A bunch of stuff copied from the script, since it's too close to the 64Kb limit. Below the license is some rough instructions. // onefang's utilites version 3.0 // Read a complete settings notecard and send settings to other scripts. // Also other useful functions. // Copyright (C) 2007 David Seikel (onefang rejected). // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies of the Software and its Copyright notices. In addition publicly // documented acknowledgment must be given that this software has been used if no // source code of this software is made available publicly. This includes // acknowledgments in either Copyright notices, Manuals, Publicity and Marketing // documents or any documentation provided with any product containing this // software. This License does not apply to any software that links to the // libraries provided by this software (statically or dynamically), but only to // the software provided. // // Please see the COPYING-PLAIN for a plain-english explanation of this notice // and it's intent. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // As a special exception to the above conditions, the Second Life user known // as Winter Ventura may ignore all permissions and conditions and provide her // own. // All scripts in this object will get link messages with - // num = -1000 - line number in the notecard. // message = a list, // settings card name, // name of this setting, // data for this setting (may be ""). // id = scriptKey as passed to us by the calling script. // Settings are in the format "setting=data" with whitespace ignored. // # as first non space character means ignore the line. // For best efficiency, keep notecards short, 0.1 seconds per line read. // You can seperate settings with a ";", and include a literal ";" with "\;". // Objects using this must be tolerant of having their settings passed // to them at any time, even multiple times. // Other scripts should ignore settings that are meaningless to them, // but can complain if settings they know about are broken. // // Other commands are passed in link messages in the form - // llMessageLink(LINK_SET, UTILITIES_COMMAND, llDumpList2String(argumentList, LIST_SEP), scriptKey); // UTILITIES_COMMAND is one of the commands listed below. // argumentList is a list of the arguments for the command. // For those commands with one or less arguments, a dumped list is not needed. // scriptKEy is llGetInventoryKey(llGetScriptName()) from the caller script. // It's used by the caller to make sure it gets it's returned message and not that of other scripts. // llGetNotecardLine() delays for 0.1 seconds, truncates at 255 chars, no warning, 64KiB notecard limit. // llResetOtherScript("SettingsReaderAndUtilities") to restart this from another script. // TODO (LSL permitting) - // Use numbers for the returned chat commands. // These numbers are set by the caller. // They only should set a base number, that gets incremented for the other commands. // Performance monitor. // onefangs special boolean parser, put it in there somewhere. // More complex parsing - // No = required, just parse first word as key, rest as data. // Does not work so well for "Avatar Name=key". // Other comment types, embedded comments. // type channel owner prefix commands menu scripts users // emoter 12+123 only none no 1 owner // translator 1+2+3 only none no 1 owner // online HUD 5 only fixed+ no 1 owner // online IRC 0 +IRC fixed+ no 1 owner+IRC nick // hug 1 only config later 1 owner+hugee // TeddyPorter 2 owners TeddyPorter fixed+ yes 1+ owners+bookers+occupier+group+users // collar 0+x owners *|an per script yes several owner+secowners+group+sub+everyone // Online IRC is TODO'd to move away from the need to listen to local chat. // Collars are icky, but mired in historical precedence. // TeddyPorter is the only other one with an open listener, and it uses a prefix to filter because of that. integer isKey(key thisKey) {//by: Strife Onizuka if (thisKey) return 2; // key is valid AND not equal NULL_KEY; the distinction is important in some cases (return value of 2 is still evaluated as unary boolean TRUE) return (thisKey == NULL_KEY); // key is valid AND equal to NULL_KEY (return 1 or TRUE), or is not valid (return 0 or FALSE) } key forceKey(key thisKey) {//force a string or key to be a valid key assuming you want invalids to become NULL_KEY if (thisKey) return thisKey; return NULL_KEY; } // If the above key checking turns out to be wrong, do it the hard way. integer isKeyHard(key thisKey) { integer i; if (llStringLength(thisKey) != 36) return FALSE; // Hyphenation tests: if (llGetSubString(thisKey, 8, 8) != "-") return FALSE; if (llGetSubString(thisKey, 13, 13) != "-") return FALSE; if (llGetSubString(thisKey, 18, 18) != "-") return FALSE; if (llGetSubString(thisKey, 23, 23) != "-") return FALSE; // Hex test: // Remove dashes (fixed, thanks Kek :-)) thisKey = llDeleteSubString(llDeleteSubString(llDeleteSubString(llDeleteSubString((string) thisKey, 23, 23), 18, 18), 13, 13), 8, 8); for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { string char = llGetSubString(thisKey, i, i); if ((0 == ((integer) ("0x" + char))) && ("0" != char)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; // Passed all tests: } // Send an avatar key request to the server. addKeyRequest(key script, string type, string name, string extra) { keyRequests += [script, type, name, extra, llHTTPRequest("http://w-hat.com/name2key?terse=1&name=" + llEscapeURL(name), [], "")]; } // Check if anything changed. // Including - adding inv, deleting inv, change name or desc of inv, saving notecard, recompiling script. // Not including - script reset, no-copy inv is dragged out, inv drop by non owner. //changed(integer change) //{ //if (CHANGED_INVENTORY & change) //init(settingsName); //} // Deal with each notecard line. dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id == settingsQueryID) { if (data != EOF) { readThisLine(data); settingsQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(settingsName, settingsLine); } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, UTILITIES_READ_DONE, settingsName, settingsKey); startNextRead(); } } } http_response(key id, integer status, list meta, string body) { integer i; integer length = llGetListLength(keyRequests) / KEYS_STRIDE; for (i = 0; i <= length; ++i) { integer thisRequest = i * KEYS_STRIDE; if ((NULL_KEY != id) && (llList2Key(keyRequests, thisRequest + KEYS_ID) == id)) { string script = llList2String(keyRequests, thisRequest + KEYS_SCRIPT); string type = llList2String(keyRequests, thisRequest + KEYS_TYPE); string name = llList2String(keyRequests, thisRequest + KEYS_NAME); string extra = llList2String(keyRequests, thisRequest + KEYS_EXTRA); key result = (key) body; keyRequests = llDeleteSubList(keyRequests, thisRequest, thisRequest + KEYS_STRIDE - 1); i -= KEYS_STRIDE; length -= KEYS_STRIDE; if (status == 499) { llOwnerSay("name2key request timed out for " + name + ". Trying again."); addKeyRequest(script, type, name, extra); } else if (status != 200) { llOwnerSay("The internet exploded!! Trying again."); addKeyRequest(script, type, name, extra); } else if ((!isKey(result)) || ("" == body)) llOwnerSay("No key found for " + name); else if (36 != llStringLength(body)) llOwnerSay("Server broken for " + name); else llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, UTILITIES_AVATAR_KEY_DONE, llDumpList2String([type, name, result, extra], LIST_SEP), script); } } } else if (UTILITIES_AVATAR_KEY == num) { string type = llList2String(input, 0); string name = llList2String(input, 1); string extra = llList2String(input, 2); key result = NULL_KEY; // TODO add a check for the key already existing in name. Should be done by caller if caller worries about speed. if (NULL_KEY == result) addKeyRequest(id, type, name, extra); else llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, num - 1, llDumpList2String([type, name, result, extra], LIST_SEP), id); }