path: root/libraries/irrlicht-1.8.1/include/ISceneNode.h
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authorDavid Walter Seikel2014-01-13 19:47:58 +1000
committerDavid Walter Seikel2014-01-13 19:47:58 +1000
commitf9158592e1478b2013afc7041d9ed041cf2d2f4a (patch)
treeb16e389d7988700e21b4c9741044cefa536dcbae /libraries/irrlicht-1.8.1/include/ISceneNode.h
parentLibraries readme updated with change markers and more of the Irrlicht changes. (diff)
Update Irrlicht to 1.8.1. Include actual change markers this time. lol
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 858 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/irrlicht-1.8.1/include/ISceneNode.h b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8.1/include/ISceneNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecaad4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/irrlicht-1.8.1/include/ISceneNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
1// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
2// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
3// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
8#include "IAttributeExchangingObject.h"
9#include "ESceneNodeTypes.h"
10#include "ECullingTypes.h"
11#include "EDebugSceneTypes.h"
12#include "ISceneNodeAnimator.h"
13#include "ITriangleSelector.h"
14#include "SMaterial.h"
15#include "irrString.h"
16#include "aabbox3d.h"
17#include "matrix4.h"
18#include "irrList.h"
19#include "IAttributes.h"
21namespace irr
23namespace scene
25 class ISceneManager;
27 //! Typedef for list of scene nodes
28 typedef core::list<ISceneNode*> ISceneNodeList;
29 //! Typedef for list of scene node animators
30 typedef core::list<ISceneNodeAnimator*> ISceneNodeAnimatorList;
32 //! Scene node interface.
33 /** A scene node is a node in the hierarchical scene graph. Every scene
34 node may have children, which are also scene nodes. Children move
35 relative to their parent's position. If the parent of a node is not
36 visible, its children won't be visible either. In this way, it is for
37 example easily possible to attach a light to a moving car, or to place
38 a walking character on a moving platform on a moving ship.
39 */
40 class ISceneNode : virtual public io::IAttributeExchangingObject
41 {
42 public:
44 //! Constructor
45 ISceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id=-1,
46 const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
47 const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
48 const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
49 : RelativeTranslation(position), RelativeRotation(rotation), RelativeScale(scale),
50 Parent(0), SceneManager(mgr), TriangleSelector(0), ID(id),
51 AutomaticCullingState(EAC_BOX), DebugDataVisible(EDS_OFF),
52 IsVisible(true), IsDebugObject(false)
53 {
54 if (parent)
55 parent->addChild(this);
57 updateAbsolutePosition();
58 }
61 //! Destructor
62 virtual ~ISceneNode()
63 {
64 // delete all children
65 removeAll();
67 // delete all animators
68 ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator ait = Animators.begin();
69 for (; ait != Animators.end(); ++ait)
70 (*ait)->drop();
72 if (TriangleSelector)
73 TriangleSelector->drop();
74 }
77 //! This method is called just before the rendering process of the whole scene.
78 /** Nodes may register themselves in the render pipeline during this call,
79 precalculate the geometry which should be renderered, and prevent their
80 children from being able to register themselves if they are clipped by simply
81 not calling their OnRegisterSceneNode method.
82 If you are implementing your own scene node, you should overwrite this method
83 with an implementation code looking like this:
84 \code
85 if (IsVisible)
86 SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this);
88 ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode();
89 \endcode
90 */
91 virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode()
92 {
93 if (IsVisible)
94 {
95 ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = Children.begin();
96 for (; it != Children.end(); ++it)
97 (*it)->OnRegisterSceneNode();
98 }
99 }
102 //! OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene.
103 /** Nodes may calculate or store animations here, and may do other useful things,
104 depending on what they are. Also, OnAnimate() should be called for all
105 child scene nodes here. This method will be called once per frame, independent
106 of whether the scene node is visible or not.
107 \param timeMs Current time in milliseconds. */
108 virtual void OnAnimate(u32 timeMs)
109 {
110 if (IsVisible)
111 {
112 // animate this node with all animators
114 ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator ait = Animators.begin();
115 while (ait != Animators.end())
116 {
117 // continue to the next node before calling animateNode()
118 // so that the animator may remove itself from the scene
119 // node without the iterator becoming invalid
120 ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = *ait;
121 ++ait;
122 anim->animateNode(this, timeMs);
123 }
125 // update absolute position
126 updateAbsolutePosition();
128 // perform the post render process on all children
130 ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = Children.begin();
131 for (; it != Children.end(); ++it)
132 (*it)->OnAnimate(timeMs);
133 }
134 }
137 //! Renders the node.
138 virtual void render() = 0;
141 //! Returns the name of the node.
142 /** \return Name as character string. */
143 virtual const c8* getName() const
144 {
145 return Name.c_str();
146 }
149 //! Sets the name of the node.
150 /** \param name New name of the scene node. */
151 virtual void setName(const c8* name)
152 {
153 Name = name;
154 }
157 //! Sets the name of the node.
158 /** \param name New name of the scene node. */
159 virtual void setName(const core::stringc& name)
160 {
161 Name = name;
162 }
165 //! Get the axis aligned, not transformed bounding box of this node.
166 /** This means that if this node is an animated 3d character,
167 moving in a room, the bounding box will always be around the
168 origin. To get the box in real world coordinates, just
169 transform it with the matrix you receive with
170 getAbsoluteTransformation() or simply use
171 getTransformedBoundingBox(), which does the same.
172 \return The non-transformed bounding box. */
173 virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const = 0;
176 //! Get the axis aligned, transformed and animated absolute bounding box of this node.
177 /** \return The transformed bounding box. */
178 virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32> getTransformedBoundingBox() const
179 {
180 core::aabbox3d<f32> box = getBoundingBox();
181 AbsoluteTransformation.transformBoxEx(box);
182 return box;
183 }
186 //! Get the absolute transformation of the node. Is recalculated every OnAnimate()-call.
187 /** NOTE: For speed reasons the absolute transformation is not
188 automatically recalculated on each change of the relative
189 transformation or by a transformation change of an parent. Instead the
190 update usually happens once per frame in OnAnimate. You can enforce
191 an update with updateAbsolutePosition().
192 \return The absolute transformation matrix. */
193 virtual const core::matrix4& getAbsoluteTransformation() const
194 {
195 return AbsoluteTransformation;
196 }
199 //! Returns the relative transformation of the scene node.
200 /** The relative transformation is stored internally as 3
201 vectors: translation, rotation and scale. To get the relative
202 transformation matrix, it is calculated from these values.
203 \return The relative transformation matrix. */
204 virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const
205 {
206 core::matrix4 mat;
207 mat.setRotationDegrees(RelativeRotation);
208 mat.setTranslation(RelativeTranslation);
210 if (RelativeScale != core::vector3df(1.f,1.f,1.f))
211 {
212 core::matrix4 smat;
213 smat.setScale(RelativeScale);
214 mat *= smat;
215 }
217 return mat;
218 }
221 //! Returns whether the node should be visible (if all of its parents are visible).
222 /** This is only an option set by the user, but has nothing to
223 do with geometry culling
224 \return The requested visibility of the node, true means
225 visible (if all parents are also visible). */
226 virtual bool isVisible() const
227 {
229 return IsVisible;
230 }
232 //! Check whether the node is truly visible, taking into accounts its parents' visibility
233 /** \return true if the node and all its parents are visible,
234 false if this or any parent node is invisible. */
235 virtual bool isTrulyVisible() const
236 {
238 if(!IsVisible)
239 return false;
241 if(!Parent)
242 return true;
244 return Parent->isTrulyVisible();
245 }
247 //! Sets if the node should be visible or not.
248 /** All children of this node won't be visible either, when set
249 to false. Invisible nodes are not valid candidates for selection by
250 collision manager bounding box methods.
251 \param isVisible If the node shall be visible. */
252 virtual void setVisible(bool isVisible)
253 {
254 IsVisible = isVisible;
255 }
258 //! Get the id of the scene node.
259 /** This id can be used to identify the node.
260 \return The id. */
261 virtual s32 getID() const
262 {
263 return ID;
264 }
267 //! Sets the id of the scene node.
268 /** This id can be used to identify the node.
269 \param id The new id. */
270 virtual void setID(s32 id)
271 {
272 ID = id;
273 }
276 //! Adds a child to this scene node.
277 /** If the scene node already has a parent it is first removed
278 from the other parent.
279 \param child A pointer to the new child. */
280 virtual void addChild(ISceneNode* child)
281 {
282 if (child && (child != this))
283 {
284 // Change scene manager?
285 if (SceneManager != child->SceneManager)
286 child->setSceneManager(SceneManager);
288 child->grab();
289 child->remove(); // remove from old parent
290 Children.push_back(child);
291 child->Parent = this;
292 }
293 }
296 //! Removes a child from this scene node.
297 /** If found in the children list, the child pointer is also
298 dropped and might be deleted if no other grab exists.
299 \param child A pointer to the child which shall be removed.
300 \return True if the child was removed, and false if not,
301 e.g. because it couldn't be found in the children list. */
302 virtual bool removeChild(ISceneNode* child)
303 {
304 ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = Children.begin();
305 for (; it != Children.end(); ++it)
306 if ((*it) == child)
307 {
308 (*it)->Parent = 0;
309 (*it)->drop();
310 Children.erase(it);
311 return true;
312 }
315 return false;
316 }
319 //! Removes all children of this scene node
320 /** The scene nodes found in the children list are also dropped
321 and might be deleted if no other grab exists on them.
322 */
323 virtual void removeAll()
324 {
325 ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = Children.begin();
326 for (; it != Children.end(); ++it)
327 {
328 (*it)->Parent = 0;
329 (*it)->drop();
330 }
332 Children.clear();
333 }
336 //! Removes this scene node from the scene
337 /** If no other grab exists for this node, it will be deleted.
338 */
339 virtual void remove()
340 {
341 if (Parent)
342 Parent->removeChild(this);
343 }
346 //! Adds an animator which should animate this node.
347 /** \param animator A pointer to the new animator. */
348 virtual void addAnimator(ISceneNodeAnimator* animator)
349 {
350 if (animator)
351 {
352 Animators.push_back(animator);
353 animator->grab();
354 }
355 }
358 //! Get a list of all scene node animators.
359 /** \return The list of animators attached to this node. */
360 const core::list<ISceneNodeAnimator*>& getAnimators() const
361 {
362 return Animators;
363 }
366 //! Removes an animator from this scene node.
367 /** If the animator is found, it is also dropped and might be
368 deleted if not other grab exists for it.
369 \param animator A pointer to the animator to be deleted. */
370 virtual void removeAnimator(ISceneNodeAnimator* animator)
371 {
372 ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator it = Animators.begin();
373 for (; it != Animators.end(); ++it)
374 {
375 if ((*it) == animator)
376 {
377 (*it)->drop();
378 Animators.erase(it);
379 return;
380 }
381 }
382 }
385 //! Removes all animators from this scene node.
386 /** The animators might also be deleted if no other grab exists
387 for them. */
388 virtual void removeAnimators()
389 {
390 ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator it = Animators.begin();
391 for (; it != Animators.end(); ++it)
392 (*it)->drop();
394 Animators.clear();
395 }
398 //! Returns the material based on the zero based index i.
399 /** To get the amount of materials used by this scene node, use
400 getMaterialCount(). This function is needed for inserting the
401 node into the scene hierarchy at an optimal position for
402 minimizing renderstate changes, but can also be used to
403 directly modify the material of a scene node.
404 \param num Zero based index. The maximal value is getMaterialCount() - 1.
405 \return The material at that index. */
406 virtual video::SMaterial& getMaterial(u32 num)
407 {
408 return video::IdentityMaterial;
409 }
412 //! Get amount of materials used by this scene node.
413 /** \return Current amount of materials of this scene node. */
414 virtual u32 getMaterialCount() const
415 {
416 return 0;
417 }
420 //! Sets all material flags at once to a new value.
421 /** Useful, for example, if you want the whole mesh to be
422 affected by light.
423 \param flag Which flag of all materials to be set.
424 \param newvalue New value of that flag. */
425 void setMaterialFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue)
426 {
427 for (u32 i=0; i<getMaterialCount(); ++i)
428 getMaterial(i).setFlag(flag, newvalue);
429 }
432 //! Sets the texture of the specified layer in all materials of this scene node to the new texture.
433 /** \param textureLayer Layer of texture to be set. Must be a
434 value smaller than MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES.
435 \param texture New texture to be used. */
436 void setMaterialTexture(u32 textureLayer, video::ITexture* texture)
437 {
438 if (textureLayer >= video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES)
439 return;
441 for (u32 i=0; i<getMaterialCount(); ++i)
442 getMaterial(i).setTexture(textureLayer, texture);
443 }
446 //! Sets the material type of all materials in this scene node to a new material type.
447 /** \param newType New type of material to be set. */
448 void setMaterialType(video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE newType)
449 {
450 for (u32 i=0; i<getMaterialCount(); ++i)
451 getMaterial(i).MaterialType = newType;
452 }
455 //! Gets the scale of the scene node relative to its parent.
456 /** This is the scale of this node relative to its parent.
457 If you want the absolute scale, use
458 getAbsoluteTransformation().getScale()
459 \return The scale of the scene node. */
460 virtual const core::vector3df& getScale() const
461 {
462 return RelativeScale;
463 }
466 //! Sets the relative scale of the scene node.
467 /** \param scale New scale of the node, relative to its parent. */
468 virtual void setScale(const core::vector3df& scale)
469 {
470 RelativeScale = scale;
471 }
474 //! Gets the rotation of the node relative to its parent.
475 /** Note that this is the relative rotation of the node.
476 If you want the absolute rotation, use
477 getAbsoluteTransformation().getRotation()
478 \return Current relative rotation of the scene node. */
479 virtual const core::vector3df& getRotation() const
480 {
481 return RelativeRotation;
482 }
485 //! Sets the rotation of the node relative to its parent.
486 /** This only modifies the relative rotation of the node.
487 \param rotation New rotation of the node in degrees. */
488 virtual void setRotation(const core::vector3df& rotation)
489 {
490 RelativeRotation = rotation;
491 }
494 //! Gets the position of the node relative to its parent.
495 /** Note that the position is relative to the parent. If you want
496 the position in world coordinates, use getAbsolutePosition() instead.
497 \return The current position of the node relative to the parent. */
498 virtual const core::vector3df& getPosition() const
499 {
500 return RelativeTranslation;
501 }
504 //! Sets the position of the node relative to its parent.
505 /** Note that the position is relative to the parent.
506 \param newpos New relative position of the scene node. */
507 virtual void setPosition(const core::vector3df& newpos)
508 {
509 RelativeTranslation = newpos;
510 }
513 //! Gets the absolute position of the node in world coordinates.
514 /** If you want the position of the node relative to its parent,
515 use getPosition() instead.
516 NOTE: For speed reasons the absolute position is not
517 automatically recalculated on each change of the relative
518 position or by a position change of an parent. Instead the
519 update usually happens once per frame in OnAnimate. You can enforce
520 an update with updateAbsolutePosition().
521 \return The current absolute position of the scene node (updated on last call of updateAbsolutePosition). */
522 virtual core::vector3df getAbsolutePosition() const
523 {
524 return AbsoluteTransformation.getTranslation();
525 }
528 //! Enables or disables automatic culling based on the bounding box.
529 /** Automatic culling is enabled by default. Note that not
530 all SceneNodes support culling and that some nodes always cull
531 their geometry because it is their only reason for existence,
532 for example the OctreeSceneNode.
533 \param state The culling state to be used. */
534 void setAutomaticCulling( u32 state)
535 {
536 AutomaticCullingState = state;
537 }
540 //! Gets the automatic culling state.
541 /** \return The automatic culling state. */
542 u32 getAutomaticCulling() const
543 {
544 return AutomaticCullingState;
545 }
548 //! Sets if debug data like bounding boxes should be drawn.
549 /** A bitwise OR of the types from @ref irr::scene::E_DEBUG_SCENE_TYPE.
550 Please note that not all scene nodes support all debug data types.
551 \param state The debug data visibility state to be used. */
552 virtual void setDebugDataVisible(u32 state)
553 {
554 DebugDataVisible = state;
555 }
557 //! Returns if debug data like bounding boxes are drawn.
558 /** \return A bitwise OR of the debug data values from
559 @ref irr::scene::E_DEBUG_SCENE_TYPE that are currently visible. */
560 u32 isDebugDataVisible() const
561 {
562 return DebugDataVisible;
563 }
566 //! Sets if this scene node is a debug object.
567 /** Debug objects have some special properties, for example they can be easily
568 excluded from collision detection or from serialization, etc. */
569 void setIsDebugObject(bool debugObject)
570 {
571 IsDebugObject = debugObject;
572 }
575 //! Returns if this scene node is a debug object.
576 /** Debug objects have some special properties, for example they can be easily
577 excluded from collision detection or from serialization, etc.
578 \return If this node is a debug object, true is returned. */
579 bool isDebugObject() const
580 {
582 return IsDebugObject;
583 }
586 //! Returns a const reference to the list of all children.
587 /** \return The list of all children of this node. */
588 const core::list<ISceneNode*>& getChildren() const
589 {
590 return Children;
591 }
594 //! Changes the parent of the scene node.
595 /** \param newParent The new parent to be used. */
596 virtual void setParent(ISceneNode* newParent)
597 {
598 grab();
599 remove();
601 Parent = newParent;
603 if (Parent)
604 Parent->addChild(this);
606 drop();
607 }
610 //! Returns the triangle selector attached to this scene node.
611 /** The Selector can be used by the engine for doing collision
612 detection. You can create a TriangleSelector with
613 ISceneManager::createTriangleSelector() or
614 ISceneManager::createOctreeTriangleSelector and set it with
615 ISceneNode::setTriangleSelector(). If a scene node got no triangle
616 selector, but collision tests should be done with it, a triangle
617 selector is created using the bounding box of the scene node.
618 \return A pointer to the TriangleSelector or 0, if there
619 is none. */
620 virtual ITriangleSelector* getTriangleSelector() const
621 {
622 return TriangleSelector;
623 }
626 //! Sets the triangle selector of the scene node.
627 /** The Selector can be used by the engine for doing collision
628 detection. You can create a TriangleSelector with
629 ISceneManager::createTriangleSelector() or
630 ISceneManager::createOctreeTriangleSelector(). Some nodes may
631 create their own selector by default, so it would be good to
632 check if there is already a selector in this node by calling
633 ISceneNode::getTriangleSelector().
634 \param selector New triangle selector for this scene node. */
635 virtual void setTriangleSelector(ITriangleSelector* selector)
636 {
637 if (TriangleSelector != selector)
638 {
639 if (TriangleSelector)
640 TriangleSelector->drop();
642 TriangleSelector = selector;
643 if (TriangleSelector)
644 TriangleSelector->grab();
645 }
646 }
649 //! Updates the absolute position based on the relative and the parents position
650 /** Note: This does not recursively update the parents absolute positions, so if you have a deeper
651 hierarchy you might want to update the parents first.*/
652 virtual void updateAbsolutePosition()
653 {
654 if (Parent)
655 {
656 AbsoluteTransformation =
657 Parent->getAbsoluteTransformation() * getRelativeTransformation();
658 }
659 else
660 AbsoluteTransformation = getRelativeTransformation();
661 }
664 //! Returns the parent of this scene node
665 /** \return A pointer to the parent. */
666 scene::ISceneNode* getParent() const
667 {
668 return Parent;
669 }
672 //! Returns type of the scene node
673 /** \return The type of this node. */
674 virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType() const
675 {
676 return ESNT_UNKNOWN;
677 }
680 //! Writes attributes of the scene node.
681 /** Implement this to expose the attributes of your scene node
682 for scripting languages, editors, debuggers or xml
683 serialization purposes.
684 \param out The attribute container to write into.
685 \param options Additional options which might influence the
686 serialization. */
687 virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const
688 {
689 if (!out)
690 return;
691 out->addString ("Name", Name.c_str());
692 out->addInt ("Id", ID );
694 out->addVector3d("Position", getPosition() );
695 out->addVector3d("Rotation", getRotation() );
696 out->addVector3d("Scale", getScale() );
698 out->addBool ("Visible", IsVisible );
699 out->addInt ("AutomaticCulling", AutomaticCullingState);
700 out->addInt ("DebugDataVisible", DebugDataVisible );
701 out->addBool ("IsDebugObject", IsDebugObject );
702 }
705 //! Reads attributes of the scene node.
706 /** Implement this to set the attributes of your scene node for
707 scripting languages, editors, debuggers or xml deserialization
708 purposes.
709 \param in The attribute container to read from.
710 \param options Additional options which might influence the
711 deserialization. */
712 virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0)
713 {
714 if (!in)
715 return;
716 Name = in->getAttributeAsString("Name");
717 ID = in->getAttributeAsInt("Id");
719 setPosition(in->getAttributeAsVector3d("Position"));
720 setRotation(in->getAttributeAsVector3d("Rotation"));
721 setScale(in->getAttributeAsVector3d("Scale"));
723 IsVisible = in->getAttributeAsBool("Visible");
724 s32 tmpState = in->getAttributeAsEnumeration("AutomaticCulling",
725 scene::AutomaticCullingNames);
726 if (tmpState != -1)
727 AutomaticCullingState = (u32)tmpState;
728 else
729 AutomaticCullingState = in->getAttributeAsInt("AutomaticCulling");
731 DebugDataVisible = in->getAttributeAsInt("DebugDataVisible");
732 IsDebugObject = in->getAttributeAsBool("IsDebugObject");
734 updateAbsolutePosition();
735 }
737 //! Creates a clone of this scene node and its children.
738 /** \param newParent An optional new parent.
739 \param newManager An optional new scene manager.
740 \return The newly created clone of this node. */
741 virtual ISceneNode* clone(ISceneNode* newParent=0, ISceneManager* newManager=0)
742 {
743 return 0; // to be implemented by derived classes
744 }
746 //! Retrieve the scene manager for this node.
747 /** \return The node's scene manager. */
748 virtual ISceneManager* getSceneManager(void) const { return SceneManager; }
750 protected:
752 //! A clone function for the ISceneNode members.
753 /** This method can be used by clone() implementations of
754 derived classes
755 \param toCopyFrom The node from which the values are copied
756 \param newManager The new scene manager. */
757 void cloneMembers(ISceneNode* toCopyFrom, ISceneManager* newManager)
758 {
759 Name = toCopyFrom->Name;
760 AbsoluteTransformation = toCopyFrom->AbsoluteTransformation;
761 RelativeTranslation = toCopyFrom->RelativeTranslation;
762 RelativeRotation = toCopyFrom->RelativeRotation;
763 RelativeScale = toCopyFrom->RelativeScale;
764 ID = toCopyFrom->ID;
765 setTriangleSelector(toCopyFrom->TriangleSelector);
766 AutomaticCullingState = toCopyFrom->AutomaticCullingState;
767 DebugDataVisible = toCopyFrom->DebugDataVisible;
768 IsVisible = toCopyFrom->IsVisible;
769 IsDebugObject = toCopyFrom->IsDebugObject;
771 if (newManager)
772 SceneManager = newManager;
773 else
774 SceneManager = toCopyFrom->SceneManager;
776 // clone children
778 ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = toCopyFrom->Children.begin();
779 for (; it != toCopyFrom->Children.end(); ++it)
780 (*it)->clone(this, newManager);
782 // clone animators
784 ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator ait = toCopyFrom->Animators.begin();
785 for (; ait != toCopyFrom->Animators.end(); ++ait)
786 {
787 ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = (*ait)->createClone(this, SceneManager);
788 if (anim)
789 {
790 addAnimator(anim);
791 anim->drop();
792 }
793 }
794 }
796 //! Sets the new scene manager for this node and all children.
797 //! Called by addChild when moving nodes between scene managers
798 void setSceneManager(ISceneManager* newManager)
799 {
800 SceneManager = newManager;
802 ISceneNodeList::Iterator it = Children.begin();
803 for (; it != Children.end(); ++it)
804 (*it)->setSceneManager(newManager);
805 }
807 //! Name of the scene node.
808 core::stringc Name;
810 //! Absolute transformation of the node.
811 core::matrix4 AbsoluteTransformation;
813 //! Relative translation of the scene node.
814 core::vector3df RelativeTranslation;
816 //! Relative rotation of the scene node.
817 core::vector3df RelativeRotation;
819 //! Relative scale of the scene node.
820 core::vector3df RelativeScale;
822 //! Pointer to the parent
823 ISceneNode* Parent;
825 //! List of all children of this node
826 core::list<ISceneNode*> Children;
828 //! List of all animator nodes
829 core::list<ISceneNodeAnimator*> Animators;
831 //! Pointer to the scene manager
832 ISceneManager* SceneManager;
834 //! Pointer to the triangle selector
835 ITriangleSelector* TriangleSelector;
837 //! ID of the node.
838 s32 ID;
840 //! Automatic culling state
841 u32 AutomaticCullingState;
843 //! Flag if debug data should be drawn, such as Bounding Boxes.
844 u32 DebugDataVisible;
846 //! Is the node visible?
847 bool IsVisible;
849 //! Is debug object?
850 bool IsDebugObject;
851 };
854} // end namespace scene
855} // end namespace irr