#!/usr/bin/env luajit -- Most of this _ stuff was copied from apt-panopticon. local _ = {} _.version = '0.0 crap' _.D = function(s) print('DEBUG ' .. s) end _.I = function(s) print('INFO ' .. s) end _.T = function(s) print('TIMEOUT ' .. s) end _.W = function(s) print('WARNING ' .. s) end _.E = function(s) print('ERROR ' .. s) end _.C = function(s) print('CRITICAL ' .. s) end local D = _.D local I = _.I local T = _.T local W = _.W local E = _.E local C = _.C _.readCmd = function(cmd) local result = {} local output = io.popen(cmd) if nil ~= output then for l in output:lines() do table.insert(result, l) end end -- While this does return the same things as os.execute(), it's just as useless. output:close() return result end _._ = function(c) local exe = {status = 0, lines = {}, logging = false, showing = false, cmd = '', command = c} local n = 0 exe.cmd = '{ ' if 'table' == type(c) then for i, l in ipairs(c) do n = n + 1 exe.cmd = exe.cmd .. l .. ' ; ' end elseif 'string' == type(c) then for l in string.gmatch(c, "\n*([^\n]+)\n*") do if '' ~= l then n = n + 1 exe.cmd = exe.cmd .. l .. ' ; ' end end end exe.cmd = exe.cmd .. ' } ' if 1 == n then exe.cmd = c end function exe:log() self.logging = true return self end function exe:show() self.showing = true return self end function exe:Nice(c) if nil == c then self.cmd = 'ionice -c3 nice -n 19 ' .. self.cmd else self.cmd = self.cmd .. ' ionice -c3 nice -n 19 ' .. c .. ' ' end return self end function exe:timeout(c) -- timeout returns a status of - command status if --preserve-status; "128+9" (actually 137) if --kill-after ends up being done; 124 if it had to TERM; command status if all went well. -- --kill-after means "send KILL after TERM fails. if nil == c then self.cmd = 'timeout --kill-after=10.0 --foreground 42.0s ' .. self.cmd else self.cmd = 'timeout --kill-after=10.0 --foreground ' .. c .. ' ' .. self.cmd end return self end function exe:also(c) -- Should be called "then" but that's a reserved word. if nil == c then c = '' else c = ' ' .. c end self.cmd = self.cmd .. '; ' .. c .. ' ' return self end function exe:And(c) if nil == c then c = '' else c = ' ' .. c end self.cmd = self.cmd .. ' && ' .. c .. ' ' return self end function exe:Or(c) if nil == c then c = '' end self.cmd = self.cmd .. ' || ' .. c .. ' ' return self end function exe:noErr() self.cmd = self.cmd .. ' 2>/dev/null ' return self end function exe:noOut() self.cmd = self.cmd .. ' 1>/dev/null ' return self end function exe:wait(w) self.cmd = self.cmd .. ' && touch ' .. w .. ' ' return self end function exe:Do() --[[ "The condition expression of a control structure can return any value. Both false and nil are considered false. All values different from nil and false are considered true (in particular, the number 0 and the empty string are also true)." says the docs, I beg to differ.]] if true == self.logging then D(" executing - " .. self.cmd) end --[[ Damn os.execute() Lua 5.1 says it returns "a status code, which is system-dependent" Lua 5.2 says it returns true/nil, "exit"/"signal", the status code. I'm getting 7168 or 0. No idea what the fuck that is. local ok, rslt, status = os.execute(s) ]] self.lines = _.readCmd(self.cmd .. '; echo "$?"', 'r') -- The last line will be the command's returned status, collect everything else in lines. self.status = tonumber(self.lines[#self.lines]) self.lines[#self.lines] = nil if true == self.showing then for i, l in ipairs(self.lines) do D(l) end end if (137 == self.status) or (124 == self.status) then T("timeout killed " .. self.status .. ' ' .. self.command) elseif (nil == self.status) then I("STATUS |" .. "NIL" .. '| ' .. self.command) elseif (0 ~= self.status) then I("STATUS |" .. self.status .. '| ' .. self.command) end return self end function exe:fork(host) -- if nil ~= host then self.cmd = self.cmd .. '; r=$?; if [ $r -ge 124 ]; then echo "$r ' .. host .. ' failed forked command ' .. string.gsub(self.cmd, '"', "'") .. '"; fi' end self.cmd = '{ ' .. self.cmd .. ' ; } & ' if true == self.logging then D(" forking - " .. self.cmd) end os.execute(self.cmd) return self end function exe:forkOnce() if _.running(self.command) then D('Already running ' .. self.command) else self:fork() end end return exe end local __ = _._ _.runnable = function(c) return ( 0 == __('which ' .. c):Do().status ) end _.running = function(c) return ( 1 ~= tonumber(__("pgrep -u $USER -cf " .. c):Do().lines[1]) ) end _.exists = function(f) local h, e = io.open(f, "r") if nil == h then return false else h:close(); return true end end _.killEmAll = function(all) for i,l in ipairs(all) do local c = 0 while 0 ~= tonumber(__("pgrep -u $USER -xc " .. l):Do().lines[1]) do local s = 'TERM' if c > 1 then s = 'KILL'; __("sleep " .. c):Do() end __("pkill -" .. s .. " -u $USER -x " .. l):log():Do() c = c + 1 end end end return _