#!/bin/bash if [ x$1 = x ] then MYSQL_PASSWORD="OpenSimSucks" else MYSQL_PASSWORD=$1 fi REST_USER="RestingUser" REST_PASSWORD="SecretRestingPlace" OSPATH="/opt/opensim" USER=$(whoami) VERSION_CONTROL="off" sudo apt-get install mysql-server screen mono-complete monit mc sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart echo "Setting up mySQL" mysql -u root -p -h localhost << zzzzEOFzzz create database if not exists opensim; create user opensim identified by '$MYSQL_PASSWORD'; create user 'opensim'@'localhost' identified by '$MYSQL_PASSWORD'; grant all on opensim.* to opensim; grant all on opensim.* to 'opensim'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; zzzzEOFzzz echo "Setting up OpenSim" sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/false --group opensim sudo addgroup $USER opensim sudo cp opensim.screenrc /home/opensim/.screenrc sudo chown $USER /home/opensim/.screenrc echo -e "acladd root,$USER\n" >> /home/opensim/.screenrc sudo chown opensim:opensim /home/opensim/.screenrc sudo chmod 644 /home/opensim/.screenrc sudo mkdir -p /var/log/opensim sudo chown opensim:opensim /var/log/opensim sudo chmod 757 /var/log/opensim sudo mkdir -p /var/run/opensim sudo chown opensim:opensim /var/run/opensim sudo chmod 757 /var/run/opensim sudo mkdir -p $OSPATH/backups $OSPATH/caches/assetcache $OSPATH/config $OSPATH/setup sudo chown opensim:opensim $OSPATH sudo chown -R opensim:opensim $OSPATH sudo chmod -R 757 $OSPATH cp * $OSPATH/setup cp common.ini $OSPATH/config sed -i "s@MYSQL_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_PASSWORD@g" $OSPATH/config/common.ini sed -i "s@REST_PASSWORD@$REST_PASSWORD@g" $OSPATH/config/common.ini sed -i "s@REST_USER@$REST_USER@g" $OSPATH/config/common.ini cat opensim-crontab.txt | sudo crontab -u opensim - cd $OSPATH if [ ! -e opensim- ] then wget https://github.com/downloads/infinitegrid/InfiniteGrid-Opensim/opensim- fi if [ ! -e opensim- ] then tar xjf opensim- fi ln -fs opensim- current # Create the REST client config file. cat > config/OpenSim.ConsoleClient.ini << zzzzEOFzzzz [Startup] ; Set here or use the -user command-line switch user = $REST_USER ; Set here or use the -host command-line switch host = localhost ; Set here or use the -port command-line switch ; port = 9002 ; Set here or use the -pass command-line switch ; Please be aware that this is not secure since the password is in the clear ; we recommend the use of -pass wherever possible pass = $REST_PASSWORD zzzzEOFzzzz cd current/bin # Not sure why we are moving these. Hopefully we can get rid of having to move them. # Comenting them out, until Alice or Rizzy remember why they seed to be moved. See if things still work. #mv -f OpenSim.Forge.Currency.dll ../../modules/ #ln -fs ../../modules/OpenSim.Forge.Currency.dll OpenSim.Forge.Currency.dll #mv -f OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll ../../modules/ #ln -fs ../../modules/OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll #mv -f NSLModules.Messaging.MuteList.dll ../../modules/ #ln -fs ../../modules/NSLModules.Messaging.MuteList.dll NSLModules.Messaging.MuteList.dll #mv -f OpenSimProfile.Modules.dll ../../modules/ #ln -fs ../../modules/OpenSimProfile.Modules.dll OpenSimProfile.Modules.dll ln -fs ../../config config mv -f addon-modules ../../config ln -fs ../../config/addon-modules addon-modules # Try to make the OS distro directory suited to being read only. ln -fs ../../caches caches mv -f ScriptEngines ../../caches ln -fs ../../caches/ScriptEngines ScriptEngines # Grumble, OS has it's own silly ideas, and recreates this. # "Cannot create /opt/opensim/opensim- because a file with the same name already exists." #ln -fs ../../caches/addin-db-001 addin-db-001 cd config-include/ # Damn, can't overide these, we could change them for the next IG OS release. sed -i 's@Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";@; Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";@' GridCommon.ini sed -i 's@CacheDirectory = ./assetcache@CacheDirectory = caches/assetcache@' FlotsamCache.ini cd ../../.. # Setting screen to be suid. EWWWWWW!!! Security hole!! #ImReallyParanoid="true" if [ "x$ImReallyParanoid" = "x" ] then sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/screen sudo chmod g+s /usr/bin/screen sudo chmod 755 /var/run/screen sudo chown root:utmp /var/run/screen fi sudo chown -R opensim:opensim $OSPATH sudo chmod -R a-x $OSPATH sudo chmod -R a+X $OSPATH sudo chmod -R g+w $OSPATH sudo chmod a+x $OSPATH/setup/start-sim