#!/bin/bash PWD=$(pwd) unique_port() { # Try to find an unused port number for each running instance of the program. START=8192 RANGE=$[$(awk '{print $1}' /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range)-$START] if [ $RANGE -lt 8 ] then START=$[$(awk '{print $2}' /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range)] RANGE=$[65535-$START] if [ $RANGE -lt 8 ] then START=16384 RANGE=32768 fi fi echo $[($$%$RANGE)+$START] } rm -rf TARBALLS mkdir TARBALLS date=$(date '+%H_%d-%m-%Y') if [ -d SOURCE ]; then echo "Updating source." cd SOURCE && git pull && cd .. || exit 0 else echo "Downloading source." mkdir SOURCE && git clone git://github.com/imprudence/imprudence.git SOURCE || exit 0 fi echo "Creating source tarball." tar czf TARBALLS/impy-release-source_${date}.tar.gz --exclude-vcs SOURCE && echo "Building locally, assuming 64 bit, linux." && rm -fr BUILD && mkdir BUILD && tar xzf TARBALLS/impy-release-source_${date}.tar.gz -C BUILD && cd BUILD/SOURCE && cd linden/scripts/linux && ./0-patch-SL-source && ./1-get-libraries-from-SL && ./2-trim-libraries-from-SL && ./3-compile-SL-source && ./4-package-viewer && cd ../../indra/viewer-linux-* && cp Imprudence-* ../../../../../TARBALLS cd ../../../../.. FTP_PORT=$(unique_port) echo "=== launching FTP daemon on port $FTP_PORT" # Fire off an ftp daemon, making sure it's killed when this script exits. # (We use the busybox version because no two ftp daemons have quite the same # command line arguments, and this one's a known quantity.) # Busybox needs -s support here ./busybox nc -p $FTP_PORT -lle ./busybox ftpd -w TARBALLS & trap "kill $(jobs -p)" EXIT disown $(jobs -p) # QEMU's alias for host loopback FTP_SERVER= echo "Building in qemu, assuming 32 bit, linux." && # Relies on the guest having this in /etc/init/ttyS0.conf - #start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345] #stop on runlevel [!2345] #respawn #exec /sbin/getty -iLn -l /bin/bash 115200 ttyS0 vt102 qemu -M pc -cpu athlon -hda ~/bin/ubuntu32_diff.qcow2 -m 1G -serial stdio << zzzzEOFzzzz # cd /home/builder && rm -fr BUILD && mkdir BUILD && mkdir -p TARBALLS && sleep 2 && busybox ftpget ${FTP_SERVER} -vP ${FTP_PORT} TARBALLS/impy-release-source_${date}.tar.gz impy-release-source_${date}.tar.gz && tar xzf TARBALLS/impy-release-source_${date}.tar.gz -C BUILD && cd BUILD/SOURCE && cd linden/scripts/linux && ./0-patch-SL-source && ./1-get-libraries-from-SL && ./2-trim-libraries-from-SL && ./3-compile-SL-source && ./4-package-viewer && cd ../../indra/viewer-linux-* && cp Imprudence-* ../../../../../TARBALLS && cd /home/builder/TARBALLS && find . -name Imprudence-* -type f -exec busybox ftpput ${FTP_SERVER} -vP ${FTP_PORT} '{}' '{}' \; shutdown -h now zzzzEOFzzzz sleep 10 echo "Building in qemu, Windows XP." expect -c "set date ${date}" -c "set FTP_SERVER ${FTP_SERVER}" -c "set FTP_PORT ${FTP_PORT}" - << "zzzzEOFzzzz" set timeout -1 set send_slow {1 .1} spawn qemu -M pc -cpu athlon -m 2G -hda /media/sdb2/IMAGES/xp_diff.qcow2 -cdrom /home/dvs1/Downloads/lose/winxphomex86.iso -serial stdio match_max 100000 expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "cd /home/me\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "rm -fr BUILD\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "su - me -c 'mkdir BUILD'\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "su - me -c 'mkdir -p TARBALLS'\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep 2; send -s -- "lftp -c 'open -p $FTP_PORT $FTP_SERVER && lcd TARBALLS && get1 impy-release-source_$date.tar.gz'\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "su - me -c 'tar xzf TARBALLS/impy-release-source_$date.tar.gz -C BUILD'\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "su - me -c 'ls -la BUILD'\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "su - me -c 'ls -la TARBALLS'\r" expect -exact "\$ "; sleep .1; send -s -- "shutdown -s now\r" expect eof zzzzEOFzzzz