;\n"
412 "\t\t first varies, second is usually 2.2, all are positive)\n" 412 "\t\t first varies, second is usually 2.2, all are positive)\n"
413 " bg \tdesired background color for alpha-channel images, in\n" 413 " bg \tdesired background color for alpha-channel images, in\n"
414 "\t\t 7-character hex RGB format (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange:\n" 414 "\t\t 7-character hex RGB format (e.g., ``#ff7700'' for orange:\n"
415 "\t\t same as HTML colors)\n" 415 "\t\t same as HTML colors)\n"
416 " -text\tprompt interactively for text info (tEXt chunks)\n" 416 " -text\tprompt interactively for text info (tEXt chunks)\n"
417 " -time\tinclude a tIME chunk (last modification time)\n" 417 " -time\tinclude a tIME chunk (last modification time)\n"
418 " -interlace\twrite interlaced PNG image\n" 418 " -interlace\twrite interlaced PNG image\n"
419 "\n" 419 "\n"
420"pnmfile or stdin must be a binary PGM (`P5'), PPM (`P6') or (extremely\n" 420"pnmfile or stdin must be a binary PGM (`P5'), PPM (`P6') or (extremely\n"
421"unofficial and unsupported!) PAM (`P8') file. Currently it is required\n" 421"unofficial and unsupported!) PAM (`P8') file. Currently it is required\n"
422"to have maxval == 255 (i.e., no scaling). If pnmfile is specified, it\n" 422"to have maxval == 255 (i.e., no scaling). If pnmfile is specified, it\n"
423"is converted to the corresponding PNG file with the same base name but a\n" 423"is converted to the corresponding PNG file with the same base name but a\n"
424"``.png'' extension; files read from stdin are converted and sent to stdout.\n" 424"``.png'' extension; files read from stdin are converted and sent to stdout.\n"
425"The conversion is progressive (low memory usage) unless interlacing is\n" 425"The conversion is progressive (low memory usage) unless interlacing is\n"
426"requested; in that case the whole image will be buffered in memory and\n" 426"requested; in that case the whole image will be buffered in memory and\n"
427"written in one call.\n" 427"written in one call.\n"
428 "\n", PROGNAME, PROGNAME, default_gamma); 428 "\n", PROGNAME, PROGNAME, default_gamma);
429 exit(1); 429 exit(1);
430 } 430 }
431 431
432 432
433 /* prepare the text buffers for libpng's use; note that even though 433 /* prepare the text buffers for libpng's use; note that even though
434 * PNG's png_text struct includes a length field, we don't have to fill 434 * PNG's png_text struct includes a length field, we don't have to fill
435 * it out */ 435 * it out */
436 436
437 if (text && 437 if (text &&
438#ifndef DOS_OS2_W32 438#ifndef DOS_OS2_W32
439 (keybd = fdopen(fileno(stderr), "r")) != NULL && 439 (keybd = fdopen(fileno(stderr), "r")) != NULL &&
440#endif 440#endif
441 (textbuf = (char *)malloc((5 + 9)*75)) != NULL) 441 (textbuf = (char *)malloc((5 + 9)*75)) != NULL)
442 { 442 {
443 int i, valid, result; 443 int i, valid, result;
444 444
445 fprintf(stderr, 445 fprintf(stderr,
446 "Enter text info (no more than 72 characters per line);\n"); 446 "Enter text info (no more than 72 characters per line);\n");
447 fprintf(stderr, "to skip a field, hit the <Enter> key.\n"); 447 fprintf(stderr, "to skip a field, hit the <Enter> key.\n");
448 /* note: just <Enter> leaves len == 1 */ 448 /* note: just <Enter> leaves len == 1 */
449 449
450 do { 450 do {
451 valid = TRUE; 451 valid = TRUE;
452 p = textbuf + TEXT_TITLE_OFFSET; 452 p = textbuf + TEXT_TITLE_OFFSET;
453 fprintf(stderr, " Title: "); 453 fprintf(stderr, " Title: ");
454 fflush(stderr); 454 fflush(stderr);
455 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) { 455 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) {
456 if (p[len-1] == '\n') 456 if (p[len-1] == '\n')
457 p[--len] = '\0'; 457 p[--len] = '\0';
458 wpng_info.title = p; 458 wpng_info.title = p;
459 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_TITLE; 459 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_TITLE;
460 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) { 460 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) {
461 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code" 461 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code"
462 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification " 462 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification "
463 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n", 463 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n",
464 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "", 464 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "",
465 result+1); 465 result+1);
466 fflush(stderr); 466 fflush(stderr);
468 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_TITLE; 468 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_TITLE;
469 valid = FALSE; 469 valid = FALSE;
470#else 470#else
471 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */ 471 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */
472 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_TITLE; 472 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_TITLE;
473 valid = FALSE; 473 valid = FALSE;
474 } 474 }
475#endif 475#endif
476 } 476 }
477 } 477 }
478 } while (!valid); 478 } while (!valid);
479 479
480 do { 480 do {
481 valid = TRUE; 481 valid = TRUE;
482 p = textbuf + TEXT_AUTHOR_OFFSET; 482 p = textbuf + TEXT_AUTHOR_OFFSET;
483 fprintf(stderr, " Author: "); 483 fprintf(stderr, " Author: ");
484 fflush(stderr); 484 fflush(stderr);
485 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) { 485 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) {
486 if (p[len-1] == '\n') 486 if (p[len-1] == '\n')
487 p[--len] = '\0'; 487 p[--len] = '\0';
488 wpng_info.author = p; 488 wpng_info.author = p;
489 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_AUTHOR; 489 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_AUTHOR;
490 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) { 490 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) {
491 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code" 491 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code"
492 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification " 492 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification "
493 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n", 493 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n",
494 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "", 494 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "",
495 result+1); 495 result+1);
496 fflush(stderr); 496 fflush(stderr);
498 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_AUTHOR; 498 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_AUTHOR;
499 valid = FALSE; 499 valid = FALSE;
500#else 500#else
501 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */ 501 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */
502 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_AUTHOR; 502 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_AUTHOR;
503 valid = FALSE; 503 valid = FALSE;
504 } 504 }
505#endif 505#endif
506 } 506 }
507 } 507 }
508 } while (!valid); 508 } while (!valid);
509 509
510 do { 510 do {
511 valid = TRUE; 511 valid = TRUE;
512 p = textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET; 512 p = textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET;
513 fprintf(stderr, " Description (up to 9 lines):\n"); 513 fprintf(stderr, " Description (up to 9 lines):\n");
514 for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { 514 for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
515 fprintf(stderr, " [%d] ", i); 515 fprintf(stderr, " [%d] ", i);
516 fflush(stderr); 516 fflush(stderr);
517 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) 517 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1)
518 p += len; /* now points at NULL; char before is newline */ 518 p += len; /* now points at NULL; char before is newline */
519 else 519 else
520 break; 520 break;
521 } 521 }
522 if ((len = p - (textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET)) > 1) { 522 if ((len = p - (textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET)) > 1) {
523 if (p[-1] == '\n') { 523 if (p[-1] == '\n') {
524 p[-1] = '\0'; 524 p[-1] = '\0';
525 --len; 525 --len;
526 } 526 }
527 wpng_info.desc = textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET; 527 wpng_info.desc = textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET;
528 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_DESC; 528 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_DESC;
529 p = textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET; 529 p = textbuf + TEXT_DESC_OFFSET;
530 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) { 530 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) {
531 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code" 531 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code"
532 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification " 532 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification "
533 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n", 533 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n",
534 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "", 534 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "",
535 result+1); 535 result+1);
536 fflush(stderr); 536 fflush(stderr);
538 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_DESC; 538 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_DESC;
539 valid = FALSE; 539 valid = FALSE;
540#else 540#else
541 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */ 541 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */
542 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_DESC; 542 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_DESC;
543 valid = FALSE; 543 valid = FALSE;
544 } 544 }
545#endif 545#endif
546 } 546 }
547 } 547 }
548 } while (!valid); 548 } while (!valid);
549 549
550 do { 550 do {
551 valid = TRUE; 551 valid = TRUE;
552 p = textbuf + TEXT_COPY_OFFSET; 552 p = textbuf + TEXT_COPY_OFFSET;
553 fprintf(stderr, " Copyright: "); 553 fprintf(stderr, " Copyright: ");
554 fflush(stderr); 554 fflush(stderr);
555 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) { 555 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) {
556 if (p[len-1] == '\n') 556 if (p[len-1] == '\n')
557 p[--len] = '\0'; 557 p[--len] = '\0';
558 wpng_info.copyright = p; 558 wpng_info.copyright = p;
559 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_COPY; 559 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_COPY;
560 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) { 560 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) {
561 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code" 561 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code"
562 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification " 562 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification "
563 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n", 563 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n",
564 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "", 564 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "",
565 result+1); 565 result+1);
566 fflush(stderr); 566 fflush(stderr);
568 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_COPY; 568 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_COPY;
569 valid = FALSE; 569 valid = FALSE;
570#else 570#else
571 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */ 571 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */
572 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_COPY; 572 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_COPY;
573 valid = FALSE; 573 valid = FALSE;
574 } 574 }
575#endif 575#endif
576 } 576 }
577 } 577 }
578 } while (!valid); 578 } while (!valid);
579 579
580 do { 580 do {
581 valid = TRUE; 581 valid = TRUE;
582 p = textbuf + TEXT_EMAIL_OFFSET; 582 p = textbuf + TEXT_EMAIL_OFFSET;
583 fprintf(stderr, " E-mail: "); 583 fprintf(stderr, " E-mail: ");
584 fflush(stderr); 584 fflush(stderr);
585 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) { 585 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) {
586 if (p[len-1] == '\n') 586 if (p[len-1] == '\n')
587 p[--len] = '\0'; 587 p[--len] = '\0';
588 wpng_info.email = p; 588 wpng_info.email = p;
589 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_EMAIL; 589 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_EMAIL;
590 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) { 590 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) {
591 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code" 591 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code"
592 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification " 592 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification "
593 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n", 593 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n",
594 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "", 594 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "",
595 result+1); 595 result+1);
596 fflush(stderr); 596 fflush(stderr);
598 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_EMAIL; 598 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_EMAIL;
599 valid = FALSE; 599 valid = FALSE;
600#else 600#else
601 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */ 601 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */
602 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_EMAIL; 602 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_EMAIL;
603 valid = FALSE; 603 valid = FALSE;
604 } 604 }
605#endif 605#endif
606 } 606 }
607 } 607 }
608 } while (!valid); 608 } while (!valid);
609 609
610 do { 610 do {
611 valid = TRUE; 611 valid = TRUE;
612 p = textbuf + TEXT_URL_OFFSET; 612 p = textbuf + TEXT_URL_OFFSET;
613 fprintf(stderr, " URL: "); 613 fprintf(stderr, " URL: ");
614 fflush(stderr); 614 fflush(stderr);
615 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) { 615 if (FGETS(p, 74, keybd) && (len = strlen(p)) > 1) {
616 if (p[len-1] == '\n') 616 if (p[len-1] == '\n')
617 p[--len] = '\0'; 617 p[--len] = '\0';
618 wpng_info.url = p; 618 wpng_info.url = p;
619 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_URL; 619 wpng_info.have_text |= TEXT_URL;
620 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) { 620 if ((result = wpng_isvalid_latin1((uch *)p, len)) >= 0) {
621 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code" 621 fprintf(stderr, " " PROGNAME " warning: character code"
622 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification " 622 " %u is %sdiscouraged by the PNG\n specification "
623 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n", 623 "[first occurrence was at character position #%d]\n",
624 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "", 624 (unsigned)p[result], (p[result] == 27)? "strongly " : "",
625 result+1); 625 result+1);
626 fflush(stderr); 626 fflush(stderr);
628 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_URL; 628 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_URL;
629 valid = FALSE; 629 valid = FALSE;
630#else 630#else
631 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */ 631 if (p[result] == 27) { /* escape character */
632 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_URL; 632 wpng_info.have_text &= ~TEXT_URL;
633 valid = FALSE; 633 valid = FALSE;
634 } 634 }
635#endif 635#endif
636 } 636 }
637 } 637 }
638 } while (!valid); 638 } while (!valid);
639 639
640#ifndef DOS_OS2_W32 640#ifndef DOS_OS2_W32
641 fclose(keybd); 641 fclose(keybd);
642#endif 642#endif
643 643
644 } else if (text) { 644 } else if (text) {
645 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to allocate memory for text\n"); 645 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": unable to allocate memory for text\n");
646 text = FALSE; 646 text = FALSE;
647 wpng_info.have_text = 0; 647 wpng_info.have_text = 0;
648 } 648 }
649 649
650 650
651 /* allocate libpng stuff, initialize transformations, write pre-IDAT data */ 651 /* allocate libpng stuff, initialize transformations, write pre-IDAT data */
652 652
653 if ((rc = writepng_init(&wpng_info)) != 0) { 653 if ((rc = writepng_init(&wpng_info)) != 0) {
654 switch (rc) { 654 switch (rc) {
655 case 2: 655 case 2:
656 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 656 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
657 ": libpng initialization problem (longjmp)\n"); 657 ": libpng initialization problem (longjmp)\n");
658 break; 658 break;
659 case 4: 659 case 4:
660 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n"); 660 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory\n");
661 break; 661 break;
662 case 11: 662 case 11:
663 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 663 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
664 ": internal logic error (unexpected PNM type)\n"); 664 ": internal logic error (unexpected PNM type)\n");
665 break; 665 break;
666 default: 666 default:
667 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 667 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
668 ": unknown writepng_init() error\n"); 668 ": unknown writepng_init() error\n");
669 break; 669 break;
670 } 670 }
671 exit(rc); 671 exit(rc);
672 } 672 }
673 673
674 674
675 /* free textbuf, since it's a completely local variable and all text info 675 /* free textbuf, since it's a completely local variable and all text info
676 * has just been written to the PNG file */ 676 * has just been written to the PNG file */
677 677
678 if (text && textbuf) { 678 if (text && textbuf) {
679 free(textbuf); 679 free(textbuf);
680 textbuf = NULL; 680 textbuf = NULL;
681 } 681 }
682 682
683 683
684 /* calculate rowbytes on basis of image type; note that this becomes much 684 /* calculate rowbytes on basis of image type; note that this becomes much
685 * more complicated if we choose to support PBM type, ASCII PNM types, or 685 * more complicated if we choose to support PBM type, ASCII PNM types, or
686 * 16-bit-per-sample binary data [currently not an official NetPBM type] */ 686 * 16-bit-per-sample binary data [currently not an official NetPBM type] */
687 687
688 if (wpng_info.pnmtype == 5) 688 if (wpng_info.pnmtype == 5)
689 rowbytes = wpng_info.width; 689 rowbytes = wpng_info.width;
690 else if (wpng_info.pnmtype == 6) 690 else if (wpng_info.pnmtype == 6)
691 rowbytes = wpng_info.width * 3; 691 rowbytes = wpng_info.width * 3;
692 else /* if (wpng_info.pnmtype == 8) */ 692 else /* if (wpng_info.pnmtype == 8) */
693 rowbytes = wpng_info.width * 4; 693 rowbytes = wpng_info.width * 4;
694 694
695 695
696 /* read and write the image, either in its entirety (if writing interlaced 696 /* read and write the image, either in its entirety (if writing interlaced
697 * PNG) or row by row (if non-interlaced) */ 697 * PNG) or row by row (if non-interlaced) */
698 698
699 fprintf(stderr, "Encoding image data...\n"); 699 fprintf(stderr, "Encoding image data...\n");
700 fflush(stderr); 700 fflush(stderr);
701 701
702 if (wpng_info.interlaced) { 702 if (wpng_info.interlaced) {
703 long i; 703 long i;
704 ulg bytes; 704 ulg bytes;
705 ulg image_bytes = rowbytes * wpng_info.height; /* overflow? */ 705 ulg image_bytes = rowbytes * wpng_info.height; /* overflow? */
706 706
707 wpng_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(image_bytes); 707 wpng_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(image_bytes);
708 wpng_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(wpng_info.height*sizeof(uch *)); 708 wpng_info.row_pointers = (uch **)malloc(wpng_info.height*sizeof(uch *));
709 if (wpng_info.image_data == NULL || wpng_info.row_pointers == NULL) { 709 if (wpng_info.image_data == NULL || wpng_info.row_pointers == NULL) {
710 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory for image data\n"); 710 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory for image data\n");
711 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info); 711 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info);
712 wpng_cleanup(); 712 wpng_cleanup();
713 exit(5); 713 exit(5);
714 } 714 }
715 for (i = 0; i < wpng_info.height; ++i) 715 for (i = 0; i < wpng_info.height; ++i)
716 wpng_info.row_pointers[i] = wpng_info.image_data + i*rowbytes; 716 wpng_info.row_pointers[i] = wpng_info.image_data + i*rowbytes;
717 bytes = fread(wpng_info.image_data, 1, image_bytes, wpng_info.infile); 717 bytes = fread(wpng_info.image_data, 1, image_bytes, wpng_info.infile);
718 if (bytes != image_bytes) { 718 if (bytes != image_bytes) {
719 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": expected %lu bytes, got %lu bytes\n", 719 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": expected %lu bytes, got %lu bytes\n",
720 image_bytes, bytes); 720 image_bytes, bytes);
721 fprintf(stderr, " (continuing anyway)\n"); 721 fprintf(stderr, " (continuing anyway)\n");
722 } 722 }
723 if (writepng_encode_image(&wpng_info) != 0) { 723 if (writepng_encode_image(&wpng_info) != 0) {
724 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 724 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
725 ": libpng problem (longjmp) while writing image data\n"); 725 ": libpng problem (longjmp) while writing image data\n");
726 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info); 726 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info);
727 wpng_cleanup(); 727 wpng_cleanup();
728 exit(2); 728 exit(2);
729 } 729 }
730 730
731 } else /* not interlaced: write progressively (row by row) */ { 731 } else /* not interlaced: write progressively (row by row) */ {
732 long j; 732 long j;
733 ulg bytes; 733 ulg bytes;
734 734
735 wpng_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes); 735 wpng_info.image_data = (uch *)malloc(rowbytes);
736 if (wpng_info.image_data == NULL) { 736 if (wpng_info.image_data == NULL) {
737 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory for row data\n"); 737 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": insufficient memory for row data\n");
738 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info); 738 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info);
739 wpng_cleanup(); 739 wpng_cleanup();
740 exit(5); 740 exit(5);
741 } 741 }
742 error = 0; 742 error = 0;
743 for (j = wpng_info.height; j > 0L; --j) { 743 for (j = wpng_info.height; j > 0L; --j) {
744 bytes = fread(wpng_info.image_data, 1, rowbytes, wpng_info.infile); 744 bytes = fread(wpng_info.image_data, 1, rowbytes, wpng_info.infile);
745 if (bytes != rowbytes) { 745 if (bytes != rowbytes) {
746 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 746 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
747 ": expected %lu bytes, got %lu bytes (row %ld)\n", rowbytes, 747 ": expected %lu bytes, got %lu bytes (row %ld)\n", rowbytes,
748 bytes, wpng_info.height-j); 748 bytes, wpng_info.height-j);
749 ++error; 749 ++error;
750 break; 750 break;
751 } 751 }
752 if (writepng_encode_row(&wpng_info) != 0) { 752 if (writepng_encode_row(&wpng_info) != 0) {
753 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME 753 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME
754 ": libpng problem (longjmp) while writing row %ld\n", 754 ": libpng problem (longjmp) while writing row %ld\n",
755 wpng_info.height-j); 755 wpng_info.height-j);
756 ++error; 756 ++error;
757 break; 757 break;
758 } 758 }
759 } 759 }
760 if (error) { 760 if (error) {
761 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info); 761 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info);
762 wpng_cleanup(); 762 wpng_cleanup();
763 exit(2); 763 exit(2);
764 } 764 }
765 if (writepng_encode_finish(&wpng_info) != 0) { 765 if (writepng_encode_finish(&wpng_info) != 0) {
766 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": error on final libpng call\n"); 766 fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ": error on final libpng call\n");
767 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info); 767 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info);
768 wpng_cleanup(); 768 wpng_cleanup();
769 exit(2); 769 exit(2);
770 } 770 }
771 } 771 }
772 772
773 773
774 /* OK, we're done (successfully): clean up all resources and quit */ 774 /* OK, we're done (successfully): clean up all resources and quit */
775 775
776 fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n"); 776 fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n");
777 fflush(stderr); 777 fflush(stderr);
778 778
779 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info); 779 writepng_cleanup(&wpng_info);
780 wpng_cleanup(); 780 wpng_cleanup();
781 781
782 return 0; 782 return 0;
783} 783}
784 784
785 785
786 786
787 787
788 788
789static int wpng_isvalid_latin1(uch *p, int len) 789static int wpng_isvalid_latin1(uch *p, int len)
790{ 790{
791 int i, result = -1; 791 int i, result = -1;
792 792
793 for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { 793 for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
794 if (p[i] == 10 || (p[i] > 31 && p[i] < 127) || p[i] > 160) 794 if (p[i] == 10 || (p[i] > 31 && p[i] < 127) || p[i] > 160)
795 continue; /* character is completely OK */ 795 continue; /* character is completely OK */
796 if (result < 0 || (p[result] != 27 && p[i] == 27)) 796 if (result < 0 || (p[result] != 27 && p[i] == 27))
797 result = i; /* mark location of first questionable one */ 797 result = i; /* mark location of first questionable one */
798 } /* or of first escape character (bad) */ 798 } /* or of first escape character (bad) */
799 799
800 return result; 800 return result;
801} 801}
802 802
803 803
804 804
805 805
806 806
807static void wpng_cleanup(void) 807static void wpng_cleanup(void)
808{ 808{
809 if (wpng_info.outfile) { 809 if (wpng_info.outfile) {
810 fclose(wpng_info.outfile); 810 fclose(wpng_info.outfile);
811 wpng_info.outfile = NULL; 811 wpng_info.outfile = NULL;
812 } 812 }
813 813
814 if (wpng_info.infile) { 814 if (wpng_info.infile) {
815 fclose(wpng_info.infile); 815 fclose(wpng_info.infile);
816 wpng_info.infile = NULL; 816 wpng_info.infile = NULL;
817 } 817 }
818 818
819 if (wpng_info.image_data) { 819 if (wpng_info.image_data) {
820 free(wpng_info.image_data); 820 free(wpng_info.image_data);
821 wpng_info.image_data = NULL; 821 wpng_info.image_data = NULL;
822 } 822 }
823 823
824 if (wpng_info.row_pointers) { 824 if (wpng_info.row_pointers) {
825 free(wpng_info.row_pointers); 825 free(wpng_info.row_pointers);
826 wpng_info.row_pointers = NULL; 826 wpng_info.row_pointers = NULL;
827 } 827 }
828} 828}
829 829
830 830
831 831
832 832
833#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32 833#ifdef DOS_OS2_W32
834 834
835static char *dos_kbd_gets(char *buf, int len) 835static char *dos_kbd_gets(char *buf, int len)
836{ 836{
837 int ch, count=0; 837 int ch, count=0;
838 838
839 do { 839 do {
840 buf[count++] = ch = getche(); 840 buf[count++] = ch = getche();
841 } while (ch != '\r' && count < len-1); 841 } while (ch != '\r' && count < len-1);
842 842
843 buf[count--] = '\0'; /* terminate string */ 843 buf[count--] = '\0'; /* terminate string */
844 if (buf[count] == '\r') /* Enter key makes CR, so change to newline */ 844 if (buf[count] == '\r') /* Enter key makes CR, so change to newline */
845 buf[count] = '\n'; 845 buf[count] = '\n';
846 846
847 fprintf(stderr, "\n"); /* Enter key does *not* cause a newline */ 847 fprintf(stderr, "\n"); /* Enter key does *not* cause a newline */
848 fflush(stderr); 848 fflush(stderr);
849 849
850 return buf; 850 return buf;
851} 851}
852 852
853#endif /* DOS_OS2_W32 */ 853#endif /* DOS_OS2_W32 */
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.c b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.c
index 8373c16..f07f4a8 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.c
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.c
@@ -1,400 +1,400 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 wpng - simple PNG-writing program writepng.c 3 wpng - simple PNG-writing program writepng.c
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
8 8
9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
12 this software. 12 this software.
13 13
14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
16 following two licenses (at your option): 16 following two licenses (at your option):
17 17
18 18
19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
20 20
21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
24 24
25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
31 software must display the following acknowledgment: 31 software must display the following acknowledgment:
32 32
33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
35 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 35 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
36 36
37 37
38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
39 39
40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43 (at your option) any later version. 43 (at your option) any later version.
44 44
45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 GNU General Public License for more details. 48 GNU General Public License for more details.
49 49
50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
53 53
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 55
56 56
57#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit() prototype */ 57#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit() prototype */
58 58
59#include "png.h" /* libpng header; includes zlib.h and setjmp.h */ 59#include "png.h" /* libpng header; includes zlib.h and setjmp.h */
60#include "writepng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */ 60#include "writepng.h" /* typedefs, common macros, public prototypes */
61 61
62 62
63/* local prototype */ 63/* local prototype */
64 64
65static void writepng_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg); 65static void writepng_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg);
66 66
67 67
68 68
69void writepng_version_info(void) 69void writepng_version_info(void)
70{ 70{
71 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with libpng %s; using libpng %s.\n", 71 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with libpng %s; using libpng %s.\n",
72 PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_libpng_ver); 72 PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, png_libpng_ver);
73 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with zlib %s; using zlib %s.\n", 73 fprintf(stderr, " Compiled with zlib %s; using zlib %s.\n",
74 ZLIB_VERSION, zlib_version); 74 ZLIB_VERSION, zlib_version);
75} 75}
76 76
77 77
78 78
79 79
80/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng problem, 4 for out of memory, 11 for 80/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng problem, 4 for out of memory, 11 for
81 * unexpected pnmtype; note that outfile might be stdout */ 81 * unexpected pnmtype; note that outfile might be stdout */
82 82
83int writepng_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) 83int writepng_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr)
84{ 84{
85 png_structp png_ptr; /* note: temporary variables! */ 85 png_structp png_ptr; /* note: temporary variables! */
86 png_infop info_ptr; 86 png_infop info_ptr;
87 int color_type, interlace_type; 87 int color_type, interlace_type;
88 88
89 89
90 /* could also replace libpng warning-handler (final NULL), but no need: */ 90 /* could also replace libpng warning-handler (final NULL), but no need: */
91 91
92 png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, mainprog_ptr, 92 png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, mainprog_ptr,
93 writepng_error_handler, NULL); 93 writepng_error_handler, NULL);
94 if (!png_ptr) 94 if (!png_ptr)
95 return 4; /* out of memory */ 95 return 4; /* out of memory */
96 96
97 info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); 97 info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
98 if (!info_ptr) { 98 if (!info_ptr) {
99 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, NULL); 99 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, NULL);
100 return 4; /* out of memory */ 100 return 4; /* out of memory */
101 } 101 }
102 102
103 103
104 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-writing 104 /* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-writing
105 * libpng function, unless an alternate error handler was installed-- 105 * libpng function, unless an alternate error handler was installed--
106 * but compatible error handlers must either use longjmp() themselves 106 * but compatible error handlers must either use longjmp() themselves
107 * (as in this program) or some other method to return control to 107 * (as in this program) or some other method to return control to
108 * application code, so here we go: */ 108 * application code, so here we go: */
109 109
110 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) { 110 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
111 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); 111 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
112 return 2; 112 return 2;
113 } 113 }
114 114
115 115
116 /* make sure outfile is (re)opened in BINARY mode */ 116 /* make sure outfile is (re)opened in BINARY mode */
117 117
118 png_init_io(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->outfile); 118 png_init_io(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->outfile);
119 119
120 120
121 /* set the compression levels--in general, always want to leave filtering 121 /* set the compression levels--in general, always want to leave filtering
122 * turned on (except for palette images) and allow all of the filters, 122 * turned on (except for palette images) and allow all of the filters,
123 * which is the default; want 32K zlib window, unless entire image buffer 123 * which is the default; want 32K zlib window, unless entire image buffer
124 * is 16K or smaller (unknown here)--also the default; usually want max 124 * is 16K or smaller (unknown here)--also the default; usually want max
125 * compression (NOT the default); and remaining compression flags should 125 * compression (NOT the default); and remaining compression flags should
126 * be left alone */ 126 * be left alone */
127 127
128 png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); 128 png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
129/* 129/*
130 >> this is default for no filtering; Z_FILTERED is default otherwise: 130 >> this is default for no filtering; Z_FILTERED is default otherwise:
131 png_set_compression_strategy(png_ptr, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); 131 png_set_compression_strategy(png_ptr, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
132 >> these are all defaults: 132 >> these are all defaults:
133 png_set_compression_mem_level(png_ptr, 8); 133 png_set_compression_mem_level(png_ptr, 8);
134 png_set_compression_window_bits(png_ptr, 15); 134 png_set_compression_window_bits(png_ptr, 15);
135 png_set_compression_method(png_ptr, 8); 135 png_set_compression_method(png_ptr, 8);
136 */ 136 */
137 137
138 138
139 /* set the image parameters appropriately */ 139 /* set the image parameters appropriately */
140 140
141 if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 5) 141 if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 5)
142 color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; 142 color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
143 else if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 6) 143 else if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 6)
144 color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; 144 color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
145 else if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 8) 145 else if (mainprog_ptr->pnmtype == 8)
146 color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; 146 color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
147 else { 147 else {
148 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); 148 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
149 return 11; 149 return 11;
150 } 150 }
151 151
152 interlace_type = mainprog_ptr->interlaced? PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7 : 152 interlace_type = mainprog_ptr->interlaced? PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7 :
154 154
155 png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, mainprog_ptr->width, mainprog_ptr->height, 155 png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, mainprog_ptr->width, mainprog_ptr->height,
156 mainprog_ptr->sample_depth, color_type, interlace_type, 156 mainprog_ptr->sample_depth, color_type, interlace_type,
158 158
159 if (mainprog_ptr->gamma > 0.0) 159 if (mainprog_ptr->gamma > 0.0)
160 png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, mainprog_ptr->gamma); 160 png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, mainprog_ptr->gamma);
161 161
162 if (mainprog_ptr->have_bg) { /* we know it's RGBA, not gray+alpha */ 162 if (mainprog_ptr->have_bg) { /* we know it's RGBA, not gray+alpha */
163 png_color_16 background; 163 png_color_16 background;
164 164
165 background.red = mainprog_ptr->bg_red; 165 background.red = mainprog_ptr->bg_red;
166 background.green = mainprog_ptr->bg_green; 166 background.green = mainprog_ptr->bg_green;
167 background.blue = mainprog_ptr->bg_blue; 167 background.blue = mainprog_ptr->bg_blue;
168 png_set_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &background); 168 png_set_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &background);
169 } 169 }
170 170
171 if (mainprog_ptr->have_time) { 171 if (mainprog_ptr->have_time) {
172 png_time modtime; 172 png_time modtime;
173 173
174 png_convert_from_time_t(&modtime, mainprog_ptr->modtime); 174 png_convert_from_time_t(&modtime, mainprog_ptr->modtime);
175 png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, &modtime); 175 png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, &modtime);
176 } 176 }
177 177
178 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text) { 178 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text) {
179 png_text text[6]; 179 png_text text[6];
180 int num_text = 0; 180 int num_text = 0;
181 181
182 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_TITLE) { 182 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_TITLE) {
183 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; 183 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
184 text[num_text].key = "Title"; 184 text[num_text].key = "Title";
185 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->title; 185 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->title;
186 ++num_text; 186 ++num_text;
187 } 187 }
188 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_AUTHOR) { 188 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_AUTHOR) {
189 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; 189 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
190 text[num_text].key = "Author"; 190 text[num_text].key = "Author";
191 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->author; 191 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->author;
192 ++num_text; 192 ++num_text;
193 } 193 }
194 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_DESC) { 194 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_DESC) {
195 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; 195 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
196 text[num_text].key = "Description"; 196 text[num_text].key = "Description";
197 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->desc; 197 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->desc;
198 ++num_text; 198 ++num_text;
199 } 199 }
200 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_COPY) { 200 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_COPY) {
201 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; 201 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
202 text[num_text].key = "Copyright"; 202 text[num_text].key = "Copyright";
203 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->copyright; 203 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->copyright;
204 ++num_text; 204 ++num_text;
205 } 205 }
206 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_EMAIL) { 206 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_EMAIL) {
207 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; 207 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
208 text[num_text].key = "E-mail"; 208 text[num_text].key = "E-mail";
209 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->email; 209 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->email;
210 ++num_text; 210 ++num_text;
211 } 211 }
212 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_URL) { 212 if (mainprog_ptr->have_text & TEXT_URL) {
213 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; 213 text[num_text].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
214 text[num_text].key = "URL"; 214 text[num_text].key = "URL";
215 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->url; 215 text[num_text].text = mainprog_ptr->url;
216 ++num_text; 216 ++num_text;
217 } 217 }
218 png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, text, num_text); 218 png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, text, num_text);
219 } 219 }
220 220
221 221
222 /* write all chunks up to (but not including) first IDAT */ 222 /* write all chunks up to (but not including) first IDAT */
223 223
224 png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); 224 png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
225 225
226 226
227 /* if we wanted to write any more text info *after* the image data, we 227 /* if we wanted to write any more text info *after* the image data, we
228 * would set up text struct(s) here and call png_set_text() again, with 228 * would set up text struct(s) here and call png_set_text() again, with
229 * just the new data; png_set_tIME() could also go here, but it would 229 * just the new data; png_set_tIME() could also go here, but it would
230 * have no effect since we already called it above (only one tIME chunk 230 * have no effect since we already called it above (only one tIME chunk
231 * allowed) */ 231 * allowed) */
232 232
233 233
234 /* set up the transformations: for now, just pack low-bit-depth pixels 234 /* set up the transformations: for now, just pack low-bit-depth pixels
235 * into bytes (one, two or four pixels per byte) */ 235 * into bytes (one, two or four pixels per byte) */
236 236
237 png_set_packing(png_ptr); 237 png_set_packing(png_ptr);
238/* png_set_shift(png_ptr, &sig_bit); to scale low-bit-depth values */ 238/* png_set_shift(png_ptr, &sig_bit); to scale low-bit-depth values */
239 239
240 240
241 /* make sure we save our pointers for use in writepng_encode_image() */ 241 /* make sure we save our pointers for use in writepng_encode_image() */
242 242
243 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = png_ptr; 243 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = png_ptr;
244 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = info_ptr; 244 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = info_ptr;
245 245
246 246
247 /* OK, that's all we need to do for now; return happy */ 247 /* OK, that's all we need to do for now; return happy */
248 248
249 return 0; 249 return 0;
250} 250}
251 251
252 252
253 253
254 254
255 255
256/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng (longjmp) problem */ 256/* returns 0 for success, 2 for libpng (longjmp) problem */
257 257
258int writepng_encode_image(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) 258int writepng_encode_image(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr)
259{ 259{
260 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr; 260 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr;
261 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr; 261 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr;
262 262
263 263
264 /* as always, setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a 264 /* as always, setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a
265 * PNG-writing libpng function */ 265 * PNG-writing libpng function */
266 266
267 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) { 267 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
268 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); 268 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
269 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL; 269 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL;
270 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL; 270 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL;
271 return 2; 271 return 2;
272 } 272 }
273 273
274 274
275 /* and now we just write the whole image; libpng takes care of interlacing 275 /* and now we just write the whole image; libpng takes care of interlacing
276 * for us */ 276 * for us */
277 277
278 png_write_image(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->row_pointers); 278 png_write_image(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->row_pointers);
279 279
280 280
281 /* since that's it, we also close out the end of the PNG file now--if we 281 /* since that's it, we also close out the end of the PNG file now--if we
282 * had any text or time info to write after the IDATs, second argument 282 * had any text or time info to write after the IDATs, second argument
283 * would be info_ptr, but we optimize slightly by sending NULL pointer: */ 283 * would be info_ptr, but we optimize slightly by sending NULL pointer: */
284 284
285 png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL); 285 png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL);
286 286
287 return 0; 287 return 0;
288} 288}
289 289
290 290
291 291
292 292
293 293
294/* returns 0 if succeeds, 2 if libpng problem */ 294/* returns 0 if succeeds, 2 if libpng problem */
295 295
296int writepng_encode_row(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) /* NON-interlaced only! */ 296int writepng_encode_row(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) /* NON-interlaced only! */
297{ 297{
298 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr; 298 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr;
299 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr; 299 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr;
300 300
301 301
302 /* as always, setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a 302 /* as always, setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a
303 * PNG-writing libpng function */ 303 * PNG-writing libpng function */
304 304
305 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) { 305 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
306 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); 306 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
307 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL; 307 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL;
308 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL; 308 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL;
309 return 2; 309 return 2;
310 } 310 }
311 311
312 312
313 /* image_data points at our one row of image data */ 313 /* image_data points at our one row of image data */
314 314
315 png_write_row(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->image_data); 315 png_write_row(png_ptr, mainprog_ptr->image_data);
316 316
317 return 0; 317 return 0;
318} 318}
319 319
320 320
321 321
322 322
323 323
324/* returns 0 if succeeds, 2 if libpng problem */ 324/* returns 0 if succeeds, 2 if libpng problem */
325 325
326int writepng_encode_finish(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) /* NON-interlaced! */ 326int writepng_encode_finish(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) /* NON-interlaced! */
327{ 327{
328 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr; 328 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr;
329 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr; 329 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr;
330 330
331 331
332 /* as always, setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a 332 /* as always, setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a
333 * PNG-writing libpng function */ 333 * PNG-writing libpng function */
334 334
335 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) { 335 if (setjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
336 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); 336 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
337 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL; 337 mainprog_ptr->png_ptr = NULL;
338 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL; 338 mainprog_ptr->info_ptr = NULL;
339 return 2; 339 return 2;
340 } 340 }
341 341
342 342
343 /* close out PNG file; if we had any text or time info to write after 343 /* close out PNG file; if we had any text or time info to write after
344 * the IDATs, second argument would be info_ptr: */ 344 * the IDATs, second argument would be info_ptr: */
345 345
346 png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL); 346 png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL);
347 347
348 return 0; 348 return 0;
349} 349}
350 350
351 351
352 352
353 353
354 354
355void writepng_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr) 355void writepng_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr)
356{ 356{
357 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr; 357 png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)mainprog_ptr->png_ptr;
358 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr; 358 png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)mainprog_ptr->info_ptr;
359 359
360 if (png_ptr && info_ptr) 360 if (png_ptr && info_ptr)
361 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); 361 png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
362} 362}
363 363
364 364
365 365
366 366
367 367
368static void writepng_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg) 368static void writepng_error_handler(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp msg)
369{ 369{
370 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr; 370 mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr;
371 371
372 /* This function, aside from the extra step of retrieving the "error 372 /* This function, aside from the extra step of retrieving the "error
373 * pointer" (below) and the fact that it exists within the application 373 * pointer" (below) and the fact that it exists within the application
374 * rather than within libpng, is essentially identical to libpng's 374 * rather than within libpng, is essentially identical to libpng's
375 * default error handler. The second point is critical: since both 375 * default error handler. The second point is critical: since both
376 * setjmp() and longjmp() are called from the same code, they are 376 * setjmp() and longjmp() are called from the same code, they are
377 * guaranteed to have compatible notions of how big a jmp_buf is, 377 * guaranteed to have compatible notions of how big a jmp_buf is,
378 * regardless of whether _BSD_SOURCE or anything else has (or has not) 378 * regardless of whether _BSD_SOURCE or anything else has (or has not)
379 * been defined. */ 379 * been defined. */
380 380
381 fprintf(stderr, "writepng libpng error: %s\n", msg); 381 fprintf(stderr, "writepng libpng error: %s\n", msg);
382 fflush(stderr); 382 fflush(stderr);
383 383
384 mainprog_ptr = png_get_error_ptr(png_ptr); 384 mainprog_ptr = png_get_error_ptr(png_ptr);
385 if (mainprog_ptr == NULL) { /* we are completely hosed now */ 385 if (mainprog_ptr == NULL) { /* we are completely hosed now */
386 fprintf(stderr, 386 fprintf(stderr,
387 "writepng severe error: jmpbuf not recoverable; terminating.\n"); 387 "writepng severe error: jmpbuf not recoverable; terminating.\n");
388 fflush(stderr); 388 fflush(stderr);
389 exit(99); 389 exit(99);
390 } 390 }
391 391
392 /* Now we have our data structure we can use the information in it 392 /* Now we have our data structure we can use the information in it
393 * to return control to our own higher level code (all the points 393 * to return control to our own higher level code (all the points
394 * where 'setjmp' is called in this file.) This will work with other 394 * where 'setjmp' is called in this file.) This will work with other
395 * error handling mechanisms as well - libpng always calls png_error 395 * error handling mechanisms as well - libpng always calls png_error
396 * when it can proceed no further, thus, so long as the error handler 396 * when it can proceed no further, thus, so long as the error handler
397 * is intercepted, application code can do its own error recovery. 397 * is intercepted, application code can do its own error recovery.
398 */ 398 */
399 longjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf, 1); 399 longjmp(mainprog_ptr->jmpbuf, 1);
400} 400}
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.h b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.h
index 904e4fb..78b966b 100644
--- a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.h
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8/source/Irrlicht/libpng/contrib/gregbook/writepng.h
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
3 wpng - simple PNG-writing program writepng.h 3 wpng - simple PNG-writing program writepng.h
4 4
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Greg Roelofs. All rights reserved.
8 8
9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, 9 This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors 10 express or implied. In no event shall the author or contributors
11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of 11 be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
12 this software. 12 this software.
13 13
14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or 14 The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED. You may modify and/or
15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the 15 redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
16 following two licenses (at your option): 16 following two licenses (at your option):
17 17
18 18
19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"): 19 LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):
20 20
21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 21 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute 22 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 23 it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
24 24
25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 25 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 26 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 27 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta- 28 notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 29 tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 30 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
31 software must display the following acknowledgment: 31 software must display the following acknowledgment:
32 32
33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs 33 This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide," 34 and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
35 published by O'Reilly and Associates. 35 published by O'Reilly and Associates.
36 36
37 37
38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later): 38 LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):
39 39
40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 40 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 41 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 42 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
43 (at your option) any later version. 43 (at your option) any later version.
44 44
45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 45 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 46 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
48 GNU General Public License for more details. 48 GNU General Public License for more details.
49 49
50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 50 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 52 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
53 53
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 55
56#ifndef TRUE 56#ifndef TRUE
57# define TRUE 1 57# define TRUE 1
58# define FALSE 0 58# define FALSE 0
59#endif 59#endif
60 60
61#ifndef MAX 61#ifndef MAX
62# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b)? (a) : (b)) 62# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b)? (a) : (b))
63# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b)) 63# define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b)? (a) : (b))
64#endif 64#endif
65 65
66#ifdef DEBUG 66#ifdef DEBUG
67# define Trace(x) {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);} 67# define Trace(x) {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);}
68#else 68#else
69# define Trace(x) ; 69# define Trace(x) ;
70#endif 70#endif
71 71
72#define TEXT_TITLE 0x01 72#define TEXT_TITLE 0x01
73#define TEXT_AUTHOR 0x02 73#define TEXT_AUTHOR 0x02
74#define TEXT_DESC 0x04 74#define TEXT_DESC 0x04
75#define TEXT_COPY 0x08 75#define TEXT_COPY 0x08
76#define TEXT_EMAIL 0x10 76#define TEXT_EMAIL 0x10
77#define TEXT_URL 0x20 77#define TEXT_URL 0x20
78 78
81#define TEXT_COPY_OFFSET (2*72) 81#define TEXT_COPY_OFFSET (2*72)
82#define TEXT_EMAIL_OFFSET (3*72) 82#define TEXT_EMAIL_OFFSET (3*72)
83#define TEXT_URL_OFFSET (4*72) 83#define TEXT_URL_OFFSET (4*72)
84#define TEXT_DESC_OFFSET (5*72) 84#define TEXT_DESC_OFFSET (5*72)
85 85
86typedef unsigned char uch; 86typedef unsigned char uch;
87typedef unsigned short ush; 87typedef unsigned short ush;
88typedef unsigned long ulg; 88typedef unsigned long ulg;
89 89
90typedef struct _mainprog_info { 90typedef struct _mainprog_info {
91 double gamma; 91 double gamma;
92 long width; 92 long width;
93 long height; 93 long height;
94 time_t modtime; 94 time_t modtime;
95 FILE *infile; 95 FILE *infile;
96 FILE *outfile; 96 FILE *outfile;
97 void *png_ptr; 97 void *png_ptr;
98 void *info_ptr; 98 void *info_ptr;
99 uch *image_data; 99 uch *image_data;
100 uch **row_pointers; 100 uch **row_pointers;
101 char *title; 101 char *title;
102 char *author; 102 char *author;
103 char *desc; 103 char *desc;
104 char *copyright; 104 char *copyright;
105 char *email; 105 char *email;
106 char *url; 106 char *url;
107 int filter; /* command-line-filter flag, not PNG row filter! */ 107 int filter; /* command-line-filter flag, not PNG row filter! */
108 int pnmtype; 108 int pnmtype;
109 int sample_depth; 109 int sample_depth;
110 int interlaced; 110 int interlaced;
111 int have_bg; 111 int have_bg;
112 int have_time; 112 int have_time;
113 int have_text; 113 int have_text;
114 jmp_buf jmpbuf; 114 jmp_buf jmpbuf;
115 uch bg_red; 115 uch bg_red;
116 uch bg_green; 116 uch bg_green;
117 uch bg_blue; 117 uch bg_blue;
118} mainprog_info; 118} mainprog_info;
119 119
120 120
121/* prototypes for public functions in writepng.c */ 121/* prototypes for public functions in writepng.c */
122 122
123void writepng_version_info(void); 123void writepng_version_info(void);
124 124
125int writepng_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 125int writepng_init(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);
126 126
127int writepng_encode_image(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 127int writepng_encode_image(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);
128 128
129int writepng_encode_row(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 129int writepng_encode_row(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);
130 130
131int writepng_encode_finish(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 131int writepng_encode_finish(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);
132 132
133void writepng_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr); 133void writepng_cleanup(mainprog_info *mainprog_ptr);